
Wednesday, January 31, 2018


My BP Group met up one Sunday to have a belated birthday dinner for our good friend, Chel, and after so many suggestions, arguments, threats, fist fights, sabunutans, choke slams, and hugs (??????), we finally decided on a venue....  


(Uy di pa ako pinapanganak nito! He he he he he he!)

Monday, January 29, 2018


One Saturday, THE YAPPY BUNCH took out my Mom for lunch. She said she was in the mood for some Korean food, and since we also wanted to do some shopping in the triad of malls in Makati (Landmark, Glorietta, and Greenbelt), we thought of going to...


BULGOGI BROTHERS was not the typical Korean restaurant with the usual eat-all-you-can promos. They had a more upscale setting but still offered the affordable and delicious barbecue!

Friday, January 26, 2018


Normally, the Yubhub is fine with everything when choosing restaurants for our date nights. He may be a picky eater, but he would still find something that he'd enjoy from the menu. Indian Food however, is where he draws the line. Of course, he'll tell me it's okay if we eat there but he'll just buy his food somewhere else. Even if he's fine with it, I know that I'm not that evil. Well, not yet. So I would just shove aside my cravings for another day.

Good thing that when some of my High School friends and I decided to meet up, they shared the same dietary cravings as I do and agreed to go to NEW BOMBAY!!!! Yeheeeeeey! FINALLY!!!! We've actually been planning this meet up for months and I'm excited that it's actually going to push through.

And in the restaurant that I've been wanting to go to, no less!!!!!

Check out my dinner date with my High School friends at the New Bombay -- the restaurant that my picky hubby wouldn't eat in. 

But that doesn't mean, he wouldn't take me there. He he he he he he!

Yep! I used to call him my Chinese stalker. He he he he he!

Yay! We're in NEW BOMBAY!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Whenever THE YAPPY BUNCH is in Lucena City, we make it a point to eat in the old restaurants that the Yubhub grew up enjoying which we cannot find in Manila. It is very rare that we try out someplace new because we never want to waste our time by not going to his favorites.

Unless of course, the little lords have something else in mind. And for that night, they felt like having some Italian food.

Inangku, we're in trouble now.

He he he he he! 


DAL BERGAMASCO means "From Bergamasco" and if you're wondering, Bergamasco is a commune in the Province of Alessandria in the Italian region Piedmont.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Makati City and when we were deciding on where to eat, the Chinese Dimpol wasted no time in putting CHEESE STEAK SHOP as our first option because he's been wanting to go back for a loooooong time.

I don't blame him because the tender slivers of meat fried with garlic and seasoning, all in a special bun with loads of melted cheese would get anyone drooling, ASAP.

So we went there with the little lords and we were happy that even if they ordered something different from what we would normally have, they still loved the food and declared that we should return VERY soon.

No problem there! We would never resist a chance to go back to THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP when we're in that side of Makati again and again!


When you enter, you'll immediately receive a warning...

Monday, January 22, 2018


My family had such a great dinner in BLUE POSTS BOILING CRAB AND SHRIMPS that after about a week...


Yup! It was the end of the little lords' exams for the first quarter and as our tradition, we will fetch them from school (their tests run until Saturdays) and then we'll go out to their restaurant of choice. As our tradition warrants, the boys get to pick where their "end-of-the-exams-celebration" will be. And their choice was where they had an awesome time stuffing their faces with...  


We went during lunch time and we were able to get a table.

Friday, January 19, 2018


I know that I have a tendency to feature repeats in my silly little foodie blog but I can't help it. If the Yub and I love a restaurant, we will certainly go back again and again and again. At the same time, we will blog about it many, many times because hey they're all still wonderful memories.

That said, the Yub and I went back to MAMOU TOO with the family because Ate Jit treated us to Sunday lunch to celebrate her birthday. I know that we should consider other restaurants for more variety, but birthdays are special so it's just right (or meant) to celebrate it somewhere we love as well. I'm glad that the sister dear feels the same way.

Yahoo! So it's MAMOU TOO again!!!

And again...

And again!!!!!


It's Sunday and after mass, we went straight to MAMOU TOO. 

My Dad (RIP) and Mom were supposed to have lunch with us that's why Ate Jit got the table outside. Later on they gave word that they cannot join and asked us to take home whatever leftovers we had (if there's any... he he he he).

So for Ate Jojit's birthday, it's just going to be the GAT's sibs with the significant others! 

