
Thursday, April 14, 2016


We were in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS to attend the wedding of Ram to Marianne, the daughter of my officemate/friend, Tita Florie! We were really going to travel to Tagaytay that Sunday to attend the blessed celebration but, my dear friend amped up her generous level once more and treated us to a whole weekend staycation as her birthday gift to me.


So after an AWESOME overnight stay at TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS, we scrubbed ourselves and dressed up to attend the wedding of 2 people who are so in love with each other that they literally traveled thousands and thousands of miles to share that to mankind. And of course, I was also very happy for my friend Tita Flory for being blessed with a daughter who will be having her own "happily ever after." Aba! That's a big deal for a parent right??? To know that your daughter is extremely happy and will be taken cared for, for the rest of her life is DEFINITELY every Mom's joy!!

Now let's bask in a night filled with happiness, love, joy, laughs, and of course, DELICIOUS FOOD, in this TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS WEDDING!!!!

Congratulations Ram and Marianne!!!!!!


When we arrived in the venue for the wedding ceremony, I immediately fell in love with the lovely set up of silver chairs, elegant flowers, and soft colors around. This is like something we see in an American movie!

Of course, it helps that you got this picturesque view of some volcano as backdrop!

When we arrived at the ceremony area, we cannot get over at the beauty of everything around us.

We only stopped gawking and taking pictures upon seeing my friends from TAPE Inc!

Mam Zeny and her husband, Tito Pidio!

A very lovely Tita Josie!

Of course, her devoted husband Tito Ray was not far behind.

The newly weds from the previous week, Atty Maika and Atty Ton!

Tita Grace and Tito Ray!

And Mam Zeny and Tito Pidio again!

THE YAPPY BUNCH settled ourselves and just took more pictures from where we were seated. Ha ha ha ha ha h ha!

My bunsoy Andrei, the little selfie boy, got hold of the camera and proceeded to take MANY pictures!

One more...

And another!

I got the camera from Andrei to make him stop. But being the model Mommy that I am, I still took pictures.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha!


The groom Ram and his Mom!

A very happy Tita Flory and her husband Tito Ton!

And the very beautiful and calm bride, Marianne!

It was a lovely ceremony with very inspiring words from the priest. All throughout we were all laughing and getting so kilig.

Of course during the "You May Kiss The Bride" and taking pictures part, I was all smiles from feeling the romance of it all. 

As for my little man, his mind cannot be farther from where it was already. I bet he's daydreaming again and playing with his nose on the chair while doing so. 

There you go. Women are from Venus while (little) Men are from Mars talaga! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha ha ha!

And once again we heard somebody call out "Friends of the Mother of the Bride" for the picture taking. Yey! We immediately have a picture with Ram and Marianne! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ha! I bet you will never hear that in any other wedding. 

It was drizzling throughout the ceremony but when it was time to go to the reception hall, everything cleared up and we were blessed with cool weather. Though there was a fog around TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS, we were thankful to have wonderful "lighting" when we take pictures in the veranda. He he he he he he he!

Of course, before we raided the cocktail area, THE YAPPY BUNCH went for the photobooth first!


Take two!

Another take for "insurance". He he he he he!

Of course, Mati was so happy at spoiling the first picture.

In the photobooth, I had another picture with the lovely ladies of TAPE Inc!


When we're done with the photobooth, THE YAPPY BUNCH proceeded to the TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS veranda for the cocktails.

Fancy a Mimosa? Don't mind if I do!

There was a simple appetizer set up that would certainly fill up the wedding guests till the start of dinner.

I see what Mati is eyeing for his plate.


Yep! They got it from the Assorted Smoked Fish and Seafood Platter!

Roasted Beef Platter with Asparagus and Tar Tar Sauce!

Cold Cuts!!

Cheese and Crackers!

There were also chips and pretzels!

Plus popcorn!

Andrei zoinked one of the plate of chips and stationed himself by the rails.

Something caught his eye while he was feasting on his chips.

Ah! He's watching Marianne and Ram have their pictures taken.

Wow! That's the look of love!

I'm sure the photographers did not have a hard time coaching the newly weds on how to act sweet because they were really having only twinkly eyes for each other that day.

Later on, Andrei was joined by the one who loves him second (I'm first of course), his Daddy!

While Andrei was witnessing true love happening nearby, Mati was going for his OWN true love!

He he he he he he!

My foodie boy!!! I SO love him!

Of course, I LOVE all of my boys!

The view at the Veranda was just so spectacular that I asked a kind server to take our pictures and she so gamely agreed.

Here's picture 1...

Picture 2...

Picture 3...

Picture 4...

 I was the one taking this picture and I made Andrei stop doing the silly facial expression.

That's the time he switched to THIS.

Yep! Little did I know that he made A LOT of faces in our family pics! GRRRRRRRRRR!

Of course, he cannot help it and went for a "half" silly expression.

While waiting for the reception hall to open for the guests, I chatted and had MORE pictures with the TAPE peeps!


