
Friday, December 15, 2017


It was really not in our immediate plans (because the priority was only DISNEYLAND RESORT) but since we had an extra day after checking out of DISNEY EXPLORER'S LODGE, we thought of going somewhere that would make our tourist-y selves proud.

As we were studying our choices, we have decided to go for VICTORIA'S PEAK because the boys haven't been there yet. Then as an extra treat, we thought of riding The Peak Tram since it is a HONG KONG classic.

So after packing up, we trooped over for a ride at the Tram and have our night at VICTORIA'S PEAK. And there, our family level of enjoyment reached new heights. Yup! Pun so intended.

I'm glad that the Chinese Dimpol and I went ahead with this short VICTORIA'S PEAK trip even if the wait took sooooo long. The boys were able to do something new and experience the fun that I had before.

Check out our memorable night there. :) 

We're going to have a ride at THE PEAK TRAM to go to VICTORIA'S PEAK!

We just checked out of our hotel and decided to have an impromptu tourist trip!

The weather was perfect and the walk going to the PEAK TRAM was quite fun.

It was a bit windy though so my big forehead wanted to make repeated appearances there. He he he he he!

After a looooong walk. We're here!!!!


Going to VICTORIA'S PEAK you could ride a bus or have a very tiring walk. 

However, you should at least one time experience riding THE PEAK TRAM because it's like taking ride with HONG KONG's history.

And besides, the ride is affordable, fun, and fast!

We looked for the end of the line and... INANGKO!!!!!!

Don't worry. The line may be long but it regularly moves. Yun lang, it was about a 2 (or 3???) hour wait for all of us.

This was about 4:00pm. Good thing nobody had to go to the bathroom during our very long wait.

Ha ha ha ha ha! We're still far!

The Chinese Yub hasn't tried the PEAK TRAM that's why he was willing to wait it out.

I asked the kiddies how they were doing and they said they were fine. They just settled themselves in one vacant spot while the Yub and I lined up. He he he he!


The PEAK TRAM started taking trips in May, 18888. and they have a total of 6 stations going to and from designated points at VICTORIA'S PEAK.

PEAK TRAM prices!

They're now offering the SKY PASS which, they say, gives the best view of the VICTORIA PEAK skyline.

Lining up!

We finally got our tickets but we still had to wait.

The PEAK TRAM machinery.

A little bit of history. 

In 1881, Mr. Alexander Findlay Smith spearheaded the project and began actual construction on 1885.

Would you believe that initially on it's opening, THE PEAK TRAM divided their compartments into classes? This continued until 1926.

First Class: British colonial officials and residents of Victoria Peak
Second Class: British military and the Hong Kong Police Force personnel
Third Class: Other people and animals

Jeez...  Good luck doing that today. He he he he he!

Before THE PEAK TRAM, imagine going through THIS to be able to go up the peak.

FINALLY, we reach the front!

Our legs may have been aching from standing too long but when we heard the arrival of our tram, we were so excited.

View to the right...

View to the left...

And the PEAK TRAM arrives!

Hello Captain!

Captain nga ba??? Ha ha ha ha ha!

Once the doors opened, it's pandemonium. Everybody wants to go in!!!!

We were able to get seats with a good view so YAY!

Poor Andrei was getting anxious. He didn't know what's going to happen so he got scared.

To be honest, I was a bit scared too but I did not let them know. It may just be a simple ride going up but I'm always worrying if the cords break and we would all come crashing down.

Sorry. Morbid! He he he he!


It doesn't look like it but going up was a steeeeep ride.

It's fast though but it could also give you a mild stiff neck.

The view going up was glorious! This picture cannot do justice to it. 

And we're here!

We went down one side to give way to the passengers going down on the other side.


We arrived at the building where there are souvenir stalls, restaurants, and many stores. 

There was also a 3D trick art museum!

The little lords were amused a bit and agreed to have their pictures taken.

In the 3D museum, entrance is free. But should you decide to go further up, you'll get charged for pictures.

No worries. The little lords were more excited to go...


For an additional amount, you could get the SKY PASS to give you that perfect view from the VICTORIA'S PEAK.

Now as much as the view was glorious, there was just A LOT of people.

The bunsoy and his Daddy were able to find a spot away from the crowds.

Could you see Manila Andrei?

Even if it was crowded, we were still able to manage.

I like the wind direction up here. It covered my forehead... este... assets!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in VICTORIA'S PEAK!

Mati asked if he could take selfie of us.

I REALLY love how the wind is blowing my hair in the right direction. He he he he he he#takipnoo.

Oops... I spoke too long.

We tried our best to look for a spot where there are lesser people. 

We were unsuccessful in that aspect BUT, we were able to appreciate another view of the harbor.

Hey! The tram is down there!

We went during the summer and were pleased to find out that it was so cold at the top.

Even if the place was crowded and there wasn't really anything else to do, we had a hard time tearing ourselves away from our spot.

The view was just enchanting!

The boys went around to do their own explorin's and Andrei found a big heart!

Andrei said we should all have a picture with it. There was a lot of people flooding the big heart good thing we were able to squeeze ourselves in.

When were finally able to tear ourselves away from the view, we decided that it was time to have late snack (we were going to eat at ICHIRAN... again).

We were supposed to have dimsum or anything that was remotely exclusive to HONG KONG but since it was crowded EVERYWHERE, we ended up in... Ding! Ding! Ding!



Haaaaay. We really failed ourselves in the food trip department.

But it was also a blessing in disguise because behind BURGER KING was a private terrace where there was a lovely view of the harbor and there were only a few people visiting!


We were able to take loads of pictures again!

Nakapag-DAB pa!


Think we're trying to be sweet? I actually asked Yub to cover my forehead.

Ayan ang resulta. He he he he he!


Later on, we went down to line up for THE PEAK tram going home.


The lines may be long but it was faster than when we were going here.

There were only 3 attendants but they were efficient in moving us along.

Crabby Mati?

Naaaah. He just don't like it when I take his picture.

And it comes!!!

Our seats going down were better than the first ride.

Andrei was not scared anymore but it still gave me a stiff neck.

My bunsoy enjoyed the outside sights now.

Actually, I still get nervous with the sudden jolts and movements.

Tram capacity!

This was not as crowded as we were going up.

It was indeed a great idea to ride THE TRAM going up VICTORIA'S PEAK. It was a new experience for the boys and they enjoyed exploring and great view that came with it.  Next time though, we'll just ride the tram at a later time (like 9:00pm) so that we won't have to struggle with the lines. AND, if we could get any assurance that the top floor will not be severely filled with people (he he he he) we'll pass up on the SKY PASS. He he he he he he!




Central Hong Kong

Peak Tram Operating Hours : 
7 am to 12 midnight (Mon - Sun & Public Holidays)

Frequency : 
Departs every 10 to 15 minutes.

For inquiries : 
For inquiries or more details on Peak Tram, please contact : 
Tel : (852) 2522 0922 
Fax : (852) 2849 6237 



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