
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


When Mati recently celebrated his 12th birthday, we had to split his weeklong celebration during the weekends because he had classes. As much as my little guy was very excited to eat in all the restaurants that he listed, he understood that he cannot stay out late since he had to wake up scandalously early the next day.

Oh yes. Obviously I'm not a morning person. Hence, the drama. He he he he he!

I'm very grateful too that I have a very understanding Master Mati because my promised birthday staycation to him has been cancelled and moved to the next weekend thrice. Even if he was already tremendously excited for it, he just made a face (with matching pout) and a short nod.

And you know what? Everything turned so right in the end because upon stepping in DISCOVERY PRIMEA HOTEL, my boy was so happy! We may have moved, cancelled, and rescheduled our weekend staycation in this new hotel in Makati City, but believe me, one look and you'll rave about how this is indeed "worth the wait".

DISCOVERY PRIMEA -- a five star luxury hotel in the heart of Makati that you just NEED to experience whatever the event and whenever it may be.

Dan! Dan! Daaaaaan!!!!!

There's a new hotel on the block people and it's "standing" mighty proud!


Even if we are well aware that check-in time is at 2:00pm, we are always early for hotel staycations. The little lords love having a head-start on the swimming and sometimes when the room is ready, the hotel would usually accommodate us ahead of time!! 

Even if he really didn't need to since security seems alright in DISCOVERY PRIMEA, Mati stayed with our MILLIONS of bags.

Checking in!

The DISCOVERY PRIMEA lobby has a classical and warm look to it. It is simple and cozy but was very elegant.

The little lords loved walking around and exploring the cool and lovely hotel!

Mati especially loved this abstract painting posted on the wall. Is it just me or this piece is somewhat relaxing?

Checking in!

Checking in was a breeze with the very accommodating front desk officers of DISCOVERY PRIMEA!

The (pugi) front desk officer said we could hang out in Gilarmi Lounge for our welcome drinks.

With free wifi and gulping something to cool us off? Yes please!

GILARMI LOUNGE was relaxed and very quiet. I could stay here all day!

We loved the Dalandan Soda served to us.

Here's a toast to a wonderful weekend ahead!

Of course, all of this is because we love you dear birthday boy!

After our drinks, we went up to our room.

When we opened the door to our DISCOVERY PRIMEA 2 bedroom suite, all we could say was WOAH!

The little lords can't get over how much space they're seeing in a hotel room!

The room even had a work station!

I don't think we will ever use this because we all plan to be sloths and gluttons the whole weekend!

Everything was shiny, shimmery, and splendid!

I was actually blown away by the room facilities that definitely made sure the guests have everything they needed.

And I'm not just talking about cheap "just-to-have-something-to-show-the-hotel-guest" type of thing. DISCOVERY PRIMEA installed state of the art and top of the line provisions!

A very high tech electric burner!

A tall refrigerator --- not the usual teensy weensy ones you'll see in other hotels.

Microwave oven and a WASHING MACHINE AND DRYER.


Toaster oven and coffee making machine!


I'll guess I'll hide my 3-in-one sachets for now. He he he he he!

Don't think that they removed water heater from their list because they STILL have it in one of the shelves!

Looking at the cabinets and drawers, I was awestruck with the utensils they have provided!

There's the water heater!

In other cabinets I saw different kinds of pots and pans!

While I was drooling over the kitchen, the little lords were running around and exploring the rooms!

Master Bedroom!

Woah!!! Not too shabby!

The master bedroom even had a small couch for "quiet time"...

Or something else. Tee hee!

Each side had a table with LOADS of drawers again!

There's a flat screen tv too at the end of the bed!

Hala! What's this I see?

A... A... A.. HAMPER??????

A sleeker and more fashionable one at that????

I'm sorry. Old habits die hard and I will NEVER keep our Yellow Hampie in the bag. 

He he he he he he he!!!!

The master bedroom had its own bathroom!

Woah! Two sinks!

One for the little lords and one for the oldies!

Shower room!


What sorcery is this???

A television in the bath tub????????????????????????



Tee hee!

Here's my usual hotel mirror selfie!

The 2nd bedroom with the twin beds!!!!

Bedside table!

There was also a LOT of cabinets and drawers per room!

