
Wednesday, May 31, 2017


THE KAIN TULOG GANG are on our last stop of our BINONDO FOOD TRIP and even if we originally had about 12 restaurants to try out that day, we had no choice but to halt on the 4th one because our tummies were all going to burst.

Some of THE KAIN TULOG GANG in Binondo!!!!

When we told the organizer of the trip, THE FOOD ALPHABET, that we cannot possibly go on any further, he said not to worry. We only had (technically) one stop left...

MR. UBE!!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


If there's one thing I could totally say about QUIK-SNACK, it's the word "unexpected". For a non-Binondo resident like me, I was clueless that such a treasure existed within their alleys even if we have been to Ongpin always for the Chinese New Year. Good thing that for our BINONDO FOOD TRIP organized by THE FOOD ALPHABET, he included QUIK-SNACK because, why shouldn't he? QUIK-SNACK is like a classical movie for them that just got better through the years. It is the place to go to for some Binondo eats which may be unfamiliar from outsiders like us but one bite and we'll get enchanted.

So for the 3rd stop of our BINONDO FOOD TRIP, our KAIN TULOG GANG squeezed ourselves into the sought after QUIK-SNACK. You might roll your eyes on me but it was actually my first time to have some of the dishes ordered by THE FOOD ALPHABET. The result made us suddenly feel more part of the everyday life in BINONDO.

And with delicious and authentic Chinese food so nearby to feed us at every whim, I will certainly NOT mind!!!!! :)  


You will find QUIK-SNACK in the famous alley way in BINONDO that sells fruits and vegetables!

Monday, May 29, 2017


ERICJAZ FOODIES are having a different kind of weekend date by joining our favorite KAIN TULOG GANG peeps do a BINONDO FOOD TRIP.  We had about 12 restaurants in the itinerary but we already loved the first restaurant so much (TASTY DUMPLINGS) that I wonder how the next stop would equal it.

Now when the organizer of our food trip, THE FOOD ALPHABET said that the next one on the list was SINCERITY RESTAURANT, I was honestly not too optimistic about it because it already invaded some stalls in the food court scene.

"I promise you, the food at SINCERITY RESTAURANT in BINONDO tastes MORE delicious than what they have in the malls. You just gotta try it."

Hmmmm... Now THAT definitely piqued the curiosity of my big forehead. So even if I had the mall version of SINCERITY RESTAURANT, I suddenly became excited to taste how they serve it in magical BINONDO.

And for our BINONDO FOOD stop 2... it's now SINCERITY RESTAURANT!

Our group was now joined by FOOD IN THE BAG!!! YAY!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Every time the Chinese Dimpol and I go to Binondo for CHINESE NEW YEAR, we always get a lot of recommendations to try out TASTY DUMPLINGS. As much as we wanted to though, we cannot have our meal there because not only is it not in our Ongpin route during CHINESE NEW YEAR, but it also gets SUPER CROWDED on the special day.

When THE FOOD ALPHABET scheduled a BINONDO FOOD TRIP, I'm thankful that he included TASTY DUMPLINGS in our itinerary. This was a meal we have long been waiting for and we're glad to discover that it deserves all of the hype.

So YAY! We finally got to try TASTY DUMPLINGS! Check out how it made us fall in love with it and got us craving for more!!! 

We're going to TASTY DUMPLINGS!!!


TASTY DUMPLINGS is located at the other side of the famous Binondo Church.


Chicken lovers rejoice!! There's a new hub where you could converge and splurge to celebrate your favorite bird!


POULTRY STACK is the new restaurant in Tomas Morato that doesn't look anything like your favorite chicken place!

Monday, May 22, 2017


I'm sure all Mothers would agree when I say that when our children arrived, our lives suddenly had more meaning, more purpose, and more happiness!

It's SO true! Don't deny it kapeng mainit.

Even if it was fun going out with friends...
Even if you and your significant other could stay out everyday till morning...
Even if you could join family trips and spend only for one...
Even if all your salary could be spent on personal clothes and gimiks...

Admit it. You experienced a different kind of joy and awesomeness each day with your kiddies that you wouldn't exchange it for anything before they arrived.

Yu-uh! Even with the stretchmarks!!!! And trust me, I have  A LOT.

On that hideous note ( he he he he), let me share with you my lovely Mother's Day weekend where it gave me more reasons to eat and celebrate. I thought though that being the star of the man-made holiday, I would get to choose where to go. Of course, THAT never happened. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! But it's okay. My boys will always be the reason for my unconditional love and happiness, so quits lang. He he he he he he!

It's my husband naman who'll let me have my way in the end. He he he he he he!



My boys!!!! Every day I feel so blessed for having you (with my pogi husband of course).

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


What is a perfect date for you and your significant other?

Yeah I could understand the attraction of candlelit dinners, walks on the beach, watching a movie while holding hands and making out, but sometimes, you just have to go for something different. Yep! When the candles have been blown off, you've already dusted the sand from your toes, or when the Beast finally lost all of his fur, it's time to do a certain kind of tripping that will make both you and your special sweetie, happy, full, and dandy.

And for me and the Chinese Dimpol, that "time" was a food trip with our KAIN TULOG BUDDIES in BINONDO!!!!! 

When we scheduled our BINONDO FOOD TRIP, the Chinese D and I were still celebrating our 1 week Valentimes.

(Yeah... yeah we celebrate our Valentimes for 1 week so that we have more excuses to eat, may reklamo???)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are with THE BP GROUP for our staycation at BELMONT HOTEL, and since we cannot get separated just yet, we thought of having a late lunch together.

"Where to go?" was the question of the day.

And in searching for delicious food, that is affordable AND will be loved by both kiddies and adults alike, there was only one choice...



