
Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I know I may sound bias but I really feel that our office gives the BEST CHRISTMAS PARTIES ever! Of course, there are gatherings here and there, but ours is done by the people who gives the country isang libo't isang tuwa every day so it's no wonder that our annual holiday celebrations are indeed, EPIC.

It's EAT BULAGA's Christmas Party! Yehesssss!!!!!

We usually hold our Christmas parties in Oasis Events Place or Sampaguita Gardens.  But for this year, the celebration was done in our studio in Broadway.

I wasn't able to watch my favorite Ika-6 Na Utos (hi hi hi! CHE!) because I immediately rushed to Broadway Centrum after lunch. There I met up with my friends, the Titas of TAPE Inc!


For our family trips, I'm usually the one footing the bill since it is my idea in the first place (and because the Yubhub takes care of everything else). However for our recent HONG KONG trip, he offered to shoulder many aspects of the vacation and that included our hotel for the rest of the weekend.

We just checked out of Disney Explorer's Lodge and we wanted something that offered a more practical price that was still clean, safe, and with a good location (we will be out most of the day anyway!!). The Chinese Dimpol looked online and found the answer in BEST WESTERN GRAND HOTEL!

BEST WESTERN GRAND HOTEL had packages for all budgets and it was a good thing that the Yub was able to get a family room that was about P7,500.00 for 2 nights. They offered a promo for early booking and provided an extra bed for a kiddie guest. Breakfast for 2 was included and we thought it was a pretty good deal. So he reserved it, booked, and paid for it.

Yehesss!!! Now were on our way to having our kind of GRAND vacation!

Grand or not, you know we'll still have fun as long as we're together!!!


Friday, December 22, 2017


After a tiring but very fun day at DISNEYLAND, it was time to go back to our hotel. When deciding where to eat, the Chinese Dimpol and I were first thinking of the restaurants recommended online. But since our feet were aching and we wanted nothing more than to lie down on our beds, we thought of just having dinner in the restaurant we saw near our hotel.

We initially chose FU DOO because it was the most convenient restaurant at that time. But after a delicious meal, that was somewhat disastrous (you'll see why later), we were glad that we went for this Chinese restaurant because it had that authentic Hong Kong flavors we were craving for.

Now THAT and the mini-disaster that happened, our meal at FU DOO was something that we will NEVER forget!! 

FU DOO!!!!!

FU DOO was located a street away from our hotel and we often pass by it in the morning.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are in DISNEYLAND HONG KONG and I don't know if it's because the boys are bigger, or there aren't many people that day in the theme park, or that we were able to ride all the attractions that we wanted, or that we just make it a point to always have a fun time whenever we can....

But we were all having such an awesome time that it may be one of our best vacations to date!!!!!

Here's part two of our DISNEYLAND HONG KONG trip with more of our great times and pictures! He he he he he! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Yoo to the hoo! 

In part one, the boys were thrilled to be able to chat up with IRON MAN.

When I said "boys", yes the Chinese Dimpol is included. He he he he! 

The little lords were also able to undergo Jedi training and spar with the likes of Darth Vader!

We also got to meet the very cute BB8!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having the "bestest", "superest", and "awesomest" time (tee hee) in DISNEYLAND RESORT that we were all running non-stop from one place to the next.

Did we feel tired?

HELL no!

Did we get hungry??

Of course we DID!!!!!

With THE YAPPY BUNCH, of course eating is part of the fun. And that we did in DISNEYLAND!

We're in the happiest place on earth! But even if we're all having a awesome time, we cannot ignore the growls of our needy tummies!

We had several snacks and munchies all through out the theme park. But when it was time for lunch, we came upon THIS place -- Clopin's Festival of Foods!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


When we planned our HONG KONG trip, we decided to focus on one thing alone...


The trip pushed through because I promised Master Mati that we'll go to the DISNEYLAND HONGKONG IRON MAN EXPERIENCE if he reached his academic goal that year. At that time, I thought it was something far-fetched, but my dear Mati was able to pull it off (perhaps with that trip in mind) and I was so proud of him!

I'm glad that even if they're not as young as before, the boys were still excited to go to DISNEYLAND. Other pre-teens would usually be jaded and prefer to go for the more  R-13 experience to feel more like "men". He he he he he! But not the little lords! I guess they're very secure in themselves and more focused on having fun that they don't mind acting like small kiddies again with their Mommy and Daddy.