"Hi there neighbor!"

The other bedroom had a bathroom across the hall!

The throne... He he he he he he!

We haven't fully settled in our room yet when ANOTHER round of welcome drinks arrived!

These were so refreshing and sweet that we wouldn't mind having more!!!!

But of course...

Besides the lovely rooms...
Besides the awesome facilities....
Besides the television in the bathtub...

The Master Mati was SOOOO impressed with one thing....

His THOUGHTFUL birthday surprise from DISCOVERY PRIMEA!!!!


We got these luscious and fudgy chocolates.

Plus these sweet tarts and brownies!

But the piece de resistance was this fondant chocolate cake bearing the one thing that Mati SUPERKADUPER loves the most right now...


Master Mati was speechless! He cannot believe how DISCOVERY PRIMEA knew this is the one thing he was sooooo wishing for this year.

Of course, he wanted the real thing but still, he was so surprised with how thoughtful the hotel was.

(Jaz -- No joke, he really loved this surprise. Up to now the cake is in our freezer and he didn't want to eat or "destroy" it. YES. UP TO NOW!!!!!!  He said the cake was his favorite part in DISCOVERY PRIMEA.)

Thanks so much for thinking of this DISCOVERY PRIMEA! We are so impressed!!! I love how you made my boy happy immediately at the start of our vacation. Kudos to all of you!!! Galeng!

Now that's DEFINITELY a marvelous welcome Mr. Pardo de Ayala!!! Certainly something my birthday boy will never forget!

You saw another name on the screen?

Yep! The VIRREYS are here! WOHOOO!!!!! They are joining us for Mati's birthday weekend!!!!

This is going to be EPIC!

Now let's start this "epic battle" poolside! He he he he he he!

The DISCOVERY PRIMEA pool is on the 3rd floor.

There, you'll be swimming with a wonderful view of the trees and Makati skyline!

And oh, did I mention that the pool was heated??? Yep!! So it made swimming DOUBLY enjoyable!

Mati was overjoyed to see his bud Johans!

Same goes for Andrei and Jelo!

Of course, I was mucho macho glad to see my Best Bud since College, Aning!!!!

Wait... Did somebody say MACHO???

While Aning and I were chatting, DISCOVERY PRIMEA poolside staff would come by and offer us snacks.

Yup! These were so delicious and for free!!!!

Mati was laughing and giggling. He was so glad to see and swim with his friends!

But of course, I'm sure he is enjoying his birthday with his family!

There may be free snacks by the DISCOVERY PRIMEA pool but we still felt like ordering some 4 cheese pizza for the little lords.

We also got some crunchy and hot fries!!!!


My picky eater Andrei LOVED the pizzas and immediately got 2 slices to eat AT THE SAME TIME!

Yey Andrei!

After chomping on our snacks, it's back to the pool for us!!!!

Water fight!!!!!!!!!

I was carrying Andrei while Mati had Johans.

I think we're going to win here because I'm good at tickling my opponent.

So fun!

We have been swimming for HOURS!


We swam until night time!

I loved how the swimming pool jacuzzi had colored lights underwater.


When we got back to our room, we saw somebody in one of the bedrooms.


Nothing to fear. It's DISCOVERY PRIMEA's turn down service!


I think it's now rare for hotels to bestow that service to guests without the need to pay extra.

They even left a lovely message.

And a floor mat wishing good night!

That night, we decided to step out of DISCOVERY PRIMEA and look for a restaurant for dinner.

We didn't mind going on foot because the night was cool and there were many establishments from DISCOVERY PRIMEA that was within walking distance!

We decided to have dinner at BANAPPLE!

Of course, some serious birthday singing went on!

What a super fun first day at Mati's birthday staycation in DISCOVERY PRIMEA! One thing's for sure that I could declare this early...

They really know how to pamper, take care, and LOVE their guests. Yes LOVE! That's what we all felt. Because if you are always providing and going the extra mile to make the other person feel special, then that's LOVE isn't it?

And in DISCOVERY PRIMEA, we certainly felt all the LOVE away from home for that birthday weekend.

So. There.

MORE to come!!!!!!

6749 Ayala Ave,
 Makati, 1226 Metro Manila
(02) 955 8888

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