
Monday, November 19, 2018


When the Yub and I recently had a date in OHAYO MAKI X SUSHI, we loved the food so much that we predicted that it will be the "start of beautiful ramen-ship."

But.... we were wrong. Dan... dan... DANNNN!

Well sorta.

While at the stall in OHAYO MAKI X SUSHI, the server informed us that they also had a branch that had a real restaurant setting near Gilmore. The yub, being snooty all of a sudden, wanted to try out that branch when we can.

And when we did, we truly enjoyed the whole experience: we loved the food, the place, the airconditioning,  the parking spots, etc. Kaya ayan na talaga.... "The start of a beautiful ramen-ship!"

If the weather's cold and chilly, or if you want to avoid us, just bear in mind that we'll be in OHAYO RAMEN BAR -- our new favorite when it comes to ramen!!!!! 



OHAYO had limited space that's why seating could be a problem when the place gets packed. Good thing they have these bar stools that suited hungry us just fine.

The first two seats at the counter actually became our usual spot in OHAYO!!!!!

OHAYO had a second floor that had tables and chairs. But we loved the "action" of seeing the cooks do their thing in front of us.


Everything is cooked and assembled at their open kitchen by the bar.

This just made our wait full of drool and "suffering." Ha ha ha ha ha!

OHAYO menu 1...

OHAYO menu 2!!!!


The Yub had OHAYO Pork Tonkotsu (P290.00)!

The Yub loved his ramen because not only did it smell heavenly but it also cost so much less than the other Tonkotsu bowls out there.

It's note-worthy too that each big bowl of Pork Tonkotsu Ramen is already complete with thick slices of grilled Chasyu meat and Tamago!!!!

The noodles were also bouncy and chewy!!!! Ooooh lala!!!!!!!!

As for me, I got my usual OHAYO Tan Tan Mien (P320.00)!

Look at that rich and hearty creamy broth that's from pork bones simmered for many hours. 

My ubod ng malinamnam na soup was velvety creamy and lip-smacking with the right kind of kick!!!!!

Compared to their stall, the broth in OHAYO San Juan is bolder and jampacked with ingredients and seasonings.


We didn't know that their Pork Tonkotsu bowls already had Tamago when I ordered one for the Yub. It's okay since their Tan Tan Mien didn't have it. 

 These flavorful and creamy eggs are still perfect for my bowl of spicy noodles!

I'm not sure if they make their noodles from scratch but I just find OHAYO's had a bit of "instant" taste and texture that is different from what they served in other restaurants. But it was still definitely slurp-worthy for me because it was slick and able to hold up the soup at each bite.


I added loads more chili oil because I wanted my Tan Tan Mien to be extra spicy.

The hub was happy too!

Of course, when there's Ramen, there's sure to be a plate of  Gyoza (P195) on the side.

Crispy on the outside then meaty and juicy on the inside. The Yub is now addicted to this.

These were perfect in between slurps of our Ramen!



Le bill!!!!!!!

We enjoyed our bowls of Ramen so much that we promised to go back VERY soon! At least we don't have to go far and wait so long to savor these piping hot bowls of noodles at a more practical price!!!!!

And after a few weeks, WE'RE BAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time I ordered a serving of OHAYO Torched Salmon (P250.00)!

The chopped Salmon in Japanese mayo were goodness at every bite. I loved this so much that I saved half of the serving for Master Mati.

WOHOOO! Our OHAYO Ramen is here!

Since we felt so bondat with our last dinner here (senior citizen tummies na... he he he he) we decided to just share one bowl of Ramen. The great thing about OHAYO is that they'll split your order beayooooooootifully in half when you request it.

We wanted to try something different and the Yub suggested to try out the OHAYO Shoyu Ramen (P280.00).

The soy-based broth was light yet still appetizing especially with the torched slices of pork and Tamago.

This was a great option just in case you're not in the mood for the richness of their Tonkotsu.

Of course, when there's Ramen... There's also an order of Gyoza!

Perfect combo!

We wanted to try out something new so we got their Karaage Bun (P120.00) with spread and veggies on the side.

This was just okay. We liked the crunchy chicken inside the tasty bun but it's not something we're going to immediately crave for every night.


We're back in OHAYO again!


Egad. I think I need a haircut.

DONE.... With feelings!

Le bill again!

On another month we're back again!!!!

Like my haircut?? He he he he he! FINALLY, sinipag na din ako!

AND we're back again!

Yup! We keep sitting on our usual spot!

And once again we're here!

HALA I forgot to put lipistik!

Besides our usual order, I got a Tuna Roll (P160.00)!

Oh... Tan Tan Mien... Why can't we quit you?????????????????

With OHAYO, I doubt if THAT will happen.

He he he he he he!


30 Granada Avenue, Villa Ortigas II, 
Valencia, Quezon City



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