
Thursday, July 14, 2016


It is very rare that we go to Antipolo City because traffic can be discouraging. However, if the premise was a barbecue brunch courtesy of my brother in his lovely home, then we're there.

Because believe me, no restaurant in Antipolo City could match our love for Kuya Jay's barbecue. I think it's the ONLY reason why we go there!

Oh and to see my brother of course...


Kidding! Tee hee!!!


It was a bit traffic going to Antipolo even on a Saturday. The Chinese Dimpol and I didn't mind so much because we knew something heavenly was waiting for us....

If you're guessing BARBECUED MEATS then you're right!

Oops! To think that the little lords stayed for the night in Antipolo. But with hungry tummies, we sorta forgot about them... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Last night pic!

Oh I'm kidding!

Of course we missed them. In fact, we missed them so much that we went out to have dinner and a movie on a Friday night. Boohoo!!!!!

When we arrived, Kuya Jay and Karen already had dining tables set up on their driveway.

Here's the eating station!

The drinks station!

And the most important station of all...

The barbecue station!!!!

HAllelujah! HAllelujah! 


Kuya Jay started off first with some fatty pork and fresh tilapia!

Karen marinated the pork meat in her secret special sauce!

I liked that I eyed some chilis! Yihaaaa!

The Master Mati was so hungry and ready to attack!

While waiting for the food to arrive, we munched on some chips with dip!

My brother would serve up the liempo straight from the griller. When the boys sliced it up, the meat was so juicy.

I popped one whole strip in my mouth (yup complete with the fat) and it was soooooo good!!!! It just got me more excited for the brunch ahead!

Here are the other meats waiting for their turn!

If you're looking for the steaks, they're being thawed out because the Chinese Dimpol and I just zoinked it from my Mom's freezer.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding! She gave it to us for our sibling brunch bonding. Naks!

The grilled liempo and fish were joined by our favorite processed meats: Spam and Hotdog!!!!

Oh the aroma from the sizzling and grilling meats was just heavenly. I tell you, the scent of a barbecue on a hot sunny day instantly yields a LOT of happy memories for anyone I'm sure!

Karen also served us these crispy and salty fried tawiles that were so perfect with the seasoned vinegar!

After grilling up platters of the pork, Karen took out a deep dish to try out something special....

Huevos Rancheros!!!!

The sound of the eggs crackling while sizzling up with the tomatoes, onions, and chorizo was just something to forget the diet all the more.

Kuya Jay and Karen got some help from the little elves Anthony, Ate Jojit, and the Chinese Dimpol....

Tee hee!

Wohoo! Now we're ready to eat!!!

The adults!!!

With a kiddie photobomber!

The kids table!

Kuya Jay's Huevos Rancheros was so savory and rich with the chorizos and gooey yolk! 

The fresh onion and tomatoes added a refreshing taste at every bite.

This egg dish was perfect with the butter garlic baquette that Karen toasted and served to us. 

I love this too with the grilled hotdogs and topped with the horseradish mayonnaise. YOWZA!!!!! 

We used the crusty and buttery bread to mop up the creamy eggs!

My plate!!! My very first plate!!!!

While we were eating, the piece de resistance was grilling up!

Mati requested it to be medium rare...


We don't normally cut steaks but this time we should since we're showing that sharing is caring.


In no time I wiped out my second plate of food!

ERICJAZ FOODIES was happy!!!

Our compliments to the photobomber!

And now it was it time for some coffee!

With a side of chocolate cake!

After that delicious lunch, Kuya Jay and Karen asked their daughter Rocio to play the violin for us.

She played beautiful music while we were having coffee that it got everyone in a happy mood!

Except for Mati I guess. He was intently listening.

After brunch, we passed by Rocio's school to check out the canteen that Karen will be running soon.

Yep! That's how great a cook she is!

While the grown ups were talking, the little lords were playing. At first they were so cute in using a coin for their "soccer game".

Later on, they found an actual soccer ball! He he he he he!

When we got home, Andrei rushed to play with Crispin, my brother's dog.

It was so cute to play with Crispin and Topy (the other dog) because they knew some tricks!

YEP! Kuya Jay's dogs could play fetch! To think that he didn't train them at all!

It may seem so trivial but we were all just fascinated because Crispin's the first dog I've seen to do this in real life!

And since we all have short attention spans, we forgot about her after a few fetches...

He he he he he he! Kidding!

We all kept on playing with her to take out the meat sweats!

It was another awesome time with my family courtesy of Kuya Jay and Karen in Antipolo! Hopefully my brother would take MORE steaks from his upcoming trip!

Tee heee!!!


Check it out:

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