
Tuesday, September 4, 2018


It's been awhile since THE YAPPY BUNCH went to ENCHANTED KINGDOM (I think the last time we went there was when my nephew Chuckie had a vacation here). That's why when thinking of what to do one weekend, we thought of going to "the happiest place on the Philippines" located in Laguna. We actually planned to go first thing in the morning para "sulit" but since we had brunch in Flavors, Holiday Inn Manila, we were able to drive out after lunch.

Yup! In the peak of the afternoon! Ack!

But did that stop us from having loads of fun?

Hell, NO!

We're back in ENCHANTED KINGDOM!!!!!

Yup! We're with Team Virrey!!!

It was REALLY, REALLY hot! (Yup! To the point that I wore a jacket so that my pristine skin won't get burned... He he he he). But still when we got there, our eyes were all agog with what we should do first. 

Andrei wished to try out the ENCHANTED KINGDOM Bump Cars! Good thing that it was so near the entrance that it was first in our itinerary!

Yay! me and my bunsoy are partners!

BB Aning!

After the bump cars, Aning and I were deciding where to go next. I pointed to her this Parachute ride and we both laughed.

When we were in college, we were able to brave through many scary rides in ENCHANTED KINGDOM. But when Aning tried this, she almost puked. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


We all decided to split up so that we'd be able to maximize our time in ENCHANTED KINGDOM (especially that we already lost a few hours in the morning).  Team Virrey, with Master Mati, tried out the kiddie roller coaster (which I REALLY don't want to go on).

Hi!!!!!!!!!!! Could you see them???

As for us, the little bunsoy asked to try out the Bump Boats.  We saw that there was a short line so we lined up.

The Yub rode with Andrei. Andrei asked me to stay behind so that I could take videos for his Youtube channel.

Check him out at ISHA ANDREI GAMING!

The jackets were stinky (ha ha ha ha ha). Oh well... The bunsoy forgot about it when they started bumping one another.

Go Andrei!!!!!

After the Bump Boats, we decided to charge up in the nearby cafe. Grabe it was SO hot!!! That's why tall drinks with ice became a necessity.  

When they finished with their kiddie rollercoaster, Team Virrey and Mati went for ENCHANTED KINGDOM's Bump and Splash!

Lining up again!

It's going to be Andrei's second round. He somehow dreaded wearing the stinky life jackets (it smelled like putok I swear) but he became excited with the thought of bumping cars with me and his friends.


Could you see me? My aim there was to REALLY get the Androse wet!

But based on the pic here, he's the one who got me A LOT. May kasamang bangga pa!

Up next is my Yub's favorite, ENCHANTED KINGDOM'S The Log Jam!


Aning and pareng Jonahs tried it too and little Jelo went with them.

Ako talaga, NO WAY!

The first fall!!!!

This was not so steep but when I tried it, I got scared na din.

That's why I just stayed behind and the bunsoy accompanied me.

We'll just send them our all-out kodak support!

He he he he he!

Team Virrey going for the big one!

Parang hilo pa si Yub???

Hala it's so HIGH!!!!

It doesn't look much here but when you're actually in the ride, this fall seemed endless!

My favorite part...


Now it's Yub's turn...


Maybe one of these days I'll be brave to accompany the Yub....


Well, I've been on this ride several times before so I know what I'm NOT missing!

The splash at the end was so cool though.


Wet and Wild!!!!!!!!!!!

Beside the Log Jam entrance, we saw this familiar scowling face.

Check out the little lords with the scowling face during our first visit in ENCHANTED KINGDOM last 2010.

I also have a picture here with Aning during our College days. Will just look for it. He he he he he!

For now, here's THE YAPPY BUNCH and Team Virrey!!!!!

Here's to more fun family trips in the future!

Up next is the ride which is on the boys' wishlist but is NOT included in ENCHANTED KINGDOM's admission fee.

Oh well! FINE!

We figured it will be a while before we return to ENCHANTED KINGDOM so we let the boys' try the Go Karts. 

There were a few seats in the small covered waiting area. Too bad we cannot go to the actual track to take pictures.


Don't worry baby Jelo. Next year you'll be old enough to ride.

Go guys!!!!!

The Go Kart was certainly on top of Andrei's wishes in ENCHANTED KINGDOM. I'm so happy that he was able to try it today.

And they're off!!!!

During the briefing, the boys were reminded not to bump each other and to just focus more on the fun race.


And they're done!

Yayyyy! Congratulations boys!!!!!

Parang this is also the order of when they started the race... he he he he!

After the Go Kart, we had some cold drinks in the ENCHANTED KINGDOM food court.

Best Buddies!

Syempre Andrei wants to join.

Don't break too many hearts when you grow old!

Next up for us is the RIALTO!

The number of  people waiting was not as packed as before but we were still made to go to the second floor to line up.

Wasn't able to take pictures but the ride was fun naman. Too bad they didn't maintain the carpeting, the seats, and the screen. Everything seemed old and stuffy!

BUT it was still a ride I would always go to in ENCHANTED KINGDOM!

Afterwards it was ENCHANTED KINGDOM's Rio Grande for us!


The boats could only accommodate 8pax each kaya sayang we were not able to ride together.

There was a switcheroo that went on though as Johans stuck with Mati while Andrei chose to go with the Virreys.

