
Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I guess it's fairly obvious how my boys and I are such super hero addicts. That's why after watching AVENGER'S ENDGAME, we wanted to watch it again and again.

One weekend, my big guy and I thought that it's high time for our AVENGER'S ENDGAME part two. My Master Mati pointed out that it could be our pre-Mother's Day date already.

Awwwww... That's my Mati! He's a man with a plan!!!!!

With that, I asked him what he wanted for dinner. He wanted to know what I craved first but I countered how making him happy makes me happy already. He then thought long and hard and chose a restaurant where we recently enjoyed that the Yub was not in a hurry to eat in. We both looked at each other and said in unison --


He he he he!

Yihiii.... It's date night for us!!!!!

I love going out with my big guy because we share the same taste in food and love for movies. I always have the best time with him!!!!

(Missing my little bunsoy also but we have another date scheduled).


My guy tried to make a selfie. He he he he he!!!!

GANSO SHABUWAY condiments!

I just love their dipping sauces!

Le broth!

We got the seaweed and the spicy miso.

My excited guy!

Wohoo! Our food is here!

I was thinking what to order and my Mati suggested to have the one we ordered before. I was a bit hesitant because there were 3 of us then and I'm not sure if I could eat a lot that night.

My guy said he'll eat everything. So okay I got USDA Choice Angus Beef Set with Noodles for 2 pax (P940.00)!!

Egad. Look at that plate of meat!!!!

I'm not feeling the ones with freezer burns but I'm loving the marbling!!!!!

The set came with udon noodles, veggies, and balls!! My new favorite are those cubes which were like soft tofu.

LET'S EAT!!!!!!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Master Mati in GANSO SHABUWAY (again)!!!!!!

Check us out having our first GANSO SHABUWAY date 6 years ago!!!

Awwww my little chubby Mati!

Our boiling soup.

Egad. I'm so full already. I don't think I could go on.

I think it's the same with my Master Mati but he made a promise so he's eating on.


Yep! He's proud. Ha ha ha ha ha!

My bill!!!

Time for our movie.

Yep. I had the whole theatre closed just for us!!!


But somebody believed this when I posted it on facebook. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I love movie dates with my big guy!

Our drinks -- coke for him, coffee for me!

DONE with our AVENGER'S ENDGAME take 2!! (I wanted to have a take 3 kaso my big guy doesn't like na. CHE!!!!)

One of the best things about being a Mommy is being with my boys who are growing up to be gentlemen. So proud of my big guy. 

More date nights please!!! Thanks for planning our Mother's Day date.

I love you forever my dearest!

 P1, Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell Drive, Makati, 1210 Metro Manila
 (02) 822 4864 




  1. Hi Ms. Jaz,

    Just finished a super heavy backreading of your posts haha. Seriously ang dame =) Congrats on your kids graduations plus Mati's prom. Enjoyed ur Okada staycation & Mother's Day Celebration a lot. Loved Captain Marvel & Avengers Endgame!!! Watched both at least 5 times after that ayoko na.Sawa factor is real LOL. Was surprised you ate at San Francisco Steak House because I pass that everytime I go to work then back home. Its been a crazy work sked for months due to my several businesses/side hustles. Missed ur blog that I promised I will read everything you missed TODAY which thankfully I did. Super updated ako ulit sa inyo haha.

    THANKS Ms. Jaz for taking da time to post all these. Hope 2 meet you one day.

    Wishing you & family all the good luck, good karma, & blessings on your way that this world has to offer!!!

    From Your richest/multi-millionaire/nicest reader hahahahaha. Self promoting & bragging at its best LOL.


    1. Hullooooooooooo dear Kyle!!!

      HOW ARE YOU?? OMG I missed you!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! But I'm happy that you're busy with business and rakets. It's great problem to be soooo busy with blessings. Ha ha ha ha! Naks! Penge naman raket!! Tee heee!!!

      Thank you soooo much! Naku I hope di ka magkamigraine. My posts could get pretty long and... senseless. ha ha ha ha ha ha! Pero still thanks!! mwah mwah!

