
Friday, July 10, 2015


It's part four of THE YAPPY BUNCH goes to Japan series and I'm sure you're all giving out sighs of relief from all the pictures I bombarded you with. You might even say that the nightmare is almost done. He he he he he!

Don't worry. There will be MORE as I will be having separate blogposts on EACH restaurant, tourist spot, and any other thing I might find interesting that is worth remembering forever and ever.


Seriously though while reviewing the thousands of pictures that we took in Japan, it made me miss the country even more. And though I spent a hefty amount of bucks for the YAPPY BUNCH's trip there, I am left with the thought that I did something momentous for my 40th birthday: Not only did we experience the beauty and culture of a country so rich in tradition, discipline, and honor, but we also got to spend an unforgettable vacation with my brothers and sisters. This is actually the first time the GATDULA sibs had a getaway with our children and spouses that is without the parents (who could be honeymooning at home :P). So yes! Sentimental me would mark that as something as paramount as turning the big 4-0.

By the way, when I said "thousands of pictures" I'm not kidding. We really took a lot of pictures so that we would never forget every minute spent in Japan. I'm sure when it's your turn to go there, you will probably do the same. Don't worry, I won't judge you.

I might be too busy planning the next thousands (or more) pictures I will be getting for our next trip to Japan! :)

THE YAPPY BUNCH is still in Japan!!!!

It was day 5 of our trip to Japan and if you think that we are going to rest before the day of our departure, please know that you are wrong!!!

However, since we will be returning to Osaka in the afternoon, we need to check out of TOKYU STAY HOTEL lest we might be late from our itinerary for the morning.

Oh we're so sad..... 

Except Andrei.

I guess he didn't hear me say "Do the sad face!"

When we got down my brothers and sister were already having breakfast.

I had a small bite of the TOKYU STAY breakfast that's included in the accommodations. The food was quite good actually and more than enough to energize a hungry tourist for the day.

And we're off!

The streets were so empty that morning in Osaka that you would think everybody is staying at home watching reruns of GAME OF THRONES.

(Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. He he he he he!)

To think that this is already at 7:30am and we are a bit late for our destination! Where is everybody?

Trains in Japan may be confusing but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to read and plot your ride like Neo does in the Matrix. 

Have you figured out where we are going already?

FINALLY we are seeing some people!

I guess we are nearing our destination!

Yup you guessed it!

We went to TSUKIJI FISH MARKET! The perfect haven for true blue foodies!!!!

The walk there is already an adventure in itself because of the many cheap but authentic Japanese goods you'll see along the way.

Just leave your inner mean girl at home and be open to getting bumped and hustled by the many hungry "marketeers". It's actually part of the fun!

EXCEPT for getting bumped on by somebody who's picking his nose. Now that is nasty!

More on on our TSUKIJI MARKET adventure!!!

For lunch we tried out SUSHI SEN near TSUKIJI MARKET!

S is for SUSHI! That's good enough for me!


While walking around we saw the TSUKIJI MONGWANJI BUDDHIST TEMPLE!

I suddenly remembered one of the MANY churches we saw in Rome!

I asked my brothers and sister if we could have a picture there. At first they didn't feel like it. You gotta understand that unlike my weirdness, the sibs don't really like taking pictures per minute. 

Good thing they agreed because this is a really good picture of us to show our Mommy and Daddy!

Am I too old to call my parents that?

When we got back to the hotel we took a short break to have coffee before going to the train station.


And it's time to leave Tokyo.

I think somebody wants to be left behind.


While going down, my dress got accidentally stuck in a moving escalator! Oh no! If I were to base it on the movies, I only have a good amount of minutes before my dress will be sucked leaving me all bold! When I got stuck, it was like a domino effect as the ones behind me (Ate Jit and Karen) almost went on top of each other. 

Good thing my niece Rocio had the sense to push the stop button and I was able to rip my dress from the clasps of the escalator. When the commotion was all done, an old Japanese lady, who was in front of us, started yelling out. For a minute there I thought she was expressing how she found Filipinos stupid because we get stuck in escalators. 

It turns out, she was yelling for a Japanese security officer and when one finally came, she castigated him for his late service. She said something like "She was already stuck in the escalator and nobody came!" I don't know Japanese but it was so evident from her actions and the way the security officer apologized to me. The old lady even checked afterwards if I was really okay.


My brothers and sisters took THE YAPPY BUNCH to Tokyo Train Station for our trip going back to Osaka. Their port of exit is in Tokyo the day after our departure. They have many more sites to go to (like the graves of the 47 Ronin) but they accompanied us to say goodbye.

So it's really good-bye for now. We'll miss you all!

WAAAH! Now how are we going to get around now???

After a bit of wait, our SHINKANSEN (bullet train) going to Osaka is here!

