
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Last Christmas, the Chinese Dimpol and I received a GC from my sister for DIAMOND HOTEL. When we opened the envelope, both of us were like "Ding! Ding! Ding!" and got very excited to have another staycation with THE YAPPY BUNCH.

We decided to use the GC to celebrate our upcoming birthdays since we were only about 2 weeks apart. However on our intended date, the De Luxe Suite specified on our ancient GC was fully booked. Good thing that the DIAMOND HOTEL had new and renovated rooms available that we only needed to pay a minimum fee for the upgrade.

I'm glad that everything worked out in the end and THE YAPPY BUNCH will have another weekend of fun, food, and family, this time at THE DIAMOND HOTEL!

Happy Birthday to us!


Their lobby!

It was actually our first time to check-in here so we were all pretty excited.

Even Manong guard was so happy and played peekaboo!


The lovely ladies of the front desk attended to us and were very helpful!

Checking in was easy breezy!

My request when we made a reservation was for twin beds. However, even if we arrived at past 2:00pm, they said that they were still fixing up the room.

We didn't mind waiting because they gave us complimentary welcome drinks in THE CORNICHE.

Andrei was so amused with the display in CORNICHE for their Easter Candy Special.

While waiting at our tables, we saw that the CORNICHE buffet had a cotton candy cart. Andrei wanted some so I asked one of the servers if it is possible to purchase a stick or two (since we cannot go on the buffet after having lunch already). The very nice and gracious server said they would be happy to serve complimentary cotton candy to the little lords since there was enough for everyone.

Awwww! Thank you DIAMOND HOTEL!!!!

The chef manning the cotton candy cart was so nice to little Andrei and asked what flavor he wanted.

My bunsoy got the strawberry!!!!

Mati was not really craving for some cotton candy but the chef was very generous that afternoon and still asked him what flavor he wanted. My guy asked for grape!!!


The cotton candy was indeed fluffy and silky! Unlike other cotton candy stalls in malls, there was no sugar grains evident when the boys took a bite. It was indeed like eating something as soft as cotton!

Our DIAMOND HOTEL staycation was going on a sweet start!

Finally our room was ready!

Our doorway!

We were in room 2312!!!!


Our twin bed Premier room in DIAMOND HOTEL!


My Mati was doing the dance of joy.

Here's a tour of our room!!!

Our complimentary fruits!

Our bed!

Our TV set!

Our work table!

Our cabinet!

Our water heaters!

Our bath tub!

Our full wash area!

The Chinese Dimpol's throne!

The Chinese Dimpol's Khaleesi! 

(Tee hee!)


After a few minutes, we got down to invade the DIAMOND HOTEL pool!

The pool area was located "behind" CORNICHE so we had to go down and pass by the restaurant in order to go there.

It's okay! We loved the cool walk!

When we went towards the pool area, we were greeted with greens, ponds, and Kois!


Didn't know that calm and serenity could exist within the busy streets of Manila!

THE YAPPY BUNCH are actually fine with any place that has a pool. But this sight in DIAMOND HOTEL certainly made them VERY happy!

Time to swim!

Even if the sun was glaring that afternoon, the water was crazy cold. So the boys took an initial dip in the hot tub.

The boys and their "shadow". He he he he!

My little Daddy's boy asked the Chinese Adonis to go with him in the pool.

It's okay. My husband doesn't mind because he fancied that mini-waterfall.

Swimming galore!

We must have spent hours in that pool!

The boys loved horsing around with their Daddy!

While the Chinese Dimpol and I were resting, we saw Andrei getting upset with his Kuya.

Apparently they were supposed to jump at the same time but Kuya did not want to join him.

Awww my poor baby!

Mati is really a loving brother because he immediately changed his mind and agreed to jump in with Andrei. He doesn't like it when his baby bro gets very upset.

We all took a break from swimming by having some drinks and fries!

It has now become a tradition for us to order fries and mango shake as swimming snacks whenever we're on a staycation.

For some reason, fries with extra dips in catsup and mayonnaise taste soooo good after hours of swimming!

I think we polished off  3 plates of this!

There was no ripe mango shake available during that time so I just ordered sodas. He he he he he he!


Our second order of fries!!!!

I find that DIAMOND HOTEL doesn't scrimp on the mayo and catsup! He he he he he he!

Afterwards, it's back in the water for me and the boys!

Until it was sunset!

It was almost night time and even if we didn't want to leave yet, we made dinner plans, so we had to go.

When we got back to the room, a sweet treat was waiting for us!


Thank you soooo much DIAMOND HOTEL!!!

The little lords finished with their baths and started to get ready for dinner.

It took us quite a while to move because XMEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST was showing!

Our birthday dinner that night was in CAFE ADRIATICO, an old-time family favorite. My brother, Kuya Jay joined us because he was in the area after this event with US 

All was quiet when we returned at DIAMOND HOTEL after dinner.

With that, we thought of doing what we would usually do!


The little lords by the stairs...

THE YAPPY BUNCH by the stairs...

Well sorta...

THE YAPPY BUNCH in the lobby!

THE YAPPY BUNCH by CORNICHE's candy display!

The little lords!

Mati by the empty lobby!

Andrei by the flowers!


Our usual hall shot!

Hmmm.... Somebody's hands are shaking.

When we got back to our room, we watched some KICK-ASS 2!

For only P300, we were able to rent a DVD unit from DIAMOND HOTEL. The front desk advised me that this was for the duration of our stay. It was sort weird though that somebody called late at night and twice in the morning asking if we are already done with the player. Too bad for them, we had a lot of downloaded movies with us. He he he he he!

While watching movies, Mati had his usual midnight snack of noodles!

For that night, we brought some instant Laksa!

We brought with us our favorite MAD MAGAZINE board game and we had loads of fun playing it.

This game was CRAZY! And the first one who loses all of his money wins!

Mati : "Take a card... Any card!"

That's how my sibs and I used to say it too.


I won because I'm good looking! Tee hee!

After that it's time to sleep for THE YAPPY BUNCH!


Good night Manila!!!

It was an awesome first day for THE YAPPY BUNCH in our DIAMOND HOTEL STAYCATION!!! Even if we slept at a very late hour, we are so raring to wake up for more of the fun ahead the next day.

Part Two Coming Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quintos St, Ermita, Manila, 
1000 Metro Manila
(02) 528 3000

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