Thursday, January 18, 2018


There was a 3 day weekend so naturally, THE YAPPY BUNCH wanted to get out and do something. But this time, we were in the mood for a different activity, one that we could say that we haven't done before....

And with that, we thought of going to PALAYA NATURAL FARM!!!!

PALAYA NATURAL FARM is about a 2 hour drive from Manila going to Tanay Rizal. The drive was okay but you'll have about 30 minutes of rough roads when you're near the farm.

We didn't mind. We just went along with the shaking of the car. He he he he he he he!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Our favorite bunsoy got hold of his much revered KRACIE EDIBLE JAPANESE TOYS once again so it meant we're going to have another Mommy-Andrei night making it.

This time we're going to do the....


Thanks Kuya Jon for Andrei's pasalubong!

If you check the price it's only 270yen. Now that's about P124 pesos!!! To think that in Greenhills, they sell these for about P250 to P350!!! Grabeee!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


The YAPPY BUNCH got a "raket" one Saturday courtesy of my mareng Gail.

What's our "raket" you may ask? Secret!

"Di ko sasabihin pero kung pipilitin, sasabihin din!" He he he he he eh!

Anyway, that "raket" got us hungry. And since we were in Makati, we cannot think of another place to go to that serves delicious comfort food that was also pocket friendly... 


Monday, January 15, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were so excited that for the first weekend of 2018, we were invited to have a staycation with our favorite foodie family, the KTG. This was just so perfect because I was thinking of how to celebrate Mati's birthday weekend and a staycation at his favorite F1 HOTEL in BGC will just make him oh so happy.

Wow! See how 2018 is already working out well for us? I'm so sure that 2018 will be an awesome year. I claim it!

And I'm sure that with THE YAPPY BUNCH, the KAIN TULOG GANG in F1 HOTEL MANILA, our home in BGC, is an awesome way to celebrate this exciting year!

YIHIII! ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords are in F1 HOTEL MANILA for our first weekend in 2018!

It was a sunny morning that Saturday and we were early in F1 HOTEL!

Saturday, January 13, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in HONG KONG having an awesome time, but as much as we were fulfilling our kiddie wishes with DISNEYLAND we were somehow failing in the "food trip department". Don't get us wrong, we're loving the restaurants that we went to (ICHIRAN, MCDONALDS, DISNEYLAND, etc) but these were not the hole-in-the-wall hubs that we were craving for -- Foreign franchises pa sila!!!!

We had our last chance to redeem ourselves with the day of our departure. We were hoping that with our city tour, we could eat somewhere that was not a franchise and was exclusive only in Hong Kong.

With that, we ended up with DIN TAI FUNG!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!


DIN TAI FUNG was not really what I had in mind especially that it was a popular franchise from Taiwan and all. But the Chinese Dimpol remembered how much I raved over it (from my HK trip with officemates) and how I would always claim it was much better than the Philippine counterpart, that when I asked him where we should have our late lunch, he didn't give any choice but DIN TAI FUNG.

HAY! Even if napaaaaaagod ako sa layo ng lakad, DIN TAI FUNG daw!!!!!

So we had our last official HONG KONG meal in DIN TAI FUNG and I'm sure, the "foodie gods" were laughing at us. But honestly, after our very delicious and super sulit meal, I didn't care. Sure we didn't try out local restaurants and went "full commercialized" but after our lunch at DIN TAI FUNG, I realized that this trip was after all more about enjoyment, fun, and happiness -- and we certainly made not just the Yub but everyone smile with their full tummies.



Thursday, January 11, 2018


Our stay at BEST WESTERN HOTEL included 2 stubs for their breakfast buffet daily. The Chinese Dimpol and I decided that to be more practical, two of us will be using the complimentary breakfast, while the other two will have take out or the noodles that we packed (it was always option 2 because nobody wanted to get up early... he he he!)

So check out our simple breakfast at BEST WESTERN HOTEL and see if we made the right decision. At least you'll know your options when you stay here. :) 


Hmmm... I wonder if it's worth the 98HKD (Php 640.00) for brekky!


We were the only ones in the restaurant!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I know that I just made an ICHIRAN post recently...

I know that I could just include this in THAT said post...

I know that I have made several posts about Ramen already...And I know that we just ate in ICHIRAN the night before....

But ICHIRAN was just THAT mind-blowing and deliciously awesome, that if I had a choice, we'd eat there EVERYDAY!!

