
Friday, September 29, 2017


It was a very busy Saturday for ERICJAZ FOODIES one weekend -- we had an early lunch at KING CHEF in Binondo then attended a baptism reception afterwards. At night, we drove out to Quezon province so we could meet up with the Chinese Dimpol's family.

Alas, when we arrived in Mama's home, there was a brown-out! It would've been okay but this was during the middle of summer and the combination of thick humidity with no breeze of air were just unimaginable.

To be honest though, it was just fine with us. We didn't want to leave Mama alone. But she insisted that we book a night in a nearby hotel because she didn't want the kids to have a sleepless and hot night. So we agreed. 

And that brought us to QUEEN MARGARETTE HOTEL!!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2017


It's the birthday of one of our favorite bloggers, THE FOOD ALPHABET, and we thought of meeting up for dinner at the restaurant of his choice to celebrate.

And the choice for tonight was CHOI GARDEN!!!!

It was actually my first time to eat at CHOI GARDEN so I really didn't know what to order. My office would sometimes order for take out in their Annapolis branch but I was not able to try it because nobody loved me :( ha ha ha ha ha!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


One weeknight, I met up with my college friends not to make tusok tusok of fishballs but to have dessert somewhere...

Does this illuminated sun look familiar to you? He he he he he!

I got out of work late and met up with my former college friends who just had dinner. 

Venue that night for dessert was in Manila Peninsula Hotel!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


When I crave for something, I'm like this bratty baby that just have to have it right away. When it comes to food, there's no EQ-shmikew on me. I want to have it NOW.

That's why for our pre-Mother's Day celebration last May, I was soooo kulit on having dimsum. While chatting with my good friend Aning, I kept on including in the conversation how dimsum was perfect that night. Finally she relented and we went to my favorite dimsum place of all time...



(Belated) Happy Mother's Day to me!!!!


It was actually our first time in CAUSEWAY TOMAS MORATO because the branch more convenient for us was the one in Libis. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


For so long Master Mati and I have been planning to eat in COCO ICHIBANYA. But since it's not located in Powerplant Mall and we have two party poopers who dislike curry, it's been put off many times.

Finally during the Mother's Day week (yes, it's a week for me... ha ha ha ha ha ha!), Master Mati thought of taking me out for our yearly Mother's Day date. And naturally, the choice for us that night was the long awaited COCO ICHIBANYA!!!


My date is here!!!!

We went straight to COCO ICHIBANYA in Greenhills.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


On weekends the Chinese Dimpol and I try our best to jam up some culture in our little lords so as to veer away from their gadgets. We feel that it's a more worthy adventure rather than taking them out for the usual mall or shopping getaway. He he he!

For one particular Saturday, we planned on bringing them to the newly renovated Planetarium but the crowds there were horrendous!!!! We lined up for the 2:30pm slot at about 1:00pm and while the guard was counting the batch for that showing, the Yub joked that the last person to be admitted would be the one in front of me.

Well what do you know? IYON NGA NANGYARI!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The very person at my front was the 200th guest for that day. Kaya, if we wanted to, we would have to go for the 4:00pm show.

NO way.

So with that, the Chinese Dimpol decided to drive around. He was really adamant to take the boys somewhere that they'll learn from. And after some driving, we chanced upon a museum that we have never been before in the Manila area.


For this month, they're featuring the different maps on the Philippine seas.

At first I thought this was going to be MEH. But really, it was sooooo interesting!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Ever since we went to TASTY DUMPLINGS in our last Binondo Food Tour, I cannot stop thinking about it. Seriously! That ginormous breaded and fried pork chop with the juicy innards just gets me drooling every time. That's why I swore that when we're near the area, we'll DEFINITELY go to TASTY DUMPLINGS again.

And so we did!

This time, it's more fun because we're with the boys!


We're going to TASTY DUMPLINGS!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Whenever my college friends and I getogether, it has become an unwritten rule that we should always plan a dinner at our favorite TGI FRIDAYS! Call it sentiment or what for the restaurant we always used to go to 20 years ago (yup that long) but another reason of course is that we cannot resist helping ourselves with some of their famous Chicken Fingers when we can!

The Crazy Girls at TGI FRIDAYS!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2017


The event that every beer-drinker and party-goer are waiting for is now here with OKTOBERFEST 2017, and in BROTZEIT, even the "food lover" is going to have a festive great time! Last week, that's what THE KAIN TULOG gang awesomely discovered during the launch in their Edsa Shangrila branch -- we got to experience OKTOBERFEST, BROTZEIT style.

Yup! Eat! Drink! Party! BROTZEIT has delicious menu items that will make your OKTOBERFEST more exciting!


It's happening tonight at BROTZEIT baby!

Friday, September 15, 2017


Growing up, I've always had fond memories of PILITA'S RESTAURANT in Cavite City. Besides signifying that we are near my father's hometown (where we loved having our summer vacations in), it also served delicious home-cooked Filipino food that was so satisfying after a long travel.

Now, there are other more popular restaurants that have settled in Cavite city. But for me, it's still going to be PILITA'S when we're in this side of the country. Even if their list of dishes may be simple compared to others, PILITA'S always served up comforting food that make me nostalgic at every spoonful.

Yup! As  long as we're going to my father's house in Cavite, we'll always find a part of our foodie home in PILITA'S! 


Thursday, September 14, 2017


It's our 14th year Anniversary  together (blech) and in true blue Chinese Dimpol fashion, he is nowhere in sight.


Sometimes, he would just forget to greet me. Other times he would feel that a Facebook greeting is already enough. But this year, he decided to take it further and booked a business trip on the WEEK OF OUR ANNIVERSARY.


