
Tuesday, May 2, 2017


THE YAPPY BUNCH are checked in at BELMONT HOTEL courtesy of Team Navarro who treated the BP Group to celebrate dear Gem's birthday.

I'm sure I don't need to tell you how much we're having a crazy great time with family and friends!!!

All of us slept soooo late last night because of our very long night cap. That's why it's no wonder that we all had a difficult time tearing ourselves from the bed.

The view outside!!

Still, after a quick breakfast we rushed up for a morning swim!

Yesterday only little Andrei tried out the cold pool. Today, we're all going for it!

Along with Team Navarro and Sasha!

Wohoo! We almost had the pool to ourselves!

The sun may be glaring but nobody cared!

Getting a dark tan is nothing compared to having fun with my little lords.

Macho boy Andrei! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

He swam with all his might with best friend Sasha.

I was so happy that Master Mati swam with us after initially declaring that he was not in the mood. I think he regretted the decision after I kept on hugging him. He he he he he!

If you're looking for the Chinese Dimpol, he preferred to stay in the covered tub because, he was protecting his flawless complexion.

CHE! Baligtad! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yesterday there were more people swimming.

If Mati didn't want to play with me, I'll bug my other inaanaks! He he he he...

Later on I saw how Andrei and the Yub were looking at something. I joined them and saw that there was an airport besides BELMONT HOTEL and it gave a good view of the airplanes landing and taking off. 

I took a break from swimming and enjoyed some refreshments with the Chinese Dimpols.

My traditional Mango juice by the pool!

Jeorgina craved for a Watermelon shake too!

Of course, when we're swimming, we'll have French Fries too with lots of catsup and mayonnaise.


It was time for check out so we immediately dressed up and did our usual around the room pictures!

That is, after Andrei hogged the camera!

Our drunk shot...

Our family shot with my wig not in it's proper place....

Our hallway shot!

Our bed shot!

Cmown hampy! Time to go!

Mati finished checking all nooks and cranny. We're all clear to go!

Sad Andrei!

Bye room! Thanks for taking care of us!

Hallway shot!

Andrei loved this part of the hotel.

He felt that the indoor bridgeway was so futuristic. He he he he he! My kiddies' simple joys nga naman. So cute!

By the elevator...

Inside the elevator...

Outside the elevator!

I'm doing this so you get a picture of what every corner looks like. He he he he he!

Time to check out!

It certainly was easy peasy.

The little lords waited by the lobby chairs.

Master Mati gave up his chair for me and baby Soleil.

Yep! He's my little gentleman!

We had such a great and relaxing stay at BELMONT HOTEL! 

We're glad that with dear Gem's birthday treat, we were able to have not just another getogether with fun friends but we also got more bonding moments with the little lords. 

Thank you so much dear Gem!!! You guys are way generous! Happy Birthday!!! We love you!!!!


Newport Boulevard, Newport City, 
Pasay City, 1309 Metro Manila
(02) 318 8888


  1. Replies
    1. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Sayang nawawala kasi yung bikini ko e!!!! Kidding! Miss you! Mwaaaah!
