
Friday, January 26, 2018


Normally, the Yubhub is fine with everything when choosing restaurants for our date nights. He may be a picky eater, but he would still find something that he'd enjoy from the menu. Indian Food however, is where he draws the line. Of course, he'll tell me it's okay if we eat there but he'll just buy his food somewhere else. Even if he's fine with it, I know that I'm not that evil. Well, not yet. So I would just shove aside my cravings for another day.

Good thing that when some of my High School friends and I decided to meet up, they shared the same dietary cravings as I do and agreed to go to NEW BOMBAY!!!! Yeheeeeeey! FINALLY!!!! We've actually been planning this meet up for months and I'm excited that it's actually going to push through.

And in the restaurant that I've been wanting to go to, no less!!!!!

Check out my dinner date with my High School friends at the New Bombay -- the restaurant that my picky hubby wouldn't eat in. 

But that doesn't mean, he wouldn't take me there. He he he he he he!

Yep! I used to call him my Chinese stalker. He he he he he!

Yay! We're in NEW BOMBAY!

NEW BOMBAY is located in the top floor of Podium in Ortigas City. I love their food (even if it's the only Indian restaurant I've been to lately)!

High school friends Heidi, and Hershey!

Heidi is not only my HS mate, but she's also my barkada in College. She said she'll treat me out to NEW BOMBAY to cheer me up a little (since 2 months before, my Daddy died :( ) 

Ordering up!

Brace yourselves... FOOD IS HERE!!!!!

We started off first with some Lamb Curry (P265.00)!

I'm not really fond of lamb because of wawa reasons but the sauce here was excellent!!!!

Of course, when it's me and mareng Heids, we'll never miss having NEW BOMBA Chicken Tikka Masala (P265.00)!

Buttery and cheesy sauce with the tender fillets of chicken! So so so yum! Especially if you have it spicy.

We also got plates of piping hot Roti and Naan (P75.00 per piece) to mop up all the delicious sauce.

I was not really planning on having rice (because I'm trying to ease up on carbs) but I just can't help it!!!! Got an order of Chicken Biryani (P285.00) for all that spicy entrees.

And last but not the least, we got the Cucumber Raita (P135.00). We cannot have Indian food without this because it just complements (and cools off) all that hotness!

Yooohoo! Now let's eat!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Heidi and Hershey in NEW BOMBAY!

(Actually Yub Eric was in Ramen Nagi while we were eating. He he he he he!)

My plate! My spicy-yet-I'm-going-to-get-seconds-and-thirds plate!

Our table with food!

Egad! I can't seem to stop. 


For 3 females watching their diets, I think we did good here.

Le bill!!!!

Even if we rarely see each other, the love and bond will always be there. Thank you ladies for the great night and to dear mareng Heidi for the treat!!!

This is when I could really say that "Ang sarap talaga mang-Indian!!!!" He he he he!



Fifth Floor, The Podium, ADB Avenue, 
Ortigas Centre, Ortigas, Mandaluyong City
02 6374367 / 02 4000892




  1. Namaste. Should’ve tried the tiki

    1. Oh you really should dear Speedster!!! It's our favorite!!!! Have it with naan or the rice... Winner na winner!!! Take care!!! :)

  2. Surely will. Love spicy Indian food. Thanks 👍🏼 TCT

    1. Yohooo! Hope to meet you soon!!! Take care! Cheers!