      Grabe 5 times?? I'm sure I'll get to that pero I don't think I could do it consecutively ha ha ha ha ha ha! I wonder if I'll get super sawa too. The most I did was 3 lang for Endgame (not counting watching it afterwards in download). But I don't know. Endgame IS THE BEST MOVIE THERE ISSSSSSSSS kaya I'm not so sure if I'll get sawa. ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Uy you're in Mandaluyong din also??? We also tried the Korean resto beside it and okay din siya.

      No, thank YOU for reading! I'm honored that you find time to take a look at the posts that I feel so passionately about... It's my life e.

      Yes hope to meet you din someday. Picture picture ha? Promise???

      Take care and God bless you also! Thank you and right back atya. Good karma happens to good people as well.

      NAAAAAAAAAAAKS naMAN!!!!!!!!!!! AH EH.... Best friends tayo di ba??/ BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

      Mwah mwah!

    2. Pahingi raket? Bigyan na lang kita Ms. Jaz ng 20,000 pesos haha para hindi ka mahirapan. True its a good problem 2 have but dat also means less time 2 do da other things I want.

      Well I guess its a balance do I want 2 have more time but poor or crazy wealthy but with a hectic sked. Im striving for somewhere in da middle lang. Right now Im still figuring it out #Adulting LOL.

      I actually enjoy ur posts more when its longer so no worries there kung gusto mo man mag nobela sa blog mo. Will still find time 2 read it when I can.

      I agree Avengers: Endgame is one of da best movies of all time in my book but after watching it 5 times Im done hahaha.

      Yes Im from Mandaluyong. Taga Mandaluyong ka din I thought you live near Rockwell?

      Like I said before or maybe I havent told you yet I like your storytelling which is why I keep coming back. I may not comment all da time or visit ur blog every week.However, for light reading when time permits it ur one of da few that I like 2 read a lot.

      Pag nagkita tayo you can bring da whole family kahit with BGP Group pa MY TREAT!!! You can pick da place & I will pick my wallet LOL.

      Thank you so much Ms Jaz.

      Thank you Bestfriend =)


    3. Hiya Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Sorry late answer naku super slow internet. Kainis I already have a long answer for you last week tapos naghang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

      Ahem! Game ako sa P20,000.... ha ha ha ha ha! Shall I give you my account number or ipapagrab mo na lang??? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      With regards to balancing work and your social life, I think you're doing a good job of it. Basta in the end, don't forget that family should still come first. Yun lang, cash is also important to be able to make them first. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Am I making sense? I'm in my 4th cup of coffee tonight. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Yayyy thank you ha. My blog is really something super personal that's why if you noticed, there's super less (or wala na) sponsored posts. Before it was fun accepting events pero I don't want my blog to be commercialized kasi diary lang talaga siya. Yun lang was I too idealistic to turn down a potential extra income and GCs? I don't know. I don't attend events na din and in time, invites lessened as well (either they saw I don't attend kasi OR my writing is THAT bad... ha ha ha ha ha! It's okay). This silly little blogations is really for me to record all the special memories I have. That's why I'm extra honored when I encounter those who enjoy reading it. I know that they are insta-kindred spirits agad. Like you!!! NAAAAAKSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

      Just saw Avengers again last Saturday! I slept around 4am na. Want to watch again. he he he he he he!!!!!

      No, just in Mandaluyong! Sa LOOB!!!! (oldest joke I know).

      Thank you for always reading. At times when I'm too lazy to edit my grammar, I remember that there are cool peeps like you who may be reading it kaya I give it another edit (yes, it may not be obvious but I proofread... ha ha ha ha ha... and yes, I know I missed some grammar classes).

      TALAGAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA??? SPIRAL??? Kidding!!!!! I'll hold you to that offer when I turn 60 years old (which is like 35 years from now... BWA HA HA HA HA)!!!

      You're welcome and super thank you also dear best friend!!!!!!!!

      Wag na Ms. Jaz pleeeeeeeease. He he he he he he!!!

      Mwah mwah!
