
Monday, February 26, 2018


Growing up, my Daddy always made a fuss about our birthdays and would come up with ways various ways to celebrate. The celebration need not to be a lavish or expensive one. We could have lunch at  our favorite Shakeys but my Daddy always knew how to make the celebrant feel special.

That's why every year, the Yub and I made sure to make the little lords feel like kings during their birthdays; even extending it to a 2 week celebration to make it more memorable for them. Again, the "birthdates" may be a staycation or dinner at a fast food restaurant, but one thing's for sure, it's something that the celebrant will love.

Of course, we know that it doesn't take much to make the little lords happy. They're fine anywhere as long as there's a birthday song at the end. Still, the Yub and I want them to have unforgettable times that we will do all that we can to make it happen.

The numerous celebrations may be costly, that's why we'd just set aside something every payday. I may miss some shopping or gimik days, but it's okay -- we're
 celebrating something so much more worth it anyway.

So here's to you my dearest bunsoy! We hope you had a lot of fun with your 11th birthday celebrations. Truth be told, we feel that this is still not enough because Mommy, Daddy, and Kuya Mati love you so much that if we can, we'd celebrate everyday!!!! He he he he he!!!!

So really, thank you for being YOU my dearest. Happy Birthday and we love you!!!

Wohooo Andrei!!!!!!!

We started off Andrei's celebrations early as we had a pre-birthday trip to Baguio!

There, he made some pizzas....

Rode on bikes....

And rowed a boat!

But what he really wished for in BAGUIO when we go back was to do A LOT of horse back riding.

We went to Wright Park twice and Andrei was able to ride Amo the horsie for a loooooong time!

Read about our BAGUIO fun... HERE!

On the eve of his actual birthday....

The Yub and I went home late the night before Andrei's birthday. It's okay because we were supposed to set up his balloons and signs.

However, our angel slept already and we can't find where she hid the balloons and decors. With that, we just resolved to wake up extra early the next day to surprise the birthday boy when he wakes up for school.

Lo and behold when we woke up, everything was set up!!!! My brother pala knew where it was and when he woke up in the wee small hours of the morning, he took it upon himself to prepare the decors.

Yayyy! Thanks Kuya Jon!

And when the birthday boy saw his balloons and decors at 5:30am....


He got so excited!!!!!

Just look at that smile!

My bunsoy is actually still sleepy but he was so happy with his mini-surprise!

Yay Andrei!

Happy birthday my dearest!

Before, we would always sing to him at midnight. But because of school he'd always sleep early and would be so cranky when we wake him up for the birthday song, that we just decided to do his surprise in the morning. He he he he he he!

My baby dove into his gifts agad....

Kracie edible toys from Ninong Jon!

An army Swatch from Ninang Jojit!

and a leather jacket from me and the Yub!!!!!!

He immediately wore it to school that day! Yay!

In Andrei's school, they didn't allow birthday cakes or snacks/lunch for his classmates. But we were able to buy these cute lollipops which Andrei shared. He said everyone loved it!

The Yub and I had work that day but my husband left early to surprise our birthday bunsoy in school!

The Yub was supposed to take him out for pizza but Andrei asked if he could just stay longer in school and play with his friends.

Aba aba! Okay na nga!


He's so happy playing with friends.

Pano na kami Andrei???

#dramarama ha ha ha ha ha!

When he got home, he asked my Yub if he could do a Kracie toy while waiting for the others to dress up.

Normally, he'd do the Kracie edible toy with me so I could take pictures for my blog. But since it's birthday, he could do it by his lonesome.

That night, the family went to Andrei's wish, HEALTHY SHABU SHABU for his birthday dinner!

Mommy, Ate Jojit, and Anthony!

The birthday boy with his ninong Jon!

The Yub and Master Mati!

I got out late from work so I was just on the way here from Quezon City.

Que horror!

For dessert, we had some cake!

Because birthdays aren't complete without cake, a song, and sparkly candles!!!!!!

Andrei ate fast so he could unwrap his birthday gift.

Yayy! A monster truck!

Thanks lola!

And finally, I arrived! He he he he he he!

Sorry bunsoy Mommy is late.

I "made up" for the bunsoy by making his favorite breakfast the next day.

I asked him if he wanted to go somewhere special for lunch.

He just wanted to play some drums at the studio.

And jam with his teacher Emerson!

Thanks Teacher Emerson!

My bunsoy Andrei really wanted to jam after dinner last night and Teacher Emerson was game. But it was too late and I recommended the next day na lang. He he he he he he....

It was EAT BULAGA'S CHRISTMAS PARTY that night so the Yub took out the little lords for another celebration.

He loved it there because the pizzas were good and he could assemble it himself!!!! :) 

The next day, we had Andrei's birthday Sunday brunch with our BP family!

My bunsoy was so happy because he got to eat pancakes with his friends!

He got a birthday song from them too!!!

Thanks BP group!

Check out our blog post on PANCAKE HOUSE, HERE!

After our brunch, the birthday boy and my godson Jelo wanted to try out something new.

They wanted to try out the kiddie bungee jump trampolines!

Go Andrei!

He did it with his buddy Jelo!

At first they were okay. Then when things got higher....


Nge! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh well... that's a barrel of laughs.

My best bud (since College) Aning and I were thankful that our sons are great friends too.

Yun lang, since they are soooooo alike, Andrei and Jelo would fight sometimes. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ngayon, magkasundong magkasundo sila and they were soooo kulit!

The same goes with our older sons Mati and Johans.

Yayyyy for best bud-ship!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much BP Group!!!! We had a LOT of fun as usual!

I'm so happy for the bunsoy Andrei that he got to celebrate his birthday with his friends.

Before going home, Team Navarro offered a prayer for Andrei.

Thanks dear Gem, Jojie, Fritz, and Jeorgina!

It was the start of the little lords' exam week that we just stayed home for dinner since they had to study.

I just cooked Andrei's request.... Super creamy Carbonara!!!!

We also had some steamed crabs to be dipped in butter and lemon!


Even if we stayed in that night, my birthday bunsoy enjoyed his dinner!

We were not able to go out the whole week because it was the little lords' exams. But on Friday, the last day, we had another "Birthdate" for Andrei in his favorite, GENKI SUSHI!

Andrei asked if he could order try out something new because it was still his birthday.... We said, SURE!

And so he got the Salmon Roe sushi. Ha ha ha ha ha! 

By the way, we were supposed to sing to Andrei but somebody forgot the candles....

Tsk... tsk... tsk!

Oh well!

Happy Birthday dear Andrei!

Master Mati wasn't able to come with us because he attended a wedding somewhere so far away. He didn't mind missing his favorite Genki Sushi because the reception of the wedding had a buffet and he ate A LOT. Ha ha ha ha ha!

That's my boy!

To officially end Andrei's 11th birthday celebrations, the Yub and I treated the boys to IMPOSSIBLE Magic Show!

Andrei's would sometimes be on the backseat because of exams and the Christmas rush. But we promised him that the 25th is always "the last day" and he's so excited with the magic show.

It's his first time to watch one that's not in a birthday party. He he he he he!

You could tell from my boys' faces that they were so into the show!!!!!

Check out our blog on this awesome magic show, HERE!!!!

That was all for you dear Andrei!!!!

We hope you enjoyed your many birthday celebrations!!!!

You'll never know how much you made your Daddy and me so happy.

You are the BEST bunsoy that I could have every prayed for and I'm just thankful everyday that the Lord has blessed us with your "beingness".

(Belated) Happy Birthday my dearest!!! We love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!






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