
Saturday, March 4, 2017


My little bunsoy is celebrating his 10th birthday and with that, we're giving him a 10-day special too!!!!

We already had a party...
We already had a sleepover...
We already ate in his favorite restaurants...
We already had a staycation...

Now what next?

Time to do something recreational and fun! With that, we thought of DREAMPLAY!!!!

DREAMPLAY! Awooh! Awooh! Awooh! (ala 300)!

I found this family package promo by NOBU HOTEL where a weekend staycation with 2 kids also included 4 tickets to DREAMPLAY. I had enough cash saved up for Andrei's 10 days of fun, so we're going!


It was actually our second time already in DREAMPLAY (the first time was for Mati's 12th  birthday) but that was about a year ago.

I asked Andrei if he wanted to go to DREAMPLAY and he was so agogo!


It was great to learn that since it was Sunday, there was no time limit to our DREAMPLAY visit!


Wohooo! We're inside!

The boys already had their information in their data from our last visit so everything was easy peasy!

And we got our tags! Wohoo!

I asked the receptionist if they had something for kiddies celebrating their birthdays and Andrei got this red hat. Now, people in the DREAMPLAY would instantly know that my bunsoy is celebrating something special! It was so cool how attendants would immediately greet Andrei with a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" upon seeing him. It just made my guy more excited!

Now what to do first???


This is where we'll learn how to go "Fast As Lightning Kung Fu Fighting!"

Our instructors for the day were Po and Tigress!

And our score is...

Woah! Andrei was highest!

Up next was the DINOTRUX.

This has been Andrei's favorite the last time.

With this game, you just have to swipe your wristband for a game.

When they were done with DINOTRUX, the little lords ran going to DREAMPLAY's WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.

Here, you get to assemble a boat and mark it with your logo.

Awwww... Kuya is helping Andrei!

Check out Andrei's banners.

Of course, Master Mati went for Deadpool! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And the race is on!

Hmmm... Who do you think is winning?

And Mati's boat FLOATED for the win!!!!

I'm glad the little lords were both wanting to do the same activities that day in DREAMPLAY. When you're a parent, nothing is more relaxing than seeing your usual warring boys getting along so well with each other.

And up next for them was HOW TO FLY YOUR DRAGON!

This is where you could assemble your very own dragon under the tutorial of Hiccup! He he he he!

Look at Andrei's contraption!

And away it goes!

After their Dragons took flight, I heard Mati ask his little brother to go to DREAMSTUDIO and my birthday bunsoy agreed.

In DREAMSTUDIO, you could make your very own short movie involving the DREAMWORKS characters!

The little lords stayed there for a loooooong time.

It's okay. The Chinese D and I were fine chatting and going online outside!

When they were done with DREAMSTUDIO, Master Mati wanted to try out the WALL OF DESTINY.

Go Mati!

Master Mati said he'll just aim for 5 steps.

When he was at step number 5, he froze up. Oh no... Poor Mati! But with some encouragement, he was able to go to step 8. Yey!

Afterwards, he tried this out too.

While Mati was going on to different heights, Andrei visited the DREAM TALES.

He checked it out for a while and decided immediately that he missed his Kuya!

Later on, Andrei went for another round at WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT.

His Kuya joined up in a hurry.

He was determined to beat Andrei again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My bunsoy was wise this time and just started off late. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The two were non-stop running around that after rowing their boats, they jumped off to DREAMPLAY'S FURPOWER!

I think they're determined to go on an all-out ball war with each other. He he he he he he he he!

Our reservations at CHEZ GINGY were at 7:30pm later on so we had a lot of time to go explorins!

Egad, going on this wobbly bridge already made me dizzy.

But of course, I could still manage a smile. He he he he he he!

Now what shall we do in this section of DREAMPLAY???

The little lords tinkered with this lone wagon with lots of instruments.

They also tried out SHREK'S TRAINING CENTER.

Wow Andrei! Aren't you heavy???

Mati's cheating!!!

Then, the boys challenged each other with a tug of war.

I also battled Mati and it was hard!!!

I think I'll have more luck with Andrei!

Andrei and I then played at the penguins' cockpit.

Let's go Mati!

Then the two fought it out with this contraption where air from the cushions will make the ball go up. 

I guess you could imagine what they looked like here. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yey! My Androse is having fun!

Since there was no line, we decided to try out the Dream Theatre!

After the movie feature (which was more like showing of their different trailers) Mati and Andrei played with the magic mirror.

The little lords then went off for SHREK'S SWAMP!

Even if it was already their second time here, the boys still made a game out of searching for Shrek to make it more fun!

Shrek's chair!

The boys really wanted to go running around.

Good thing, even if there are minor protests, they would stop a while for my pictures.

Later on, the two got separated. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Mati tried to do a mission.

In the end, the two reunited and tried to work together. He he he he he he!

After SHREK, we saw that we were in time for a special short movie!


HUWADAHEL... This is a showing for the RING pala!

Kidding! This short movie featured King Julian!

After the short movie, we were just in time for our Cooking Class appointment.


Taking pictures were not allowed but I DID get a blurry one.


The hub and I just went outside and took pictures from the window.

Now if only sexy lady could move...

There you go! YEY!

The little lords and their creations.

Best part of the cooking class was when the Chef instructor asked everybody to sing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY song to Andrei. AWWWWW! And to think I didn't say anything!!!! That was so touching!!!!


Even Gingy was smiling.

I was so happy with the song for Andrei that I bought their picture at Chez Gingy! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Gingerbread man was still warm and perfect with the gooey icing. The boys enjoyed munching on it with a cold glass of soda.

We came from a NOBU HOTEL staycation so it was a very full day for us. It was no wonder that come 8:30pm, the little lords wanted to go home.

BUT, not without some last minute playtime.

They really liked the mirror! He he he he he he!

And now it's time to go.

Even if we had a really full day and it was already late, we felt sad leaving DREAMPLAY.

I'm sure Andrei really enjoyed his BIRTHDAY DREAMPLAY DAY because not once did he remove his special hat!!!!

And we're done!!!!

Honestly speaking we had more fun in our visit at DREAMPLAY this time because we were already familiar with the activities and which ones the little lords liked. Because there was no limit, nobody was in no hurry and we just went at our own pace. 

Ang saya!!!!

It's great that even after a weekend of swimming and "staycationing", DREAMPLAY drew out our energy in order to celebrate Andrei's birthday weekend. I'm glad that my bunsoy enjoyed himself and was so excited to play around. I'm sure he also felt so special with that birthday hat because he got greetings left and rght. So sulit if you ask me!

We really had a lot of fun! Yep! To the point that we want to go back again very soon!!!!!

Hmmm... My birthday perhaps??? He he he he he he he!



DREAMPLAY by DreamWorks
Upper Ground Floor, The Shops at the Boulevard,
City of Dreams Manila
+632 808-0909 

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