
Monday, January 3, 2022


It's the New Year once more and amidst the pandemic that we just experienced last 2020, I am so hopeful that we'll have a better one this 2021.

Because really, anything "better" is a welcome change. I would always say "kahit nga hind super or much better, basta BETTER!" Ha ha ha ha!

For the first part of 2021, I'd say, things are looking up. I cannot go into all the specifics but I'm so thankful that some of my prayers are already being answered. And since what I'm praying for is to receive what's best for me and the family, I know that where we are now is what the Lord wants for us.

Now that's a very comforting thought right?

For this new year, I don't want to challenge it with a lame "bring it on" nor dare it to overthrow the last one.

What I plan to do is ACCEPT 2021.

I'm doing this post at the first month so I really don't know what's in store for all of us, but yeah, whatever it would give us I would still embrace it.

Like what I would always say, there's always something to be thankful for. 

So yeah, here's to the start of the New Year where we will accept it with all the knowledge and values learned from the previous one (because you gotta admit, though 2020 majorly sucked, there were still many "AHA" moments there).

In that way, I personally believe that 2021 will then be better for all of us.

Eow pozh 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


I was able to fulfill many resolutions from last year.

Unfortunately though, it's not looking good for this one. ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Let's just say the first one always fails me. Hala!!!!

Jan 1, 2021

We had a mighty yum spread for New Year's Eve and even if it was all soooo good, ang dami pa din natira sa dami! Ha ha ha ha ha! It's okay. We welcomed the leftovers for so many days. He he he he!

Check out the blog post HERE!

Jan. 1, 2021

Yub's family were having a staycation in OKADA Hotel. Even if they were inviting us, we said no because we're still uneasy about the pandemic. We're game with occasional food trips but for an overnight stay? We're not yet ready. He he he he he he! 

We just had dinner with them. Yay!

When we got home, we were just in time for Mati's birthday!!! So we had a birthday salubong for him.

When my Mom asked, why didn't you stay longer at the hotel para your "salubong" is more sosy?

My dearest Mati said "No Lola, I want talaga the official start of my birthday to be with you and the family, here at our home!"


His wish was our command. We had his birthday dinner at his requested, SAMBOKOJIN!

I finally finished THE MANDALORIAN and woah.... My crush for him is now confirmed and final. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

That weekend, the family had a birthday lunch for dearest Mati!

Jan 6, 2021

Jan 6

I was feeling down lately (menopause???) but here’s my laugh of the day (pwede din week)!

The Yub posted these bday greetings for the boys on his timeline. The morning of Mati’s bday, my bunso Andrei went up to his dad...

Andrei (pabulong pa): Daddy di ba mas may meaning ang MINI-ME kasi ikaw yun e! E yung apprentice it’s like assistant lang! Di ba po? Di ba??”

Hahahaa! My little seloso boy!

I love it when the hub calls the boys "anak"!

Jan 9, 2021

That weekend, Mati had a munting bday getogether with his friends! Thank you all for coming and making my big guy happy! Even if it’s a social-distancing with mask-on gimik, we hope everyone had a great time! Thanks again!

January 10, 2021

Birthdays cannot be complete without our beloved KIMPURA!

Thankful that we're able to eat here na for our big guy!

Sayang lang that the bunso and Mommy couldn't join us. Inuwian na lang namin sila. He he he he he!

January 15, 2021

I have a new boss and I'm so excited and thankful for what's ahead for me! Don't let the picture fool you. It's what I sent the hub when I surprised him with my work news. Yayyyy!!!!!!

Answered prayers talaga! Wohooo! So happy to be a Dabarkads! Wohooo!

January 16, 2021

The next weekend, we made our long overdue Christmas visit to Daddy. Dapat talaga this was scheduled December but so many things happened hay naku! Kaya eto na lang kami!

January 16, 2021

That night, we went out for some Korean food! We were deciding between going for some unlimited Korean resto there or Bulgogi Brothers. In the end, what the heck, we went for Bulgogi Brothers because there's a 50% discount if you pay with Citibank!

