
Saturday, November 9, 2013


For our last day in Lucena City Quezon Province, we were supposed to have lunch in our usual pig out hub, Palaisdaan (SEE HERE), but then since we got so tired from the previous days' activities we decided to just lounge around the house and have lunch at a nearby restaurant.

But where to?

When we're at Lucena, we always eat at the "usual suspects" like Cafe Antigua (HERE), Ground Zero (HERE!), Buddy's (OH YEAH HERE), Koon Lin (HERE AGAIN!), etc, etc. Actually I wanted to go back to my new favorite with the best chami, PEKING (HERE!) but my husband was thinking of something else. Fortunately for me, Eric was like this pregnant gorilla and was deeply craving for some Crispy Pata. So where to then?

That's when the lightbulbs in my big forehead lighted and gave out such an alarm... DING DING DING!



BUBBLES has been in Lucena for 12 years already but it was initially behind their Ocean Place Mall. In it's new home at Quezon Avenue, Lucena City, they have been in business for a year now feeding the townspeople their famed Crispy Pata!

But if you're really curious, BUBBLES Crispy Pata has been in business for over 30 years now from their first branch in Candelaria, Quezon Province. 

BUBBLES does not have air conditioning so you will have to rely on their big windows and electric fans to keep you cool.  I'm not sure how the ventilation is during the summertime but we were very comfortable during our meal there. 

For special occasions BUBBLES has 2 private rooms and a second level fit for a significant number of hungry diners!

BUBBLES does not have a menu booklet for the customers because EVERYTHING (read: SPECIALTIES) are on a bright tarpaulin by the counter!

You don't need to look anywhere else, THIS is all of it!!!

Oh please do NOT forget to order their special BUBBLES CRISPY PATA (crispy fried pork shank) !!! It would be sacrilege not to!

Servers of BUBBLES are so gracious and accommodating -- ready to answer your questions with a smile!!

The cardinal rules at BUBBLES!

Roll call at BUBBLES!

Mommy and Mati!

Yup, he is now at the phase where he doesn't want to have his picture taken!

Yub and Mama!

And little Andrei who was sporting a tantrum at that time. Ha ha ha ha!

Yup! He was NOT in the mood even if it was in a restaurant with a fun name as BUBBLES!

First served was BUBBLES Sinigang na Sugpo (P350.00) which was piping hot!

BUBBLES' Sinigang has sugpo that are plump and very tender! We could SEE that this seafood was very fresh!

What I loved our BUBBLES' hot vegetable prawn soup was that the souring agent they used were dried "kamias" or bilimbi fruit! No artificial seasonings or powdered mixes here!

One sip from this BUBBLES sinigang and you could tell that this has been simmering for quite awhile in the bilimbi fruit!!! It was lip-smacking sour! Delicious!!!!!

Mati requested from BUBBLES crispy squid (P200.00)!

The BUBBLES' squid was tender yes and the kids liked it but it was not as crispy as we would like it to be. Personally we found it to just have a coat of breading which did not really have any extra flavor. Still, it was a good extra dish to add to the strong pungent flavors of the Sinigang soup!

I had a semi difficult time getting a picture of this since Mati kept on getting pieces of the BUBBLES squid and piling it all on his plate! Ha ha ha ha!

Yup! That's me! I don't ask others to wait while I take pictures of the food. I adjust to my meal mates and their hungry urges! Ha ha ha ha ha!

My only fret about BUBBLES is that THEY DON'T HAVE GARLIC RICE!!! Why??? Are you all conspiring against me???? He he he he! I hope soon they would have that in their menu. I mean, it's not really hard to fry some garlic cloves up with plain rice right? :)

Hopefully soon! I'm keeping my toes crossed for this! Tee hee!

And of course, stop the press... ELVIS is INSIDE the building!

The piece de resistance!!! BUBBLES CRISPY PATA (P380.00)!!!!

Once this BUBBLES specialty was laid down the table we were all awed! It smelled as beautiful as it looked!!! For a moment we were all just staring at this treasure from Lucena!!! 

They should make a big monument of this!!! 

My husband quickly massacred this BUBBLES masterpiece! And while he was slicing and cutting we were entranced with the all the crunch this Crispy Pata gave out!!

My husband, the Crispy Pata monster, cannot believe how crunchy and soft the BUBBLES claim to fame was. 

Every time he tore off a meaty chunk he would exclaim and rave about it as if  it was his first time to have Crispy Pata!

The BUBBLES Crispy Pata comes with this dipping tub made up of soy sauce, chopped red onions, calamansi juice, and a red chili! So perfect with the hearty meats of fried pork shank!


Our lovely BUBBLES spread!

Master Mati did not want to be disturbed and wanted to continue EATING!

HA! I commandeered one of the BUBBLES' fried pork knuckles! This is MINE! All mine!!!

Oh this was so perfectly crunchy and delicious! Each bite of this BUBBLES treasure chunk is like a crispy bacon but with more fat and flavor. OOH LALA! Just the way I loved it!!!!

The best part of all was sucking these fried pork knuckles dry!!!!

Yup! Mission accomplished at BUBBLES!!! I was getting meat sweat by this time but I DID NOT CARE!

BUBBLES leftovers! We did not want to finish ALL of it since most of us were on a diet!

Even after the long and enjoyable meal at BUBBLES, somebody was still having  a tantrum! Ha ha ha ha ha!

The BUBBLES' "damage"! I know that the food may be pricier than other popular grubs in Lucena but it was worth it! ERICJAZ FOODIES cannot WAIT to eat here again and savor all that BUBBLES crispy pata goodness. We find their Crispy Fried Pork Shank to be at par with other Manila versions. 

And at only P380.00, this BUBBLES' pride is quite a steal!!! YUM!

In a perfect world, my husband and I would EACH have our own crispy pata! HOWEVER, in a perfect world, I would have a 24 inch waistline weighing only 115lbs too. 

I guess getting my own Crispy Pata is more possible so I would just fulfill THAT dream soon and head to BUBBLES in Lucena. 

With that, the world would somehow be perfect for Jaz, yaddah yaddah. 

Tee hee!


228 Quezon Ave. Brgy. 8, 
4301 Lucena City, Philippines
(042) 373 4455

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