
Thursday, October 29, 2020


Once upon a time before the pandemic...

If you're close with my hub, you'd know that he's one of the most simplest man ever and it doesn't take much to make him happy. He's really not for grand celebrations and as long as we're together eating his favorite grub, he'll be super happy.

For his birthday this year, he really didn't want to make a fuss anymore because of that growing pandemic. Still, we thought that we cannot let his birthday pass without giving him even a tiny celebration and we promised to be ultra-careful.

When pushed he said he would like to have some (surprise, surprise) Chinese food. He remembered the last time we went out with Team Godoy how much we enjoyed the food in MANN HANN and asked if we could go there.

OF COURSE! His wish was our command!

We're extra happy too because we LOVED MANN HANN!



Wednesday, October 21, 2020


One Saturday before the pandemic...

We met up with Team Mina in Paranaque-ness. While deciding where, the BGP suggested we go to SM Sucat. Normally, I was fine there but remembering how the BGP is a cancer survivor and that her health defense system is way, way, way down, I asked if we could go somewhere else. I said that it's better if we just go to a restaurant that's not located in a mall. With that, the BGP recommended INENG'S Special BBQ!!!!!


Turns out, this was their surprise (advance) birthday treat for me!


Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Once upon a time before the pandemic...

My little family are such fans of Shabu Shabu that we cannot stay away from it for a long time. Fried Chicken, Pizza, Burgers, etc etc are fine when we're out but there's something deeply comforting about slurping on boiling hot soup, devouring the chewy noodles, and crunchy vegetables, then dipping it all on my spicy and "umami" filled sauce. We just gotta have it at least once a month in our mundane lives!

One night while the Yub and I were doing groceries, we came upon TONGYANG SHABU SHABU EXPRESS. We have already been to their mothership TONGYANG buffet many years before but since we're watching our diets and our wallets, the "express version" would be perfect!

And we were right. TONGYANG SHABU SHABU EXPRESS was just what we needed.  I think we'll be here A HUNDRED TIMES more.

(That's what you think... ha ha ha ha-- Jaz from the future)


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Once upon a time before the pandemic....

It's been a while since I saw the dear Godoy's that's why when we needed to meet up for one night, we made it into a gimik. He he he he!

You see, I have finally decided to do some "adulting" and get myself insurance. I thought that when I depart for heaven (for heaven daw o!!!!) I don't want to burden my family with the cost. At the same time, I'd like to give the boys a little something to help them out.

Kidding. I just want to get my ginormous "noo" insured. Ha ha ha ha!

So with that, I met up with dear Lieza to make my payment and sign some documents. At the same time, she offered to treat me for dinner as my 40th pre-birthday celebration.

Yes. 40th!!! May reklamo????

Lieza suggested we try out TITTOS LATIN BBQ AND BREW and I was game because everytime we passed by Greenhills, that restaurant was always packed.

And eat there we did. It's great that I was finally able to try out this restaurant (that seems to be the new haven for "titas of Manila" he he he he). We enjoyed the food and I immediately made mental plans to return with my family.

(Not! -- Jaz from the future in ECQ)

Tee hee....


Thursday, October 1, 2020


Once upon a time before the pandemic....

Every year, the little guys' school would arrange a "Repertory" family day where they invite families to watch their kid-friendly shows.

The Yub and I used to go every year with the little guys making it a Saturday "gimik" for us. I love theatre that's why I appreciate that the boys' school promotes this activity for the family.

For 2019 though, our family wasn't able to watch that year's Repertory Show of "THE QUEST FOR THE IBON ADARNA" with their classmates because we were in Japan that weekend. There were other shows but the boys have other school schedules that did not match up for the whole family.

Finally we just decided to split and as per Andrei's request, I went with him. It would have been better if the Yub and Master Mati were with us but my big guy had a school interaction that day and opted to watch on another weekend ALONE (yep ayaw na niya kami kasama... ha ha ha).

As for the Yub, any chance that he could escape watching musical theatre, he'll do so. That's why he just waited for us. Okay lang. I don't want to hear his loud snoring in the middle of the show anyways.

In the end, the bunsoy and I enjoyed it all and were so glad to have seen it. I appreciate that besides the catchy songs and the flashy costumes, we were able to have a refresher of this Filipino classic story.

We don't know if we'll still be able to watch Repertory Musical theatre shows in the future (especially that the boys are growing up and the pandemic might prohibit the school for organizing it). That's why it's a good thing that the bunsoy and I had a great time watching "THE QUEST FOR THE IBON ADARNA" because we don't know when's the next magical theatre experience for us is going to be.

So for now, ENJOY! 


Dan! Dan! Daaaannn!