Before we boarded, these ladies in pink efficiently cleared the mess and made sure that everything is spic and span in the train. They are very good and fast at what they are doing! When they were done, they quietly went out and humbly bowed to the train guard. 

And we are on our way to Osaka!

For his bullet train snack, Mati bought another bento box!


While Mati was eating, Andrei was already sleeping while hugging onto his SHINKANSEN toy that he bought the day before.

While we were all sleeping, Yub suddenly woke up and felt the need to look at something. When he glanced to his left, he saw this wonderful view...

It's Mt. Fuji!!! Wow!

The Chinese Adonis said he was really sound asleep and it's a good thing he didn't miss this. He felt that somebody woke him up just to show this to him.

I guess our guardian angel was with us during the whole trip too!


And we're back!

Andrei asked to have a picture with this puppy.

He also asked to have a picture with this statue!

Hmmm... I wonder why.

With our many travels, we always reserve a meal to experience the different food offered in that country's MCDONALD'S. We were so happy to finally continue this tradition by finding THIS in OSAKA!


Check out our fast dinner there by clicking HERE!

After our late dinner, we walked around the cold streets of OSAKA!

At the alley behind us, Andrei saw a couple kissing. I think it was his first time to see people do so in real life (other than his mommy and daddy) that he got all giddy and "kilig to the ribs."

Our hotel for our last night in Japan was HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI.

Usually when we have staycations in Manila or in any other country for that matter, we take advantage of the fact that our sons are below 12 years old and are usually free for the stay. That's why when we were filling up for the reservation of HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI, we just clicked on 2 adults as we would always do.

Lo and behold, when they said room was good for 2 adults, it was REALLY good for just 2 adults!!!



That means we have to sleep like THIS!!!


Mati and Andrei both said that this was the worst hotel for them ever!!

In the hotel's defense, the room was clean and had most of what we needed. It was just small. We were the ones at fault here. He he he he he!

The redeeming factor of  HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI is that it was so near OSAKA CASTLE. We could actually see it from our hotel window and it was only a few blocks from us. 

Since we were flying out in the afternoon, this was so convenient for us!

Read our full experience there, HERE!

The next day, we were up early to check out and go to OSAKA CASTLE!

HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI really was just a sleepover place for us!

There was a drizzle while we were going to OSAKA CASTLE. Good thing I bought the kids these lightweight water repellent jackets from Uniqlo! It really served us well for the whole trip!

We're going to OSAKA CASTLE!

There was still quite a walk going to OSAKA CASTLE but we didn't mind. The weather was cool and it was just lovely walking on streets lined up with many trees and flowers.

We didn't feel tired at all!

I wonder how is it related to TAKESHI CASTLE?

They both have the same last name: CASTLE.


ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords take over OSAKA CASTLE!

More on a blogpost COMING SOON!

When you plan to go to OSAKA CASTLE, don't even think of eating anywhere else. 

Before the entrance, there is a lot of food stalls selling DEEEELICIOUS grilled meats and seafoods, plus takoyaki, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and ramen!!!

These are all soooo good!

I could eat here THE WHOLE DAY!

For starters, Mati had this very tender squid barbecue.

While Yub and I shared this beef skewer!

Andrei had this fudgy chocolate ice cream!

More of what we ate in OSAKA CASTLE food stalls when you click HERE!

Oh and if you do, buy a snow cone. The girl there is HOT!

She's Andrei's new girlfriend! He he he eh he!

On our way back to the hotel to get our bags, we had another leisurely walk.

We even saw the NHK building!


When we got our bags from the hotel, we also learned that Manny Paquiao lost to Floyd Mayweather.

Oh well.

We still love you Pacman!

Buying some last minute snacks for our trip!

Andrei asked to have a picture with this mall fountain so that he won't forget it.

Our last subway ride in Japan!

For now that is!

Check out our bags. That's why I had severe back-ache when we got back to the Philippines. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mati is growing up too fast. He doesn't want to sit besides Mommy and Daddy anymore.


Andrei's last train ride in Japan!

For now!

Our window view!

What I like about trains is the sights you'll see during the ride.

Would you believe that KANSAI airport is located on a man made island? Yep! So our train had to pass by a bridge over calm waters.

Good thing GODZILLA did not decide to swim by and say hello.

And we're here...


Where to?

It's time to go to our terminal!

We went to the airport ahead of our check in time to be sure.

Like I would always say: Better be super safe than sorry!

KANSAI airport is huge! It was also like a mall with the many restaurants and shops around.

Before checking in, we decided to have a short snack in one of their cafes!


I was really in the mood to have a waffle. I was actually still fretting over the fact that I did not get to taste an authentic shibuya waffle so I'll just drown my cravings with some coffee here.

Ain't that coffee cup so pretty and dainty?

Ain't that lady so pretty and...


My strawberry waffle!!!!

