
Friday, November 3, 2017


Since 2010, THE YAPPY BUNCH have been spending our Trick or Treatin at the invitation of my mareng Heids in Valle Verde. I know that there are many more flashy activities that celebrate this Halloween tradition in malls and kiddie venues, but we want to do it the classical way -- walking around the neighborhood and knocking on houses for the treats! There's something about going for the traditional route than attending the commercialized gimmicks they have in establishments. For us, it's more fun!!! And believe me, we don't need to go to several Halloween parties. Just to have this wonderful trick or treating day with the kiddies is already more than enough for us!  


The little lords always dressed up as their favorite characters every Halloween. Nothing against those who have a "theme" for their group but it's just that not only do we want them to have their OWN kind of fun this Halloween but also because with the long walk, they won't complain about their costumes because it's what they chose! He he he he he he!

Could you guess who we are???

Master Mati is Freddie!



Freddie Krueger!

He made his costume himself!

At first, my Handsome Teenager did not want to go with us but I told him that this is a family tradition. Good thing that he suddenly got on with the program and went as his new slasher favorite -- pareng Freddie! 

My bunsoy Andrei went as his favorite, Ringo Starr!


Initially he was going as John Lennon, but when he wore the wig, he was so happy that he looked so much like Ringo Starr circa HELP!

Our doggie Penny had a suit so she's supposed to be John Lennon.

Yes. We made her into a guy. He he he he he!

Sorry Penny. Ha ha ha ha ah ha!

As for the Yub and me, do you recognize us?


I'M THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were not really planning on going as Jessie Pinkman and Heisenberg. But when the Yub said he'll be hip hop, I thought of wearing our extra bowler hat.

And we're here!!!

Mareng Heids met us at the clubhouse along with her daughter Coco.

Before, she would really pay for the boys to participate in the programs and the gimicks her subdivision but I insisted that the Trick or Treat was more than enough. 

Thanks for always being so generous dear Heids!

O like our costumes??? Mahirap kaya magsuot ng hat! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The TRICK OR TREAT officially started when the band started to blare their sounds. 

The Trick or Treaters followed the band for the mini parade!

Oooh! Wala nang marjorettes???

We could bring our car but where's the fun in that??? The true TRICK OR TREATING experience is the walking around the neighborhood. 

Besides, the kids should experience working hard for their treats from time to time. He he he he he! Don't worry. They're so fine with it!

If you're wondering about Penny, ay when she saw the people, the doggies, and the loud band, she threw a hissy fit and barked! Yes, barked! She never barks and it was our first time to hear her angrily do so. Our poor doggie also panicked so much that she pooped!!! Good thing we came prepared with plastics and newspapers so the Yub was able to clean it up fast. 

After her initial meltdown, Penny became cool and happily participated in the TRICK OR TREAT. 

Some residents even complimented her on her cuteness. Yay! She is half Dachshund and half Jack Russel by the way. She is already full grown!

We followed the parade but it became difficult for the little lords to get their treats because of the huge crowd.

Yay! Freddie K finally got his first treat!

Ringo Starr's first treat was a bag Cheese Rings! Cool because that's his favorite.

It was sooooo crowded at Ate's stop at first. We just waited for the others to get their treats. 

Since it was impossible for the boys to get their Treats if we joined the parade (kagulo talaga!!!) we just decided to go on our own.

And it was a good decision because the houses that we passed by were happy to see us! Kanina akala mo apocalypse!

While walking, somebody didn't want to wear his wig anymore because it was hot.

Change costume!


Penny wants to join too!

Every year, we always go to this house. We're already familiar with it.

What's different this year was the zombie lady waiting for us. He he he he he!

This house had a simple design but it worked for us!

And we're walking again!

When Penny went wild earlier, the Yub held her leash because she was really strong. After she calmed down, we all took turns holding her. She seemed to have fun too!


..... Aguilar....


Whenever we visit a house, the little lords make it a point to always say TWICK OR TWEEEEATTTT!

This house had a long table filled with taho!


I felt the heat of Andrei's wig that's why I also asked to swap with the Yub!

I think it looks better on him. Ha ha ha ha ha!

While walking, we finally arrived at one of our favorite houses in this subdivision for the Halloween. Every year we make it a point to pass by and have our pictures taken.

Here are the boys in year 2011.

Unfortunately though we caught the parade crowd. He he he he he he!

Oh well! That won't stop us from having our usual picture here.

And our walk continues!

We let the Trick or Treaters without costume to go ahead of us. 

Yay!!! A house with no crowds in it yet.

When we visit, we make it a point to really say TWICK OR TWEAT and say thank you to the generous residents. 

The wig didn't do anything for my look so it just went back on Andrei's hat.

I'm glad that the little lords still see the fun in this.

And they're always so thankful of the candies and chips that they get.

One house gave out cotton candy. Wow!!! But the boys were already full from the candy and taho that they did not get any.

In this house, the little lords were amused that the givers were behind their gates. He he he he he...

Andrei: Mommy it's like they're scared of us!

The boys were amused with these givers in costume!

Yay! Thanks! Twick or Tweaaaaat!

The boys were happy with their loot!

They're not choosy.

The little lords are happy to get whatever from the residents.


The boys were not complaining but I noticed that they were slower na.

Twick or Tweaaat.....


My heart melts when I see the boys laughing and talking. It's very rare because they loved fighting with each other. He he he he!

Even Penny was having fun.


Here, Master Mati was telling the lady how he made his own costume after she gave him a compliment.

Even if they had a looooong walk and were sweating a lot, my guys were still in happy spirits!

Twick or Tweeeeeters!

At this point, Master Mati declared this is the last stop for him since his pumpkin was already full.

Yayy! And we're done!!!!  The boys were so hapy with their loot!

Even Penny is smiling! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ooooh.... Freddie Krueger suddenly saw his "home"!

After our TRICK OR TREATIN', we played in the park as what we always do every year.

There, Penny made a friend.

I hope you don't hump each other.

Awwwww cute doggies!

I'm glad my handsome teenager is still willing to be a kid as he went for the swing.

I tried it but I was worried that the swing could not carry my weight.

See how my butt is overflowing at the back? He he he he!

The boys were obsessed to have Penny on the slide. Our playful pet was a willing participant.

After playing in the park, we went to mareng Heids house. They went ahead of us because Coco was already tired.

Thanks so much dear Heids!!! So thankful that you never forget to invite THE YAPPY BUNCH!!! 

When we got home... WOHOOO! Candy galore!

Would you believe that this has been their buckets since 2011? Yup! There may be new designs but for us, this one is the best in durability and capacity!

The boys started eating their candies and chips as soon as we got home. Their treats were already more than enough for them.

(Would you believe we still have some leftover even after a week??? -- Jaz)

After dinner, guess what we watched? I'm sure this scene is familiar.


It was a super fun day! Besides having a new member in our group (Hello Penny!), the boys never complained and also had a great time going from house to house for their treats.

THE YAPPY BUNCH loves Halloween!!!

Till next year!




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