
Wednesday, July 17, 2019


My bunsoy baby recently graduated from Grade school and I cannot help but feel so emotional about it.

Emotional??? Yeah. I know you might find that weird (or over-acting) but I swear, having a son graduate from Grade School is something that would get a Mommy all choked up because it makes their transfer from babyhood to teenager all official. 

My baby bunsoy is going to be in High School naaaaa!!!! Huhuhu...........

We all got ready so early for Andrei's graduation!

Master Mati initially didn't want to attend but I reminded him how we should all be supportive of each other and that Andrei attended his Grade school graduation as well. 


This was just 3 years ago!!!

Now it's Andrei's turn and he's SOOOOO excited.

For Andrei's graduation, they held it in the gym (as opposed to Mati's which was held in the auditorium).

Seats for parents were reserved. (I think I kept this sign of our names. He he he he!).

Early birds!!! You know us, we always want to be in an event early. I liked our reserved places too because we were in the aisle. He he he he!

Master Mati was able to seat comfortably near us.

Sayang! If we only knew that there would loads of free spots, I would have invited my Mom and siblings!

64th Graduation event!

Check out the invite.

Andrei's Graduation will be done in exactly 2 hours and we were relieved that we will be on time for our dinner with family.

I realized then that the reason for the swift ceremony was because there was no Baccalaureate mass.

And guess what? The Yub and I we're not able to attend THAT. You want to know why???

So we received a letter many weeks ago informing us that the school will have Andrei's grade level mass on this day. Obviously we didn't read it too much and just relied on the "verbal interpretation" of the letter. (Ha ha ha!). I asked Andrei  if the Yub and I needed to go there and he said, "No mama, it'll just be like our usual mass."

So I said "Okay" and took a mental note that I'll buy something for his offering. 

LO AND BEHOLD, little did I know that on the day of mass it was actually THE Baccalaureate mass and that parents were ACTUALLY invited.  Andrei instead asked his Lola (my Mom) to attend for us.


I learned about that come night time na and when I asked him WHYYYY he didn't tell us do you know what the bunsoy said?

"It's because I know you'll take lots of pictures Mommy and I don't like it when you take pictures."


Sige. A LOT OF PICTURES ARE COMING!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And it starts!!!

Awwww! Look at how proud my baby bunsoy is!

He's walking so confidently!

Very happy pa!

He gave a short bow to acknowledge Teacher Wendy, his adviser, then went to his seat.

There he is!

Promise at this point I already had tears in my eyes. My baby! Huhu!!!! He'll become a moody high schooler na, na manyakis I'm sure.... Huhuhu!!!!

I'm sure you know what I mean! >:(

The graduates!!!!!

When it was time for the giving of diploma, we were so proud that my baby bunsoy was one of the awardees of the St. Dominic Savio award. 

For awardees, parents were asked to go onstage.

Yayyyy! Thanks for this dear Andrei!!! Parents without awards kasi were made to stay at the center aisle offstage. He he he he... (Sorry minsan lang kami umakyat).

The Yub and I were so happy for Andrei!

The St. Dominic Savio award is for those who received recognition for good conduct for all quarters during their Grade 5 and Grade 6. To qualify, the student must submit the certificates and my bunsoy really searched hard for it all (with my assistance of course. I could look for it myself but he needed to learn. Ano sya sinuswerte??? Ha ha ha ha haa). 

That's why we're all extra proud of my dearest Andrei. We saw how hard he worked for it (ang hirap kaya magpakabait??? Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Seriously though, we're extra proud of Andrei because though it is an honor to receive awards for academics but to be acknowledged for your exemplary behavior and living the ways of St. Dominic Savio, gave a certain loving warmth in my heart.

I was almost like walking in cloud 9 when....


Eric: Huy dito!!!!

My eng eng self went to the OTHER side of the stage when I should go left! GRRRR!!! There onstage was a mini-tug of war of"dito!", "No, dito!" then later on the priest holding the diplomas had to tell me to follow Yub and Andrei.




Got this on video pa for extra embarrassment! Huhuhu!!!!!

Thanks Pope for warning me. Huhuhu!

Oh well....

The bunsoy Andrei was front and center while singing their special graduation song.

I could almost hear him also!

I love how my bunsoy is always so eager at participating in activities like these. I even saw him silently practicing one time. 

Awwww... Good job my baby bunsoy!

