
Monday, February 2, 2015

MATI'S 2-WEEK 11th BIRTHDAY (2015)

Early this January, my master Mati turned 11 years old. And, like we do every year, we had a fun 2-week birthday celebration for him! Some may find it too much (my family definitely does ha ha ha ha!) but all that matters is how our little celebrant is having the time of his life when he turns a year older.

Usually what we do is ask Mati to write in his journal what restaurants and places he wanted to go to for his birthday celebrations. We then do all that we can to go to all of those "Mati wishes" with whoever is available to join us! Also included in that 2 week period is non-stop play of PSP and Minecraft without the usual "write in your journal requirement" that I have for them (provided also that it is not a school day). Of course, THAT is enough cause for Mati to be deliriously happy for his birthday. He he he he!

And like last year, THE YAPPY BUNCH had a very fun 2 week birthday for Mati! I'm sure the little celebrant agrees because he was groaning on the last day and wishing it could be extended for another week.  It may be the only whiney sound that is actually music to ERICJAZ FOODIES' ears!

We'll see what we can do for next year dear Mati but for now, Mommy and Daddy will cherish all the joy and happiness that you have given us. So thank YOU really. Besides being thankful to the Lord everyday that he has blessed us with your awesomeness, this two-week birthday celebration is also our way of giving thanks to YOU our loving son and brother to naughty Andrei.....

Thank YOU for making us deliriously happy for the past 11 years!!! We love you so much master Mati!

HAPPY 11TH birthday Master Mati!!!!

We just got home from Lucena after having our New Year's vacation there and while the kids were resting, Yub and I were having a set up for Mati's mini-birthday surprise!

At the strike of 12:00am, Mati's birthday, I asked Yub to call the boys up. And when the celebrant got in, our favorite yema cake with candles and sparklers greeted him!

Never mind that we reused the decors we had for ANDREI'S WEEKLONG PARTY , Mati was all smiles and was so surprised!


I got Mati his current favorite, MINECRAFT!

My husband got Mati a Blake Griffin model ( I think he's a foosball player :P) and my boy was so excited to get it!

Yohooo!!!! Now THIS officially starts Mati's 2 week birthday celebration!!!!!

The next morning on Mati's birthday, we went to church to give thanks and pray for Mati.

OH Andrei! He's so obsessed with MINECRAFT's herobrine now!

We invited Josh, Mati's best friend since Grade 2, to come with us!

My husband and I cannot get enough pics of the 2 cutie pie best buddies!!!

We used to have our Christmas eve mass here in Santuario de San Jose. But ever since we transferred to Rockwell tent (because it's nearer and had more parking available for "simbang gabi") we missed their Nativity display. 

So glad they still had it up for Mati's birthday!

My baby Andrei is growing up too! Before, he would have such a tantrum when we Mati got all the attention for his birthday. Now, he is our little happy supporter who just cracked jokes to make everyone laugh. 

After church, we had congee at our usual birthday breakfast hub, GLORIA MARIS!

Excited to fill ourselves up with dimsum!

Pork siomai!

Mati's seafood congee!

Dimsum basket!

Mati's birthday breakfast at GLORIA MARIS!!!!

After breakfast, Mati asked to go to Tom's World for some arcade action!

He and Josh chose to play their favorite game, "TERMINATOR SALVATION".

For the whole time we were there, Mati and Josh only played this game. I tried TERMINATOR before and those guns were heavy!

As for Andrei, besides playing basketball with his Daddy, he asked if we could ride this 3D roller coaster together. 

You may think this was a simple ride but I actually got kind of dizzy!

When we got home, we were just in time for Mati's simple birthday lunch!!!

Saucy pancit canton from BEST FRIENDS!

Our favorite chicken, KFC!!!

Additional roasted chicken for reinforcement!

Mati's chocolate birthday cake! YUM!

Andrei seems to agree! He he he he!

He loves poking his fingers for the icing and blames the "disfigurement" on somebody else. 