January 17, 2021

That Sunday, we went to Palacio de Memoria to attend the wedding of our officemate's son.

We are such good friends with tita Josie that when she announced that her son is getting married, we invited ourselves. She said no at limited lang daw guests.


Inaraw araw namin siya! Ha ha ha ha ha! As in we're like "Ano kaya susuotin namin sa 17???"

Little did she know that her daughter invited us talaga. He he he he he he he! We'll be going to the event to surprise her. Syempre, we had some fun with it na din. 

O di ba? Gate crashing at its finest! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Congratulations Iam and Angelie!!!!! Tee heee!

Buti na lang pinapasok na kami! ha ha ha ha!

Jan. 20, 2021

Office birthdays are more fun in TAPE Inc! Now this is super evident with Tita Josie's Japanese themed lunch treat. 

Yep! Costumes, props, and background were provided for! Saya no?

January 23, 2021

Since I have a strong crush now kay Pedro Pascal, the Yub said he'll grow out his mustache. Aba aba!!!!

Never thought I'll have the hots for somebody with facial hair, but I did!!!!

January 23, 2021

We super enjoyed our Bulgogi Brother's dinner from last week that we returned for lunch that weekend!

January 23, 2021

That night, we attended the 45th birthday of our dear friend Nino.

If I may share, Nino and his wife Ayns were the reason the Yub and I are together -- they were the ones who set up our blind date! O di ba???

Sila salarin ng lahat!!!!!

January 29, 2021

It doesn't take much to make me happy. This trait is obvious when one of my life's joys is to troll Yorme's Facebook account.

In fairness, I don't fight with him. I just express my love... and in the end, I ask for load. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I just find it so funny. He never responds naman e!


Syempre I trolled also my new flavor of the month.

Hubba hubba!

January 29, 2021

Dearest Mati has a lovely singing voice but he's shy to sing on video. 

He shares this talent once in a while with an FB post where you could only hear his voice and not see him. 

January 30, 2021

Whenever it's our friend Gem's birthday, she would always treat the gang to a staycation in Belmont Hotel. This year, it's not possible because of the pandemic. Still, she didn't forget to share her blessings and treated the gang to PANTRY in DUSIT THANI HOTEL.

Hay naku! We had almost 5 hours of eating, drinking, and chatting ourselves out. Ang saya lang! We're glad and thankful that we were able to meet up with these amazing people once again.

See blog post HERE!


February 3, 2021

Super enjoying the cold weather! As in we don't have aircon the whole night!

Somebody's enjoying it too much though. Ha ha ha ha!

February 5, 2021

Nobody messaged me about my gross kwento. Bah humbug.

SO I'LL SHARE IT HERE! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Yub and I were in Chili's in Powerplant Mall and this rude couple sat beside us. They didn't do anything to us but they were so loud and fresh with the servers.

Fast forward to when we're about to go home. The Yub and I went down the escalator and saw the couple. The girl was kneeling and seemed sick. I was about to go to them but paused momentarily because I remembered them from Chili's. I made up my mind to ask them if there's anything wrong but as we were about to go to them, the girl made projectile vomit EVERYWHERE! Imagine the exorcist but with chocolate na malaman laman na vomit. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Sorry. I'm not nagbabait baitan. As much as I wanted to help vomit just really grosses me out. The Yub and I left in a hurry (because I added up to the vomit myself ha ha ha ha). There was a security guard there so I'm sure the matter was reported.

Tee hee.... 

February 6, 2021

Hay naku! Because of Pedro Pascal, I think mustaches are sexy na!

February 6, 2021

Nagpatubo tuloy si Yub!

February 7, 2021

The Yub is just new at Tik tok and got curious with the dances. He invited me to do one and this is our first.

Nakow! Hingal na hingal kami after. It was fun though. Pag hindi ako inis sa kaniya, we'll do one always. Ha ha ha ha ha!

February 8, 2021

Treated the family for Sunday lunch because I got bownus! Asked them what they wanted and they were in the mood for some Sushi and Shabu Shabu!!!!

We ordered from Gyoshin Japanese Food and Shabu ShaBuri! 


