
Monday, November 9, 2015


When we went out to celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY 2015 last June, we did it with our beloved BP Group. After FORT SANTIAGO and lunch at ARISTROCRAT, we were supposed to check out THE SPOLARIUM. But since entrance was free that day, the lines were horrid. So we just proceeded to go to MUSEO PAMBATA since the little kiddies were hankering to go!


We initially parked at MUSEO PAMBATA in order to get a ride in a Kalesa. Good thing there were several horse drawn carriages parked near the entrance at only P150.00, more than half the price from what you'll find in FORT SANTIAGO.

Team Virrey and Team Navarro went with us for a wee tour around Manila. The kiddies were so excited all the way!

After about a 20 or 30 minute ride, it's time to head back to MUSEO PAMBATA!

We really did not plan on going to MUSEO PAMBATA since we have been there years ago. However the little lords found a new found curiosity about the place that we decided it would never hurt to spend the afternoon having fun with a side of learning as well.

Wait. Is that a face in between me and Eric???

Joining us that day was Team Virrey! My friends from waaaaaaaay back. Like 20 years ago?

And so we went in! Too bad the Navarros did not join us anymore since they were just there the previous month and little Jeorgina was sleepy. 

The Chinese Adonis opted to sit out the tour as well. Besides feeling a little bit sleepy, he was not in the mood to pay an extra admission fee for him. He he he he he he!

Proudly Kuripot!


MUSEO PAMBATA has 8 theme rooms which your kiddies could run around, make noise, and play in! Don't worry! Most of the items on display are interactive and for curious kiddies to check out. 

UNLESS of course, there's a glass box covering it. Now THAT'S hands off. He he he he he he!

First one we went to in MUSEUM PAMBATA is OLD MANILA!

The little lords were immediately WOWED by the sight of an ancient boat and learning of the history behind it.

They also saw an old church!

Plus the style of the Filipinos before.

Andrei also saw the first electronic powered transport in the Philippines!

Of course, the usual favorite in terms of transport is the ever reliable jeepney!

From the main hall, there's more OLD MANILA display at the side.

Here, you got a free hand to explore on the many stuff on display!

Yup! Like I said, the great thing about MUSEO PAMBATA is that items on display are not "Hand's Off" to kiddies!

Why hello there neighbor!

After OLD MANILA, we decided to go to the second floor.

Look at what we saw by the stairs?

"Huli ka balbon!"

Next up, is MY BODY WORK'S room!

Here, we were greeted with a very big face of a lady opening her mouth a little too wide!

And with nostrils that just screams to be cleaned with a fist! He he he he he!

In MY BODY WORKS, you'll have a different and fun perspective of how the different parts of the human anatomy operate.

Check out the difference between girls and boys.

Dani studies how a nose works.

As for the boys, they immediately crowded around the butt to hear the farts. Tsk tsk tsk!


In MUSEUM PAMBATA, MY BODY WORKS section, they were able to see the capabilities of human hands with some rock climbing!

One of my favorite areas in MUSEO PAMBATA is their shadow room.

This is very similar to the one we encountered in RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT IN CALIFORNIA. You stand close to the wall then after the flash, you step out. You will see your form (or shadows) on the wall! 

Cool right?

Afterwards, we really went for it and made several poses!


This room involved many stalls that encouraged your kiddies to pretend doing service and entrepreneurial jobs!

Go Jelo! Shave your daddy's head!

Of course, boys being boys, they cannot help but do some cops and robbers.

With a vegetable.


"Ang Carinderia na may mga hot na ulam at hot na mga tindera!"

May I have some SNOW CAPS Andrei? Tee hee!

Mati and I were in this very same spot five years ago!

I didn't remember that we had a different pose back in 2010!!!! Tee hee!


Here, the little kiddies learned about the pros and cons of using vehicles like their favorite trucks!

Andrei was hoping to see some of his favorite MONSTER JAM on the telly!

When we were younger, we could very well jump up and grab one!

Now, if we do, there will be a slight tremor in the building. Tee hee!

Kids, this is how renewable energy works!

Don't waste water!

Remember the glass box I was telling you about? Well this is one of the few items you cannot touch in MUSEO PAMBATA. But believe me, you don't need to in order to experience the thrill of seeing an actual Moon Rock!


Show your child the many options they have when growing up in PAGLAKI KO!

But this won't be some boring school test to see what they would be interested in.  You'll see a whimsical room which will invite the children to play and have an idea of what may be good for them growing up!

Or they could just have a great time by acting silly!

Now this may apply to the "older" kids too!

I rest my case! Ha ha ha!

It was near closing time and we went back to the first floor for MUSEO PAMBATA'S KALIKASAN room!

Here you'll meet different creatures in unimaginable sizes!

Hmmm... Aning do you sense something hovering above us?

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we weave it to deceive!

Hmmm... Maybe I should have one like THIS installed to trap my boys when they're naughty.


I love how the little ones and just horsing around!

AND we're done inside MUSEO PAMBATA! Time to wake up the Yubhub because it's time to go!

There's also a playground in MUSEO PAMBATA that your kiddies may want to check out afterwards.

It was certainly great fun to go to MUSEO PAMBATA and have a different kind of interactive museum experience. Now even if we've been here before, prices are reasonable and worth it! Besides, taking our kiddies to places where they could have an awesome time and learn is something that'll always mark a return in my book!

If we could go several times to a mall, why not have return visits in MUSEO PAMBATA right? 


Admission Fees
Php 250 (for children and adults)

Museum workers and teachers - FREE

Manila residents with valid IDs - FREE on Tuesdays and 50% discount on other days (not applicable for group tours)

8 AM to 5 PM (Tuesdays to Saturdays)
1 PM to 5 PM (Sundays)
The museum is closed on Mondays and selected official holidays.

Roxas Boulevard corner South Drive, Manila, 
(02) 523 1797

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