
Monday, March 20, 2017


My first born Mati just turned 13 and I'm ready to cry my brains out.

Why you ask??? WHY???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY???

Mati is my first ever baby boy!!!!

He's the one who subjected me to ONLY 2 hours of labor (world record if you ask me) when I gave birth to him...

He's the one whom I exclusively breastfed and never went out for, for 6 months....

He's the one whom I made a scrapbook filled with my letters, memorabilia, and pictures that I started when I got pregnant with him...

He's the one whom I personally sewed "JM" in all of his baby clothes even if I HATED sewing...

He's the one whom I always bit on the chin so I could smell his milky breath and showered him with kisses...

He's the one whom I would call everyday the moment he gets home from school...

He's the one whom I composed several songs for...


Then now...

My forever baby boy Mati  wants to be called MATTHEW because he said HE'S ALREADY A TEENAGER!!!


Seriously though, even if I could get so sentimental at how my little lord is now leaving behind his "baby-ness", I am so proud at how he's growing up into my loving, curious, smart, and gentle little giant. Of course, we would hit snags every now and then because of his naughtiness but I am always thankful to God for blessing me with such a sweet guy who has given my life a deeper meaning and purpose. Besides that, I'm really loving at how he is so fun guy to be with, somebody I could totally see myself being best buddies to because he's such a foodie, he loves old movies, could talk a ton, is attuned to the wonderful world of Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, and most of all, he's a gentleman...

Yun lang, when you're on a date, if you're slow he'll eat your food too.

Tee Hee!!!!

Mi ultimo Mati and now he's turning 13 years old. And since birthdays are already a big deal to THE YAPPY BUNCH, we are giving Master Mati a more special 2-week birthday celebration.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dearest!!!!

Master Mati's awesome 2-week birthday celebration started off on January 1. He got his wish to have great buddy Johans (of Team Virrey) to have a sleepover with us. And for that special Sunday, my Dad treated Mati to a full order of Cebu Lechon belly!!!

Now this was SOOOOO yum!!!

Thanks Daddy!

Mati, Johans, and Andrei played videogames the whole day afterwards. And at dinner, we treated our special birthday boy to his favorite, GENKI SUSHI!

Yup! This has been the boys' top favorite and it will ALWAYS be in their birthday wishlist.

Special delivery!

The boys won't stop talking, laughing, and playing around. Hearing birthday boy Mati have so much fun is already music to my ears.

When we got home, the boys proceeded to play videogames again. Come 12:00am, January 2, 2017, the Chinese Dimpol and I made our usual surprise....


Even if we've been doing this for 13 years, it still surprises the boys!

Master Mati is now officially 13 years old!

He's now a teenager!!!

It may already be 12:00am but we are NOT yet ready to go to bed.

The next day, the birthday boy slept in and woke up just in time for his birthday lunch!

This was a Monday and the Chinese D and I were so thankful that President Duterte declared this as a holiday. Yey!

As always, it's going to be in the family favorite KIMPURA!!!


Birthday boy Mati, Johans, and little Andrei!

John Watson and Sherlock!

Because that's what's on my marathon list now...

Rocio, Mommy and Daddy!!!

Karen and Kuya Jay!

We had plates and plates of sushi...

Fried Rice...

Seriously, we could only have this for lunch and we'd still be happy!



Teppanyaki Chicken and Shrimp!

Plus Tempura, Oysters, and Makis!!!

Let's eat!

Let's eat part two!

(Ate Jojit and Anthony were late... as usual!!!)

Afterwards, the KIMPURA waiters gave a birthday song to Mati!

Yup! We have A LOT of those candles!

Thanks Kimpura!!!!

Thanks also to Daddy for Mati's birthday lunch!!! 

Afterwards, Ate Jojit treated us all to HAPPY LEMON for dessert.

The boys were SO raring to go home because they'll be playing with more videogames. Ate Jojit and I got a kick out of "delaying" our stay further in HAPPY LEMON.

Yes. We're evil, we know. He he he he he!

When we got home, it was time for Master Mati to open gifts!

P6,000.00 in cash from his Lolo and Lola!

Plus more cash from his Tito Jon!

A blue shirt from me...

A DEADPOOL with special features from his Daddy!

(One of the things that Mati is SO looking forward to at turning 13 is that now he could watch R-13 movies! He he he he he!)

Another shirt from me...

And one more shirt from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Afterwards it's video games all the way!

We normally don't let them play PS3 for a long time but it IS master Mati's boithday after all!

At night time, we went to Powerplant for Mati's birthday dinner. But first we passed by the chapel.

There, we prayed for Master Mati and thanked the Lord, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio, Mother Mary, Jesus, and his guardian angels for all his blessings!

Then, it's our birthday dinner treat for the Mati-boy at HEALTHY SHABU SHABU -- his favorite since he was a baby!

My brothers and sisters did not join us anymore because they were still bundat from lunch and they all had work tomorrow. He he he he he he!

YEY! Lower bill for us!

Johans joined us for dinner (Yey!) and we'll be taking him home afterwards.

Of course, ANYTHING to make the birhtday boy happy!

And then, it's time for Master Mati's birthday cake!

I'm sure you could guess that Yub bought the cake because he didn't include Andrei.


We had special candles with us but Master Mati said he's fine with the small candle.

Oh no! He's getting embarrassed na by us! He he he he he!


After taking Johans home, the little lords were at it again with their Ps3! The Chinese D and I let them enjoy the last few hours of Master Mati's official birthday because they don't have school tomorrow.


When the little lords were not studying yet, we would always go out everyday to fulfill the 2-week birthday celebration. But now they have school, we could only treat the birthday boy out on weekends. 

For that Friday, Master Mati chose to eat at KOREAN!