Okay fine. I'm sure that it's not his fault. I'm sure that somebody else made that schedule for him. But I was quite annoyed that in his usual deadma attitude, he forgot to call the whole day and just texted goodnight before going to sleep!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH recently had a great night-out at TGI FRIDAYS in Robinson's Galleria.

Yup! We always believe that the best night outs with friends are those with the little lords!

We are all here in FRIDAYS on a Thursday!!!!

This was during the summer vacation. Could it just be summer vacation ALL YEAR??? He he he he he!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


It is actually rare for my little family to go out during weekdays because not only do the boys have school but we are also trying to watch our budgets. But during the last summer vacation, we just can't help it -- the little lords are so free to stay up late that we take them with us if they wanted to!

That's why one time I asked Master Mati if he could join us for dinner. Usually, they go with their Lolo (RIP) and Lola who treat the little lords to whatever they want, every night (YES! Every night!). For our impromptu date however, I was able to entice my little foodie to some exotic Asian food at BANANA LEAF CURRY. And wow! We had such a great dinner and ate more than we should!!!!

Good thing Andrei was not with us...

Wait. Who's Andrei again???

Tee Hee! Kidding!

BANANA LEAF CURRY in Power Plant Mall!

We arrived pretty late but good thing that there was a group having a dinner party that night. At least we won't be the only ones to close down the restaurant. He he he he he he he! 

Monday, September 11, 2017


APPLEBEE'S, an American favorite that has also called the Philippines their home, recently introduced new menu items to give more mouth-watering choices to any Filipino foodie.

One weekend, ERICJAZ FOODIES got deliciously acquainted with APPLEBEE'S new dishes on the block and we were surprised at the long list of grub we're going to try.

Just to clarify, we were "surprised" but we were definitely not complaining. Ha ha ha ha! Everything just looked so awesome that we were so excited to introduce them all to our tummies.

And that we did! Check out our happy (and shameless) gluttony of a Saturday with APPLEBEE'S!!! 


The Chinese Dragon and Mother of Dragons!!!

#imissGameofThrones #Boatscenebitin

We invited the little lords to go with us but they said they would rather stay with their Lola. Okay fine.

Instant date night for us!


Thursday, September 7, 2017


Ever since they announced the live-action movie of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST and unveiled its wonderful cast, I have been counting the days until its showing. Whenever I see the trailer, I would immediately cry -- it was just so beautiful! I always tear up everytime I see it because it made me remember my pre-teen years when I obsessed over the movie during that summer.

When the day finally came, I bugged the Yubhub to buy tickets at the earliest time and insisted on having the little lords with us. I wanted it to be a family thing because it's THAT special to me. The two boys agreed since they were familiar with the cartoon version (although they  were not too enthusiastic at watching something in Powerplant Theatre that's for girls).  However, the bunsoy Andrei begged off at the last minute and said he will join his Lolo and Lola instead. It's okay. I still have my Master Mati and the Chinese Dimpol with me.

When we already got the tickets, I was so reeling with excitement that I wanted the one hour wait to be over, FAST. With that, my husband suggested that we have dinner in PRESS CAFE because it was so close to the theatre and it would also give me a view of Starbucks so that I'd know when to buy my caramel macchiato for the movie.

I appreciated the gesture and agreed. At least I wouldn't panic too much just in case our food order arrive late -- I'll just leave 'em and go right ahead... Tee heee!!!

I am so thankful to be blessed with two Prince Charmings. Too bad they had to contend with their Queen Beast everyday!

Har de har har!  


PRESS CAFE has been in Powerplant Mall for as long as I can remember. It was initially located in the first floor ( where Zara is now). It is also where Fully Booked used to be.

The place is always full because they serve delicious food and desserts. It's a great hub to hang around especially if you have a good book or magazine with you.

In my case "Choose Your Own Adventure." He he he he eh!

Have you guys read that?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


It was a hot Monday and as much as THE YAPPY BUNCH would like to stay in and just sleep the holiday away, we are going out for some Thai food. Now having sizzling barbecue and spicy cuisine may not be the ideal plan on a hot afternoon, but I've been hearing raves about SIAM THAI, plus we were going to see our favorite Kain Tulog Gang, so yeah, we are DEFINITELY going!

Yup! The holiday, sleeping in, Game of Thrones, household chores, online surfing, giving the cat a bath, dying my hair red, buying a bikini, studying my book on rocket science, etc etc. will just HAVE to wait! The Chinese Dimpol, Master Mati, and I will be stuffing ourselves with some hot Thai food as if winter is coming.

And with the amount of delicious plates of SIAM THAI food we ate that lunch time, you would think that we were getting ready to hibernate!

Check out our fun and yum lunch at SIAM THAI with the KTG! :)


SIAM THAI is located at the Pioneer Center in Kapitolyo. We arrived early so we were lucky to park in front of the restaurant. Normally though parking is so bad that you may have to sacrifice your first born to a white walker to get one.

Tee Hee!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


For the Chinese Dimpol's 40th birthday getogether with my family, we decided to go for HOUSE OF WAGYU, our steak favorite. I know that we just had lunch there with THE YAPPY BUNCH the previous week, but the HOUSE OF WAGYU experience is so awesome that when you have a chance/occasion to do so, you just grab it.

And that is just what we did -- with hungry appetites and wine on the side.


Monday, September 4, 2017


It's very rare that the Chinese Dimpol and I find ourselves in SM City North Edsa because it's quite far from our lurrrv nest. (He he he). But when we do it's probably because of (Ding! Ding! Ding!), you guessed it, to try something out with my fellow foodie friends. And this time, we were happy that we ventured this far to taste something so cool from this side of the Metro....


SNOWBING is actually a Philippine franchise that whips up popular Korean favorites that tastes oh so right for our palate!