
Wednesday, December 23, 2020


It's the Christmas season!!!! One thing's for sure, we're wracking up our brains what to cook for our Noche Buena or holiday meals!!!!

Of course, my household is no exception.

My brother and I were usually in charge of cooking our Noche Buena so as early as the start of December, I'm already listing down our menu. We have our usual favorites (stuffed chicken, steak, mashed potatoes, leche flan, etc... etc) but we're always on the look-out to add something new to make our night more exciting for our tummy.

What should I cook then?

I was thinking of something classic, delicious, that would still impress our diners. Of course, preparation and cooking time should be considered since we're serving a lot on that day. Good thing a package arrived that day and it instantly gave me an idea what to cook!


Umbria Terra Di Tartufi, distributed by Dygen Food Ventures, Inc., has a variety of high-quality products that are used in restaurants for that authentic taste. I was able to receive their Truffle Oil and Sauce, and it got me excited to cook up my boys' favorites.

Of course, learning that I COULD make a platter of Truffle Cream Pasta made them plead for me to cook it ASAP and not wait for Noche Buena. So, like any hungry Mommy would do (who also understood the craving), I instantly made it!

And woah! We were all happy that I did! 


Our delivery of goodies from Dygen Food Ventures included the White Truffle Oil and the Black Truffle Sauce!

The white truffle oil was made from dehydrated Bianchetto truffle and white truffle aroma. This exquisite oil has a lighter flavor but with that familiar garlic and peppery essence.

The Black Truffle Sauce however is made with champignon mushrooms, black olives, olive oil, and Black Summer Truffle. The thick grainy sauce has a more rich and robust flavor from the earthiness of the mushrooms and truffle. 

It was Andrei's birthday and since this is his favorite, I made Truffle Cream Pasta. 

Here's my basic sauce recipe where I fried chopped garlic and onions with butter, then added milk, parmesan cheese, and cream. I waited for it to thick up then I added my spaghetti!

After mixing everything, it's time to add the Umbria Terra Di Tartufi's White Truffle Oil!

I turned off the heat and drizzled a bit on top of my pasta. Remember that Truffle Oil is not a cooking oil. It works better as a "finishing oil" where you put it when everything's done to get that pure flavor.

We actually have another bottle of Truffle Oil from the grocery but I think for this special occasion, I should try THIS!

I only put about a tablespoon or two of the Truffle Oil and it's aroma just massaged my senses! He he he he he!


Woah! It looked and tasted glorious!!!!!!

We all raved about it that it became an instant addition to our Noche Buena! Sereeeep! It tasted so much like what they serve in my favorite restaurant. 

It certainly made my bunsoy boy happy on his birthday!

On another night, I took home Carbonara from our office merienda and gave it to Andrei.

My bunso suggested that we make it into a Truffle Carbonara again. With that I remembered the Truffle Sauce!

We scooped a spoonful of the Black Truffle Sauce and put it on top of our Carbonara.

I don't know about you but that dollop of Truffle Cream Sauce suddenly made the meh carbonara fancy, don't you think???

It was SOOOOO good!!!! Again, it's like what we had in our favorite restaurant! My bunso loved it sooo much that he asked for another serving!

He made this one and gave me tips on "plating" like how Chef Gordon would do it. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Sabagay, his work was MUCH better! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep! My office Carbonara suddenly became restaurant quality with that Truffle Sauce!!!

A very sulit staple in your pantry if you want to make something fancy AND delicious ASAP!

The Umbria Terra Di Tartufi White Truffle Oil is available in 100 mL and 250 mL bottles for Php 719.00 and Php 1,399. Their Original Truffle Sauce is available in 80g and 180g bottles for Php 519.00 and Php 759.00, while their Black Truffle Sauce 5% (intense) is available in a 180g bottle for Php 999.

UMBRIA TERRA DI TARTUFI is distributed by DYGEN FOOD VENTURES INC., and is available for purchase at GOODWILL.MARKET, an e-commerce site under Dyna Drug Corporation that offers healthy and authentic products that are globally loved and curated. 

Check out their other healthy goodies!

I'm sure there are so many uses for UMBRIA TERRA DI TARTUFI high quality Truffle Oils and Sauces. For now though, we're sticking with our favorite made MORE special!






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