
Thursday, June 23, 2016


I have done countless as in SUPER many surprise parties that I feel I could plan it in my sleep or while watching GAME OF THRONES. Really! I'm not exaggerating: Birthdays, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Boyfriends just wanting to be romantic.... You name it! The great thing is I HAVEN'T done a surprise party where it wasn't successful: the celebrant would always have no idea and will get really surprised when it's party time. Plus there's always a theme and a program where he/she is the highlight of it all!

Yes, I have hosted soooo many surprise parties already that I feel it's time to hang up one's boots and retire. That is, AFTER I do one for somebody very special and totally unexpected (yep even for us)....

Ate Jojit's surprise bridal shower!!!!!

Really, Ate Jojit getting married was indeed unexpected that when I was calling her friends to invite to the shower, a lot of them we're so surprised.


It was indeed a surprise for many not because she was (almost) a relic that we didn't thought she'd be getting married AT ALL (tee hee). But more because of they didn't have any clue about it!!!!

Their reactions were all so daunting that it seriously gave ME doubts if she really WAS getting married. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

If you're wondering why nobody knew (besides the family) it's because my sister was the anti-"share the #blessedness in Facebook" and did not make any sort of announcement. I asked her why and it's not because she didn't think her getting married was unimportant. But it was more like she didn't like it to be jinxed. So most of her close friends didn't know about the big news until I told them so (because of the surprise shower).

And when they didn't know it, I was like... "Uh-oh..." HA HA HA HA HA!

So yes, even if I'm already lazy to do surprise parties, I am so willing to "come out of retirement" for somebody so special, so loved, and SO deserving of a Bridal Shower.


Oh. And it could also be payback time for those who didn't know about her engagement. He he he he he he he!

Yes seriously. That's what THEY said. Ha ha ha ha ha!


My young niece Rocio, the maid of honor, suggested to have a shower with a Tea Party theme. With that I borrowed some hats from the place I worked in for that dainty effect! 

I also requested for gloves, flowers, and pearls from my friend to complete the look. What she sent though were in racy colors but I got it anyway since it will give more life to everything.

Besides the hats, gloves, pearls, and flowers, I was also able to borrow this veil with a simple tiara sewed onto it. This head dress will be for the bride.

Nice right???

Sorry! I can't help it! He he he he he he!

I was in my boys' room to take pictures and hide from my sister. Check out their walls. I had it painted but they just taped on a lot of posters. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And it's the day of the shower!!!!

My Kuya Jon drew a caricature of my sister and took care of the streamer. Isn't it a nice accent for the shower?

Venue was in METRO CLUB in Rockwell, Makati City. It was so near us so we were able to get there early to set up.

Reservations were arranged by BGP Marian and her Dad, who were members of the club.

The place was cool and cozy. The rent for the function room was not only very affordable, but consumable too!!!

When we got to METRO CLUB, there were early birds to the party!

Hazel and Trica -- Ate Jojit's College friends!

Gie and Maricon -- friends of Ate Jojit in Med School!

I asked help with the decorating of the place while waiting for the guest of horror. 

He he he he he he he he!

For each table, we had a special seat for the bride so that she could switch places and be able to talk to all of her friends whenever she liked.

I think we're good to go!

Like my get-up? We asked the guests to come in their floral dresses for that extra "Tea Party" effect!


Hazel, Tricia, Gie, Maricon, plus her High School friends Heidi and Macrina, 

My niece Rocio and her Mom Karen, BGP Marian, plus Ate Jojit's officemates from NBI, Olive and Robelyn!

The cake was from CAKES N' ICINGS BY AVIE and it was sponsored by Doc Tricia! He he he he he he!

The organizers!!

Now let's get this party started!

The plan was, Anthony and Ate Jojit will meet his "sister-in-law" in Metro Club for snacks. They are already in Powerplant Mall and just waiting for our go signal to head on to the Bridal Shower venue. 

So that Ate Jojit won't suspect anything, Anthony changed my name to his sister in law's on his cellphone so that even if I text and call, she won't think that it's me.

BGP Marian's Dad even advised METRO CLUB staff not to indicate in any way that the function room was to be used for a shower. 

The boys, the Chinese Dimpol and Manong Fred, were tasked to stay in the parking lot to stake out for Anthony and Ate Jojit. If they see the couple, they will give me a call so that we'll get prepared.

