
Thursday, November 8, 2018


I don't normally share our observance of our "Araw ng Patay" but this time, I would just like to put on record in my silly little blog what happened this year. This is after all my online diary where I want to put anything and everything that goes on in my mundane life (Oh you should see my actual diary growing up. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

For many years now THE YAPPY BUNCH would visit the Yub's Dad in Quezon Province on November 1. Even if we have to travel a million miles (he he he he he) that's so fine with me because, as I would always say, I would rather that I don't have anyone super special to visit in our family mausoleum in Cavite.

When my Daddyowzers went to heaven last year, all things changed. And that's when I declared to the Yubhub that "Sorry, we'll be in Cavite every November 1 forever na."

I'm thankful to have a very understanding husband (ala eh, ang pogi pa!!!!) who agreed without any sort of hesitation. He knows naman din kasi how close I am to my family and that I'm forever a "Daddy's girl". I just consoled him that at least Cavite will be easier for us (considering the traffic during the holiday) and that at least we could just go to Quezon Province at his chosen weekend. Not that I need to but I just got to give some supporting words while I make himas himas of his.... biceps! Tee Hee!!!!

Let me share with you how my family would usually observe November 1 in the province. As always, I have the best time with my family. No need for beer, no need for loud laughs, no need for gadgets, no need for animated stories, no need for other people, and no need for whatever trivial thing that's popular out there. We, lalo na my beautiful self, always have memorable fun as long as we're together.

I'm sure that would make our Daddy so happy as well!

Super pogi my Daddy no????

At the third week of October, we made an early visit to Papa (Yub's Dad) in Quezon province.

We brought Jollibee with us for snacks!!

He he he he! Let's eat, papa!

After our quick snack, we prayed the rosary for him.

It was a quiet and solemn visit as opposed to the usual crowds during November 1. We're glad that we were able to go that weekend.

On November 1, the family set out for Cavite!

We were supposed to leave super early but somebody was late getting to the house (sino kaya????) that we left na by 830am!!!!!

When we arrived in Cavite, the Yub and I immediately went to our family mausoleum to visit Daddy.

Helloooo Daddyowzers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was Daddy's wish that he be laid to rest under the altar. Thanks to his sister, Tita Meldy, she was able to fix the family crypt to make his "Kuya" happy!

Afterwards it's time to go back to Daddy’s ancestral house in Cavite for lunch.

When the Yub and I arrived, we found Andrei helping our guy Lester grill fish!

He's angry at me and didn't join us in the cemetery because I joked that morning that we just found him in the corners of Marikina when he was a baby. We teased further that he was only in sando and not wearing diapers. Grabe he got angry so bad!

He he he he he! Yup! We're such good parents I know.


In fairness ang sipag niya ha and he really helped around the house in our absence.

Inside, Master Mati, Mommy, and Ate Jit were cutting up the grilled pork chops.

Hmp! Why does Mommy have a sweet smile when she's with Ate Jit????!


These were sooooo good!!!!!

So flavorful and with that salty char-grilled taste. So perfect with steamed rice!!!!!

Grilled bangus!!!!!

Wohoo!!! Grilled food in the province is THE BEST!


Mah plate!!!!

By the way, we also had Fried Chicken from Lolo Claro's courtesy of Anthony. He he he he he!

After eating, THE YAPPY BUNCH immediately went back to Daddy.

Before, my Dad and the family would usually go the cemetery at about 5pm to visit our Lolo because it was so hot. He would always have our guy go ahead to fix the flowers, the candles, and wait until we arrived.

Now, I thought, our guy wouldn't have to do, and we have to stay with Daddy earlier than usual. I know we made the right decision looking at the other tombs that didn't have family members yet staying with them. I could just imagine the spirit of my Daddy telling the souls of his kababayans, "O pano ba yan? May mga nagmamahal talaga sakin?" 

Didn't have any trouble inviting the kiddies because they really loved their Lolo.

I'm so sad that my boys wouldn't get to grow up with their Lolo whom they looked up to so much.

Mati even requested for an emo shot... He he he he he!

Later on, Andrei asked our guy Arnel to go around with him the cemetery.

Yup! No gadgets for him! He's going to spend "Araw ng Patay" the way we did before...

Making waxballs from melted candles!

He found one!

The bunsoy was very careful not to touch the lighted candles.

He got small pieces and smushed it together.

On to the next tomb...

The lady nearby looked at him fondly.

Go Andrei!


Back to "Daddy's Place"!

Look at Andrei's big waxball!