And I'm NEVER going to be sorry that we're indulging in their delicious Ramen when we should be having Hong Kong food!

Helloooo! Pagbigyan nyo na ang senior citizen no?

That's just a corny joke by the way.


(Ang saya saya ko o! Sarap batukan. Ha ha ha ha ha!)

And THE YAPPY BUNCH are back in ICHIRAN!!!!

To think that we were just here YESTERDAY! Yup!!!! We blame our bunsoy Andrei because he loved ICHIRAN so much that he didn't stop saying how he wanted to eat there the whole day. 

Even if we're not asking him! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

It's okay. Secretly, we're all happy that he insisted on going back because we all wanted to return to have that uber delicious bowl of noodles that we had the night before.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Usually every Christmas day, THE YAPPY BUNCH would either stay at home the whole morning or visit some of our relatives. This year, my ate thought of treating the family to a Christmas lunch to do something different (especially that our Daddy is not with us).

With that, she suggested to go for JOY NOSTALG HOTEL!!

Heading out to Ortigas this Christmas day!

Since we're going out this holiday, my sister said we should wear something "nice".

Sayang! I was planning to be in jammies the whooooole day!!!! 

When we got to JOY NOSTALG, an adorable Labrador was there to greet us.

I love hotel dogs! They're always big and fluffy and lazy! Ha ha ha ha ha!

For lunch, we'll be at the NOSTALGIA main lounge!

Monday, January 8, 2018


Once again, THE YAPPY BUNCH is out to do our annual family tradition that was started by my Daddy when my siblings and I were kiddies.

However these days, there have been some changes:

1) Before, we used to do it on the eve of New Year (since the purpose of the HOTEL HOPPING was to party at the last days of the year). However, we noticed that hotels would put down their holiday decors after the 25th because they're now more concerned with the New Year's Eve party (which didn't have much compared to their Christmas set up). I remember that with my Dad before, they only removed their Christmas trees until the celebration of the 3 Kings (he he he he he). So with that, we made our HOTEL HOPPING gimmicks earlier doing it before or a day after Christmas day.

2) We used to do our HOTEL HOPPING trips with the little lords wearing costumes of their choice (Superman, Spiderman, Storm Trooper, etc). But since their older, the thought of doing so (when it's not Halloween) was scandalous. As in they have forgotten about it na daw at nakakahiya. So now they're doing the HOTEL HOPPING in their own "binata" porma. CHE!!!!

3) We used to do drinks in the first hotel, light meals on the second, then desserts on the third. But since we didn't want to spend too much (in order to keep the tradition alive... he he he he) we just decided to have drinks and some munchies per stop.

4) Our Dad passed away this year and doing this tradition without him (or to go home to, and share what happened with our night) just feels so different. At first I honestly was not in the mood anymore since doing so would just make me tear up and remember him. But later on we thought, Daddy would want us to continue this holiday season that he started. In a very simple (yet fun way), we will be living his legacy at the last few days of the year.

Though it's always heart-breaking to remember that his "legacy" would always involve activities with the family.


Anyway, here's our annual HOTEL HOPPING to welcome the year 2018!

(Yup! This year I'll be turning 33.. yeheessss... Tee heee)

Sorry I just HAD to sneak that in!


Our first stop!

Friday, January 5, 2018


New Year's eve may now be different for THE YAPPY BUNCH but we will still try our "bestest" to have a good time so that we'll also have a great 2018 ahead of us. Of course, the thought of facing another year without my Daddy just gives me a sharp pain in the chest but in the end, I'll just remember what Patrick Swayze said in the movie, Ghost -- "The Love inside, you take it with you."

So yes, my Dad is not here anymore but the many loving memories and values that he shown us will always be in our hearts. I'm sure in times of trial, that is where I'll draw my strength from. I'll also continue sharing with the little lords the experiences and traditions that he has done with us while we were growing up. With that I'll declare that if I'm the writer/creator of ERICJAZ FOODIES, my Daddy is what you could call the "Board of Director" because all our activities and food trips here were inspired by him.

Love you so much Daddyowzers. 


Anyway, we went to Yub's hometown in Quezon province to visit his family.

We had fun with our short stay and a major reason of course is because of the food we devoured that weekend.

I love meeting up too with my nieces from Eric's side because they're my "besties". He he he he he! Andrei feels the same.

We drove back to Manila after lunch and there was no traffic at all. 

At one part, we felt "blessed" with the ride home because of how the clouds seem to shine on the road. He he he he he he!