
Tuesday, March 24, 2020


When we went to TOKYO DISNEYLAND, we were all so excited to go on the rides, see the sights, and take loads of pictures. Now who would have thought that the last thing on our minds was doing our usual favorite thing?

EATING!!!!! Seems impossible right???

But yeah, when you're in the wonderful land of DISNEY, eating may not be the ultimo priority. To be honest, I even considered it as a disturbance especially that theme park food is known to be very expensive.

Still, we indulged in what TOKYO DISNEYLAND had to offer that day -- since we're already there, it doesn't make sense to deprive ourselves. If we saw something interesting, we went for it (besides, we have to sustain ourselves while having the time of our lives in TOKYO DISNEYLAND). We do need the strength after all to line up and enjoy their rides.

Check out the food we ate in TOKYO DISNEYLAND! I don't know if it's just because we're in Japan (who are known for their high quality dishes) or that we're just super hungry, but the food added to our ultimo enjoyment.


We're in DISNEYLAND!!!!!

After going on several rides (SEE OUR TOKYO DISNEYLAND BLOG), we knew that we needed to eat. We checked out the first restaurant that we saw.


The menu!

Hmmmm... Pwede!

They offer a special Christmas menu too.

The menu with pictures.

The restaurant was based on the DISNEY'S Alice In Wonderland movie.

When you enter the unforgettable Alice in Wonderland doorknob will welcome you.

I love the whimsical design of the whole banquet hall. It would be nicer though if the ceilings had more light.

The interiors gave you that illusion that you are a wee being in the garden of the Queen. You may even see her looking around at her "people."


We lined up to order our food. Their service is cafeteria style.

We're near the ordering zone....

Last chance to choose!

Aysusme... Mati got amused pala with the positioning of the hotdog. HUY!

The Queens Kitchen!

It's like a cafeteria or turo turo style where you pick up or point to the food that you liked.

If what you wanted is not yet on their counter, you order it and they'll give it to you before you get to the cashier.

In JAPAN, they accept senior citizens as employees. I think it's great that they do not hire based on age.

And they're all girls ha!

QUEEN OF HEARTS Roasted Vegetable Salad with Egg (Y660 / P310.00).

I wonder how they made the yolk into a Mickey shape???

We got the QUEEN OF HEARTS Burger Steak (Y1,420.00 / PP667.00).

Loving the cheese heart in the middle.

QUEEN OF HEARTS Roast Chicken (Y1,480.00 / P695.00)!

Wow... My sister and I were loving the colorful desserts.

Aughhh... Should we get???

Hmmm..... I've had desserts similar to this in Manila that's why somehow I could already "taste" this. Ha ha ha ha! kaya no. I don't think it's worth hundreds.

A lot were getting these fondant cakes!!!!

Ate Jit and I were tempted but come on, this Christmas cake was (Y1,480.00 / P695.00)!!! Tapos were not that fond of vanilla pa.

Oh well...

We're indulging but we're still practical!

I got a roll of bread because I was in the mood for something crusty and chewy to mop up the gravy from our entrees.


Water na lang! Ha ha ha ha!

The bill!!!!!!!!

This was P3,524! I think it's pretty reasonable with the quality and taste of the dishes.

It is indeed noticeable how TOKYO DISNEYLAND also employed senior citizens. This lady was nice.

Pay up!!!!!

Wohoo! Time to eat!

The rice didn't come with the main dishes so we had to order at (Y400.00 / P188.00) each. 

Our soup was the same price.

We also got the QUEEN OF HEARTS Flank Steak (Y1,580.00 / P742.00). This was good!

And the Grilled Swordfish (Y1,300.00 / P610.00) so that we have something healthy.


It's like we each ordered a dish for ourselves but we thought that to better enjoy everything, we just shared.

The burger steak was well seasoned and the gravy went so well with it.

The chicken was incredibly juicy and flavorful!


The place was packed so we squeezed ourselves in one table.

It's okay. The closer the better.

Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!

So simot!!!!!! We're so hungry!

Bye QUEEN OF HEART'S BANQUET HALL!!! Everything was yum and we're glad that we ate here.

While we were waiting for the parade, Master Mati and I bought some TOKYO, DISNEYLAND goodies!

It was cold so we each got some hot chocolate. 

The drink was indeed hot and fudgy! Truly hit the spot for us especially during this chilly weather.

After the parade and going on some rides, it's time to have some snacks again.

Mati is a mutant and got a Mickey Popsicle. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ate Jit naman treated us to these delicious potato croquets. Soooo good that she got 2 more!

For our late snacks (since we're still full and we just plan to have our real dinner in Yoshinoya later on... he he he), we went to TOKYO DISNEYLAND'S Refreshment Corner (but in a restaurant).

Sorry not really sure! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Food is here!

The boys didn't really feel like eating and wanted to go around more. Ha ha ha ha!

E baka malipasan tayo ng gutom ay!

Ate Jit got some Mickey Nuggets (Y340.00 / P160.00)

The Androse and I will share the TOKYO DISNEYLAND Cheese and Burger Patty Sandwich (Y990.00 / P465.00)!

Master Mati had the TOKYO DISNEYLAND Cheeseburger Double Patty set (Y1,170.00 / P550.00)!

I took some few bites na din because he said he wouldn't be able to finish it.

Mommy got the Salad in a Cup (Y360.00 / P170.00) since she wanted something light.

As for me, I just got a cup of coffee. I got such a bad head-ache by this time that I was feeling nauseous.

I loved TOKYO DISNEYLAND but the changes in temperature (cold inside warm inside) triggered my allergy and gave me extra sinus. Sakiiiit my head!

The big guy also asked for some Churros (Y350.00 / P165.00).

He said it's good daw.


We're happy with the TOKYO DISNEYLAND grub that we were able to enjoy for the day.

My only gripe was that I wasn't able to eat my favorite Mickey Mouse waffles (that I so love in HONG KONG DISNEYLAND). Master Mati and I went to the restaurant selling it and the line was horrendous. Oh well... Next time na lang.

Still, EVERYTHING that we ordered in TOKYO DISNEYLAND, we loved. So yay! At least our memories of the theme park we're ALL GOOD!!!





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