
Friday, November 9, 2018


MIEN SAN is one restaurant in San Juan that you couldn't miss because of its bright lights and colors along Granada street. We have only eaten there once but even if we want to go back again, we just haven't gotten ourselves to do so well because we would usually prefer the convenience (and the variety of places to go to) in a mall.

One time after he picked me up from work, the Yub and I were deeply craving for some of our favorite Ramen. But when lo and behold we went to our usual place, we were SO disappointed to discover that it was closed. With that, MIEN SAN somehow "called" our attention and invited us to go back inside.

MIEN SAN was not as spacious as it was before and I think they cut down on rental space because they have another branch along Annapolis street. Still, this restaurant maintained that homey and comfy Chinese family vibe that it was popular for. And after our meal, the Yub and I loved our dinner that once again made promises that we would go back for some more.

My sexy tummy: "YES! Please don't be your usual forgetful self and forget!!!!!!!"


YOHOO! We're in MIEN SAN!!!!

(In fairness, I think ang ganda ko sa pic!)

It was a lazy night that Monday and I feel that most of the diners that time were the usual "sukis".

I'm not sure if this was here the last time but MIEN SAN had a wall of their popular diners.

Where's OUR picture huh????

My date for that night was the Chinese Panget who was clearly "bagong tasa."

UGH! I hate his haircut!

Ordering up!

While waiting for our grub, MIEN SAN served complimentary steamed Okra in oyster sauce.

I liked this serving of healthy veggies! I'm sure this would go so well with our food later.

Excited to eat!

The Yub asked for some house tea because that's how we always roll.... He he he he he!!!!

Seriously though, we have come to appreciate the taste of tea because it cleanses off the taste of greasy Chinese food from our mouths. He he he he he he!

First on the table is a small bowl of the MIEN SAN Pork Sauce Rice (P128.00)!

Ground pork with fat simmered in special herbs and seasoning are ladled onto steamed rice. This is just so simple yet good on so many levels!

Comes with egg pa because egg makes everything better! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Next up.... This magnificent duo....

MIEN SAN Beef, and Tendon Noodle (P308.00)

Oh yeaaaaaah....

Now do I really need to describe this pa????

SO slurp worthy!

Of course, when I see THIS on the menu, I just gotta get it....

Spicy Wanton (P188.00)!!!!!!!


Open wiiiideeeeee....

Yohooo! Let's eat!

YEP! Carbo loading!!!!!

I put a dollop of their spicy oil to make my bowl of noodles more exciting...


I'm drooling just looking at this!


With feelings.

Our bill!

Like last time, we had another delicious meal in MIEN SAN! Hay naku! I really hope that it won't take 7 years for us to go back here again! 



Look at my SUPER unfocused picture... You could still see the words MIEN SAN! Ha ha ha ha ha h aha!

Point proven at the brightness and color of the sign!!!! :)

42 Granada Street, 
Valencia, Quezon City




  1. mare!! next time try the porkchop rice! all time fave <3

    1. Woaaaah! Sige thanks mare!!! Will do!!!!!!! Sounds delish nga!!!!!!