Whenever I have waffles, I always ask to have the whipped cream and ice cream on the side because I don't want to have it all squishy and mushed.

Let's eat!

Check out Andrei still looking at his train!

The waffle was so delicious!!! It was heavenly crispy on the outside then creamy and buttery on the inside.

PLUS! Those sweet and plump strawberries made every biteful more lusciously addicting!

The kiddies didn't want to eat anything. I even had to force them to try the ice cream (weird I know). So the Chinese Adonis and I were left to finish this off.

Check in time!

Yub's very cute assistant!

After checking in, I saw my officemate from TAPE Inc., Ms. Zeny, and her family!

Ms. Zeny is our SVP in Finance and is soft-spoken yet very smart. She reminds me so much of my Mom!

I love seeing my officemates outside of work. Even if we DO see each other almost everyday. He he he he he!

We don't really like matcha flavored anything but when the Chinese Adonis saw this on the cooler, he had to try it out. This was surely something he won't find in the Philippines.

Oh we think it's Japan's version of Coke Zero. Not matcha flavor at all!

And now we wait!

Mati got quite hungry so he took out the bento box he bought just before our train ride going to the airport.

No ice cream or waffles for my Master Mati. It's OCTOPUS and rice for him!

While Master Mati was eating, Andrei was looking around stared at the plane.

He also entertained himself with the airport cart. He he he he he!

Andrei may be running around but the Japanese airport staff were just quietly standing firmly by the entrance. This was a far contrast from what I saw here in the Philippines.


And we're going home!

Oooh... What a very cute flight attendant! HA HA HA HA!

And finally, we see the Philippines!!!!

It has always been our tradition that whenever come home from an international trip, we should always have some KFC waiting for us.

While we were all having a midnight snack of KFC, somebody got the camera and took pictures of his SHINKANSEN.

Let's just say the reason why Andrei's been hugging his train all around Japan is because I did not allow him to open it. In the past, he would always open his toys from where we bought it and and he would always lose some small parts. He he he he! 

I just found it cute that he really felt that finally opening his toy train warranted the ceremony of taking pictures. He's beginning to be like Mommy and Daddy!


We all definitely had fun in our vacation in Japan. As early as now my Kuya Jon and Ate Jit are talking about returning and taking Andrei along with them. 

Okay. And the whole cycle will start again. 

He he he he he he!


 5 Chome-2-1 Tsukiji, Chuo, 
Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Phone:+81 3-3542-1111

5-9-1 Ginza, Chuo, 
Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Phone:+81 3-5537-2878

1-2-10 Tanimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 
Castle, Osaka, Japan 540-0012
Phone:+81 6-6945-0321

 Japan, 〒540-0002 Osaka Prefecture, 
Osaka, Japan
Phone: +81 6-6941-3044



  1. Jaz just finished reading all of your japan blogs. I love reading your blogs before I go to sleep. I am also planning are japan vacation for next year. May I ask you a question. Do you think which one is a better hotel in Osaka HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI or HOTEL RELIEF Osaka?More nearer to Major attractions, Restaurants, Convenience store and the Subway and has the more comfortable room. We are Three adults and are currently in the planning stage of our trip for next year and your blog have been very helpful to us. I hope you answer my question and keep up the good work on your blog. <3

    1. Hiya Cindy!!! Wow thanks so much!!!!! I'm so kilig that you're reading my posts. I hope di ka nagkamigraine! Kidding!!!!!!

      With regards to HOTEL KEIHAN and HOTEL RELIEF, they are very similar. HOTEL KEIHAN is near a mall that has the Mcdonald's and the train station. HOTEL RELIEF has also besides many restaurants (Coco Ichiban, plus this other restaurant we went to) and about 3 blocks away the train station. Both are near Family Mart. HOTEL KEIHAN has the advantage of being VERY near Osaka Castle. So if you plan to go there, it would be an advantage

      HOWEVER, in terms of comfort, we liked HOTEL RELIEF more. In HOTEL RELIEF, it's like an apartelle and had a common area pa if you want to pack your food and eat in your place. Tapos we made the reservation for 2 adults and we got a fairly big room that fit my family.

      As for HOTEL KEIHAN, the rooms were very small. Although, I did make the mistake of booking just for 2 adults. In Japan pala talaga you really have to mention the number of pax and not presume that kids are free. Maybe if we did declare that we are 4 pax, we got a more spacious room. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Both have their fine points but HOTEL RELIEF was more comfortable for us. STILL, I cannot rule out that HOTEL KEIHAN gave us the most unforgettable stay and it was so near Osaka Castle. Super handy on our way back home.

      For us kasi everything is an adventure basta it's safe and fairly clean. We seem to find something to appreciate in everything. NAKS!!!!

      Hope my pointers helped a bit. Do message lang if you think I could help in some other way. Thank you so much! Hala nobela na sagot ko.