February 11, 2021

Usually, we would go to Binondo to celebrate the Chinese New Year.  Because of the pandemic though, we have to forego our traditional gimiks. Dito muna kami sa North Park. Ha ha ha ha!

February 12, 2021

Treated Gem for her birthday and it became a Valentines plus Chinese New Year celebration!

That weekend, the family went to my Kuya's house in Antipolo for his birthday!

February 14, 2021


The Yub made many reservations for our “Valentimes Steak Night” that I had to reject because, even if he’s the one treating, the prices were major major over! He argued that it’s Valentimes naman, but no way!! It should always be within his budget. He still looked and looked that I said na “Wag na lang tayo lumabas.... Or sa old places na lang natin!” 

“No,” he said. “Dapat bago (for us) because it’s Valentimes!”

Finally, we ended up in Highlands Steakhouse in MOA and we really enjoyed the food. We had a great deal too compared to the other restos he initially planned for us.

Thanks Yub for the tweat and for, as always, not giving up even when my brattiness takes over. Hehehe! Happy Valentimes!!!

One morning, we were called to the office for a certain work thing.

February 20, 2021

That weekend, the boys went on a gimik with some friends. This was their first in almost a year!!! So happy for them. 

February 21, 2021

Whenever my birthday week comes, I officially start it with a visit to Daddy.

Syempre I wouldn't forget Daddy on my birthday. He was the one who would always put in a lot of effort to make it special before.

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out Andrei's greeting for me.

HAYYYYYYYY! He said talaga that he'll be posting my pangit pictures. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Andrei's greeting

February 26, 2021

Tee hee! One of my hobbies is trolling Yorme I know.

February 27, 2021

What about you? What are your favorite complimentary breads?

February 28, 2021

That Sunday, I treated my family to BUFFET TO GO (of Dad's, Sambokojin, and Kamayan). It was good!!! We loved the food!

Blog post is coming up!!!!!


March 5, 2021

March was looking great for us. Even if I had some things to do at work, I'm happy that the Yub and I were able to catch up to Mati and his friend when they went out. Syempre, super happy and kilig kami ni Yub for him. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

March 11, 2021

It’s “show your love for your work” day! Hehe! 

I forgot that the Yub was going to pick me up today (so that meant we’re going to eat out) and I was wearing my matching EB shirt and jacket! O di ba? Double header pa! 

I really don’t mind because I love my job and proud of EB. (If you watch my tiktoks, Im ALWAYS wearing EB shirts. Haha!) Tonight though, when I entered the mall the guard sang “Eatttttt... BULAGA!” Another guy looked at me and said “Nice shirt!”  Im just shy with the attention! (Yeah newsflash: I’m actually a shy person).

The Yub was further amused when he pointed out “Ako nga din naka-Goodyear o!” We’re matching daw talaga. Teehee!

March 12, 2021

Never thought that this would happen but I'm saying goodbye na to my work station. Grabe been here for 13 years!!! Never thought I'll be leaving it this soon.

Yes soon. Because having so much fun at work that time flew by so fast.

It's the Yub's birthday and I treated THE YAPPY BUNCH to his request -- STEAK!!!!

Syempre if it's steak, it will be at our favorite MAMOU!!!!!

Hay naku! Andrei strikes again!

Yub's bday celebration with  my family

The Yappy Bunch were not able to go to Lucena for Yub’s birthday because of Covid but it’s okay — my Gatdula family will always be here for you because we love you (ew?). Hehehehe!

Sunday family lunches are always fun especially if we’re complete AND there’s Crispy Pata. Haha! Yummmm!

March 15, 2021

Remember how I said goodbye to my work station? It's because we're moving HERE!!!

Yep. Social distancing was strongly promoted by our Safety Officers that Admin decided to move into the unused annex building of TAPE. 

To think we were initially sad with the decision but now, we're really thankful for it. 

Happy with our new annex! Yay!

March 15, 2021

I’m not really part of the army but DEYYMMM the Grammy performance of BTS with “Dynamite” was uh-mazing! I think I saw it twice na and mosprob will watch more. Hahah!