I caught the Mother of Bride mingling and not being harassed at all. Like us, she was having fun and enjoying herself along with the other guests!

Mother of the Bride's friends with the Mother of the Bride!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I wonder if that'll be a thing for other weddings to come?

Photobomber Andrei!
I told Tita Flory she was just so pretty and radiant that day...


Kidding! Ha ha ha ha ha!

That's our usual joke!

Love you Tita Flory!

My awesome little lords!

Of course, I cannot end the "photo sessions" without a picture with THE Chinese Dimpol!

Yes! He doesn't want to be the "Chinese Adonis" anymore. 

Later on, the doors opened at the reception hall!

It was just beautiful! The set-up had that cool and serene look to it that made the guests feel how intimate the night will be.

Beside the stage we saw the chic cake!

Plus the couple's initials made with flowers!!!!


And we will be at table number 6!

I just love the simple and soothing table settings!

By the way, the power bank was not included.

Yohoo! A menu was provided for each table!

While the guests waited for the program to start, we were treated with the video showing of Ram and Marianne's first wedding in India!

Could you see table number 6?

There's Mati and Andrei!

Like me, they are starting to love attending weddings!

I bet they won't feel the same when they become single adults and will be often asked "When will you get married?"

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Tita Josie!

Yohoo! Tito Ray joined in!

YEP! We were of course, THE FUN TABLE!

Little Andrei was happy that there were more chips on the table and immediately zoinked it.

We could sense that this is typically a "Tita Flory" event where NOBODY will ever get hungry! Ha h ha ha! There is food brought out every second!

We knew that the program was about to start when we saw the host arrive, SAM YG!!! I saw him in a wedding we attended in EDSA SHANGRILA and he was just AWESOME!

Wohooo Sam!

He had everyone in stitches PLUS more!

THEN! The bride and groom made their entrance.

Marianne had a sweet dance with her dad.

Then with her new groom!

The couple proceeded with the cake ceremony.

Awwwww!!!! By that time we were remembering our own wedding!

Of course, we stopped the "reminiscing" when we heard that the buffet table was open!


Tee heee! Just kidding!

Salad Station!

Such a beautiful sight for those who "initially" want to eat healthy! He he he he he he!

For the hot dishes, there's Penne Rigate Alfredo.

I loved this!

Pan Fried Salmon Fillet with Cream Sauce!

Crispy Lemon Chicken!

Hickory Smoked Ribs!

THESE WERE JUST AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roast Leg of Lamb Provencale!

Assorted Vegetables with Toasted Garlic!

For dessert, there were fruits!

Fudgy Brownies!

Chilled Mango Sago!

Assorted Pastries!

Croque En Brouche! YUMMMMMMMMMMM!

Everyone was happily chatting and dining!

Andrei got so excited to be served with a special kiddie meal! Yep! His eyes lit up as I told him he got his own plate because he's my special guy!

I love how it doesn't take a lot to make my boys happy. Simple joys are the best!

I can't blame his joy though. His plate had his usual favorites -- fried chicken, spaghetti, pork barbecue, and chocolate cake!

What more could he ask for???

How about some wine?


Why you little....!!!!

He he he he he! Of course he's joking!

He really drank water.

Go Andrei!!!!

I'm always overjoyed when he's eating with a lot of gusto! Moms of finicky eaters would understand. He he he he he he!

Now it's time for ME to eat!

My salad plate!

Ain't that pretty?

My plate of mains!

My dessert!

The Chinese Dimpol!

His carb-free plate!

The food was sooooo delicious! But of course, we enjoyed our dinner more with the company!

Mati was oblivious that I was staring at him while eating dinner.

I just found him soooo cute attacking those ribs. My little foodie talaga!

Later on, we received not just one but two wedding giveways from Ram and Marianne! It was filled with candy and mints which was such a treat for the night.

While we were eating, Marianne's younger sister Alyanna did a beautiful ballet dance for us.

Jun-jun, Marianne's brother also sang in front with his group. We were all singing along and almost felt like dancing especially when they sang "Jai Ho"!!!

Then their on-site video was shown.


We were all having a lot of fun and we're happy to be able to say so to Marianne and Ram when we had another picture with them.

Done with our food!

Before going home, I saw the lady behind the phenomenal ALDUB invasion, Ms. Jeny (in red). Of course I had a picture with her, Tita Flory, and our TAPE Account Executive, Jewel!

We were about to go and I cannot stop thanking dear Tita Flory for all the wonderful experiences she shared with us in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS!!! We really had a great time!

I was also very happy and proud that she was able to pull off such an intimate but VERY unforgettable wedding for dear Ram and Marianne! I could tell from the smiles and vibe from the guests that they had fun and truly felt the love!


My hats off to you dear Tita Flory!



Tagaytay-Calamba Road, Tagaytay, Cavite
Phone:(046) 483 0888

The travel back to civilization was really something. It was so foggy and dark that we all got a bit scared. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! But it was all good. Something to make this night MORE memorable!!!!



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