
Monday, October 8, 2018


These days I'm not that enthusiastic with planning international trips for THE YAPPY BUNCH because not only is it very costly and tiring but the hassles of booking and airport delays gets me so lazy agad!!!! Auughhh! (I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it!!!!)

It's okay though, because the family has discovered something that already gives us so much happiness here.


I'm sure many will object how Baguio is incomparable to Disneyland in the US, to the Coleseo in Rome, to the Temples in Thailand, to the Inari in Japan, (all of which we've been to already. #humblebrag HA!), etc, you may be right but still, there is something to being happy and contented with what you have  that you don't feel the need to leave.

Besides, one of the strong reasons why I personally love BAGUIO is the childhood family memories that I have of it. And now, I feel a different kind of joy that I'm sharing it with the boys.

So really, when people ask me when our next trip abroad is I would always answer "We're already having so much fun with Baguio now that I'm not planning anything else." He he he he! Of course, I'm not entirely blocking out an international family trip soon but that will happen when I'm not lazy to plan na.

Till then, we're so fine with what the City of Pines give us.


Wohooo!!! We're in BAGUIO again!!!!!!!!

THE YAPPY BUNCH was lucky that Friday was declared a holiday that the Yub and I didn't need to take a leave from work.

We all woke up early and excited for the trip to come!

On our to BAGUIO! Yay!

Somebody is cranky.

Somebody PANGET that is. HAR DE HAR HAR!

It was a wet drive going to BAGUIO.

So we passed by Marcos Highway because it was the safer route.

Actually, we insist on passing by Marcos Highway EVERYTIME over Kennon road. We don't mind being a few minutes late. Safety is more important.

Uy! We got a morning greeting from Jollibee!

YAY! We're in BAGUIO na!

Our first stop is having our early lunch!

Syempre, we need energy! He he he he he!

We met up with Team Campo in GLENN 50'S DINER!

The family had a great lunch here the last time we were in Baguio so I recommended it for our brunch.

We passed by the hotel to drop off our things. Since it was still early for check in, we headed out again.

The first stop for us was horse backriding for Andrei in WRIGHT PARK!!!!!!

Andrei's wish everytime we go to BAGUIO is to ride a horsey in WRIGHT PARK. Since we know that there might be rains, we packed raincoats for all of us!

Anything for my bunsoy of course!!!!!

Go Andrei!!!!!

He got Amo... A very gentle horse.

The Yub and I didn't mind waiting for our bunsoy.

My happy bunsoy!

Don't worry my Andrei. As long as you want to, Daddy and Mommy will treat you to horse rides. 

The wait was more enjoyable with hot taho to warm our tummies!


At this point, Team Campo joined us na!

After an hour, Andrei's date with Amo was done.

Don't worry bunsoy, if you're good, you'll ride a horsey again.

It may be rainy but we're DEFINITELY at a good start in BAGUIO!

We checked out the 100 steps in WRIGHT PARK but since we're fat old senior citizens (tee hee) we decided to just stay at the bottom.

He he he! You don't want us to be tired and thin right? He he he he he!

After WRIGHT PARK, MINES VIEW PARK gave us a welcome!

The view is always awesome in MINE'S VIEW PARK and I could stay there for a looooong time looking at the long stretch of mountains.

It's good that the Igorots begging for coins are not there anymore. Nobody wants to witness an accident first hand.

While there, the Yub and I had a mini-pictorial like what some of our friends would do.

Syempre instead of looking romantic, IT LOOKED GROSS! I guess we're not the pa-sweety sweety kuno type!

I love our family pictures better. Ha ha ha ha ha!

In MINE'S VIEW PARK, you'll see a walk meter chart for reference.

NAAAAAAH. We'll just sit on this bench and enjoy the rain. He he he he he!


The little lords naman had a fun time going around in their raincoats and umbrella!

See? We always have fun everywhere!

Let's go boys!

We went back to the CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO just in time for check-in!

Our room was simple but it could fit us all comfortably!!! It was mighty affordable too!

We had a bit of rest then met up with Aning of Team Virrey and Jun for coffee!!!

Yup! Team Virrey will be staying in CHALET HOTEL too! Yay!

Now, where shall we go next???

After our coffee, we hailed a cab going to our next destinations.

Don't worry, the cab driver is nice. He just looked sungit but he's cool naman.

