
Friday, July 29, 2016


It's our Daddyowzer's 80th birthday and like we do every year, we had a family celebration!!!!

Of course, as always, we went to his room at a little past 12:00am to sing to him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY since it was already June 19!!!

Hey Daddy!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2016


One Saturday, the Chinese Adonis and I decided to just sleep-in till before noon and laze around the house. When we (finally) went downstairs, we were greeted by these two baskets from DATU PUTI!

WOAH! DATU PUTI goodies!

The cool thing about this is that I got my own personalized cooking stuff to use!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I enjoyed our CALDERON AND GUEVARRA dinner with THE KTG so much that I really set a date to bring my friends there. Problem was, we were all so busy working, gallivanting, or just doing what we usually do that it was hard to match up our schedules.

Finally we all had a free Sunday for us all to meet up after church. Honestly, I was initially worried because CALDERON AND GUEVARRA didn't have air conditioning so I was not sure how my friends would take the heat. Later on I just consoled myself with the thought that since the food is so good there, they would be able to bear it!

And you know what? I was right!!!!

Because really, there is nothing like spending Sundays with the family and special friends over a delicious lunch. And in CALDERON AND GUEVARRA we got all of that! So as expected, everyone had a great time!

Yup! Amidst the heat and all!


We went there after church for lunch and woah it was soooo hot! If you have a choice, it would really be best to go there at dinner time. 

If you don't have a choice, don't worry because lunch time IS bearable. As long as you ask for a lot of ice cold water!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


ERICJAZ FOODIES suddenly forgot the weekday diet and trooped on over to NANBANTEI OF TOKYO to savor once more our favorite Japanese Yakitori.


This popular restaurant from Tokyo, Japan has been serving it's mouth-watering Yakitori's for over 40 years with branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, and China.  In the Philippines, NANBANTEI OF TOKYO already had branch in Makati and the Fort. Now it just opened its doors in Alabang!!!

Monday, July 25, 2016


Little Johans of Team Virrey stayed with THE YAPPY BUNCH one weekend and we all made sure that he had a great time! Of course since we were foodies, we knew that an important factor in keeping our guest happy is to always get him full with his food cravings. That is why after an afternoon of swimming in FLAIR TOWERS, we headed out to JOEY'S PEPPERONI because not only was it nearby but the little boy Johans was craving for some pizza.

And it's great that Johan's wasn't the only one full AND happy with the food at JOEY PEPPERONI'S. We all enjoyed the cheesy pizzas and scrumptious pastas!!!! Definitely a good choice not just for little Johans but for all of us!!!!


It's been awhile since my last meal in JOEY'S PEPPERONI but I feel that not much changed in the interiors.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


One Tuesday, I was tasked to buy something for work in the Greenbelt area. With that, I left the office early to head out to Makati because knowing the traffic situation these days, I might get to the store at midnight. On the way there, I decided to call BGP Marian and Manong Fred to join me for dinner with the Chinese Adonis (who was going to pick me up after my company driver leaves). Of course the first question that came forth right after I belted out the invitation was....

Where are we going to eat???

Though we have a lot of favorites in Greenbelt, Makati City, there was only one clear candidate that night -- CHILI's!!! It has forever been the favorite of me and the Chinese Dimpol's because it's where we met (yuk). And since I introduced it to BGP Mariane and Manong Fred (as an alternative to another favorite, TGIFRIDAYS), it has been on the top of their list as well.

Of course, one of the factors why we were raring to go to CHILI'S on a weekday is their P999.00 promo. Would you believe that for that affordable price,  we could share one (1) tasty appetizer and two (2) full-size entrees????

Yuh - uh... And THIS crazy deal was available for Mondays to Fridays!

So since it was a Tuesday....

CHILI'S is coming....

in our bellies!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2016


MONSTER JAM is back and our little Andrei was tremendously excited! We were able to watch it last year and my bunsoy enjoyed it so much that he requested not only to watch it on 2016 but his Kuya Mati should join us!

Ain't he sweet????

Imagine his excitement when he learned that his buddy PaoPao, BGP Marian, and Ninong Fred are joining us!!! PLUS, there would be additional trucks for this year's roster!!!

