
Friday, October 30, 2015


Last Sunday, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to NIU BY VIKINGS to have our weekend family dinner. Would you believe that it's our first time to eat at NIU even after it has been raved so much about by foodies? I don't know why but of course, we've been meaning to go there several times with my family or with friends, but somehow it wouldn't push through. But that day was finally the day. I guess you could also say that it was such a great coincidence how our first dinner there also fell on Anniversary month of NIU BY VIKINGS.  So yes, it was really meant to be.

You might even say it was "Ang Tamang Panahon."

Tee hee!!!

Sorry, can't help but mention the the current rage of Aldub right now. He he he he he he he!


(Pabebe wave).


I have heard many great things about NIU as the affordable restaurant that is another level compared to the competition. 

Besides constant great reviews from my fellow KTG bloggers, I have a foodie friend (itago natin sa pangalan na Albert) who swears on the enjoyment quotient of NIU over some of the famous hotel buffets!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Most recently, THE YAPPY BUNCH was blessed to receive 4 VIP tickets to the geek event of the year, ASIA POP COMICON! Though I don't read comics too much, I was familiar with COMICON because of the numerous panel interviews that would get posted on Youtube. Now the reason why I'm not that enthusiastic at first to attend this event was because I thought the personalities were not the level of AVENGERS, XMEN, SHERLOCK, etc etc people. But lo and behold, my family and I still had a LOT of fun with the many awesome and surprising encounters that came our way!

To be honest, I had little too much that it became embarrassing if I may say. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  But yes, we WILL be back next year! :)

If you don't want to be too weirded out by me, just go back to PART ONE of our COMICON ADVENTURE.

Otherwise proceed! He he he he he he he he!

If PART ONE gave us a tour around the ASIAPOP COMICON in World Trade Center, PART TWO will start off with the panel interviews!

And yes, we are armed with our VIP ids courtesy of my High School friend, Sandra!!!

I have always dreamed of attending COMICON panels and though I was not familiar with many of the artists featured today, we still had fun watching the enthusiasm of the crowd!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Though I'm not really a comic geek like my brothers, I am very familiar with COMICON via numerous uploads in Youtube! Seeing the many fans dressed in creative costumes and watching stars get grilled during their panel interviews, I could just imagine how fun it was for all attendees.

When we heard that there was going to be an Asian COMICON, the Chinese Adonis and I made no immediate plans to attend though because we were becoming our usual lazy selves on a Sunday. However, fate has something else planned for us because my High School buddy Sandra called me up asking if THE YAPPY BUNCH wanted to attend COMICON using their VIP tickets. I was so touched because my friend said when they received their COMICON kit, she immediately thought of my sons and how they would have a lot of fun there. Such generosity!! How could we turn down such offer? I'm always in awe of friends who share their blessings.

With that we knew, this is indeed a sign that THE YAPPY BUNCH was meant to invade COMICON.


And that we did!

Wow! We enjoyed it sooo much that we will DEFINITELY be back next year. 

No matter how lazy we are! 

Yohooo! We got our VIP tickets to ASIAPOP COMICON!!1

Thank you so much Sandra!

The ASIAPOP COMICON ran for 3 days in the World Trade Center in Manila. Hopefully even if we went on the last day, there would still be many sights to see!

And we're ready to go in!

Thursday, October 22, 2015


It may not be obvious but in THE YAPPY BUNCH, I am the only lady.

Yeah... yeah... You thought I was a guy again, but promise, I'm the only rose among the thorns. I don't really mind because even if I am outnumbered with 3 guys in my silly little family, we all share the same loves.

But as usual, boys being boys, I get left out when they all LOVE to talk about cars, basketball, boxing, videogames, tires... blech... things that I am so uninterested in.

However, when it comes to food, the boys and I share a deep LOVE for Sushi and Sashimi as opposed to the Chinese Adonis who does not touch the stuff....

"Sushi??? Hindi ka kumakain ng Sushi Yub????!"

That is why when we heard of the opening of GENKI SUSHI in the Philippines, the little lords and I lost no time in scheduling a family dinner there. We just cannot get enough of sushi and sashimi, so this would probably be like Disneyland for us.

Now you might wonder that for someone who detest these raw stuff, the Chinese Adonis was very willing to treat us to GENKI SUSHI.


Because that is how much he LOVES us even if he is the minority in this food decision! Naks!

10 pogi points to Gryffindor!!!!!



GENKI SUSHI is this famous franchise from Japan where the food plates are not conveyor belts. The dishes are actually brought to each table by an automated train!!!

I guess this is one of the main reasons why there is a line to get a table at GENKI SUSHI!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Every year, my son's school would schedule a family day where we watch a musical feature by Repertory Philippines. Others might find it wearisome or obligatory, but for THE YAPPY BUNCH, we always look forward to it! We love musical plays! And as much as we enjoy the usual day out in the mall or play time in the park, the theater is something educational, and entertaining on a somewhat sophisticated level for the kids!  I always tell them that it never hurts to add a little culture in their system which was filled with gross jokes, naughty fantasies, and Minecraft! He he he he he he!
At first it was Wizard of Oz, then 
Alice in Wonderland (where Andrei had a crush on the leading lady), and Pinocchio. 