The Yub and I were happy too because we will also be forever kids at heart and we will NEVER get tired of DISNEYLAND. It is one place I would always make it a point to go to whenever there's a chance. I'm thankful that the Chinese Dimpol feels the same.

We had a VERY grand time in DISNEYLAND HONG KONG and as expected, the classic theme park gave us a lot of fun in so many levels!!! At one point, I told Master Mati to promise me that even if I'm already old, he'll should still take me to DISNEYLAND so that we'll all be kiddies again. Without batting an eyelash, he answered that he'll rent me a wheelchair should I be too old to go around. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Wohooo!!! Yay for all of us. Nothing brings out that unique childlike and loving attitude when you're in the happiest place on earth!


Friday, December 15, 2017


It was really not in our immediate plans (because the priority was only DISNEYLAND RESORT) but since we had an extra day after checking out of DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE, we thought of going somewhere that would make our tourist-y selves proud.

As we were studying our choices, we have decided to go for VICTORIA'S PEAK because the boys haven't been there yet. Then as an extra treat, we thought of riding The Peak Tram since it is a HONG KONG classic.

So after packing up, we trooped over for a ride at the Tram and have our night at VICTORIA'S PEAK. And there, our family level of enjoyment reached new heights. Yup! Pun so intended.

I'm glad that the Chinese Dimpol and I went ahead with this short VICTORIA'S PEAK trip even if the wait took sooooo long. The boys were able to do something new and experience the fun that I had before.

Check out our memorable night there. :) 

We're going to have a ride at THE PEAK TRAM to go to VICTORIA'S PEAK!

Thursday, December 14, 2017


For our Hong Kong trip, the little lords were our bosses and we centered our vacation with their happiness and fun in mind. However, I had one request that I deemed superkaduper important when we go to Hong Kong:

We should eat in ICHIRAN. Period.

I know it was not the same as what they had in Japan but I saw how this popular Ramen joint was featured and raved by many youtubers that I was kicking myself why we didn't try it when we were in the Land of the Rising Sun. At least, Hong Kong would be the next best thing and it important was for us to have one meal there. True enough, the Chinese Adonis planned and plotted when and where we'll be going. Even if it was SO far from our hotel, we'll travel far and wide to get a taste of that famous hot bowl of noodles.

And that we did. With delicious and unexpected results!!!!!! 

We are in Causeway Bay and we're going to eat in ICHIRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

My bunsoy was a very picky eater and just wanted to stay in our hotel. But he was a good sport in our long travel to look for ICHIRAN!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH had a staycation in DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE, and included in our room package is a buffet breakfast for 2 in their restaurant, DRAGON WIND.

Of course, we cannot just have breakfast by our lonesome. The little lords SHOULD be with us! So for that morning, it's going to be ERICJAZ FOODIES with the boys. Yay!

We were all looking forward for the breakfast buffet because one: we were hungry, and two: the little lords wanted to see some DISNEY characters! And, DISNEY being DISNEY we had a delicious hot meal, plus a side of Mickey. It was no surprise though because after all, it IS the place where dreams come true!

Yup! No matter how mababaw it is! He he he!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017


ERICJAZ FOODIES are treating the little lords to a super DISNEY vacation in Hong Kong and we thought of including a staycation in our itinerary. Since it just opened the month of our trip, we decided to go for the new DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE and we were so glad we did. For two days we were holed up in the hotel and enjoyed going around the surroundings doing our own adventure. I know we should go out and tour HONG KONG, but we all decided to just make the most of our staycation and enjoy what they have to offer.

Check out part two of our wonderful family staycation and explorins!


Monday, December 11, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are in HONG KONG to have a DISNEYLAND weekend and we are all so excited! For this family trip though, the Chinese Dimpol and I are thinking what else we could do to make the vacation more fun. With that, we thought of booking a staycation at a DISNEYLAND hotel.

But which one?

At first, we thought of Disneyland Hollywood Hotel (being the more practical option) but then we saw that DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE will open its doors on the same month of our trip so we decided to go for that one. After all, it would be much, much, better to stay at a brand new hotel... and then mess it up. Teee Hee!