And as usual, crushes ko the first guy (dunno his name basta the one in the white suit) because I think he looks like Yub!! Hehe!

Thus marks my love affair with BTS.


March 16, 2021

My newest crushes! Yihiiii!! So adorable!

First it was Pedro Paschal, now it’s cutie boy Jung Kook!

The BTS hearthrob caught my eye during their mind-blowing performance in the recent Grammy Awards. Then I realized: he’s the younger version of the hub! Cutie cute cute!! Hahahaha! I think I slept around 3am na watching their videos.

I don’t know if I’m crushinh on these guys because they look like my hub or it’s the other way around. Hahaha! I cant help but notice the resemblance. I think it’s the nose and that quiet/shy kuno persona.


Edit -- Now I LOVE ALL MEMBERS OF BTS!!!! Yes, even si siga Suga!!!!!


March 17, 2021

When I got home I called the boys to make an important announcement.

The boys: WHAAAT???

Me: Guess!!!

Mati: You have corona?!?!?

Me: NO! (Knocks on wood).


Me: NO!

The boys: WHAT?! WHAAAT???

(dramatic pause)

Me: I NOW LOVE BTS and am part of their army!!!! (Then I proceeded to dance Dynamite)

This is what they did. Ha ha ha ha ha!

March 19, 2021

Again, because of the pandemic the Yub and I rarely eat at some of our favorite restaurants (especially that it closes by the time we're available). So it's really fun that we got to eat again in HEALTHY SHABU SHABU. Our favorite then till now!

March 20, 2021

It was just us on a Saturday so we thought of going out with our favorite big guy. We went to his wish, BULGOGI BROTHERS!!! Yum!

Yep! It became our favorite especially with the 50% off on Saturdays. Ha ha ha ha ha!

March 22, 2021

Remember when I said that March was looking great for us? Well that's WRONG.

My sister in law passed away the weekend after Andrei had a vacation in my kuya's place in Antipolo.


Good bye dear Karen!

Thank you for making my brother and niece so happy. You always took care of them and shared your love to the family. You will forever be my favorite sister-in-law. 🙂

We will miss you so much dear Karen 😞 RIP 🙁

March 23, 2021

“We don't have time to look at one another. I didn't realize. So all that was going on and we never noticed. Take me back -- up the hill -- to my grave. But first: Wait! One more look. Good-bye , Good-bye world. Good-bye, Grover's Corners....Mama and Papa. Good-bye to clocks ticking....and Mama's sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new ironed dresses and hot baths....and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you.”

- OUR TOWN Final Act

(Karen’s memorable lines from her college play as shared by her classmate).

I always read this in her voice and makes me tear up every time. 

March 25, 2021

Yub is a new fan!!!!

We saw the latest BTS concert in Korea and GRABE!!! Ang ganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if mahal pa siya, it's soooo worth it sa effects, sa set, and of course, their performance!!!!! I WANNA WATCH TULOY TALAGA!

March 28, 2021

Such an inspiring post from my bunso....

“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” - John Lennon.

Goes out to those who need it right now.

March 28, 2021

This was one of our last dates/outings because many people we know are actually dying of covid. Haaaaaaay... when will this pandemic end????

March 29, 2021

The boys and Mommy stayed in Antipolo with my brother and Rocio to keep them company. Parang ganito nga ata kami ni Yub when they leave us for their own families. Ha ha ha ha ha!

March 31, 2021

It's okay. I have Cable naman to replace Andrei. Ha ha ha ha haa!

March 31, 2021

Our stupid cat GBF is missing. Grrrrr... This was after I got mad at him for not eating his cat food.

Oh well. He's actually kind of sick that I felt bad for what I did. Karen said before that cats love their master's so much that when they feel like they're going to die, they'll leave so as not to burden their family.


Stupid cat. Huhuhu. I miss you GBF. :(


Anniv namin mga panget. 

Ha ha ha ha!

April 6, 2021

Our simple Anniv dinner with family. Yub and I were not able to go out on a date because of the alarming increasing numbers of covid. Kaya stay at home talaga muna mga beauty namin.

And how did we end our night?