This year it's going to be SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS!

Our ticket!

To be honest, I was not that excited with SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS because it's my least favorite in the roster of Disney cartoons!

But nevertheless, we already got the tickets and we all plan to enjoy it!


Very recently, my friend Albert celebrated his birthday and invited ERICJAZ FOODIES plus the CAMPOS to lunch.

The choice of the birthday boy that day was KAFE BATWAN!

Since I knew that Albert and his wife Suet are always on "military time", I rushed the Chinese Adonis so we would be at the restaurant early.

Let's just say, I got him out of the house even before he had a chance to curl his hair. He he he he he he he! Kidding!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Alas, the time has come.

FINALLY, my last blog post for our Japan trip 2015!!!

I hope you didn't get tired from my ultra detailed account of our stay. It's just that since this blog is more of a journal for me, I wanted every memory, good or bad, to be included so that I won't forget any minuscule detail.

Which comes to my last entry that is DEFINITELY not the least as it involves our hotel in our last night in Osaka, Japan. Who would have thought that our crummiest stay provided the most unforgettable memories for us?

With this, I was so proud that THE YAPPY BUNCH once again proved that it doesn't matter if the place is dingy or classy. We would definitely STILL find enjoyment and fun as long as we do it together.

Oh please do read on. I still get chuckles every time I remember it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


We arrived in HOTEL KEIHAN TENMABASHI late at night after a long trip from Tokyo.

My husband thought that since we will just be sleeping in the hotel, we would be getting something lower than the rates of our other accommodations. 

Checking in!

I thought, even if the hotel was not as modern as HOTEL RELIEF and TOKYU STAY, the place still looked squeaky clean and fine. 

Friday, October 16, 2015


I remember that when we went to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS in JAPAN with the kiddies, my brothers and sisters went to have a food trip in Osaka instead. They had such a great time filling themselves with Osaka's street foods that when we returned they cannot stop talking about it.

Hmp! They even got the breath to prove their point too!

Tee hee!!!! Just kidding!

Anyway, I got so jealous of their grubbing escapade that when I saw the stalls upon stalls of street food during our trip to the INARI SHRINE in KYOTO, I immediately went for it even if I was still full from our Ramen Breakfast.

And wow, when you do get a chance, PLEASE try out the street food of Japan!!! It may not be posh nor visually stimulating like in other Japanese restaurants, but all the food tasted oh-so-great! And THAT'S what matters right?

Plus, the food is superkaduper cheap too!

Believe me, you'll be so happy stuffing yourselves with the chomps in Kyoto that you wouldn't mind having barbecue breath!

Ha ha ha ha! Like us!!!!!

Hmmm... I should have given a very big HHEEEELOOOOO to my sister when I saw her.

So. There. 


When you get to the shrine, look the left and you'll see a street where it's filled with stalls selling street food!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


We recently celebrated the blessing of THE GRILL BOY in Spark Place and it also marked the official opening of this new ERICJAZ FOODIES favorite!

You might doubt our love for THE GRILL BOY since we always profess our fanaticism over a new restaurant.  But if I tell you that the Chinese Adonis left his line for the confession booth that morning just so that he'd be on time for THE GRILL BOY favorites, then would you believe me?

As much as I want to say that I am exaggerating, unfortunately, I'm not. You cannot really make up these types of things.

Oh and just in case you're shocked at how much we'll go far for food, don't worry, the Chinese Adonis promised to go to confession next day at church. Ha ha ha ha ha!

But still, that impulse move gives you a very clear picture of how much we love the delicious food of THE GRILL BOY that we don't care if we commit a sin.... a dietary sin that is. Because whenever we're at THE GRILL BOY, we are indulging and pigging out more than we should. And the great thing is, we're not sorry at all! It is just THAT awesome for us!

Congratulations to Richie of THE PICKIEST EATER and Rina of RINA'S RAINBOW!!! You have OFFICIALLY hooked us again to THE GRILL BOY! 


Wednesday, October 14, 2015


There's more reason to rejoice for hotpot lovers out there!

FOUR SEASONS BUFFET AND HOTPOT has opened another branch in Manhattan Parkview, Araneta Center, Cubao!! So that means we could slurp and gobble all that delicious soupy goodness in this side of the metro!

More reasons to celebrate!
More reasons to pig out!
More reasons to break that useless diet!

That's what the Chinese Adonis and I did when we tried out the newly opened FOUR SEASONS BUFFET AND HOTPOT in Quezon City. We were SUPPOSED to watch our food intake during weekdays but when we received the invite to have dinner at a restaurant from the Niu and Vikings family, we were there!

