
Wednesday, July 3, 2019


When I gave out the news, many people were in disbelief that Master Mati will be having his Junior Prom.

"Huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? Already???"
"But he's too young!!!"
"Grade 9 na prom na agad??"

Oh I got a LOT of that believe me. Guess who's the only person who was all cool and in fact, so excited about it? Yup. You guessed it right. The Master Mati himself.

For his Junior Prom, he had an option of going solo or with a date. When I asked him, my first born was so hell-bent (as in SOBRANG DECIDED) to go to his prom with somebody.

"What about meee?" I offered. I told him that I would take pictures, get him food, put sapin on his back, and say many I love yous during the night.

My first born said he'd rather not go.

CHE!!!!!!!!!!! I know that both of us were kidding (though in my case, it was half meant... he he he) but still, you don't have to be SO mean Mati! GRRRRRR!!!

So when we were deciding who he'll go out with, I told Master Mati that it's best to go with my friend's daughter (at least somebody that I know). He knows her of course but he was more interested with the recommendation of a friend of a friend. Still, my dutiful son asked permission from my friend if he could take her daughter out. My friend gave her regrets as her daughter is not into proms daw. That was okay because that gave Master Mati the chance to take out the lady he found cute when he saw her picture.


So that was done. Then out of the blue, my bunsoy told me that he too had a grad ball.

Huwaaaaaaaat? I thought. Another date? In Andrei's case however, it's okay because my Mareng Gail was more than willing to give all 3 of her daughters to Andrei. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It turns out that with Andrei, no need for dates but his Grad Ball had a Hawaiian theme.

Noooo problem!!! He he he he! (Hay salamat!!!)

I asked if parents could come (because I wanted to take pictures). No daw. Only the parent council members are allowed to attend.

(Syempre, I'm too lazy to be part of the parent council. And I'm working. Yes. That's right. Ah... eh... I'm working. He he he!)

Then after all those minor preparations, it hit me: My sons are going to their proms na!!!! Huhuhuhu!! Yesterday, they were just chubby cheeked gurgling babies. Now they want to have their "night-outs" without their Mommy!!! I breastfed them for 6 months exclusive for crying out loud tapos they're going to leave me?????! Ganun-ganun na lang???

And THAT is why my sons don't want me to be their date. Ha ha ha ha ha! I could get a little carried away. He he he he. 

Sharing with you our son's special nights for this school year (most especially Mati's). Now do you think that because parents aren't allowed, we stayed home?



It's MATI'S prom!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay even if the highlight of this blog post was really Mati's prom (because c'mon, it IS a prom), we would like to include Andrei's Grad Ball.

My bunsoy graduated Elementary this year and the parent council thought of having a special night also for them. 

I saw the invite and already got a good feeling about it. I know that this will not be like an actual lovey dovey ball but a party where our kiddies will have fun.

Yep! You could tell that he was soooo excited!

At first my bunsoy wanted me to take him to school. Then later on he changed his mind and said he's fine to just be picked up later. (Yay! More syesta time for me!! Ha ha ha ha ha!0

(I think he realized what I was capable of doing. He he he he)

Have a good time my bunsoy!!! I'll see you later!!!!

Syempre, even if I was not there, I still managed to get pictures!

Aren't they cuties???

Going to the gym!

Hamming up first! He he he he!

And the theme for the night was OHANA!

Before officially starting their night, there was a mini-fashion show. He he he he!

Then it was time to eat. 

I learned from some parents that the students loved the food so much that some got seconds and thirds resulting to empty buffet serving dishes.

When I asked Andrei, he said that he really enjoyed the carbonara! Yay!

There were games afterwards but I only got videos. Andrei said he joined in almost all of the games but didn't win anything. Ha ha ha ha ha! Awwww... Wawa!

But it seemed like he had a lot of fun with his friends!!!!

With Karl!

With Rojo!!!

With Vance and Kenzie!

And of course his friends, the Bananacorps!!!!

He he he! Boys will be boys.

Andrei also partied with his Don Bosco teachers like Teacher Wendy!

With dear Teacher Beng (his former adviser)!

And Teacher Joel!! (He was in charge of MR. BOSCONIAN where Andrei won Best in Talent 2018)!

We went to Andrei's school earlier than expected because we were hoping to catch a bit of the party. 

Even if there was a driver available, we wanted to be the ones to pick him up so I could take more pictures! 

Ha ha ha ha!

Yup! To Andrei's horror.

Kidding! We're just supportive that way. 

Even the normally surly Kuya was game and found the decors around the gym, nice.