Seriously though, DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE is a great place for a staycation for families with kiddies who have adventurous hearts. You may not see Disney princesses here or cutesie patootsie decors but you'll really be encouraged to go out and have a different kind of hotel fun.

Check out our adventurous staycation at the new DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE!

ERICJAZ FOODIES and the little lords will have a DISNEY adventure!!!

And we're here!


Saturday, December 9, 2017


I remember reading the book A YEAR IN PROVENCE a long time ago and it really made an impact on my not so bookworm self. The book, authored by Peter Mayle, was very memorable for many reasons: the witty love story between the main characters, the wonderful description of the French countryside, but most of all, how the main guy, also named Peter Mayle, just LOOOOOVED to eat.

And he paired off everything with wine!!!!

That is why when I saw an invite celebrating the first anniversary of MIREIO in RAFFLES MAKATI, I almost did a double take when they also called it "A YEAR IN PROVENCE." Woah! I immediately pointed out my love for the book and how it made me want to eat more (yehesssss). Now, I get a chance to eat some of the dishes that made me drool while reading, and I don't need to book a ticket to France -- it's just right here in the very heart of Makati!

Check out the first anniversary celebration of MIREIO from December 8-12, 2017, and experience French food as intricately prepared by MIREIO at a discounted price!

We were driving out from Katipunan, Quezon City but our goal tonight was to reach RAFFLES MAKATI by hook or by crook.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are in HONG KONG and like what we always do when we're in another country, we check out their local MCDONALD'S because we want to see how different it would be from Manila.

We already put a space for MCDONALD'S HONG KONG in our itinerary on our second or third day -- it was our aim to have our fill of delicious Chinese food after all. BUT, lucky us we ended up in a mall because our bus going to the hotel was stationed there. And, even if we have been going around and around the place, we can't find the type of Chinese food we enjoyed before.

After about an hour of going around, the boys saw the familiar golden arches of MCDONALD'S. Immediately they asked if we could have our lunch there because they were in the mood for some fries and chicken.

NGIKS! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh well. I never thought that our first official meal in HONG KONG would be in an American franchise but we gave in -- we were tired and we were planning to eat here anyway. Napaaga lang! Ha ha ha! And wow, we're so glad that we did because there was something so comforting biting into hot sandwiches and drinking cold soda after a long morning. Plus, we were able to find out how deliciously different MCDONALD'S HONG KONG was from Manila.

Yup! So even in HONG KONG, we would profess our love for MCDONALD'S. And like their ad declares, "Love namin to!"  

The place with the golden arches!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are in Hong Kong, and even if we've been here before, we were still having an uber great time! I guess a big part why this trip was another epic one for us was because our only goal was to have as much family time as we can in DISNEYLAND and just having fun with the kids (meaning no shopping {where they get bored ha ha}, no going to tourist places they wouldn't enjoy, no exotic food-tripping, etc., etc.,). This family getaway really proved to us that seeing your kiddies laughing and having a great time would give you a different kind of happiness.

And we definitely had a lot of that -- many, many, many times over.

Yup! This trip was really for you Master Mati and bunsoy Andrei. Mommy and Daddy love you both so much!

Now here's part TWO of our HONG KONG Yappy trip! 

Good morning!!! It's day 3 for us in HONG KONG and THE YAPPY BUNCH are in BEST WESTERN HOTEL for the rest of our stay.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


We're going to HONG KONG! Yay!

Well we we're not really planning on having an out of the country trip this year but a promise is a promise. I told Master Mati that if he gets this certain grade, I will treat him to HONG KONG  as his reward. I know we could've just went for an out of town trip, or a gadget, but we gave him a sort of "impossible" or outrageous gift so that he'll really aim high. And as expected, he worked really hard then did it! Yayyy!! We were all so proud and excited for him. But of course, we're superkaduper looking forward to our summer family trip as well!

Now why HONG KONG?

These days, it's always Japan, Korea, or US for the Filipino tourists that HONG KONG is like this ordinary option compared to those flashy and popular destinations. But not for us! We always find something fun and exciting wherever we go anyways, so HONG KONG would still be something SO worth going to.

Also, besides being the cheaper and instant option (meaning: no Visa), the boys would like to try out the new Ironman Experience in HONG KONG Disneyland. Now that's so fine with us because we could never have enough trips to Disneyland that's for sure.

