
Wednesday, December 6, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are in Hong Kong, and even if we've been here before, we were still having an uber great time! I guess a big part why this trip was another epic one for us was because our only goal was to have as much family time as we can in DISNEYLAND and just having fun with the kids (meaning no shopping {where they get bored ha ha}, no going to tourist places they wouldn't enjoy, no exotic food-tripping, etc., etc.,). This family getaway really proved to us that seeing your kiddies laughing and having a great time would give you a different kind of happiness.

And we definitely had a lot of that -- many, many, many times over.

Yup! This trip was really for you Master Mati and bunsoy Andrei. Mommy and Daddy love you both so much!

Now here's part TWO of our HONG KONG Yappy trip! 

Good morning!!! It's day 3 for us in HONG KONG and THE YAPPY BUNCH are in BEST WESTERN HOTEL for the rest of our stay.

Breakfast for 2 was included and we thought that for the first day, Mati and I made it our morning date (while the Yub and Andrei slept longer and had take out food).

Check out my blog on our breakfast HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

And finally, we're on our way!

Check out Master Mati's excited smile.

You know why???



We could NEVER be too old for DISNEYLAND. It is, after all, the happiest place on earth! The Yub and I are happy that the little lords wanted to go here in HONG KONG because we always have so much fun here.

One of the main reasons why we're going to DISNEYLAND is because of the Iron Man experience

We were also able to check out this new attraction that was very similar to the HAUNTED MANSION.

Huhuhu! We're sad to go!!!! Check out PART TWO OF OUR DISNEYLAND GRAND TIME!

For our late dinner, the Chinese Dimpol was craving for some Chinese food because, come to think of it, we haven't had a real one here in Hong Kong.

Yummmmm wanton noodle soup!

Check out our blog on FU DOO RESTAURANT!

When we got back to the hotel, the little lords were SO tired that they went straight to bed.

As for me and the Yubhub? No way!

Don't worry. There's no Tweng tweng tweng for us...

We're staying up late for a midnight snack! He he he he he!

The next morning, it was Andrei and Yubhub's turn for the breakfast buffet. Andrei was quite excited for his morning date with Daddy. As for me and the Master Mati? We were so thankful for the extra hours to snooze.... He he he he he!

And then it was time to check out!


We left our bags in the hotel so we could go around a bit.

Since our flight is much later pa, we decided to have a mini-city tour.

Egad! The walk took sooooo looong and I was already acting bratty at the back. Good thing the boys were such troopers and the Chinese Dimpol was good at reading maps.

And we're at Tsim Sha Tsui!

We would usually wait for passers by to take our pictures. For some reason, there were not a lot of tourists at this time that we usually just relied on locals who were off to somewhere.

Tee Hee!

We originally wanted to go here during night time so that the little lords could see the lights again. BUT, we prioritized having dinner at Ichiran. He he he he he!

It's okay. We haven't been here during the day anyway.

The sun was really working on us. Good thing there was a bit of wind at the bay side. 


Usually the little lords hated to have their pictures taken. So it's rare when one of them asks me to take their picture. I guess Master Mati fancied this stone structure in the city.

It's great that I have little lords who don't care if they'll get a tan or not. Just slather on some sun screen and they're willing to play or go around under the summer weather.

Me and my Master Mati!

We discovered that the Avenue of Stars was moved to another location. We had to go up the escalator and cross this creative bridgeway to get to it.

Do you see it?

There you go!

I'm not too good at properly capturing 3D effects. He he he he...

Before going around, we decided to get some ice cold sugar loaded drinks for energy. 

Oooh... Somebody is suddenly cranky.

The Avenue of Stars!!!

The little lords wrestled over who was going to be the director.

They both won. He he he he!

We then checked out their shrine for their stars.

Even though they don't know most of the personalities, they were curious at the hand prints and known facts of some famous Hong Kong talents.

Reaching for the stars!

With the Yubhub...

Then with me!

Later on, we saw THE Bruce Lee!

In Hong Kong, my blunder with Andrei's haircut actually made him blend in with the locals.

Yup! Even Bruce Lee sported the same hair-do!

Mati may be more familiar with Jackie Chan but Bruce Lee got his respect!

We all "hiyaa-d" with THE DRAGON!

After some more walking, we made it to Harbor City!

We were all sweaty and tired so a cold blast from the mall airconditioner is just what we needed. Ha ha ha ha ha!

We walked all this way to eat at DIN TAI FUNG!!

The boys absolutely LOVED the Xiao Long Bao! We had 2 orders and naubusan pa din ako. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Check it on our blog post HERE!!!!!!!

And then we're happily energized again!

We all went for a stroll around Tsim Sha Tsui!

While going to the train station, I saw the familiar alleys where the Yub and I usually go for some street food.


Too bad we're not able to go here during night time. 

On another trip maybe?

And we're walking again!

When we got back to the train station, we bought Master Mati's desired snack of Japanese rice ball.

And we're back to our district!

We had a different route going back to our hotel because we're going to pick up our luggage first.