Yep! The show hasn't even started yet and he was already assured of a MONSTROUS great time!

Believe me, my Andrei cannot wait for MONSTER JAM 2016 that from the time we brought the tickets last September, he kept a countdown until the big day. Not to mention the times that he would happily declare "I'm so excited for MONSTER JAM!"

Thank you MONSTER JAM for going to the Philippines and making my little guy so happy!!! And yes, after learning that you guys are returning next year, he was almost hysterical!!!

And the countdown starts again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

It's okay because seeing him happy just warm me and my husband's hearts. So once again, let me share with you the awesome fun that we had at something that Andrei has been waiting for the whole year....

MONSTER JAM 2016!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2016


Little Johans of Team Virrey will be sleeping over our house for the weekend and the little lords CANNOT be more excited. We have a lot of activities planned for him!!!!!

It's going to be an AWESOME weekend for Johans with THE YAPPY BUNCH!!!!!!

We met up with Team Virrey for our usual Fridate for coffee and chips!

That was when Johans went home with us!

Poor Johans was a bit sad going to our house. It was his first ever sleepover and I understand how he could get immediately homesick.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


It is very rare that we go to Antipolo City because traffic can be discouraging. However, if the premise was a barbecue brunch courtesy of my brother in his lovely home, then we're there.

Because believe me, no restaurant in Antipolo City could match our love for Kuya Jay's barbecue. I think it's the ONLY reason why we go there!

Oh and to see my brother of course...


Kidding! Tee hee!!!


It was a bit traffic going to Antipolo even on a Saturday. The Chinese Dimpol and I didn't mind so much because we knew something heavenly was waiting for us....

If you're guessing BARBECUED MEATS then you're right!

Oops! To think that the little lords stayed for the night in Antipolo. But with hungry tummies, we sorta forgot about them... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Last night pic!

Oh I'm kidding!

Of course we missed them. In fact, we missed them so much that we went out to have dinner and a movie on a Friday night. Boohoo!!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


These days, KOREAN food has been number one on my list because not only are there MANY buffet deals currently to tempt my sanity, but I'm now obsessed with two Youtubers who I follow religiously: SEONKYOUNG LONGEST (for her recipes) and MOMMY TANG (for her Mukbang)!!!!

With that, I was ALWAYS craving for KOREAN cuisine. Whenever the Chinese Dimpol would ask where I wanted to eat, I would answer Kimchi today, then Jajangmyeon the next.  So naturally if there's a cheap buffet promo, we are sure to go to it. KOREAN RESTAURANTS have a lot of that anyway.

Imagine my joy when I discovered that SODAM KOREAN BARBECUE was back with a vengeance AND a promo! I really thought months ago that the restaurant closed shop because the place was always dark when we would pass by it. The thought of SODAM not existing anymore sort of bummed me out because I personally found their buffet deal the most cheap and "sulit". For one, the dishes served were hot off the pans and newly cooked. And second, for the cheap price of P322.00, they already offered eat all you can Pork AND Beef barbecue.

Like I said, "sulit" right?

It was a happy day when I learned that they only transferred to another venue in San Juan and they place now had a brighter feel to it. On top of that, they had a promo at only P299.00 for lunch AND dinner!!!

Oh yes. Miracles do happen to the person who is so hungry for it (pun intended).

Now let's start EATING!  


Monday, July 11, 2016


Even if we could actually go out on school nights after the little lords go to bed, the Chinese Dimpol and I rarely go out on weekdays. Why? Because besides saving money (in order to have the bucks for a great weekend with the boys) we are also controlling our food intake.

Don't get me wrong, we still EAT. Like A LOT. But this time we just do it during the weekends. At least in this way, we are saving AND maintaining our figures at the same time.

For one Monday however, there was no driver available to pick me up. So after his work, Yub came to the rescue. We could always go home to eat and rest. But since we are already together, an insta-date was in order.

So where to go?

Like I said, we were saving and did not want to greet Monday with bulging bellies. So we were searching for someplace to have a light dinner. Dimsum, burgers, steaks, etc. etc., were out of the question because not only are they so heavy in the tummy, but the Chinese Dimpol and I have different tastes that we cannot share their dishes!

