
Thursday, January 24, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in BAGUIO, our second time this year, to treat my Mom and to have a pre-birthday celebration for my bunsoy baby Androse. BAGUIO has always been one of my happy places because I remember how when I was a kid, my Dad brought the whole family here for our first official getaway. It was truly one of my most unforgettable family trips ever that even our simple activities (traveled via Victory Liner, stayed in a hotel, rode taxis, went horseback riding, etc) already gave us the most wonderful and heart-warming memories.

For our BAGUIO trip this December, I could safely declare that it will be one for the books even if we haven't arrived yet! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well for one, we were stuck for a record breaking 11 hours on the road (Yup! Parang nagUS na din kami!) but we were able to prove that as long as you're with the best company (my family and Mommy!!!) EVERYTHING will still go right!!!!!

When we arrived in BAGUIO, traffic was still horrible. HOWEVER, by some stroke of luck (or the work of our guardian angel perhaps?) our drive was not as bad compared to the others. So yay! We were able to go to the places that we initially planned to and happy that we got to share our family activities with my Mommyowzers.

Check out part two of our December BAGUIO TRIP! It really goes on to show that when you're with the people you love, you'll still have an awesome time no matter what.


After THE LOURDES GROTTO, we went straight to THE MANSION!!!!

"Facundo! Ilabas ang mga kabayo! Ngayon din!"

He he he he he he!

Inside, we were able to see the vacation house of The President when he's in BAGUIO!

He's just borrowing it from ME of course. He he he he he!

You would think that since it's December already, we would already be shivering under our warmers and trench coats. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! It was actually sunny and only a bit breezy.

We were still capable of getting tans and going home as dugyuts. He he he he he!

Of course, somebody already thought of that possibility and found the perfect solution for it.

What a wuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ayan... Here's another view of my Mom with her cutie apos with the Mansion as backdrop.

Master Mati wanted to have a serious shot.


My bunsoy suddenly got tired. He he he he.

Even if the sun was out we still managed to enjoy the coolness of the Mansion (pun intended he he hehe). We stayed a bit and enjoyed the trees and gardens.

The Mansion had a majestic gate that was still worthy of many photos. He he he he he!

If you're looking for the hub, he was just somewhere buying fruits.

Afterwards, it's time to go back to our car!

While walking thru this dirt road aligned with pine trees, I told my Mom that it's like a scene taken out from a Koreanovela. He he he he he (Yup! She's such a fan!)

I love trees that seeing a lot of them towering over us while we're enjoying the pine-scented cool breeze just made us want to linger in this spot more.

He he he he he!

Guy and Pip!

This sort of reminded us of what Andrei did to our picture many years ago.

After Diplomat Hotel, the Lourdes Grotto, and The Mansion, it's time for our late lunch in one of our favorite Baguio spots -- SIZZLING STEAK!

YEHESSS!!! This is where you could get affordable but delicious steaks!

Of course, don't look for the quality of Wagyu and Kobe beef. But believe me, each order is still very bang for your beautiful buck!

Happy even if we're hungry na! He he he he!

Nom! Nom! Nom!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and my Mom in SIZZLING STEAK!!!!

The Yub decided to have a burger with his steak for a change.

I also tried out their salad. 

Now this one is definitely MEH. He he he he he! Won't order it next time. 

Oooh lala!

The SIZZLING STEAK gravy is AWESOME!!!! We couldn't get enough of it.

We promised Andrei that after eating, we'll go to WRIGHT PARK for his horsey horsey tigidig tigidig.

There, we saw once again our suki, Andrei (yup they have the same name), and he gave my bunsoy his favorite horsie!!!

I forgot the name of Andrei's new horsie but he was so kind and galloped when Andrei wanted him to.

Go Androse!

Ride like the wind!!!!

There was a LOT of people in the horsey area of WRIGHT PARK that time but good thing we're still able to find a seat.

Here's a tip! If you're going to have your kid ride a horsey in WRIGHT PARK, request to go on the dirt trail rather than the cemented road that they made. The horsies actually have a hard time walking on the cement and would even slip when the roads were wet. We actually saw a horse slip and fall pinning down his poor passenger who was only about 3 or 4 years old. Good thing the kid didn't have serious injuries afterwards. 

Thankful for our horse guy Andrei for making Andrei go on the dirty road.  Not only was my bunsoy safe but at least he was able to make his horsie run as fast as he could. 

Buti naman Mati at siningit mo si Mommy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

By the way, if you're looking for Mommy and Mati, they asked to go to church (St. Joseph the Worker Parish) instead.

My Mommy wanted to attend mass and my Master Mati agreed to go with her. 

We dropped her off there before going to WRIGHT PARK and after they prayed the rosary, she learned that there was going to be a mass in a few minutes. She was happy to attend with my first guy and said she'll just pray for us.

(My Mommy sometimes talks like we're possessed by witches or something. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

Ain't my Mom super pretty? She's also every bit like a lady. Very poised and mahinhin like Maria Claria but fierce when angry. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! My Mom is actually a doctor who prioritized the family over career.

After an hour, my bunsoy was done!

Andrei said this was the best horsie EVER!!!