He and his Kuya thought of making it explode by putting matchsticks.

I know that it won't happen though... He he he he he!

My bunsoy tried again.

The bunsoy thought of  putting his ball on a cardboard until all the wax melts away.

Seems like a good idea right?

Not... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

As usual, somebody slept soundly while we were at the cemetery.

Initially we thought that the flame would go out by the melted wax. However, the whole thing (including the cardboard) went up in flames. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Good thing Andrei did it outside so no harm done. He just panicked at first.

The bunsoy volunteered to mop the mess he made afterwards.

At around 4pm, our Parish Priest, Fr. Cedric passed by.

He blessed the tomb of Daddy, his parents, his aunt, and brother.

Thanks Fr. Cedric!

Later on, my family arrived na.

Yayyy! We're complete!

There's Kuya Jay....

Anthony and Ate Jojit!!!


Karen and Rocio!

Crazy cousins!

Doing the dance!

Ay I wasn't able to take a pic of Kuya Jon who was in the cemetery as early as 10am!!!!

Kuya Jon even put some Halls candy for Daddy ((he had loads of candy before to help him quit smoking).

Then, Kuya Jon put a pack of cigarettes for Tito Rene.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ayan...My Mommy and Ate fixed the flowers and candles properly.

Awwww... We miss you Daddyowzers.....

They did the same for my Lolo and Lola.

Let's just say my talent is restricted to cooking NOT with flowers and artsy fartsy stuff.

Hmmm... I wonder why everyone's staying on one side? He he he he he!

When everyone's settled, it's time to pray the rosary.

Yub: "Mati, sino kachat mo na naman???"

Haaaay teenagers!!!!!

We stayed with Daddyowzers until night time....

We just made kwentuhan inside.

And took selfies....

Andrei as usual played with candles with his Ate Cio!

These 2 got along real well.

Sometimes they would team up to bully Master Mati.

Sometimes, they would just ignore him.

Sometimes they would fire imaginary guns at him. Pew! Pew! Pew!

I swear. I'm not making these up. I'm jotting it all down so I won't forget it.

I'm sure they love Master Mati. He's being an emo teenager na kasi.

While Cio and Andrei played with candles, Master Mati had a bottle of Coke with his Daddy.


Chatting around....

Yep! We didn't need videokes or laptops or the barangay to be entertained. We'll just talk and be with each other.

Us girls stayed inside.

Me and Mommy!!!!!!!

Later on, it's time to say goodbye.


My Mommy said goodbye to her first, only, and forever love!

Let's go!

Our guy Arnel will stay behind to fix everything and to leave some candles burning for Daddy.

There were still a lot of people in the cemetery.

We left around 7:30pm?

Everyone's going home na din. No one's going in.

He he he he he!

Back at the ancestral home, Mommy cooked some pansit to add to our leftover Grilled Pork Chop and Chicken.

Kuya Jay bought some Pizza and Fried Rice!

Yummmmm....! Pancit!

LET'S EAT!!!!!

While eating, we were joking how Master Mati could run for Mayor in our city with the tagline "Buhay mo, kakalitkutin ko!" 

Don't ask us why!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Everyone also (lalo na my Kuya Jay) was joking Andrei how he's so small and thin. Andrei turned his back on them and muttered (loud enough for those nearby to hear) "Maliit nga ako, may jumbo hotdog naman."


We all just kept on laughing!!!

Hay naku! Daddy, your apos are so naughty!!!!!! He he he he! 

If Daddy was with us, I'm sure he would be so proud hearing the boys talk like that.

Hmmmmm.... Come to think of it, maybe he IS with us and giving those ideas to the boys!!!!


I know that the cemetery in Cavite is Daddy's resting place. However, I cannot help but say to him  "see you at home Daddy!" because that's how I felt about him.

Call me so imaginative or what but I really feel that even if he's in heaven already, my Daddy would still drop by from time to time to visit us. I may not see his physical self but we know that he's sometimes there. We never felt that he left or abandoned us (especially that he made sure we'll be taken cared for by the business) because that's just how he was: He'll always make sure that we are doing alright.

You might say that my Daddy loves us so much that I'm sure he won't forget about us just because he's in heaven na.

Ika nga ni Patrick Swayze sa Ghost "The love inside, you take it with you...."

We know so because there are times that we feel him.

And I just heard today that somebody here just saw him in his room last April!

So yayyyy!!!!! It's true nga!!

We love you so much Daddy!!!!

Hope you'll be in my dreams again tonight!

We'll visit your resting place again not next year, but VERY soon!!!




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