Big deal yun ah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrei's Grad Ball souvenir. My bunsoy put this in his room!

Of course we won't miss Andrei's grad ball for anything in the world! Yun lang, since we could only go after the event, Andrei's cause for embarrassment was limited as well!

Tee Heee!!!!

Great job to the parent's council! My bunsoy had a LOT of fun!!



Up next is Mati's Junior Prom!!!!!!!!!!!!

I already told you about the story of how Master Mati got his date. That's why we're so thankful for Team Godoy!

We already had meet-ups in SANDAIME and DELICERE, and they were all lovely people. We're all so happy that we met them and agreed to our event. 

Master Mati told me before that he missed his Lolo more now with his Junior Prom. He knew that if his Lolo was still with us, he would have given Master Mati cool "man-tips". Ha ha ha ha ha! My Dad was very good with the ladies kasi. H aha ha ha ha ha!

(See how my big guy still included my Dad in the picture?).

Going to Light of Love Events Place!!!!

Yep! The Yub and I both took leave from work for this. 

SYEMPRE! THIS IS MATI'S PROM!!! It's a VERY important event for all of us!!!!

Even if we had a driver, we went to Light of Love earlier than usual in order to secure a parking space. 

Not only that, we also wanted to be the first to arrive. We don't want Mati's date to be there earlier than him!

Team Godoy wasn't there yet so we just took pictures. The place was beautiful!!

Like I said, Mati's prom is a family event for us! Syempre, we'll be there to support him!

I know that my big guy initially didn't want us there but the Yub and I wanted to make sure that all is well with him in his first prom. Next year I'm sure he'll know na what to do that if he doesn't want us to attend, we'll stay home.

For now, we'll go with him by hook or by crook!

I'm sure the Master Mati appreciated our company while waiting for his date. He he he he he!

Naks! So pogi!

The Androse didn't mind waiting as well because he had fun playing around with the Light of Love kitties. He he he he he!

(Fast forward pic)

While waiting, Mati also chatted with some friends.

A little later on, Olga arrived!!!

Yep! Master Mati really waited by the entrance. H ah aha ha ha!


Isn't she lovely?? No, BEAUTIFUL PA NGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best part pa is that she's not only very pretty but also super smart! She wants to be a doctor someday. No emo emo bratty teenager here. She's very nice in chatting with us and cool with Mati!

Olga is indeed the perfect date for my Master Mati!!!! I'm so happy for him!

Master Mati gave her the bouquet and his gift that he personally chose for her. Awwwww....


Not to be biased but I swear that Master Mati and Olga were the BEST looking couple that night. They were both beautiful and handsome I promise you!!!!

They should have won the Prom King and Queen that night. I don't know how they tallied their votes but if I can, I would have contested it. Besides, they got an actress/TV personality for a prom queen. That's just so expected! Come on! They should've gotten Olga instead who was more beautiful and brainy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh wells....

With their little brothers....


Ha ha ha ha ha! Told you it's a family affair!

When we met up with Team Godoy in Sandaime, dear Lieza and I hit it off agad. Coincidence too that we used to be schoolmates but she was on a Mareng Gail's grade level. 

I was so engot before because after learning that they're from Marikina, I thought, okay. The venue of Mati's prom is in QC so it's still on the way. 

Later on I learned that Light of Love was located at the other side of Quezon City (Broadway Centrum side) that our starting point at home became the middle.

It was still fine with us of course and we told dear Lieza that we'll pick them up. She was soooo nice and insisted to just meet in the venue because she knows that it was indeed out of the way for us. I was very dyahe about it and told her that we still wanted to pick them all up. Dear Lieza assured us that it would be okay and that it would be better for everyone if we just meet.

I hope we didn't scare them. H aha ha ha!

But yep, it was a big help to us especially that it's peak hours too. So thank you thank you thank you talaga Team Godoy for being so cool about everything. 

You guys were awesome!!!!!! No arte at all -- just pure niceness!!!!

Time for us to leave and let these little ones have a good time!

I was supposed to watch them from outside but Olga saw me. 

Hala! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

See? Ain't she a lot of fun?

We stayed for a little bit because the bunsoys Andrei and Logan wanted to play some more.

Group picture with Mati's friends and table mates!

Tee hee.... If you crop it you would think that Mati had 2 dates!

I think the lady in blue was very shy of her date? I don't know.

As for our dinner, we went to Pancake House.

The besties stuffed themselves with chicken, spaghetti, and pancakes. Yep. Pancakes are also good for dinner. He he he he!

The oldies!!!