By the way, nice look boys!

And so, we waited....

When suddenly I received a frantic call from Manong Fred saying "NANDYAN NA! NANDYAN NAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Turns out, the Chinese Dimpol and Manong Fred were expecting Ate Jojit's car because it was raining. But the two decided to walk towards METRO CLUB using an umbrella which prohibited the stake-out boys from seeing them immediately.

They only saw that it was ate Jojit when Anthony closed the umbrella.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Later on...


Sorry if the pictures are blurred, everything happened so fast! He he he he he he!

No need for clear pictures though because her face says it all!

Poppers were distributed to guests to greet Ate Jojit with a bang!

Dear Martina, Rocio's best friend, was taking the video!

In days leading to the BRIDAL SHOWER, Ate Jojit was fretting that nobody is going to give her one. She has even resorted to teasing her friends to throw a shower for her.

This is her "SABI NYO WALA AKO SHOWER" look....

And this is our "O SEE NAGDRAMA KA PARA SA WALA" facial answers!

Ate Jojit was so excited to greet her guests!

The future bride and groom!

Kudos also to Anthony for being a great accomplice! You made our jobs easier!

Ate Jojit : "Di ngaaaa???"

As this was a girls only party, the boys should go!

Manong Fred and the Chinese Dimpol were so excited to bring Anthony to strip joints! He he he he he!

Ate Jojit with her guests from table A...

And guests from Table B!!!!

Rocio's best friend Martina and her Mom Angie was able to join us too!

And now comes the "ribbing" from friends about how they didn't know anything about the wedding!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

To officially start the BRIDAL SHOWER, Maid of Honor Rocio made an opening prayer.


As with every BRIDAL SHOWER, we had a HE SAID, SHE SAID portion.

While Ate Jojit was in the US, I asked Anthony to go to our house to shoot a video for this game.

I showed the video of a dancing Anthony making obnoxious answers to some of the questions.  Ate Jojit will be giving her answer too!

For every question, a guest will be asked if the answers of the bride and groom will match or not. If the guest is correct, Ate Jojit will drink a shot of wine. If the guest's answer is wrong, then she will be the one to drink.

Let's just say that we all got pretty sloshed so early in the party!

Har de har har!

Good thing the guests were still able to see the video even if we only had a laptop! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Based on the laughs, I think it served its purpose!


The next game was called "DRESSING UP THE BRIDE"!

We got random pieces of clothing and had Ate Jojit in blindfold. She's supposed to figure out the clothes given to her and do her best to make a (decent) fashion statement.

He he he he he he he!



Ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

Go go go!

You should wear this outfit everyday ate Jojit!

It so YOU!

Tee hee!

Next game is something similar to Pin the Tail to the Donkey!

Except for this one, the winner is the one who pins the bride closest to the groom's heart!


Thanks Kuya Jon for the tarpaulin again!

Go Rob!!!!


And the winner is...........


Before receiving her prize, I think Mac offered a song or a short speech.

Sorry. Epidural effect! I can't remember! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! This was last August pa!

May it's a speech because I doubt if guests will laugh like THIS with a song! He he he he he he!

Congratulations Mac!!! Hope you enjoyed the GCs!!!!!!

And of course, what's a BRIDAL SHOWER without a MAKE YOUR OWN GOWN using tissue paper???

The ladies were split into 2 teams and asked to whip up a gown using only rolls of tissue paper!

There was a time limit though so the teams cannot think about how to make the gowns TOO much!

The brides were the youngest ladies in the BRIDAL SHOWER. He he he he he he!

Judges were Ate Jojit, Karen, and BGP Marian!


Team Martina???

 Or Team Rocio?!!!

Honestly I forgot. Blame it on the epidural again! He he he he he he eh he!

It's okay. They both look winners to me!


Another game for the BRIDAL SHOWER was the bouquet toss!

Whoever gets hit by the bouquet is out!

When the number lessened, whoever is HOLDING the bouquet is out again!

And we were down to 3 ladies!!!

In this part, whoever GRABS the bouquet, wins!!!

Olive was the lucky grabber! WOHOOO!!!!!

Many more happened in ATE JOJIT'S BRIDAL SHOWER but I would have to share it on a second post as this one is so long already.

I'm sure you'd like to check out the sequel to this because it has food in it.


Our favorite! He he he he he he he he he!