We asked the taxi driver to drop us off at our vacation house. We waited patiently for our servant Facundo to open the gates.

Kidding! This was the mansion house of the President!

Read up!

But I'm sure we fooled you no???

Inside, we said high to the Military Man guarding the place. 

You may not be able to enter the actual mantion per se but it's still nice to see the vast and green surroundings. 

Good thing the weather agreed with us so we were able to enjoy the mansion surroundings without getting wet.

The kids enjoyed their short time for explorins'! It's not everyday that we see a garden filled with pine trees.


Whenever we're in BAGUIO, we will never forget making a courtesy call to the President. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mahirap na right???

I'm sure he'd love to see our beautiful faces.


And we're walking!

We were so looking forward to having the delicious corn like what we had last time but I guess because of the weather, they all went home.


While walking, the rains suddenly poured VERY HARD!!!! When we got to the Botanical Gardens, Team Virrey was huddled under a small tent. 


Too bad it was raining. Oh well, we'll be back here next time!!!!!

I'm really thankful for our raincoats. He he he he he he!

We got back to CHALET and had dinner that's included in our hotel accommodations.

So sulit right????

After dinner, we went down to the coffee shop to have some free coffee.


Awesome right?

I am NEVER going to leave this place ever. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

While the adults were having coffee, the kiddies were playing too!

After having several rounds of coffee and chika, it's time to go to bed. 

We were all tired but SO happy!!!



The next morning, I was greeted by a sweet and excited smile from my baby bunsoy!

Breakfast for 2 is included in the hotel so we only had to pay for Master Mati and the bunsoy Andrei. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and we had a good time eating by their lobby.

Afterwards, it's biking time at BURNHAM PARK!!!!!

Yup! This is ALSO a BAGUIO staple that we will never get tired of doing!

Besides horse-backriding, this is Andrei's favorite thing to do in BAGUIO. 

The usually bored Master Mati (he's only here in BAGUIO to eat daw), is fine with biking too!!!

Please don't grow up too fast my handsome binata.

As for me and the Yub, we're happy to JUST WATCH and SUPPORT.

Ang sarap kaya umupo lang and make our pwits bigger!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Bike rates!

Later on, Andrei is joined by best friend Sasha!

Ayan... Racing na sila!

While waiting and taking care of the kiddies' things, the Yub and I enjoyed shopping and eating around in BURNHAM PARK!

Yub bought a tripod....

He also got some grapes....

and some snow cream...

As for me, I got my favorite Strawberry Sorbetes. I liked this better than the Strawberry Taho because it's more fruity and not overly sweet.

Oh yes! Kahit umuulan, I'll have my Strawberry Sorbetes!

While the Yub and I were eating, Andrei left his bike to us. Hala! There's still more time left.

The Yub na lang rode Andrei's bike since he didn't want to waste the minutes (yes we're kuripot that way... ha ha ha ha!)

THIS was the reason why Andrei deserted his bike. Hay naku, he wanted to go around with his best friend Sasha daw. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


We waited for Andrei and Sasha under the tent.

ABA! They lowered their umbrella pa!

When I asked why, they said they wanted "privacy"!

Don't worry, they were only singing. I think the main reason they did that was so the bike attendants won't be able to identify them to say their time is done. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I think it worked naman.

We're supportive of Andrei's happiness so we patiently waited for him. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

After BURNHAM PARK, we passed by THE GOOD SHEPHERD to buy some pasalubongs.

They had a new systematic technique when ordering and paying that even if there were A LOT of people in the store, we were able to get our goods promptly.

While we were shopping, the little ones looked around the Sheperds Gallery!

Androse said the view was nice and foggy there too!

After getting our usual jams and brittles, we treated the kiddies to some ice cream!

Yub, close your mouth at baka you'll drool over the ice cream.


Yup! Ice cream in BAGUO. Because that's how we ROLL!!!!!


We may be doing the same things over and over but that's just how BAGUIO is to us. We don't have to look for adventure, do something fashionable or all the rage, or eat somewhere super popular and expensive. We are already happy doing with the kids the same activities that we have enjoyed so much during our childhood. And the great thing about my YAPPY BUNCH is that it doesn't take much to make a day awesome for us -- we find value and loads of joy even in the simplest of things. 

That's why for us, since we have OUR BAGUIO, we don't need muna anything else. He he he he he!!!

The "others" could wait. 



