
Wednesday, July 18, 2018


This year would have been the 50th wedding Anniversary of my Mommy and Daddy. If he was still with us, he and my Mom were supposed to renew their vows in the church where my brother, sister, and I got married.

Well not to each other EEW (enter Game of Thrones music). But to our respective partners. (Ew pa din? Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Heaven however decided that they needed the most romantic and smart Civil Engineer there is that's why they asked my Daddyowzers to make a one way trip there. Oh well. If given the choice, we don't ever want him to leave us. But of course, thy will be done. And I'm sure HE knows what's best.


On the weekend of their Anniversary, my Mommy didn't want to do anything AT ALL. I asked her many times if that's sure because Eric's family is planning for a staycation and I didn't want to leave her. I suggested that maybe we should have a family dinner in celebration of their anniversary. But my Mommy was firm not to do anything: "For what? Your Dad is not anymore with us."

Still, THE YAPPY BUNCH cannot just go on what was supposed to be a special Saturday. I asked my Mommy if she wanted to have lunch at least. Nothing grand I insisted. It's just a little something to greet her and Daddy a Happy 50th Anniversary.

Finally she agreed, even insisting to take care of the bill but we wouldn't have it: This was our special treat for her.

We decided to take her out to FLOSSOM because I recently had a delicious dinner there with my friends and I wanted my family to try it. And like I predicted, they loved the dishes plus the vibe of the place! Yayyy! Glad to make my Mom happy!

Our celebration may be minute compared to what we were really planning for my parents but we all had fun. Come to think of it, our lunch is not only because of their Anniversary per se since, like what my Mom said, my Dad is already in heaven. What we could be celebrating here is our togetherness; with my Mom and Dad's marriage they formed our family with deep love for each other and commitment. There may be other more fashionable, adventurous, and glamorous families out there but I will always choose my own fambam because  we value togetherness and finding happiness wherever (even at home).

Where do you think the Yub and I got our mantra where we don't care if a place is dingy or classy because we always find silliness and enjoyment in everything as long as we're together!

And in honor of family togetherness inspired by our Dad (who managed to celebrate everything with food), we had an enjoyable lunch in FLOSSOM! 


It was a sunny Saturday and we're happy that the accommodating servers in FLOSSOM seated us in their private room since there was a baby shower going on outside.


Yup! It was a bit noisy while we were in the main cafe area. He he he he he.


Master Mati and Mommy!

Andrei and Kuya Jon!

The Yub and MEEEH!

First on the table is an order of FLOSSOM Norwegian Salmon Salad (P350.00)!

I'm not really a fan salads with vinaigrette dressing but I was able to appreciate this simple salad especially when I eat the greens with the smoked salmon.

This was a nice starter for the meal to come and my fat tummy was satisfied.

My ultra favorite these days when comes to appetizers is the FLOSSOM Trash Can Nachos (P350.00)!

Because how can I resist that oooozing cheese that was dramatically poured on the crunchy nachos with a whole lot of everything????

I guess everyone in the table feels the same. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sooooo good! I would totally go back to FLOSSOM even just for this!

My Kuya Jon ordered the FLOSSOM Breakfast with Spanish Chorizo (P300.00)!

It was served with garlic rice, fried egg, and a side salad! Though this was a hefty serving, my kuya was able to finish this.

FLOSSOM Shrimp and Chorizo (P380.00)!

This was the same chorizo from their breakfast plate but with the addition of plump mushrooms. This big platter was happily wiped out by my big guy!

The bunsoy Andrei was in the mood for some creamy pasta and got the FLOSSOM Tartufo Linguine (P350.00)!

I think whenever we're in a restaurant, the little Androse would always order carbonara.

As for the yub, he got a big plate of FLOSSOM Buttermilk Chicken (P350.00)!

Since he cannot finish it by his lonesome, my Mom just offered to share it with him. He he he! It may be her subtle way of lessening the bill for us. He he he he he!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with my Mom and the family in FLOSSOM!!!!

(Minus Ate Jit and Kuya Jay kasi..... ako magbabayad e. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

For dessert I had a cup of Capuccino (P140.00)!

And since we're all full na, we shared an order FLOSSOM Molten Lava Cake (P220.00)!

Oh yum! The cake was fudgy and gooey!!!! Sarap!

In less than a minute, we were all just scraping the empty wooden bowl.

Master Mati finished it all!!! He he he he he!

My bill!!! Not bad!

We had an enjoyable lunch at FLOSSOM and I'm happy that my Mom liked the food.  Like I said, this is a far cry from what we really planned for their 50th Anniversary, but at least, we were still able to have a getogether to treat out my Mom. 

Master Mati is extra happy because it's Saturday payday for him. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Good work pays off. 


Even if my Dad's not here anymore, I would like to honor my parents in their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Thank you for giving us a loving and caring family who are always there for each other. Seriously, I cannot put into words why you two have given us the BEST family because there are too many reasons to mention and my puny brain will just explode deciphering it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! All I know is that I ALWAYS felt the love. Growing up, I didn't care about fitting in or being in the popular group because I know I have a family who loved me and will always be there for me. Ganun pala talaga yun. If you have a strong and stable family to run home to, you are more resistant to social temptations. You also wouldn't care about having a lot of friends because the people who matter are waiting for you with a hot dinner. He he he he he he he! 

My siblings and I are so blessed that my Mom and Dad made a  powerful team as foundation for our family.

And even if you're not here Daddyowzers...


Flossom Place, 187 N. Averilla Street, 
Greater San Juan, San Juan City
02 3566900



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