Time to eat boys!

Mati's birthday lunch!

All hail master Mati!

That crown has been with us for 2 years. Been keeping it always for birthday reasons. Tee hee!

Yun lang, my Mom says the boys are getting older and may not feel like wearing a birthday crown anymore. Bah humbug!

Happy Birthday dearest Mati!

Andrei's doing the Herobrine again.

Later on my family sang to Mati! 

This special occasion called for 2 sparklers!

Blow it dear Mati!

Another song was in order!

We could never have enough birthday songs for you dearest Mati!

Ha ha ha ha! My Mom and Dad joined in the fun and fed each other chocolate cake ala "newlywed" style! Tee hee!

Later on, Dominic, Mati's other good friend from school, arrived.

Unfortunately, it was best friend Josh's time to leave. Sayang he had to go somewhere with his family that he can't stay the whole day. 

We missed you dearest Josh!

That night, Mati's wish was to have dinner at his favorite HEALTHY SHABU SHABU! Believe me that we have been regular customers here since my first born was a toddler!

Master Mati with Dominic and the Chinese Adonis!

Mati with his Lolo Pogi and Mama Juliet.

The celebrant with Tita Mada, Ate Jojit, and her special friend. He he he he he!

Tita Carmie, and Kuya Jon!

My HEALTHY SHABU SHABU complete meal in a plate! He he he he!

Sliced beef to dip in the boiling soup!

Seafood! Mati's favorite! He finished this by himself. (Grumble grumble!)

Andrei always volunteers to do the cooking.

Happy Birthday Mati dearest!

My eldest brother and his family was not able to join us because he was lazy to go down living far up in the "mountains" and all. He he he he he!


A.k.a. "The people who don't read my blog"!


Allan, the HEALTHY SHABU SHABU Manager and our long time "suki" in the restaurant, gave Mati his birthday Japanese Halo Halo!

Of course, a birthday song was in order!

I think Mati was staring at his birthday halo halo until melted. Tee hee!

His birthday loot for the night!

Dominic was going to sleep over and the boys couldn't be more excited. 

For Mati's movie night, we gave them lots of popcorn, chips, and juice. He he he he! We're such good parents I know. Just for this night lang naman ang junk food!

Guess what movie they were watching?

After the movie and while the boys were screaming in their room, Yub and I took out Dominic's cake for Mati.


It's another birthday song!!!

Thanks for the cake Dominic!!!

Such a sweet treat this "morning"!

The boys said they didn't plan on sleeping at all. At about 3:00am I caught them still playing with our Monopoly game board. 

I think they finally got tired at about 4:30am. He he he he he!

The next day, we all went to Kuya Jay's house for a family barbecue in Antipolo. 

(Blogpost soon to come!)

After Antipolo, Mati's wished to have dinner at his favorite YABU! We invited BGP Marian and family and treated them for my big boy's birthday celebration!

Mati loved the ginormous oysters in YABU!

My happy little birthday guy!

I always have the YABU topped rice and split it with either Yub or Andrei because I cannot finish it by my lonesome. 

Manong Fred and Mati's Ninang Marian.

As he was about to finish his beloved oysters, Mati was suprised that we got another birthday song for him!

Yep Mati... ANOTHER song!

After dinner, we made the most out of POWER PLANT MALL's festive decorations before they put it down.

Our favorite Christmas tree!!!

Besides the one at home of course!

When we got home, Mati immediately worked on the Lego that he bought using half of his birthday money.

He also received a Lego toy from his Ninang Marian and that was up next.

I remember my guy being so sweet that night: While I was trying to do my first blog entry for 2015, Yub was already sleeping, and Mati was working on his new Lego Star Wars toys.

When he heard me give out a loooong groan, my darling first-born looked up from his Lego...

Mati (knowing how "computer challenged" I am) : "Mommy, since Daddy is sleeping, you just call me when you need help on the computer. I'll go there and see what I can do."