Good thing that while passing by San Juan we came upon OYASUMI RAMEN and I suddenly remembered the many posts I would see on Facebook about it. The Chinese Dimpol and I finally agreed to have some ramen for our Mondate as it would definitely fit our "requirements" for the weekday.

How does it fare up for ERICJAZ FOODIES? Read on and find out!


After we parked, the rain suddenly poured hard! Me thinks that's a sign that we made the right choice. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Before the "ramen boom", it is the very comforting Pho that ruled our hunger when we are craving for something hot and flavorful to slurp on when the weather gets chilly. I for one would always drool over the clear soup glistening and very aromatic with the chewy rice noodles and fatty thin cuts of meat. Each slurp becomes more unforgettable with the crunch of the bean sprouts and minty basil leaves. After you're done with a full bowl of Pho, it is very likely that you'll sit back, close your eyes, and silently rejoice over that wonderful meal. Don't worry no one will judge you. The diners from other tables might be rubbing their bellies anyway.

Wow. Just WOW. Like, Jon Snow winning BATTLE OF THE BASTARDS kind of wow.

Vietnamese Pho is truly something. It is what we always go back to when we are in search of a refreshing meal experience that will warm and satisfy our tummies. There is really nothing like a piping hot bowl of Pho!!!

And to further heighten the enjoyment factor for Pho lovers out there, ANNAM NOODLE BAR recently opened it's doors in their first Philippine branch! Great news right??? This popular franchise that boasts of "in the rage" locations at Singapore and Indonesia is going to magnify your love for Pho AND Vietnamese cuisine to a whole new level.

So yes, it is time to go back to the familiar hot slurps of Pho but now, a new "spot on the block" is going to give you a different kind of maximum enjoyment to your Vietnamese favorites.


ANNAM NOODLE BAR is not your typical eatery that serves Vietnamese food. It has warm lights, brown and red hues, and a cozy vibe that is perfect for all types of diners!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Best Gal Pal Marian and Manong Fred are back from the US and after our dinner at RAMEN NAGI, we just have to HAVE some dessert.

Because why wouldn't we right? For us, the chatting for dinner isn't always enough so we will always continue the "party" with DESSERT.

And for tonight, the choice was ST. MARC CAFE!!!!

I was so fine with ST. MARC CAFE because it had something for everyone -- it had ice cream, pastries, and coffee. Such a perfect dessert place!

Have trouble making up your mind what to get? Check out the faux food that they got out front. Their models are enough to make you drool at the windows.

ST. MARC CAFE is not like your usual cutesie patootsie dessert place. The lighting was dim and dark hues dominate the restaurant. It's really more like a bar but trust me, the sweets here are AWESOME!

Monday, July 4, 2016


It was Father's Day last Sunday and although I treated the family to a dimsum breakfast at GLORIA MARIS, the day was really for my Daddyowzers since it was also his birthday. The Chinese Dimpol, being the very "unexpecting" and carefree guys that he is, didn't mind at all. He was very respectful that it was my Daddy's celebration and didn't try to steal his thunder.

Now that I think about it, maybe the Chinese Dimpol was fine as long as he gets free food!!! Tee Hee!

Juuuust joking!

Anyway, my husband really didn't ask for anything but I still felt that we should give him a treat to acknowledge how he is a very dedicated and loving father to the little lords. Also, since it is very rare that we make him feel special (tee hee), we decided that Monday night will be HIS night.

At first the Chinese Dimpol didn't feel like going out since it was a school week and he had to tutor the kids. But I insisted that we should have a YAPPY BUNCH date for HIS Father's Day celebration. As for the kids, I didn't need to coax them because if given the choice, they'd go out everyday if they can, no matter what the event! He he he he he he he!

FINALLY, after everything was set, the Chinese Dimpol agreed and his choice for the night was something that he has been craving for in a long time....


We went to the Wilson, San Juan branch of ALEX III since it was nearer to the place we lived. Comparing it to their other branches, this one had a more formal setting and their dishes were more expensive.