By watching BTS' IN THE SOOP!!!!

April 8 2021

I started working from home. This is just a temporary set up while there is this alarming spike in the covid positive numbers. Usually when I do extra work after office hours, I'll use the PC of the boys. However, I need to check on somethings in the morning and I can't make singit when  my sons have online classes. Good thing our admin allowed me to take home my computer. 

April 8, 2021

That night I said goodbye to my monitoring group as I was "promoted" to head a new one. Ha ha ha ha ha! Hala! Bawas my BTS viewing times!!! Kidding. 

Bye guysh! I'll miss our EOW POHZ! It has been a fun 3 months with you 🙂

April 9, 2021

AND... here's my new monitoring group with our Sales people! Calls are always so fun with them. Kahit nga pic lang masaya na. Ha ha ha ha ha!

April 9. 2021

 Prince Philip dies.

I had a huge crush on him when he was younger and it's just weird that unlike my other crushes, I know what he looks like when he "gets old.' Ha ha ha!

April 11, 2021

Every Friday, the Yub and I have what you may call our "goodnight snack." It usually happens after a whole night of watching tv h ha ha ha ah ah!!

This time, we watched  a LOT of BTS Bon Voyage!!!


April 21, 2021

FINALLY! So happy to see their whole performance uploaded in YT. I know I may be late in the game but THIS mind-blowing sight of 7 people singing live and dancing at the helipad of a high-rise in Seoul made me a new (and forever) army!! Call me dramatic (or whatever, loser) but BTS made me believe again that nice guys do NOT finish last. He he he he!

The grammys should know better next time. Ijits! He he he he!!!

Oh and if this yt post make over 1b views, 1m is mine. Ha ha ha ha ha!

April 24, 2021


April 24, 2021

I really appreciate how  my son's school truly cares for its students. Mati felt that needed to get a confession and the priests were more than happy to oblige!

April 24, 2021

Afterwards, we had our lunch in MARUGAME UDON al fresco!!! We still enjoyed it!!!

April 26, 2021

I had to go to office to do some work and was advised by Management to wear PPE. Ha ha ha ha! It was my first time to wear and IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!! As Yub would say, "tagas ang pawis ko...!!!"

Still, I appreciate that Management cared for me. Ha ha ha ha!

April 28, 2021

This is my long time request for Andrei and I'm happy that he did it! Galing talaga!

April 29, 2021

YIHEEEEEEE!! My first BTS goodie!! Yayyyyy!!!! I will keep the container forever talaga!!! I purple you BTS!!

Thanks kuya Jose for the pasalubong!!! Yayyy! Mwah mwah! 🙂



Normally, this part would be the movies we saw on theatre. Because there is a pandemic, that is out of the question. 

It's great din because of in place weekly theater house nights, we had regular movie nights with the boys. That way is much cheaper pa (free most of the time) and we could do it at our own schedule. Of course, the outings I find more exciting. However, there is something very comforting with staying in and cuddling up with the boys at their chosen movie or sharing with them the film that touched us in our childhood.

With that, here are the movies we were able to watch with them that had a big impact in our family this year!

January 2, 2021

When we got home from his birthday dinner, Mati asked if we could finish “Return of the Jedi”!

Suuuuure! It was also so perfect to watch The Mandolirian s2 after this!

Yep. After RETURN OF THE JEDI, there's ONLY the Mandalorian!!! Wala nang iba pa!

January 7, 2021

I always believed that all kids should watch the classic Peanuts movies at one point. Ang gaganda kaya ng mga values.

Here, we saw SNOOPY COME HOME with the bunso! The songs are really so memorable.

January 11, 2021

Tee Hee! Watching this primarily because of pareng Pedro! Stayed for the storyline (which is based on facts of korzzz). Didn't know why we put off watching this series for so long because IT'S DA BOMB (hala pun not intended promise). We loved everything about it!!!!!! We also watched Narcos Mexico afterwards.

January 24, 2021

Watching WANDAVISION now with the boys. It’s okay naman but somehow, I can’t help but remember WANDA THE WITCH who lives West of Washington! I could still recite this out loud.