So before our trip, people have been asking us, "Are you going shopping?", "Are you going to Macau?", "Are you going to Ocean Park?" -- Nope! We are just going to HONG KONG for some DISNEYLAND fun with the boys. That's what they wanted, that's what they worked hard for, now that's what they'll get. They're the real reason we're going on this trip anyway.

And as expected, we had uber loads of fun. Of course, other people have their own way of going on vacations. But for THE YAPPY BUNCH, when we're just focused on giving the kids the time of their lives (seeing them happy makes us ultra happy anyway) and do some serious family time, it will surely be another unforgettable YAPPY getaway! 

We booked a very early flight so no traffic for us.

Checking in!

Monday, December 4, 2017


Christmas is DEFINITELY in the air!!  Besides the chilly mornings, what marks the official arrival of the holiday season are the yuletide decorations, bright twinkly lights, the nostalgic songs, and of course, THE FOOD!

Most recently, we dropped by HOTEL JEN to experience ALL OF THAT during their Christmas tree lighting. 

The tree stood quietly near the staircase and it was indeed lovely.

It was a fun place to have Christmas pictures!

Friday, December 1, 2017


The YAPPY BUNCH just checked out from our awesome 5-star staycation in MARCO POLO HOTEL and we were feeling a bit hungry. Good thing that CAFE PRONTO was just downstairs and it was perfect for that "something light" that we were craving for.
This was good news especially to hotel guests because they don't have to go to a fast food joint or a convenience store -- CAFE PRONTO is just there to make our tummies happy.

Not only that, it also meant that we could somehow "extend" our experience in Forbes Travel Guide's 5-star awardee while munching on delicious snacks. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a lazy afternoon.

Well, sleeping is the best of course. But we'll do THAT after we get ourselves full from CAFE PRONTO!!! He he he he!


The chic cafe could be found beside the main entrance of MARCO POLO HOTEL.

Thursday, November 30, 2017


It's the holiday season and if you plan on sharing the love, why not do so with these adorable gift baskets from RUSTIC MORNINGS?

RUSTIC MORNINGS by ISABELO, the shabby chic all day breakfast hub in the Marikina side of the Metro, is giving you a chance to take home their fluffy and buttery pancakes. And I'm not talking about doggie bags, I meant the real deal where you could fry them up and pass them off as your own (that's what I would do)! He he he he he!!

BUT, if you're wanting to be in Santa's good side (for this season or all year round) you could treat your love ones to these charming Breakfast Baskets that carry RUSTIC MORNINGS' signature pancake mix, syrup, and coffee. I'm sure that if they're breakfast lovers (like me) then you'll be scoring some cutie patootie points that will get you #blessed all year round too!

Yohoo! We got a special delivery!

RUSTIC MORNINGS' Breakfast Baskets!

These are easy to carry yet so stylist (not to mention tasty) givaways this season!

Friday, November 24, 2017


I'm sure that if you've been reading our blog (ay nakakaawa ka naman hija... :P ) you would notice how we love going back to our favorite restaurants again and again. Yes. That's how we are. We are afraid of change even when it comes to food! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! For us, nothing spoils a wonderful day than a kadiri to death dinner. That's why when the boys or the family ask, "Where are we eating tonight?" Trust that the answer would be one of our usuals.

And a "usual" choice for us is always CHILI'S!!!!!

I know I have blogged about CHILI'S many times now but I just can't help it. Each delicious meal there is shared with the special people in our lives that it is a special memory worth posting.

May I just point out that it is in CHILI'S where the Yub and I first met via a blind date??? (inangkuposhness)

And may I point out again that it was my Daddy who first brought us to CHILI'S because he loved their Asian Chicken Salad???




It was a Sunday and the place the packed!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017


It was a double celebration for the family so a dinner to mark the momentous events was in order.

First, we were celebrating the birthday of my Ate Jojit's new hubbie Anthony. He wanted to treat the family as his "blow-out".

Second, my lawyer brother was granted a Doctorate for Juridical Science by his college Alma Mater and we were all super proud. So now "The Doctor" also wanted to treat the family.

With that, it was decided to have a joint celebration and since it was indeed a special night, we thought of going to somewhere we've all been meaning to try out for a loooong time....


(Oooh! I was so excited and hungry that they're going be sorry.... este... happy now!!! He he he he he!)