We decided to try out SONG DO KOREAN RESTAURANT in El Pueblo because my office has been ordering food there for so long.

My master Mati was fine anywhere as long as it was Korean with a good serving of his favorite Bibimbap!

Judging by that clean bowl, I guess the birthday boy got what he wished for!!!

Check out the blogpost HERE!!!!!!!!!!

The next day, we're giving Master Mati a surprise birthday party!!!


For the longest time he's been telling me, "Mommy, you should cook for your friends for my birthday like what you did for Andrei. Since they're our friends na din."

Awwww... Ain't he sweet?

I told him that everyone was busy and even though he didn't say anything, I could tell he was a bit disappointed.

Little did he know that we were all going to give him a surprise lunch and swimming party at Metroclub in Makati!

My boy was so confused and speechless!


It was really a great day and we were all thankful for the special people to Mati (besides the family) who celebrated with us. 

Check out our blogpost there HERE!!!!!!!!

The Chinese Dimpol and I had invites to go out on that weekend, but when it's the 2-week birthday celebration of our little lords, we always reserve all Saturdays and Sundays for them (wala munang friends! He he he he). 

For that Saturday, my birthday boy's wish was to eat at PEPPER LUNCH!

Yup! It's his favorite too!

Mati has been raring to watch Assassin's Creed and included it in his birthday wishlist.

The movie may not be that good but we still enjoyed watching it because we're with our super duper birthday boy!

For our family Sunday lunch, THIS greeted Master Mati a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Yup! This was a thick Wagyu Steak from KITAYAMA meatshop and my boy had it cooked medium rare!

That's my Mati! He has good taste!!!!

Master Mati also requested for my chicken chow mein noodles that day. We really had a great feast!

We were so full that Mati agreed not to go out that night anymore.  Besides that, it was exam week!

It's okay because take a look at our leftovers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The steak was still mighty good even if it was fried up again! Yummm! I ate it with the roasted garlic.

Next Friday, the birthday boy was craving for some dimsum!

(By the way, if you're looking for the bunsoy Andrei, he said he would rather go with his Lolo during our birthday food trippings. He he he he he!)

It was a packed table that night in MONGKOK but guess what? We were able to finish it all!

We all had happy tummies for the birthday boy Mati!

For that weekend, we booked a birthday staycation for Mati at MARCO POLO HOTEL in Ortigas!

We all had an awesome time swimming because the pool was heated!!!!

We swam till night time! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For dinner that Saturday, I asked Mati what he craved for and he picked GRINGO!

Mati remembered the last time he licked clean the bones of GRINGO ribs and roasted chicken that when there's a new branch at SM Megamall, he immediately asked for it!

Blog post coming soon!

Before going back to the hotel however, Master Mati requested for some sushi at Sushi Nori!

Yup! Instead of our usual midnight snack of noodles, he's going for THIS!

When we got back to MARCO POLO HOTEL, Master Mati got a birthday surprise!!!!

Thank you so much MARCO POLO!!!

Blogpost coming soon!

We still had a bit of time to kill before our reservations in the last leg of Mati's birthday celebrations so we decided to do our groceries.

While waiting in the looooooong line we thought, "Why not take advantage of having a new teenager??"

So we made Mati wait in line for us while the 3 of us sat down.


You want to be a grown-up na pala ah!!!

Kidding! Love you! Don't put us in a nursing home.

To officially end Mati's 2-week birthday celebration, we're going to have dinner at his longtime wish -- SAMBOKOJIN!!!


The Chinese D and the birthday boy!

Me and my bunsoy Andrei!!!!

Master Mati has been craving to eat at SAMBOKOJIN ever since his graduation but the Chinese Dimpol and I always put it off because we'll surely be tempted to eat ginormous amounts of food. We finally agreed on our guy's birthday.

Andrei said he'll go with us too because he's going to eat a LOT of Salmon Sashimi!

And he really did!

Yummm... Meats for roasting!

Oooh yes. SAMBOKOJIN for us is the best Korean/Japanese buffet with grill there is!

For that night I especially loved their new Tan Tan Mien noodle offering. I had 2 bowls of it! 

Master Mati craved for some Bibimbap, his favorite in SAMBOKOJIN, and he got it, pronto!!!

Oooh lala! The Chinese Dimpol loved eating the Sambokojin meats with the special sauce. As for me, I wrap it in lettuce leaves with garlic and kimchi!

Op Yub! You cannot eat more than 20 shrimps okay???

Check out my 3 plates. Pano ba naman ako papayat niyan??? In my defense though, at least the amount of food per plate has lessened. 

After eating, SAMBOKOJIN gave master Mati a birthday song!

Yep! We still had some of the special candles left!


These guys have been our long-time "suki" and friends in SAMBOKOJIN! We missed the other guys who were transferred to other branches.

Burp!!! What a great dinner!

Sorry Mati. Even if it's your birthday, I have to point out how Andrei here is so cuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And thus concludes Master Mati's 2-week birthday celebration!!! Would you guys believe that he still found it bitin? Next year he wants it to be 1 month na daw. Ngee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Seriously though, our dearest Mati said this was his best birthday ever. At one point (after his birthday surprise) he was even teary-eyed and was overwhelmed with his many celebrations. 

(Belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my N.T. (New Teenager)!!!!

These birthday celebrations are not enough to convey how much we love you my cutesie poo. But still, we're happy that we have made you feel more awesome as you now become a teenager.

The same could not be said for your Mommy though.

Me: "O Mati! Now that you're a teenager, no girlfriends muna ah! Not until you're 18!!!"

Mati... este... Matthew (without missing a beat): "Well how do you know I don't have a girlfriend now?"


He he he he!

We love you 

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