
Friday, November 13, 2015


It's part two of our KRACIE EDIBLE JAPANESE TOYS series and the little lords will be doing the.... SUSHI EDITION!

Dan... dan.... dan!!!

We bought our supply from KTG friend TALES FROM THE TUMMY and my boys have been so addicted ever since. Andrei first did the DONUT which was a lot of fun. He also enjoyed sharing and eating it afterwards.

Up next is Mati with the KRACIE SUSHI and he was super raring to start. This particular edible toy was a bit harder to make but my little lord was able to manage.  I could sense that no matter how complicated it may seem, my Mati will really try his best to finish it. Not because he is just a hard worker but more on he loves sushi so much that he was so willing to try another variety of it. He he he he he he!

See how food could properly motivate us all? Now if there's only a dish to promote World Peace.

I, thank you!


My Master Mati eagerly opened it and took out the foil pack!

Like I said in the KRACIE EDIBLE TOY Donut Edition, every piece in their box is good for something so don't throw anything. 

Instructions how to make the candy sushi are on the box. Though it may be in Japanese, they used colorful illustrations and number coding so that it will be easier for the sushi maker!

First up is the powder that will make the "rice"!

Do remember to follow all instructions to a T in order to get the best results. If it says fill up the tub with water up to the line, DO SO.

If you think that it's coming out dry while you mix it, just be patient and  DON'T ADD WATER.

You don't want to have congee for your sushi right??

We added one drop more than it should and we got this wet mush!

Awwwww.... :(

The next one is the "tuna"!

Mati mixed it onto the smaller basin that had these wavy lines in the molds. When the "tuna" firmed up, it really looked like fresh tuna!

Too bad I didn't get a clearer picture of it.

Up next is the "Tamago" that we mixed besides the "Tuna".

For the "nori wrapping" we got this small licorice bar.

The directions on how to form is on the foil wrapper.

This may be the hardest of all to form because the licorice bar was very firm and sticky. 

This was the best that we could do! I wonder how the youtube video peeps could do it so well?

The little lords' favorite part was doing the "fish roe".

We dissolved the pink and blue packets in separate tubs.

Using a dropper, we sucked the pink liquid and used it over the blue tub.


Instant fish roe!

Cool huh???

To serve your KRACIE EDIBLE sushi, cut out the circular designs on the foil pack.

And voila!!!!!!

Doesn't this all look so purrrrty?

My Master Mati was so proud!

The Chinese Adonis, who truly, madly, deeply, hated sushi found these all beautiful too!


We cannot bear to eat it because it's so beautiful!

This may be the only sushi that my husband was willing to eat!

My proud little lords! Mati with his sushi and Alien Andrei with his donuts!!!

After all the hard work, the little lords sat down to enjoy their creations! 

The KRACIE EDIBLE JAPANESE TOY Sushi also had this packet of brown sweet teriyaki sauce which served as the "soy dip".

Chomp! Chomp!

The little lords loved it because the candy sushi tasted more like jell-o! Yum!

Yohoo!!! Success!

The little lords can't wait to make another batch again!

KRACIE EDIBLE JAPANESE TOYS are something that would definitely get your kiddies busy and have fun at the same time. The great thing too is that they have a "reward" in the end when they eat and share their creations!

Hope we could buy some more viands soon!!!!!



  1. Replies
    1. Hullo sorry late reply...

      Yes! Tastes like candy but less sweet.

