
Sunday, October 6, 2013


As much as I love going out with friends, workmates, or even husband (he he he he!), NOTHING beats lunch or dinner with one of my sons.

I remember that we started this tradition like 2 years ago when I got the idea to have a DATE NIGHT with either Mati or Andrei. Of course we are still going to make night outs with TEAM YAP a priority but I love spending quality one on one time with the boys as I find that they behave differently when the other little lord is not there. Plus, I get a certain thrill taking them to the restaurants me and my Yub go to on our dates and act all "grown-uppy" with them.

It is so fun! If you have kids, try it out. Believe me, it would definitely be a night for you to remember.

I guess the same could be said for the kids because when I ask Mati when is the happiest day of his life, he would often say it was when we had our first "Mommy and Mati date night".

And you know what? It IS true that the love and care you show your kids really goes back to you. We now have this new tradition that on Valentine's week, besides going out with my husband, I will also  go out on a date with Mati one night, then Andrei on another night.

And just the previous week, Mati declared that when he grows up he will also take me out on Valentimes (that's what we call it) and give me P150.00.


Like I said, Kiddie Date Nights are the best!

Except for the part that I have to pay for dinner since it is usually my husband who foots the bill. He he he he he!

Oh well... At least I have P150.00!


One TEAM YAP Sunday outing, my husband and I decided to each have a "DATE NIGHT" with our sons in Powerplant Mall. 

While Yub and Andrei went to Pepper Lunch, I asked Mati where he wanted to go and he said GANSO SHABU WAY!

GANSO SHABUWAY Japanese Style Hot Pot!

GANSO SHABUWAY was packed that night!

We were seated at the counter but we did not mind since we saw all the kitchen action in GANSO SHABUWAY!

 We were then welcomed heartily by our server. 


Since I was with Mati,  who was such a carnivore, we shared the 180g USDA Choice Angus set. He gets all the GANSO SHABUWAY meat while I will have all the veggies!!!

GANSO SHABUWAY has 2 types of broth for your Japanese shabu shabu. Since I love everything spicy, I got the Spicy Miso Broth.

Though Mati loves Lucky Me Extra Hot Pancit Canton, he chose to have the GANSO SHABUWAY Traditional Seaweed broth instead.  This is his pot.

My GANSO SHABUWAY veggies! Each set comes with this special plate of vegetables!

Oh well... my little carnivore Mati swiped my enoki mushrooms! Ha ha ha ha! He loved it so much he ordered another serving of enoko mushrooms from GANSO SHABUWAY at P100.00!

The GANSO SHABUWAY set comes with 1 cup of rice but we were really in the mood more for noodles (P110.00 per bowl). It's just a shame that we cannot convert the rice to noodles even if we'll pay a little extra. The cup of rice was untouched. 

GANSO SHABUWAY special sauces in Ponzu (left) and Sesame (right)!

Mati loved the Ponzu sauce with a lot of dashes of the Japanese chili powder.

As for me, I made my GANSO SHABUWAY ponzu sauce more special by adding teaspoonfuls of kimchi radish and onion leeks.

The GANSO SHABUWAY sesame sauce gets another taste level with garlic! YUM!!!!

Good thing my date does not mind if I have garlic breath!!!

My little eager and hungry date!

We waited patiently as our GANSO SHABUWAY server sliced our USDA beef in thin cuts!


Mati's GANSO SHABUWAY soup with noodles and vegetables was already boiling....

While mine was taking it's time!

Oh well! Then that's our cue to have our GANSO SHABUWAY picture picture!!

My date is at the stage where he is very expressive of his feelings. I hope though that this BLECH face is not because I smell bad or I'm a lousy date.

Ha ha ha ha! Kidding! My Mati loves making faces! It is such a challenge to get him and Andrei to put up a normal smile for the camera. 

I really appreciated that the GANSO SHABUWAY waitress saw my predicament of shooting pictures and serving Mati at the same time that she offered to help out.  Muchos gracias thanks!

By the way, if you see TEAM YAP eating out and you catch me taking pictures before serving the kids, please don't judge me. I mean I ALWAYS put the kids first but if I don't take a few seconds to take pictures before we wolf down our food then this silly little food will not exist. 

Besides once I start something I don't want to get interrupted. So when I start feeding Mati and Andrei, I'll be in the "zone" that I will forget taking pictures again. Ha ha ha ha!

My little guy was so hungry and proceeded to chomp down all the GANSO SHABUWAY juicy meats!

Even if he was such a Healthy Shabu Shabu fan (see our numerous dinners there HERE!!!!) my little lord LOVED GANSO SHABUWAY and ate with all his might!

As for me, I'll finally get to eat!! Here's my GANSO SHABUWAY spicy cup of noodles! 

I would cook the GANSO SHABUWAY USDA cut meats when I was ready to eat them. Believe me, there is nothing better than newly cooked shabu shabu meat!

This GANSO SHABUWAY beef will go down like butter! Mmmmmmm!

After cooking and dipping all the GANSO SHABUWAY meat in the soup, all the beefy goodness and flavors will be jampacked in the broth! This is so good! See how rich it is?

I finished my first helping of the GANSO SHABUWAY miso sauce so I asked for another serving. This time I added some Japanese chili powder with garlic in the sauce!

WOW! This just kicked it up a notch!!

Almost done!

My date, like his dad, is such a fast eater that he was done light years ahead of me. Since he was finished, he got his favorite Royal Soda.

See the Mcdonald's Bag? Inside are toys or magazines which he could use while waiting for me to devour all my food. He he he he! 

Yes I'm THAT a slow eater I am!



I always have a great time with Mati who is turning out to be a little foodie now. Just tonight, we plotted the other restaurants we'll eat in when it's his turn for DATE NIGHT with Mommy.  

Hmmm.... It looks like I'm going to have a new partner for my silly little food blog!!



But it IS tempting. Ha ha ha ha ha!

DATE NIGHT with Andrei coming soon!!!


By the way, check out our first GANSO SHABUWAY blog entry:

GANSO SHABU WAY - Power Plant Mall
Concourse Level, Power Plant Mall, Rockwell Center
Lopez Drive, Barangay Poblacion
Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

Phone Number
(+63 2) 822-4864, (+63 917) 822-1400

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