The ride was SO fast and SO fun!!! We really got wet! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Since there were no lines and we're wet already, we went for a second round!

Like the last time we were here, we made the kiddies wear plastic bags over their shoes so that it won't get wet.

The boys also wore their water repellant Uniqlo jackets which worked like a charm!

Waiting for our turn....

And we rushed to ride our boats!

The Yub stayed behind to take our videos. He he he... Sayang he wasn't able to take a lot of pics of us!

After the Rio Grande, Team Virrey went out to change in the parking lot. We waited for them inside ENCHANTED KINGDOM (because we already got our things with us) and Jelo stayed with Andrei (since they're not that wet).

I told the boys to just stay in one place while the Yub and I changed (uuuy).

Imagine our surprise when we got out, the little ones were nowhere in sight. HALA!!! What happened??? Master Mati said they just escaped from him! The Yub and I searched everywhere and were so worried....


We saw the two riding the carousel!!!!!!

HA HA HA HA HA!!! I was angry at first (that they didn't listen) but found the whole thing so cute afterwards. Nagsarili sila!

Andrei said they got bored waiting for us that they took it upon themselves to ride the carousel. Awwwww! 

They're making their own gimik na ha?? Ha ha ha ha ha! 

Oh well! At least everybody's okay and they had fun din naman. He he he he!

When Team Virrey returned, they all tried out the Swing Ride!

I begged off because even if this was only a swing going around and around, it was still SO SCARY!

Go Virreys!


I tried this na before and I promised myself... NEVER AGAIN.

And they're done!!!!!


Our poor husbands got sooooo dizzy!!!!!!! Mga Senior Citizens na talaga. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Our next ride is the iconic one in ENCHANTED KINGDOM that would give you this view!

Yup! We're at the ferris wheel!

Master Mati and the Yub enjoyed it!

The same cannot be said for me and the bunsoy. Yup. NOT BY A LONG SHOT!!!!

The ENCHANTED  KINGDOM Ferris Wheel was squeaky and the order of taking in passengers was so confusing (unlike before).

The flow of the Ferris Wheel was clockwise but then it would get passengers and suddenly go counterclockwise. Sorry but I really found it gulo and I remember it was not like this before. 

I don't know if it's just old age or what but I'm NEVER going to ride the Ferris Wheel again! I swear tumaas ang blood pressure ko! Huhuhu!!!!!! 

See my pacute smile? That's my "Yub-please-take-that-picture-and-get-it-done-with na!!!!!!!!"

After that horrible experience (I'm OA I know...), we had a sweet break by their candy store. 

Andrei threw a hissy fit here because the Yub zoinked some candy from his bag. He he he he! Baby pa talaga! Tsk tsk tsk...

While the oldies were resting, the little ones asked if they could go on kiddie rides...

Go boys!

I think this would be the last time Andrei could ride this because he's getting too big for it.

The besties then asked to go to the playground.

Go Andrei!

It was a simple playground that had many obstacle courses. He he he he he!

I'm amazed how these boys still have the energy to go on this.

Afterwards, guess where we lined up again?

Yup!!! To do some more Bump Cars!

My bunsoy was really enjoying himself!

But not for long... I'm going to bump him A LOT!

He he he he he!

While we were lining up for another round of Bump Cars, I heard that the fireworks show was going to start. Andrei said that he really wanted to watch it so we had to do some running. The fireworks show was not visible in the Bump Cars area so we had to rush over to where the rollercoaster was located which, according to ENCHANTED KINGDOM attendants, has the best view.

Grabe. It's been a while since I last ran and I was out of breath agad! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My pata!!! My poor pata!!!!!!! He he he he he! 

But we were able to get there in time...

And my bunsoy Andrei saw the Fireworks show. Awwwww!

To think that he was so scared of firecrackers before. Now he loves it!

Afterwards, it's back to the bump cars AGAIN!

When the buzzer sounded ending their time at the Bump Cars, little Andrei and Jelo ran!

Yup! they lined up again!

Ha ha ha ha! They did this for several times!

Andrei and Jelo only stopped when the ENCHANTED KINGDOM announced that the park was closing. Would you guys believe that the little ones had 5 consecutive runs at the Bump Car??? 

Yes they did!

Afterwards, it was really time to go!

Bunsoy Andrei and little Jelo walked together in the parking lot.

Soooo adorable! Yun lang since they were very alike in many ways, they would also clash and fight. Ha ha ha ha!

For our late dinner, we ate in KFC!

Syempre the boys ate happily together.

Believe it or not we still had a very fun time in ENCHANTED KINGDOM! Yep the place was kinda old and they haven't maintained some of their rides but still, we were able to appreciate our time with the boys and friends. The little ones nga can't stop laughing and running around so I guess that's already enough reason for us to still mark ENCHANTED KINGDOM as someplace we could go back to again and again.

Yay ENCHANTED KINGDOM!!! We'll go back again soon!!!!!!

But I WON'T ride the ferris wheel pa din.



San Lorenzo Road,
Santa Rosa City 4026,Laguna
(02) 584 3535




  1. Looking at the pics parang napagod na din ako...hahaha!

    1. Ha ha ha ha! Hay naku ang tiring nga SUPER. Kawawa naman tayong mga senior citizens!