Besides, instead of Vision, Wanda has a pet weasel...

Cue in: “I’m a Weasel!”

February 17, 2021

Never thought that the Yub and I would love PEAKY BLINDERS but we did!!!!!!! Pareng Cillian is too hot pa. He he he he he!


February 28, 2021

I know I said that I found Wandavision ho-hum before but I take that back now.

IT'S SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! Galing pa acting ni Elizabeth Olsen!!!

I always considered Wanda and Vision ew and boring before. Now I love them and I would get teary eyed at their story. I love them now so much that I rewatched Age of Ultron to see their story.

March 8, 2021

Before anything else, THE PICTURE IS NOT MINE. I just saw it on FB!


I REALLY never thought that I’d be so affected with Wanda and Vision so much that every time I see her lips quiver, I get ready to bawl my eyes out. To think that they were so MEH in the Avengers movies. To be honest they kinda grossed me out because it’s like

Elizabeth Olsen was making out with C3PO!

WandaVision changed all of that and they are now in my Avenger’s top list. Really hope they give Wanda the happy ending she so deserves soon.

AND, with what happened to Peter Maximoff (my favorite character in the Xmen new class played awesomely by Evan Peters) in Wandavision? I see what you did there Marvel!!!

March 12, 2021


Not as awesome as the first one but it was still an entertaining watch for family movie night!! 🙂

March 20, 2021

I absolutely LOVED the Snyder cut! Even at 4 hours, I still felt that it was not enough. The movie indeed had a lot of heart and none of the nonsense that the “mustache” brought. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it just made me severely wish for a sequel!

The Snyder cut also proved yet again that (besides pareng Christopher) Henry “my love” Cavill is THE Superman! So thankful that I got to see him don the cape again and got so many kilig to the bones moments from that handsome face. Ke gwapo talaga! (Sorry Jungkook, adults talking muna).


Will watch this again!!! #RestoreTheSnyderverse

April 3, 2021

KING KONG vs GODZILLA was AWESOME!! I'm glad that they made them "friends." Ha ha ha ha!

April 23, 2021

Is it wrong that I'm totally liking Zemo now???



Because of the pandemic, going on our usual staycations is out of the question. Though there are hotels out there that got certified as staycation safe, we cannot bring ourselves to do it still. In fact, we got an invitation by Yub's family to a weekend at Okada Hotel but we got so uneasy with the idea. We just felt that we're so thankful for being all safe and healthy even if we go out for groceries and malls, going on a staycation would already be pushing it. So yun. Wag muna!

So in place of our usual hotel weekends, let me just share how I found my home soooooooooooooooo comfy cozy that we really don't really mind putting off staycations for now. He he he he he he he!!!!

January 4, 2021

While I was at work one time, the Yub sent me this picture of our cat GBF sleeping with legs up in our garage. Ha ha ha ha ha! He may look dirty (because he gets violent when we attempt to clean him) but he looks so cute here. Ang sarap ng tulog niya!

Even if my room is soooo messy, I still find it very cozy. On my birthday morning, I can't bring myself to get up so I stayed in bed till 10:00am because it's my birthday and I'll lie if I want to!

March 6, 2021

The first week of March we went to Pico De Loro! Our first beach getaway for sooooo long!!! We had loads of fun!

Of course, it was more kalog and extra fun because of our BP Family!!!

Thank you dears Gem and Jojie for inviting us and organizing this trip!



Of  course, let us not forget that ERICJAZ FOODIES is originally my blog on my foodie dates with the yub! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Now we may not go out as much as we want to, here's some of our memorable grub in and out of home!!!!

January 14, 2021

Had a super delicious dinner when we ordered at Brotzeit Philippines with their new online service!!

This was an awesome break from our usual fast food deliveries. Everything arrived hot and sarapp! It’s like “we-ate-in-the-resto” quality. 

January 15, 2021

One Friday, Andrei went with his Daddy to fetch me from work. We had a super yum Dimsum dinner afterwards at our favorite Causeway, now under new management called MR. CHOW!

