
Wednesday, October 30, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH are having an awesome weekend staycation in ANYA RESORT TAGAYTAY, and we're glad that for the price we paid to book our room, breakfast was included!

Up and early for brekky!!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH have been to TAGAYTAY many times already but I just realized that we would eat many things EXCEPT for Yub's favorite -- BULALO.

It's not really because we have this hidden hatred for him (tee hee...) but more because when we eat out we're always on a budget and a big bowl of bulalo is usually priced at about P500.00. Add to that, our little boys don't like bulalo so much and would always get Pizza or Carbonara.


Fast forward to 2019 where the little boys are older with bigger appetites. We went to TAGAYTAY for a family weekend in ANYA and when deciding where to eat, the Yub put his foot down and said that we'll be eating BULALO.

We were all like, "Chill grandpa... ", and agreed. He he he. Truth be told, Mati and I were actually very curious to try out this restaurant recently raved about by our favorite vlogger Strictly Dumpling, that BULALO was actually on the itinerary that weekend.

So yeah, dreams finally came true (especially for one panget) and we're happy that our first experience with BULALO as a family was a success.

Would love to go back to BULALO POINT again!!!!!!!

Tapos hindi kasama si Yub...

BWA HA HA HA HA! Kiddingsssss! 


Friday, October 25, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Tagaytay recently and while planning our itinerary, the Yub insisted that we try this restaurant...


I agreed quietly with him and aired my concerns about how the restaurant was ALWAYS full. In truth, I was SO eager to try BALAY DAKO but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being the one who made the right choice.

Teee Hee! Yes I'm evil I know.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH is having a "family only" getaway in Tagaytay and the "unfortunate" hotel (he he he he) to experience our ruckus that weekend was ANYA RESORT.

ANYA went to infinity and beyond with regards to our expectations mostly because of the cool facilities, and the room (because it was larger than the usual De Luxe suite).

The hotel service too was NUMERO UNO -- it's like they cannot say no to any of our requests and our weirdness with the pictures. Come to think of it, I'm sure ANYA RESORT wouldn't mind so much if we'd be our usual crazy selves because everyone's just so nice and welcoming. We really felt like we were home (or VIP members of a clubhouse for that matter).

Yep. The reviews are real, and here's another rave to add to it. We really had an awesome weekend at ANYA RESORT and would love to return once budget permits. This would be another resort I wouldn't mind saving for again.

Sharing with you all part TWO of our ANYA RESORT TAGAYTAY weekend.


After a relaxing and blissful Saturday, we all set out for dinner.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Summer was about to end and I thought that it's high time for THE YAPPY BUNCH to have our own family getaway.

Don't get me wrong, going on trips with our family and close friends are fun, but it's a different kind of bonding when it's just the 4 of us. The Yub and I agreed that with our very busy times these days, it's something that we should really do with the kids on a regular basis.

Now where to go????

The Yub and I have been hearing rave reviews about ANYA RESORT in Tagaytay from my sister and a friend. I checked it out and yep, it really did look nice. However, everytime I looked at their weekend rates, inangkupush... P14,000.00 for one night? I'm all for indulging once in a while but I somehow can't stomach P14,000.000 (ha ha ha especially that I'll be paying for the hotel while the Yub will take care of the restos). Sorry, I'm just being honest. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ang dami ko nang magagawa for P14,000.00 (like get hair implants on my big noo).

Then one night, lo and behold I saw that for one weekend, the rate for their Junior Suite Twin was only about P9,000.00! Yipeee! How meant to be for us! We immediately booked and made our plans on where to go to Tagaytay.

And how was our weekend?

It was SUPER fun. I think it's our best weekend for the summer!!!! Of course, all getaways with the family are the best, but for that trip, ANYA RESORT made a very big contribution!


We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship.....


Uy ang fresh ko pa!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


It was a very hectic day for me and the Yub but we're thankful that it ended on a delicious (and "romantic") note.... He he he he he!

First, we got our passports renewed in the VIP department... Ahem ahem...

Friday, October 18, 2019


One night, my kumareng Gail was in dire need of the Jazzle Dazzle that when she asked if we could meet, I said yes (you know me, I would always like to help out even if it's not obvious... he he he).

Meet up was in Estancia mall because it's also where her gym is. When deciding on a place, my only condition was that it shouldn't be expensive (hellooo.... hindi naman niya ako ililibre and I'm on tipid mode these days... ha ha ha ha ha).

So we decided once more to go for our trusty BANANA LEAF CURRY -- the food was always good and very affordable.  Sulit na sulit for our kuripot selves.