Knowing how much he has been eagerly waiting to assemble and finish his Lego Star Wars, I felt really, really, really, really, really, touched with the offer of my very sweet guy.

Awwww... Please don't grow up too fast my darling utoy!!!!

For family Sunday lunch that weekend I thought of cooking up some of Mati's favorite Shrimp Gambas Pasta!

Of course, add to that, we had the usual crab, shrimps, and barbecue.

YEP! Our favorites EVERY WEEK!!!! 

My sister this time thought of taking out a birthday cake and have a song for the birthday celebrant.

No she's not yawning... She's singing.


For dinner, we treated the family for Mati's choice that night, KENNY ROGERS!!!

Believe it or not, this is one of Mati's favorite restaurants as well because he can't get enough of their macaroni and cheese! He eats it with the rice. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep! You could see how we are regular customer's here by clicking the KENNY ROGER'S link. Tee hee!

I ordered one of KENNY ROGER'S brownies ala mode and our very nice server added the special message...


Mati later on deserted us to join his Lolo and Lola (he he he he) so we thought of recreating our earlier Christmas tree picture, this time with Andrei.

Oh please Andrei quit it with the Herobrine!

After my ultimatum... Ha ha ha ha!

Daddy and Andrei's turn!

The next weekend Mati again wished for dinner at his favorite HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

Usually it's just me and the Chinese Adonis for Saturday date night. But since it's Mati's 2 week birthday celebration, we'll be glad to make an exception!

If I may just include this funny thing in Mati's album, THE YAPPY BUNCH would always play this game (usually in the mall) of hiding from somebody who was either lagging behind or walking too far ahead. The usual victim here is Andrei.

For this night, after our SHABU SHABU dinner, Yub decided to look at some shoes. While waiting, Mati and I decided to hide at THE BEAUTY BAR about 5 shops ahead. 

We were almost successful but THAT guy beside me (in blue) was walking by. He actually saw us run and pointed to The Chinese Adonis to where we were hiding. 

GRRRRR! He spoiled our fun! Che! Ha ha ha ah ah ha! It was still funny though.

Our usual order in HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

Once my tummy senses that something is boiling, it will start a grumbling!

Me and MY birthday boy!

My Mati is such a Ben Stiller fan and requested to watch NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 3.

The movie had some funny moments but the first and second ones were much better.

BUT, dear Dan Steven leaving DOWNTOWN ABBEY for THIS? Tsk... tsk... QUE horror!

On Sunday morning, we went to SM MOA to play at Mati's most favorite play area, COSMIC KIDZ!

The boys were so happy that we set them up for unlimited play.

The boys loved COSMIC KIDZ because it's 3 floors of ultra fun. 

One of Mati's favorite spots there is the kiddie zipline.

WOHOOO COSMIC KIDZ!!! It's a good thing that this is included in Mati's wishlist because it closed end of January to make way for a new SM cinema. 


I asked Mati where he wanted to eat for his Sunday birthday lunch in SM MOA and he answered that he wanted to eat at home with his lolo and lola. When I asked him why (because he could have a choice of whatever restaurant he fancied that day) he answered "It's family day that's why!!"

Awwww.... Yub and I were so glad that they are starting to appreciate our little traditions!

FOR LUNCH that day we had the following...

Buttered shrimps!

(Yup! I noticed that it has become our Sunday staple!)

Steamed Crabs!

Fried Crabs!

Cebu Lechon that Daddy brought somewhere....


That Sunday night, we invited the VIRREYS to join us for a SHAKEY'S dinner for Mati. 

THE YAPPY BUNCH with Team Virrey (minus Jonahs!)

Mati and Andrei love hanging out with Johans and Jelo. They always have a great time together.

Of course, the same could be said for me and meeting up with BB Aning!

Awww.... My godson Jelo gave me a flower!

Food for tonight was pizza in Manager's choice and cheese flavors.