Hopefully we could still ask for him the next time we're in BAGUIO!

Traffic was SUPER HORRIBLE from WRIGHT PARK then going to St. Joseph Church. But good thing that we were still able to make it to our target spot for dinner...

Yum! Yum!

YASURAGI served quality yet super cheap Japanese food. Everyone was happy!!!!!!!

There was still a bit of traffic going back to the hotel but good thing the Yub was able to find a secret way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When we got back, look who came to visit us in our room?

Our kumpare THE FOOD ALPHABET and family were also in BAGUIO and staying at the same hotel. We were supposed to go out today but since we all had different plans, we just decided to have coffee at STARBUCKS in CAMP JOHN HAY!

Btw, if you're looking for my Mom and the boys, this was pretty late and they asked to stay in the hotel na lang. He he he he he he!

The STARBUCKS branch in CAMP JOHN HAY was like a Gothic Revival American style house with its arched panels, porch, and decorated barge boards. It's so different from the other commercial type-mall-influenced

Ang galeng ko no I wasn't able to take an exterior shot of this STARBUCKS branch. Mega explain pa ako kuno!

The Yub and Mareng THE FOOD ALPHABET ordered for us. I stayed behind with pare and my cute inaanak.

When they got back, we had a mini-pictorial na kunwari sweety sweety!



Even if it was a looooong day of fun (and traffic), I'm glad we went out with THE FOOD ALPHABET family! It's always a fun night with them.

Thanks also for the treat mare!! Wohooo!

When we got back to the hotel, we scooped up Andrei from his Kuya's bed and carried him to our room.

Come morning he was like, "HOW DID I GET TO YOUR ROOM??" 

He he he he he he he!

When we went to Master Mati's room that morning, he was all dressed up and watching TV like a boss.

"Been ready for hours!" He said.


Had a big breakfast in ELEMENTS afterwards.

Like I said, our BAGUIO trip was also our pre-birthday celebration for Andrei. But since his actual birthday was 2 weeks to go, we thought it was somehow too early to have a cake and a full blown song.

So we just gave him a mini-surprise with a candle

Look at his face! Awwwww!!!! He was still delightfully surprised!

(Advance) Happy Birthday to youuuu!

Andrei made a serious wish then blew his candle.

Awwwwww! We love you baby!

And now it's time to check out!

Even though this was before 12:00pm, we decided to leave early so as to avoid traffic.

Little Hampy didn't feel like going yet.

Same here. We had an uber fun bonding weekend with the family. Wished that we didn't have to go but the thought of getting stuck again for more than 10 hours is the cause of nightmares.

After checking out, we said our good byes to THE FOOD ALPHABET family. They said they will be staying for another day because they were not able to go out that much during the weekend. 

Time for take off!

Yup! Andrei's driving! He he he he he!


The Yub and Mommy were buying some BAGUIO goods at this store we saw in Marcos Highway. As much as we wanted to go to Good Sheperd, the Night Market, or stalls near Mines View Park, the traffic was too much! We just decided to pass by here instead. 

And finally, we "landed"! He he he he he he!

Good bye !!!

We made a stop over at this gas station and decided to have our late lunch there.


Even if the wait for Mang Inasal was about 30 minutes, we didn't mind. NAKAPAG-TIIS NGA KAMI NG 11 HOURS E! Ha ha ha ha!


Like I said before, this BAGUIO weekend was indeed one for the books. For one, I'm sure that the 11 hour travel is not something I'll forget in a looooong time. 

But you know what? To be honest, I will STILL remember this whole weekend fondly and with a smile because everything that happened to us here gave us joy, laughter, and bondat moments. I also learned talaga that in whatever situation, there is STILL something to be thankful for and that as long as you're with your loved ones, everything will still be alright.

I'm very thankful that our Mom agreed to join us in this trip. We really enjoyed every minute of the weekend with her. The only sad fact though was that this trip would have been more fun if my Daddyowzers was with us.

(Hmmmm... Or maybe he was??? Maybe one of the reasons why we didn't experience anything bad in BAGUIO was because he was helping us too??)

I'm so happy that for this BAGUIO trip for Andrei's pre-birthday celebration, we were also able to treat my Mommy. Hopefully she'll agree to go with us again and again in our future trips!






  1. Hi

    How long was the drive back? Hopefully not another 11 hours. I used google to look up how far the distance was (seems like 260 km, which is 160 miles) and 11 hours is nuts. Driving 160 miles from my house in Maryland almost gets me to New York City - to think that the same drive could take almost 11 hours --- KILL ME NOW.

    Like you said, time flies when you're with family and friends and enjoying life. I just hope your drive home was smoother/shorter so you can still enjoy your family but in the comforts of your home.

    Yellow hampy - I see you.

    -Kat from Maryland

    1. Hi dear Kat!! How are you?? :) Missed you ah!

      The drive back thankfully was only 4-5 hours. Everything was smooth and the only traffic we encountered was in Manila na. I agree it's SOOOO NUTS. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe we did that too. it's a good thing that everyone still had cool heads and we just joked about the ride. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Hi kat -- Yellow Hampie... (She has a boyfriend na btw... You'll see in our Discovery Primea post. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)