In the end, it was another fulfilling night: I was able to accomplish my duties as a kumare by being there for a good friend, AND I was able to enjoy  the always satisfying grub from BANANA LEAF CURRY!!!!

It was a great night that I didn't miss the Yub at all!!!

BELAT. He he he he...

Magkumares in BANANA LEAF CURRY!

Uuuuy si mare bagong ligo... Fresh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


One of Master Mati's close friends, Johans, is sleeping over for the weekend and we told them that they could do anything EXCEPT play PS3!

HUWAAAAAAAAT??? Suddenly they wanted to cancel. Ha ha ha ha!

Kidding! They know that I cannot resist them and their cuteness.

Truth be told, they really didn't mind TOO much that they were not allowed to play PS3 because they bought new Gundam sets which they agreed to assemble at our house.

After about 2 or 3 hours of working, look what they finished! Yay!

Monday, October 14, 2019


EAT BULAGA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and we are all excited.

Well for one, I bet you don't see ANY show here celebrating its 40th year on the air. YEP. We're not the longest running noontime show for NOTHING. He he he he he he! The competition all ate our dust! Har de har har!

Wohoo!!!! EAT BULAGA is 40 baby!!!!!

Hala! The show is older than me pala... He he he he he he!

Could you find me? :) 

Thursday, October 10, 2019


It's the second year since my Daddyowzers went to heaven, and even it was a very sad day for us, the family got together to honor a very great man and offer our prayers for him.

Hello Daddy! We miss you!!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


After we checked out of our hotel in our SUBIC trip, THE YAPPY BUNCH initially planned to go on straight home because we missed my Mommy so much. Since we were full from a very heavy breakfast, we thought we could just eat when we get to NLEX.

Lo and behold, foodie fate has something else planned for us. For pasalubong, the others planned on passing by this Korean grocery before going home. I thought that since I was going to buy Udon for our dinner with Mommy that night, I would check out what they had as well. I also hoped to get these slippers that my Mom wished for in our last Korea trip that we weren't able to buy. Here's hoping I'll be successful here.

Yun lang we shopped longer than usual that it's better to just eat something now and just have a straight-to-home drive later. Hala! Ha ha ha!

Pareng Jojie saw this Japanese restaurant beside the Korean grocery and suggested we try it. We checked the price, as well as menu items, and it was all swak na swak for us.

And that's how we got to encounter WASHOKU JAPANESE DINER in SUBIC! Read on to see how we liked it!


Thursday, October 3, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a Subic getaway with our BP (Bawal Panget) group and while having our afternoon swim, we were already deciding where to have dinner (yes, that early... ha ha). I was in the mood for some Korean grub (Master Mati's favorite) and thankfully, the others agreed.

Dear Chel recommended this delicious yet affordable Korean restaurant that her family and Team Virrey had before.  Since most of us we're clueless as to where to eat in SUBIC, we all said yes.

And it's great that we did because we were able to answer our Korean craving without breaking bank.


The signage!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I remembered the last time we went to Subic with my officemates, they made it a point to have our "arrival meal" in MEAT PLUS CAFE because it was super popular in the area. We tried it and I remembered loving the steaks which were at a very practical price.

Fast forward to our SUBIC STAYCATION with THE YAPPY BUNCH and our BP (Bawal Panget) Group. While we were plotting our itinerary, I suggested that we all go to MEAT PLUS CAFE for our early lunch since we all loved steaks from our last visit and I know that we were all kuripots (he he he he he).  Everyone agreed and that became our first order of the day.

How did we find it? Read on, hamon!


We're in MEAT PLUS CAFE!!!

Parang asa US! Ay naku ay!!!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


It was THE YAPPY BUNCH's first time to go to Subic as a family and even if there were asungots around (bwa ha ha ha ha) we were still having loads of fun.

If you're following this silly little foodie blog, you would know that it doesn't really take much to make us happy, as in mababaw lang ang mga kaligayahan namin. I would always tell the kids that as long as we are together we're going to have loads of fun no matter where we are.

That's why for this weekend, even if we're in a simple (yet lovely) resort, with asungots (who are like family naman, ha ha ha ha), and without doing the other activities that Subic is known for (meh we're lazy), THE YAPPY BUNCH still had a memorable and awesome time!

Check out part two of our super SUBIC weekend! We enjoyed it so much that we're raring to have ANOTHER part two! He he he he!

Good morning!!!

Only my bunsoy baby is awake. He he he he he!