Fried Chicken and Mojos!

We ordered more but let me reserve that for a blogpost coming soon!

I'm sure one of the highlights of the night for Mati was when his friends sang a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thank you so much Johans and Jelo!

After SHAKEY'S tita Ann treated the boys to a cart ride in Robinsons Magnolia.


Thanks tita Ann from birthday boy Mati!

Best Buds for life too!!!

The last day of Mati's 2 week birthday celebration was on January 16, 2015, when my brother hosted a barbecue dinner for cousin Chuckie in Antipolo.

It was pork chops, shrimps, plus so much more, GALORE!

Blog post coming soon!!!!!!!!


We bought a cake for Mati and made it out "from Chuck Norris" since that's what he fondly called his cousin Chuckie. He he he he!

It's also my last of my sparklers!!!!

Hullooo Mati!

Here you go my dearest!


Now THIS officially ends your 2 week birthday celebration!!!

I'm not joking when some of my family members said "Finally"!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY again our dearest master Mati! We love you so much!!!! We may have given you a happy 2 week celebration but do believe that it will NEVER match the joy that you give us everyday!!!!

Thank you for always being the SMART, LOVING, SWEET, and THOUGHTFUL Kuya that you are. We are so blessed to have you!!!

NO girl will be good enough.

So there!

(Sorry that I just had to put that in #futuremonsterinlaw)


  1. -Grabe! Two week celebration! Swerte si Mati. I wasn't really keen on birthdays when I was growing up kasi purlalu lang kami, and it was better not to expect anything so that you won't be disappointed. There was a time before that my family and friends actually forgot it was my birthday! hahaha... Heniways, since nakilala ko si The Partner, my birthdays have always been
    something I always look forward to with joyful anticipation. =)
    -at any rate, Mati (and Andrei) is really blessed that he has parents like you guys, and that he has all these fantastic and wonderful memories to bring with him when he grows up and has a family of his own
    -I saw that video of him blowing out the candles on the eve of his birthday; grabe! Ingglisero pala ang anak mo! Complete with emeriken eksent pa! hahaha...
    -Santuario de San Jose pala kayo, ibang level ka talaga! Yung mga katulad mo ang pinapansin ng mga celebrities, gaya ng Swing Out Sister (notice na pinilit talagang ipasok yun sa comment ko. Hahahaha...)
    -I was wondering how Andrei would react to his brother's celebration. Buti naman he has matured enough to know that it's Mati's time in the spotlight.
    -parang gusto kong gayahin ang tradisyon niyo na mag-celebrate ng birthday breakfast sa Gloria Maris (I love Chinese food!) Yun lang nga isang taon kong pag-iipunan yun, hahaha
    -parang ang sarap naman niyang Best Friends Pancit Canton na yan! Busog sa rekado!
    -Ang cute naman ng samahan ni Mati at ng best buds niya
    -mental note: must buy me some of those cake sparklers
    -talagang hindi natulog ang mga boys until 4:30am? anong oras na sila nagising?
    -I can't wait for your blogpost regarding your Kuya's barbecue
    -I like Yabu, and I also like the fact that it's an original Philippine resto and not some foreign franchise. Mas masarap pa nga siya kesa dun sa mga galing Japan na franchise.
    -awwwww... sweet and thoughtful Mati... I remember your FB post regarding his offer to help you with the computer. Ang bait naman.
    -I think Dan Stevens made a misstep when he resigned from DowntoWn (hehehe...). Ngayon medyo laos na lang siya. Sayang.
    -Alam mo bang hindi ko gusto Shakey's? Siguro kasi, when we were growing up, mga elder sisters ko (I'm the fifth of seven kids) parating Shakey's ang gusto. Baka nagsawa na lang ako, kaya alam ni TP na hands off sa amin ang Shakey's (well, pwede naman siyang kumain dun kung di ako kasama, hahaha)
    -may go-kart rental na pala sa rob magnolia?
    -nagutom ako bigla nung makita ko yung steak sa antipolo barbecue niyo
    -hahaha... "no girl will be good enough" talaga! Baka naman mabasa ng mga liligawan ni Mati ang blog mo in the future tapos di siya sagutin kasi natakot sa iyo, hahahaha...

