
Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The Yub and I were celebrating our 20 years of being MAG-UN, and as expected, he forgot about it.

With that, I contemplated on how I should handle the situation...

Should I be the model wife and just understand everything? We're already married anyways and that's more of a blessing.


Should I be petty and make a big drama about how he's always forgetting special events? In that way, he'll think of a way to make up. Big time.

Syempre I chose the latter.

Tee hee... Oh wells. Before you get angry, know that I did it for women everywhere who have fallen victim to the "forgetful husband syndrome." Let's all unite and fight for our right!!!

Naaah. Kidding. I'm just hungry and craving for some steak. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Carry on!! 

Happy 20th to us!!!


For that night, the Yub offered we have dinner at our favorite HOUSE OF WAGYU stonegrill. 

Even if I loved it here, I was hesitant because:

a. It's expensive.
b. It's expensive.

I agreed later on because I realized that:
a. It's our 20th Mag-Un Anniversary nga naman (I mean, comown, it's special din).
b. HOUSE OF WAGYU had a special promo and we'd like to try it before it ends.


The Yub reserved a table for and even if we're late, HOUSE OF WAGYU STONEGRILL was able to hold it for us.


It's our 20th Mag-Un Anniversary!!!


(Tee heee)!

We were first served with HOUSE OF WAGYU'S special complimentary bread basket.

We loved how the bread were all freshly baked and still warm!!!!

I don't normally eat butter with my bread (because of cholesterol and calories ahem ahem) but tonight, I'll make an exception.

It's just soooo crazy good not to sink my teeth in it!!!!

You know what? Bread pa lang, we're so happy na!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Gobble gobble...

First course was the creamy soup of the day!

Definitely not from a can of Campbells! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! It was rich mushroom soup with that buttery and woodsy taste served with croutons and a drizzle of herbed oils.

Yummmm... We likey!!!

Next course is a plate of Caesar's Salad.

Before, they served this per person (even if we ordered just one steak). Now, they only gave us one plate of the salad.

It's okay though because the Yub doesn't eat vegetables. 

Mine! All mine!!!!!!!!!

Wohoo! got our bibs on!

And the piece de resistance arrives -- HOUSE OF WAGYU STONEGRILL Grade 8, 220grams (P4,400.00 per set / with Citibank promo P2,350.00).

Now ain't that a thing of beauty????

I'm so happy!

Yep! Food (especially steak) does that to me. 

Happy 20th Anniversary to us!!!!!

Yep! We're sharing one order because not only is it already more than enough for us, but also, hellooooooooooooooooooo.... it's going to be about P3,000.00 just for a dinner!!!

I don't care even if it's our 20th mag-un anniversary... If it's just the 2 of us, P3,000.00 is the uber max na!

The Wagyu steaks here are so flavorful already that it don't need gravy or other special sauces. 

What you may do is put a small sprinkle of salt to taste.


And it's oh so tender!!!

Truth be told, I cannot distinguish it from the more affordable Wagyu Top Sirloin Grade 10 (P3,000.00 // Citibank Promo P1,500.00 per set). I know that it's because I don't really have an exquisite palate PLUSSSS, all of their steaks in HOUSE OF WAGYU STONEGRILL are just darn good!

The great thing about the stonegrill is that you have your choice on the doneness. I like mine medium rare so I immediately got my chunk of meat to eat.

Instead of rice, I got the mashed potatoes with buttered veggies.

For dessert, we got a serving of their creme brulee.

I liked the thin crust of sugar that you break with a  light tap of your teaspoon.

My Yub wasn't really into creme brulee so he thought of requesting ANOTHER helping of their delicious bread for dessert. 

Yep. Bread for dessert. Because that's how we roll (pun intended)!!!!!

This is already our 3rd helping!!!!!!!!!! This is so good that we're not sorry at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The set came with iced tea or coffee. I got my strong brewed coffee with the creme brulee.

I requested the server to put a "Happy 20th Anniversary" in chocolate on the plate where they'll serve the Creme Brulee. The Yub and I were happily surprised to receive a complimentary serving of their cheesecake.



Happy 20th Mag-Un Anniversary to us!!!!


Ha ha ha ha! I really wonder why those come in hand in hand.


Le bill!!!

Thanks Yub for the treat!

I know I always make jokes or troll the Yub but that's how our relationship is. We're not the pa-sweety sweety cutesie patootsie type who would shout our undying love for each other to the heavens. Sorry but we don't need that kind of "show" for the people.

What we do is joke around, laugh a lot, and troll each other because we both know that whatever we say or do at the other's expense, there is really deep love and commitment.

And yes, whoever is pikon, sya ang talo (that is ME most of the time though. Ha ha ha ha).

While checking my things, I came across this picture of Yub that he gave to me when we started going out. 

I know, right? A graduation picture? Buti na lang talaga he's so pogi there that I didn't mind. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I posted this recently on Facebook. If others go for the "Oh I'm sooo hashtagged blessed to have my perfect husband..." I'd rather post something embarrassing and funny.


THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR FORGETTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Belated) Happy MU Anniv Yub! Panget mo.



Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila




  1. happy 20th anniversary ms jaz and to your husband po <3

    1. Hi Tinemon!!!

      Thanks!!!! Eeeewwww.... 20th anniv na namin magMU!!!!


      Mwah mwah