Yayyy! O di ba? Hanggang tenga my tawa???

My bunsoy baby refused to wear the simple sampaguita necklace we gave him (CHE!!!) but he proudly wore his St. Dominic Savio medal!

The baby bunsoy with Teacher Wendy!

With Teacher Beng!!!!

And with Teacher Joel!

With his friend Vance and Mommy Alma!

With another buddy!!!!

With dear Elijah!!!

We were not able to take a lot of pictures of Andrei with his teachers and friends because we got busy with getting family pictures first.

For THIS one we asked help from the photographer that the school got. Aba, he said he's not allowed unless we get from him. Okay fine. Since we really wanted to have a family pic onstage, I paid P200 for him to take a picture of us. Then I gave him my cel (for the pic you see above).

Up to now we haven't received the picture that I paid for. Hay naku! Tapos the Yub lost the receipt pa. Oh well. That's P200 down the drain for THIS picture where Mati hid behind Andrei. 


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep! We cannot have enough family pictures during Andrei's graduation.

Next year Master Mati will have his moving up ceremony naman.


For his graduation dinner, the bunsoy asked for PEPPER LUNCH!

Luckily there were a lot of free tables in PEPPER LUNCH that night. 

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy and Kuya Jon!!!!

Kuya Jay and Karen!


We're super happy too that BGP and family were able to join us!!!!!

Manong Fred, and BGP Mariane!!!

BGP's parents, Tito Jun and Ninang Marlene!!!!

Andrei got excited that best guy pal Paolo was there!!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the family for Andrei's graduation!

Side A...

Side B!!!!

By the way, if you're looking for my sister and Anthony, the latter got his appendix taken out. Tsk tsk tsk.. He he he he...


PEPPER LUNCH Beef Pepper Rice (P220.00)!

The fool proof classic! You could never go wrong with this one.

Beef Pepper Lunch with cheese (add P45)!

Beef Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef with Egg (P255.00)!!!

PEPPER LUNCH Cheese Curry Beef Rice (P385.00)!!

PEPPER LUNCH The Giant (P699.00)!


For the price and quality of the beef, this was soooo bang for our buck. It's much cheaper than other steakhouses but the beef was still so thick and juicy! YUM YUM!!! I loved this!

The big one came with veggies too!!!!!

PEPPER LUNCH Double Beef Hamburger with Egg (P345.00)!!

This was Andrei's order and the reason why we're here!!!!

Anything for you my baby bunsoy.


Simot sarap ah. H aha ha ha....

After eating, my bunsoy was raring to play with BGP Paolo!

They took selfies pa. So cute!

Yun lang Andrei hasn't mastered the art of selfies. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Afterwards, my family went home na. Had coffee with BGP's family.

Tee hee... Yup. This is how I ALWAYS name our Starbucks orders.

While the adults were chatting, the two were busy playing with Andrei's new gifts.

Awwwww... Besties talaga!


Again, with our without the award, we are so proud and happy for our dear Andrei graduating from elementary.

Thank you my dearest for giving me a stress-free year without any calls from the grade school principal, or problems with your grades or other students. Whatever difficulties you'd have you told me that you'll handle it and you were able to.

Thank you my bunsoy! You are indeed so ready for High School. I may call you my baby always but you are actually so independent and capable of taking care of yourself. I'm so thankful to have you as my son.

Actually, we all are! Yep! Even Master Mati!

Congratulations again my Andrei! We're behind you all the way!



Lower Ground Floor, Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell, Makati City
+63 9175125989 / 02 8956185




  1. Congratulations poging Andrei! ✨

    Hahaha kakaloka Ms. Jaz, lumabas yung tubig sa ilong ko sa kakatawa dun sa part na "manyakis" hahaha 🤣 Pero I know naman na your boys are raised well at home and in school, kaya gentlemen sila pag laki 🙏

    Also good job kasi di na gaano mapili kumain 😜😁

    1. Hulooooooooo dear Yanna!!!!

      Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Ang weird mommy ko no? Pero it's true di ba?? When they were babies they were innocent pag tanda nila huhuhu hay naku! Boys will be boys!!!! Thanks!!! Yes, really trying my best to raise them as gentlemen. Yun lang ang naughty talaga! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Oo yayyy! We're happy! At least mas lumalaki na scope of foods to eat niya. He he he he he he!

      Mwah mwah mwah!