For dessert, we went to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf where the little kids played Monopoly while the oldies chatted some more.

Master Mati sent me some pics during their dinner. 

The food! Mati said they both enjoyed the grub served that night.

Awwww... Look at the smile of my big guy!

When dear Lieza asked Olga how they were doing, she sent this picture. So I guess they're doing okay.

When we got back, the two were all smiles and showed us their pictures.

We asked how their night was and they both said that they had fun naman (ha ha ha! I hope that's a good thing). Mati was just itty bitty bummed that Olga was too shy to dance. Ha ha ha ha ha! It's okay my big guy, what's important is her company!!!

Mati and Olga's photobooth pic!!!

Note the Keanu moves that Mati was trying to do in the upper left pic. He he he... My gentleman got shy!

A photobooth pic with Mati's friend and date.

Olga later said that Mati left her for awhile to take pictures with friends. One Bosconian approached her and asked for a dance. Good ol' Olga refused and said her date was Mati.

Awwww... Thanks dear Olga! That just shows how much of a lady you are. 

Eto naman si Mati iniwan ka! I told him not to leave you even for just a minute! Grrrrr!

See? Told you that Olga is VERY pretty!

Thank you again so much to dear Olga and Team Godoy for agreeing to be Master Mati's date for the prom. It means so much to us that even if we don't know each other, you allowed Olga to go with Mati. 

At the same time too, super thanks dear Olga for being such a beautiful and super cool date. Mati talaga has VERY good taste! Ha ha ha ha ha!

And that wraps up Mati's prom!!!!! I'm not sure about the others but even if we're just chaperones, I still had a great time! As in I'm really happy how everything went.

It may be OA but promise, we are sooooo grateful Team Godoy!!!! We know that this will be the start of a beautiful friendship with their cool family!!!!

But, as dear Lieza and I have agreed on our many chikas, friends lang dapat these two!!! Olga agreed. Ha ha ha ha! As for Mati, I'm sure he will have a crush on Olga. Ganda e. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry Mati. Your Mommy is so daldal.

I guess that's why you REALLY don't want me to be your date. It's okay. Olga is a super perfect substitute.

(Egad. I wonder how I'm going to be when Mati has a girlfriend na???????????????????)


He he he he!

So happy with how my boys' events ended. I hope next year, I won't be as affected/concerned and just let the boys go on their own to have a great time.

Naaaaah. I'm sure that won't ever happen. The Yub and I will ALWAYS be there for them, whether they like it or not.






  1. Fan nila kong 2. Sobrang bagay. Ang pretty ni Girl!

    1. Hulooooooooo Erika!!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Cute mo naman. Pero yes, I SO agree! Olga is very pretty and she's very smart and kind pa! Mati is really blessed to have her as his date for the prom!

  2. Waahhh ms jaz, i am dreading the day na magpprom na din ang 4yrs old baby ko hahaha �� malamang nian ihatid ko din sila hehehe �� so bilis po. Binata na c mati and so pogiii and his date is very pretty too..❤ bagay sila ms jaz promiseee hihihi

    1. Hiya Tinemon!!!!!!

      Hay naku! Ang bilis talaga ng panahon! I so agree. Dati ako ang Supergirl niya now, ayaw na ako idate! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha!!!!! Huhuhu... I pray talaga he gets a girl who will love him more than I do... possible kaya???

      Bwa ha ha ha the whole family din right??? Yes bagay sila thanks! Dapat nga sila talaga ang King and Queen of that prom!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cool Parents + Cool Kids = Fun Fun Fun

    1. Wow... thank you sooo much! Warms my heart that you called the kids "cool". I don't think my sons would agree that their parents are the same though... ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah!

  4. Teka, wait... wait... prom na ba talaga? Teka wait, ambilis. Hahaha.

    Super bagay si Mati and Olga! <3 <3 <3

    I'm super happy for you Ms. Jaz, na family affair. Everything is transparent and off to a good start.

    1. Hullooooo Yanna!!!!

      DI BAAAA????? When he told me about it I was like, I'M NOT YET PREPARED!!! HUHUHU!!!

      Ay I SOOO agree!!! I know I'm not being biased but I swear they're the MOST good looking couple that night. And I'm so happy for my dearest Mati. Parang romcom movie ending!!! He he he he he he!!!!

      Thanks dear Yanna!! I know I promised my Master Mati that it'll just be him next year, pero I don't know. Malamang kasama pa din kami. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Syempre, he needs our photo coverage. Kidding!

      Mwa mwah mwaaaaaaaah!