Diet shmiet! I'm sure my 25 inch waistline wouldn't mind indulging a little bit.

Oh and when I get this excited about food, I get delusional too!!!!



The sosy sounding Manhattan Parkview branch of FOUR SEASONS HOTPOT AND BUFFET just opened it's doors last October 3, 2015. It's stamped proudly by VIKINGS, a name synonymous to affordable buffets at a hotel like setting! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


When was the last time you've been to MANILA ZOO?

I know, I know that the question might be a tad ick for you. But really, what Filipino child hasn't been to this iconic Manila family site? You may complain that it smells, that it's hot, that it's a bit dirty. But if you're like THE YAPPY BUNCH who always have fun and see the beauty of a place no matter how dingy or unclassy it is, you will still have a great time.


So yes. Even at the emergence of the hottest kiddie places like Kidzania, Dreamplay, Art In Island, Ark Avilon Zoo, etc etc., please do give MANILA ZOO a chance. Believe me once you step inside their park that is adorned with calming trees amidst the echoes of the wild animals, you'll instantly have a trip down memory lane. At the same time, taking your children somewhere that your kiddie self have run around in is indeed something that will tug your sentimental heart.

So, when was the last time WE have been to MANILA ZOO?


And once again, we enjoyed EVERY minute of it!


Don't tell me that the elephant I saw in my childhood has been made into stone??

We went to MANILA ZOO on a Saturday morning and even then, there were a lot of people already.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Whenever we end the night with BGP Marian and Manong Fred, we always ask each other "O when are we going to meet again??" In fact, I think the only time we didn't have that question for each other was when Manong Fred was planning a baby shower for BGP Marian the next night and we didn't want to be obvious.

Come to think of it, I think Manong Fred also asked that question and I gave him my big "HELLO!!!" eyes.

Anywho, this addiction to ask each other when's the next meet up led to our impromptu date at CAFE SHIBUYA. We already met up somewhere that Friday but then we felt like the night was not enough so one of us asked that magic question: "When are we meeting again?"

And  I immediately answered, "Sunday dinner!"

Yup!! Meet-ups are NEVER enough between BGPs and MANONGS! :)


I've always wanted to eat in CAFE SHIBUYA especially after I've read about many drooling reviews about it. 

Also, when we were in Shibuya, Japan, I was not able to try their famous waffles (dangnabbit). I guess, this might be the next best thing for me in the Philippines. He he he he he he!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DADDY'S BIRTHDAY (2015)!!!!!

My Daddyowzers recently celebrated his birthday and once again, it was an enjoyable weekend for all of us.

At the strike of 12:00am the day of his birthday, the Chinese Adonis and I got ready to be my Dad's first greeters.

DON'T criticize my little "cake". Since we've been doing this for many celebrants for many years now, we know that what is important is the candle. Believe me, since most of us are watching our sugar intake these days, most of the cakes just go to waste. Tee hee! So we just get donuts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


When we were planning our trip to OSAKA CASTLE, I was immediately concerned about one thing:

No, it's not the weather...
No it's not the crowds...
No it's not the probability of seeing my crush Hiroyuki Sanada...
And NO, it's not even the fact that our flight is later that afternoon!

Going to OSAKA CASTLE, I was deeply thinking about where to eat because I don't know of any restaurants in the vicinity.

OH YES! That's a serious matter for us!!!

I was looking at THE YAPPY BUNCH being out the whole morning and we should have a bite somewhere. And since it's OSAKA CASTLE (not Disneyland), themed restaurants just doesn't fit in the popular tourist site.

Great thing that we pleasantly discovered the food that will comfort and care for us on our full morning walk around the castle.


Never mind going to an air-conditioned themed restaurant, THIS is where we'll get our foodie fix for our last day in Japan!

Monday, October 5, 2015


Our trip to Japan is almost coming to an end but that doesn't mean we're just going to sit around and eat Sushi or slurp on Ramen.

Come to think of it, that doesn't sound so bad for a last day celebration. He he he he he he

Anywho, since we felt like leaving Japan with a bang, we thought of going to the famous OSAKA CASTLE on our last day. Yep. THE YAPPY BUNCH went there hours before our flight going back to Manila. We figured we cannot just leave Japan without going to one of its oldest historical sites and immersing ourselves into their honorable culture one last time (for 2015 at least).

When we were done, we were so glad that we went to OSAKA CASTLE instead of being lazy before our flight. Even the little lords agreed! It may not be possible but yes, we found another level of respect for the Japanese after learning more about their courage and love for tradition.

And, even if a bowl of Ramen or a plate of sushi may be more delicious, the experience and memories that we had in OSAKA CASTLE will last us a lifetime.

WHICH we will be glad to reminisce over bowls of Ramen and Sushi. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

By the way, I apologize but there are no history nor special trivias about OSAKA CASTLE here. This is more like our photo journal of the fun we had there. Hope you guys will have enjoy your time when you go to this special Japanese landmark as well!