
Friday, January 19, 2018


I know that I have a tendency to feature repeats in my silly little foodie blog but I can't help it. If the Yub and I love a restaurant, we will certainly go back again and again and again. At the same time, we will blog about it many, many times because hey they're all still wonderful memories.

That said, the Yub and I went back to MAMOU TOO with the family because Ate Jit treated us to Sunday lunch to celebrate her birthday. I know that we should consider other restaurants for more variety, but birthdays are special so it's just right (or meant) to celebrate it somewhere we love as well. I'm glad that the sister dear feels the same way.

Yahoo! So it's MAMOU TOO again!!!

And again...

And again!!!!!


It's Sunday and after mass, we went straight to MAMOU TOO. 

My Dad (RIP) and Mom were supposed to have lunch with us that's why Ate Jit got the table outside. Later on they gave word that they cannot join and asked us to take home whatever leftovers we had (if there's any... he he he he).

So for Ate Jojit's birthday, it's just going to be the GAT's sibs with the significant others! 

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!!

The birthday girl Ate Jit with hub Anthony!

Yup! She's 60 years old that day!

Tee Hee... Don't worry. She doesn't read my blog. Har de har har!

Kuya Jay and Karen!

Kuya Jon!

Rocio and her wizarding hat!

Andrei the little hoplay boy!!!!

The Brotherhood without banners!

Grabe my binata is so gwapo!!! Seriously!

As usual, each meal at MAMOU TOO starts with baskets of complimentary bread rolls with butter.

Yub would get SEVERAL pieces of this and stuff his face with it. In fairness, it's really good! 

First on the table is a platter of MAMOU TOO's Healdsburg's Harvest (P335.00)!

I apologize for the appearance but this is MAMOU TOO's most recommended salad in the menu. My sibs don't like it when I take pictures of the food so they went ahead and ravaged it (wawa me.) Anyway, this one was truly a winner because the candied pecans with cranberries, and cheese over lettuce and tossed with a berry vinaigrette certainly complements the richness of the steak and other orders.

Of course, when we're at MAMOU TOO, we would NEVER miss ordering the famous Lorenzo's Truffle Cream Pasta (P395.00)!

The spaghetti is always al dente and smothered with cream, parmesan cheese, and truffle oils. I could finish one order all by myself if I'm assured that I won't gain a pound.

Ay make that 2 orders...

No. 3 na pala.

Dangnabbit, make that 5 orders! With a cup of garlic rice. YES. Kaya ko siyang iulam sa rice. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For variety, we had one platter of the MAMOU TOO Pasta Andrada Bolognese (P425.00)! This may cost more than the Lorenzo's Truffle Cream but it was unpopular in our table. Mas nag-agawan pa kami sa isa. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For the steak, we had 2 orders MAMOU TOO's Angus Rib Eye USDA Prime Grade Steak in single and one to share (single P1,950.00/ Twin P3,490.00)!

We had our orders in grilled to Medium Well and Medium so that everybody happy!

Egad! Just look at how perfectly pink that is!

The hot platters of steak were elevated a bit so that the oils would go to one side.

Egad! Could I take home those sparkling oils???

To maintain its juiciness, Kuya Jon basted it again. He he he he he he!

An order of steak comes with complimentary 2 servings of their side dishes. The Yub got his favorite steak rice.

While I had the Broccoli with White Cheese!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and my sibs at MAMOU TOO!

My plate! My MAMOU TOO plate!

Master Mati and bunsoy Andrei were excited to give their Ate Cio their pasalubong from Hong Kong.

My second serving of MAMOU TOO goodness was more "carby". He he he he!

More steak is needed then!

Almost done...

While we were eating, Ate Jojit asked if we were going to sing to her.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kidding! We really had plans for a birthday song but she got too excited to wait for it.


(Belated) Happy Birthday ate Jojit!

More steak please!

While we were all chatting, I noticed that somebody has been taking sips of our red wine along with his cake.



Ate Jojit's bill!

We managed to control ourselves and had some steak and pasta wrapped up for Mommy and Daddy (RIP) kaso, the birthday girl mistakenly took it home.

Yes! Mistakenly daw!!! Grrrr!

Akin dapat yun e!


He he he he.

Ground Floor, Power Plant Mall, 
Rockwell, Makati City
02 8226218 / +63 9178062668

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