It's true! I don't know why. You would think that with our group we'd go for something more fashionable and chic, but really, all of just love havin' good ol' comfort Filipino food in GERRY'S!!!

It's where we ate in another staycation that we had! Check that meal HERE!

Now this is starting to be our group's official "after staycation" place!!!!

Monday, May 15, 2017


It's summer and since the little lords don't have school, the Chinese Dimpol and I have date nights EVERY DAY!


Of course, when the Chinese Dimpol picks me up from work, we would normally look for a place to have dinner. But as much as we wanted to pig-out on our favorite foods, we don't want to break bank. E kami pa, King and Queen of Kuripots kami!!! Ha ha ha!!! So it's really a life-saver when we discover food joints that are so affordable.

Imagine our excitement when we found out about the newly opened 10 RONIN in Makati City. Besides serving a fusion of our favorite cuisines, their dishes are all affordable that you would find it hard to believe they serve legit Japanese and Filipino food!

And guess what, it's not just legit, the food was oh-so-delicious!!! You should really try it out for yourselves!

Yup! 10 RONIN will now certainly be in my to be BACK-EAT list! 

10 RONIN!!!

10 RONIN is hidden in the quiet alleys in Makati City near the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

When you go there, don't fret, they have parking spaces. And, they have attendants who are quick to assist you with your AHEM, porsche!


Sunday, May 14, 2017


My Mother's Day weekend just got sweeter with the arrival of one of my favorite desserts.... 


Yep! Never mind that my boys seem to have forgotten that tomorrow IS Mother's Day...

Never mind that Andrei chose to sit beside my sister for dinner...

Never mind that the Chinese Dimpol is not planning anything since (as he said before) "Hindi naman kita nanay e!"

I'm having big bites of GIGI GAERLAN CUSTAROONS while having coffee at the eve of Mother's Day -- that makes me one SERIOUSLY happy Mommy!!!!

Yup! And no anti-mushy, pro-auntie, or oedipus complex rejection could get me down right now.

UNLESS of course, my boys decide to eat most of my GIGI GAERLAN CUSTAROONS (the Yub already had 5 pieces).

GRRRRR!!! >:(


Even before receiving this awesome loot, I am already a fan of GIGI GAERLAN CUSTAROONS!!! 

Friday, May 12, 2017


After having a delicious dinner with THE YAPPY BUNCH and friends in ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET, we felt that we shouldn't all walk back to the hotel yet. Yup, even if we know we're going to have wine and chips in our rooms for our other nightcap, we were all suddenly in the mood for coffee and MORE chika!

With that, our group ended up in CAFE CREOLE!


One time, I was chatting with the "Quezon City Chapter" of our "BP Group" (he he he he) and we kept on talking about how we were craving for some of MAMA LOU'S pastas and pizzas. Finally the Filipino owned Italian restaurant set up base in the Metro (besides their Nuvali and Paranaque restaurants) and I sensed it's going to be one of our regular restaurants for gimiks! When we have confirmed a schedule on a Fridate, it was just too bad that one of my friends was not available.

But whaddaheck, this is MAMA LOU'S we're talking about. We cannot and will not cancel because we have already been drooling for days!!!

Also, at least we'll have an excuse to go back with her. He he he he he he he!

So after work, the Chinese Dimpol and I went straight to UP Town Center. Good thing there was no traffic that night that we were still early for our meeting time with dear Chel. After doing the groceries, some shopping, and more working, we have worked up an appetite to wolf down the food we have been craving for so long in MAMA LOU'S.

Me hungry then dinner at MAMA LOU'S with great people? Sounds like a perfect Fridate for me!!!


It's a Friday so it's no wonder that the popular restaurant is packed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are having a staycation in BELMONT HOTEL, and for dinner, it was decided that we'll do a bit of travel for some delicious Japanese food!

Nooo... We're not actually in Osaka! He he he he he! But yes, we traveled (by foot!!!!) from our hotel to Resorts World for ICHIBA JAPANESE MARKET!!!

It was a Saturday night and we were all ready!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


We're in Cavite to participate in the religious procession of statues with our carroza depicting Simon helping out Jesus with his cross. My family has been doing this for the past 37 years and now, we also got the little lords to join us in this "panata". Hopefully it's something that they'll do with their own families because the Yub and I will definitely do this for as long as we can.

Now here's part two of our unforgettable, blessed, and food-filled Holy Week celebration in Cavite.

HOLY WEEK 2017 (Part two)!!!

Monday, May 8, 2017


If you're looking for delicious Chinese comfort food that is not cooked up the old and usual way, then KING CHEF is the way to go!

We were able to discover it for ourselves during one Saturday when we joined up with some of our KAIN TULOG GANG!

Friday, May 5, 2017


Since 1980, my family has been participating in the yearly procession for Holy Week in Cavite. Before, there was only a number of "karos" going around the simple town. But now, many have joined in on this religious ritual that has also been the "panata" or sacrifice for Catholics.

The same could be said for my family: back in the 80s (ay ang tanda ko na!) it used to be just the 6 of us with my uncle and lola from Cavite. Then my Mom's sister, Ninang Saling and family also made the commitment to help us out every year. Then the spouses came.. And the kids... Plus our "Angels" and "Macho Men" who are now like family to us. Even if we're supposed to be there to observe the Lenten Season, it has become a family reunion/vacation every year!

And for 2017, it became another unforgettable one!

We usually go to Cavite on Thursdays but since we were off early that day, we decided to drive straight to my Dad's home town.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are checked in at BELMONT HOTEL courtesy of Team Navarro who treated the BP Group to celebrate dear Gem's birthday.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much we're having a crazy great time with family and friends!!!