January 29, 2021

We got word that ELBERT'S DINER will be closing that weekend for dine-in (they'll still be available for deliveries). I remembered how the Yub wanted to eat here for a looooooooooooong time so from Quezon City we drove to Makati on a Friday just for this!

January 30, 2021

We were having a lazy Saturday but I really wanted to try out the Ramen Nagi King feature of the month -- cheesy curry!!! It was going to be taken out of the menu that Sunday that I dragged the Yub and Mati out just for this.

Payag na payag naman sila. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

January 31, 2021

We ended the month with a very delicious dinner featuring breakfast food! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! On Lazy Sundays kasi it's always like, Breakfast food or instant noodles for dinner. He he he he he! It became a tradition na.

Sarap kaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 1, 2021

Greeted the month with a pig out session in Jollibee. 

Comfort Pinoy fast food at its finest!

February 6, 2021

It all started with a stupid post of this tiktok couple who STEAL (yes STEAL I don't care how they justify it) the very affordable chili powder in Marugame Udon.

Syempre, that got us craving tuloy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

February 22, 2021

We really enjoyed these delicious food platters from @_cucina_di_andrea !!! We got the Lengua and Olives, Liguria Pasta, and Chorizo Rice — we loved them all! Plus, Dulce De Leche Chocolate cake from @corinas_kitchen22 !!! Saraaaaap!! Thanks for the early ahem treat!! 🙂


For your next gathering, check out their IG pagea @_cucina_di_andrea and @corinas_kitchen22 !!! Yummmmmm.....

February 24, 2021

Burger Beasts

I should’ve known better!!!

When the delivery arrived, I swear I didnt know that one of the burgers had a plant-based patty. All the while I was savoring the juiciness of it all, I was shrugging off my son’s repetitive declarations that he wont eat a vegetable burger.

“It’s meat!! Huy!’ I said pa.

In the end, I was wrong. Yes, one of them was not made of eat. After finishing the Umami Burger (which I enjoyed sooo much), I was like “Aah maybe it’s the French Burger.”

Nope. It WAS the Umami Burger!!!

Woah! I really wasnt able to tell the difference!!!

Such a long post I know but I just have to share my story how I was wrong, twice, but came out wanting more.

Check out Burger Beast PH where they also use Beyond Meat plant based patties! Soo good. My son asking when we’ll order again. Haha! Available in Food Panda and Grab Food!

February 26, 2021

Mareng Gail and Gem treated me for my birthday in my favorite, MAMOU!!!! 

They know it's my favorite kaya we had a super fun night there.

February 27, 2021

Since it's my birthday week, we thought of availing some popular birthday promos out there. We checked out RAMEN NAGI (who changed their promo mechanics) and still enjoyed their Ramen!


March 5, 2021

Somebody craved Ippudo so much that I was helpless. 

Okay fine! I'll break my no carb rule for the week!!! GRRRRR!

March 12, 2021

Once in a while, the Yub and I go back to the place where we had our blind date.

Yun lang the Chicken Crispers are not as good as before.

March 21, 2021

My bunso stayed at my brother’s for the weekend and when he got back, treated him to his favorite sushi and rolls from Gyoshin Japanese Food!!! Yummm! Super value for the price. 

Now, he’s not too cranky about going home na. Hahahaah!

April 2, 2021

We were not able to go to Cavite this Holy Week.

Still, my brother treated us to delicious Japanese fried food! Ha ha ha ha!

(When we're in the province kasi laging ang sarap ng kain namin!)

April 8, 2021

Finally tried out the Mcdo Kpop Chicken Burger.

One word: MEH.

Plus, it made my poop green. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Going back to Big Mac after this!

April 11, 2021

Made Spam Musubi!!!

I just did this by hand without molds. Ha ha ha ha! I'll ask Yub to buy me. 

April 22, 2021


Woahhhh! Got these goodies from Titallennials!!!! We always get our Shabu Shabu ingredients from them (plus more) because it’s fresh and top quality at our type of prices!

Check out TITALLENIALS now! 🙂

Thanks sooo muchos Mareng Joan and pareng Stonibert!!! Ang dami!!! Mishooo! 🙂








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