    Heniways, have a great Tuesday Jaz!

    1. Hiya Mr.Snuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gabi ako sumagot ngayon.... I have a splitting head ache pero love kita and my blog kaya head ache schmedache... priority is ERICJAZ FOODIES! naks!

      1) When I was a kid super simple lang ang birthday celebration namin but we all felt the love from my Mom and Dad kasi talagang effort. Upon waking up pagbaba, may gifts na kami agad and breakfast would be our favorite. Tapos I think my Mom talked to everyone at home kasi talagang everyone would greet us na HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! What they always do is buy a live chicken and that's what they cook for fried chicken and tinola (pamalit buhay) then lots and lots of pansit. Then, my dad would insist on going out for dinner that day. Di pwedeng hindi!!!! Promise, it didn't have to be expensive (dati nga Shakeys lang ang birthday dinner namin) but we were so hapy na lahat. Basta ang saya saya and super unforgetttable for me kaya I really want the kids to feel it. NAKS kakilig naman!!! Pogi na si Partner, LOVING pa!!!!

      2) Mati and Andrei are really so blessed to have a lolo and lola like my parents kasi sila naginstill sa amin ng effort to show people you love them. Di pwedeng "pwede na yan"... Kung may maibibigay pa (like surprise or letter or singing everyday), we should do it para to make the person happy :)

      3) Ahem... syempre... INGLISEROS ang nanay e! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

      4) HA HA HA HA! oo NGA!!! Hoy... SWING OUT SISTER KA din di ba... kasama ka sa naglike e!

      5) Ngayon ganyan na siya pero dati grabe... dapat lahat ng gifts sa kaniya and dapat sya din kakantahan! Usually though, pinagbibigyan namin siya na after kantahan si Mati, sya din. Okay lang naman yun but sometimes pati gifts nangaagaw ha ha ha ha! Good thing he's respectful now of Mati's special day.

      6) Go!! Bagong tradisyon lang namin ang Gloria Maris and in fer... masaya!!! ha ha ha ha! ASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS kayang kaya mo yan!

      7) Yes SUPPPER sarap ng BEST FRIENDS pancit canton! Saucy na and mura pa!!! It's our favorite now!!!

      8) Yes best friends si Mati and guys since grade 1 and 2!

      9) Ha ha ha! check out sa birthday place besides toys r us sa power plant mall. Kaso ubos na daw e. Magkakaron uli sa April!

      10) Yes!!! Hindi pa sila matutulog kung di ko pa talaga pinagsabihan. We woke up mga 9am the next day. I just insisted na magnap sila sa afternoon. Ha ha ha ha ha!

      11) Talaga YABU pala is Philippine made? Didn't know! Galing! It's our favorite!!!!

      12) So proud of dear Mati. He could still be naughty and whiney sometimes pero grabe ang bait and thoughtful niya.

      13) DI BA??? As much as I love the NIGHT franchise and Dan Stevens... wrong move talaga. Haaaaay...

      14) Ha ha ha ha! Baligtad tayo. Me naman I HATED shakeys growing up kasi I find the pizza maasim. Ngayon ko lang siya nagustuhan kasi naincorporate ko sya sa family ko while growing up. Sila kasi may favorite nun... he he he he he!

      15) YES! aNG MAHAL ng kart rental ah... P100 or P50 for 15 minutes!!!!

      16) Ha ha ha! Super sarap ng barbecue namin lagi. Malamang sa bday ng kuya ko uli this month! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      17) Haaaay I hope I won't be a troublesome mother in law pero I can't help it kung di aalagaan ang mga boys ko huhuhu!!!