After picking it up, we're ready to go!

While walking towards our ride, the Chinese Dimpol spotted this full stall.

People were really flocking and lining up for it!

Ooooh! Hong Kong waffles! My favorite!

There were also some other goodies but I was still full from DIN TAI FUNG.

Egad! Where were you last night when we were searching for streetfood????

Aba... I guess it's a very popular stall because it's Michelin awarded.


The lady with the short hair was kind of sungit to the customers.

BUT! There is nothing that a sweet smile couldn't cure. E di when we ordered, napatawa namin siya. He he he he he!

Egad! Which one's mine?

I was getting worried that we might miss our ride but the Yubhub said, it's all good.

Okay so I will patiently wait.

And finally...

Yayyy! Freshly cooked Hong Kong waffles!!!!!! It was piping hot pa!

Taking a huuuuge bite....


Titirik ang mata nyo sa sarap!!!! Crusty on the outside and creamy on the inside!!! So glad we waited for this.

Even the kiddies agreed (but they're not as expressive as me. He he he he! Dami daw tao e.)

We were supposed to ride the taxi going to the airport but the Yub calculated the route and decided to ride the bus. He made this decision because the boys have been curious for so long how it was to ride a double decker bus and also, so that we'll another mini-tour around the city.

The little lords were so excited. At least they were able to ride at the front of a double decker bus!!!


Thanks Yubskers for always thinking of the enjoyment of the boys! Mmmwaaaah!

Yeheees! We have a front row seat going around Hong Kong!

I think I fell asleep at one point. But the boys were wide awake. They even took a selfie!

Good bye HONG KONG!

We'll be back again!

The boys' view!

And here we are!

It was a fun hour-long bus ride going to the airport. Yup! Even the simplest of activities could be an adventure for happy kiddies.

HONG KONG's big airport!

The  boys went around while we were at the counter. Master Mati's souvenir from DISNEYLAND was a Mickey Mouse plush toy and bunsoy Andrei thought of making it ride on our bags. He he he he he!

The Yub and I joined the boys with their "ride" later on. 

Andrei is relishing his last train ride (for this trip) while going to our terminal.

Waiting for our flight!

This time bunsoy Andrei got the window seat he wished for and we were all able to sit in one row. Yay!

And we're back in the Philippines! It may be close to midnight but we're all happy and thankful for the safe journey! Yay! We can't wait to see my family at home. My Dad (RIP) missed the boys terribly and kept on asking about us ( :( ) 

Yun lang limited pasalubong nilang lahat. Bwa ha ha ha ha! Hello ref magnets!


I don't know if it's just our attitude of always having fun wherever we go but yes, we had another enjoyable and awesome time in HONG KONG. I'm glad (actually we all were!) that Master Mati was able to accomplish his goal this school year that made this trip possible. 


Till our next trip YAPPY BUNCH! Mommy will save again!





  1. The selfie of Matti and Andrei. awww ❤ I cant wait for the Ichiran Post!!!

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Hiya Erika!!!! Yes, the rare times that they are not fighting deserve life long recognition talaga. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding! Mwah!

  2. As a long time reader of your blog. I am happy that the boys are all grown up and Matti is now much taller than you but is still cute as always. How old is Mati and Andrei now? Your blog post about your travel adventures always give me good vibes whenever I came to visit your blog. I am excited about your separate Hong Kong Disneyland post. I have visited Hong Kong Disneyland two times but I am also a big Disney Fan. So I am always excited in anything Disney and hopefully go visit there in my future trips. I am looking forward to see the pictures of the new attractions there like the new Iron Man Experience and their new parade and nighttime show. The boys seem so happy in some of the pictures I saw in this post and i am excited for more pictures of your happy family in your Hong Kong Disneyland Vacation blog post. More power and Love Love Love to you Eric, Jaz and your happy and cute kiddos.

    1. Hulloooo dear Cindy! Wow thank you so much for the kind words. I'm actually feeling a bit down lately (remembering my Daddy this holiday season) and your words cheered me up tonight. I'm happy and honored that you have followed my silly little foodie (now family) blog and notice how big the boys have become. :)

      Oh yes! Mati is SOOOO big now. Everyone who see him will always give such a reaction because he suddenly shot up. The two are now entering their teens so I'm a bit worried because they might like girlies now more than me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I still hope that they join us for night outs and not choose their friends over us.

      Isn't DISNEYLAND the best??? I don't think I'll ever be too old for Disneyland. I guess a big part of the reason why I love the place because it reminds me so much of my childhool. I'm happy that the boys still share my love for DISNEYLAND. Hopefully they'll never get tired of it too.

      Yay! I'm sometimes worried that I'm oversharing pictures. Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm glad you share my love for posting it all because I really don't want to forget anything. You'll see a lot in my coming posts about Hong Kong. Promise.I hope your eyes don't get tired. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thank you soooo much again and I so so so so so love you right back dear Cindy. I love you more since you called my kiddos cute and happy. Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks again and I hope to hear more from you soon. Cheers!!!!!!!!!
