
Tuesday, October 13, 2015


When was the last time you've been to MANILA ZOO?

I know, I know that the question might be a tad ick for you. But really, what Filipino child hasn't been to this iconic Manila family site? You may complain that it smells, that it's hot, that it's a bit dirty. But if you're like THE YAPPY BUNCH who always have fun and see the beauty of a place no matter how dingy or unclassy it is, you will still have a great time.


So yes. Even at the emergence of the hottest kiddie places like Kidzania, Dreamplay, Art In Island, Ark Avilon Zoo, etc etc., please do give MANILA ZOO a chance. Believe me once you step inside their park that is adorned with calming trees amidst the echoes of the wild animals, you'll instantly have a trip down memory lane. At the same time, taking your children somewhere that your kiddie self have run around in is indeed something that will tug your sentimental heart.

So, when was the last time WE have been to MANILA ZOO?


And once again, we enjoyed EVERY minute of it!


Don't tell me that the elephant I saw in my childhood has been made into stone??

We went to MANILA ZOO on a Saturday morning and even then, there were a lot of people already.

New MANILA ZOO rates!

For those planning to bring in swords, guns, or whatever kind of weapon, MANILA ZOO is not for you.

Unless you plan to bring your killer good looks. Aba, hindi ka din papapasukin diyan...

Tulad ko.

Tee hee!

Go Yubsker! We'll support you from here. He he he he he!


This is understandable because you don't want to upset the animals in MANILA ZOO.

And we're inside!

Andrei is the happiest because it was his idea to spend our Saturday in MANILA ZOO!

When going to MANILA ZOO, don't forget to pack some towels, water, and your comfortable shoes. Because there would be a lot of walking!

Also, don't plan on bringing any munchies that is not for your consumption!

Of course, don't forget to bring your children, they would surely have a great time!

The first spot we went to was to say "hi" to an old friend.

Hi Maali!!!! She's already 41 years old!!!

I can't believe that this is the same elephant that I waved at when I was in Kindergarten!

Andrei was so excited to see Maali again up close.

He asked to stay a little while longer and just stare at her.

Don't fall Maali!

We cannot resist having a YELFIE with Maali. Is it just me or is she actually smiling?

There was a slight drizzle in MANILA ZOO but good thing I have the Mcdonald's cap of the little lords in their backpack. 

Believe me, this served ANOTHER good purpose for later.

Up next for us was the REPTILE HOUSE of MANILA ZOO!

This area came in handy during the drizzle because it was a covered cemented area in a shape of a python with weird teeth.

Inside the Reptile House is not so scary. You got glass windows from both walls housing those scaly animals.

Hi there Reticulated Python!

How are you related to Monty?

These large snakes may be deadly but we still found them beautiful. 

Andrei met his long lost little brothers. Har de har har!

See them looking curiously at him?

Andrei was so pleased to discover that there were fluffy little chicks in the reptile house.

Hmmmm... Should I tell him?

Going out of the Reptile House, we walked onto this park lane with a row of trees.

This is what I liked about MANILA ZOO. It may be stinky from the animal poo (what zoo isn't??) but the lovely trees and open space certainly make up for it.

We walked by and saw a turtle pond.

And a crocodile pond too!

Hopefully while we're taking this YELFIE, a crocodile won't jump up and bite our caps off.

I remember when I was in Kindergarten, I saw this big crocodile banging its head onto a wall because it wanted to tear off the meat in his mouth. That was really traumatic for me because its head was already bleeding and all but it still kept at it.

And we're walking again. The boys of course, ran to see what's in the next pit.

Philippine deer!

We also saw more crocodiles. It was so close to us we could almost touch it.

The little lords were so curious to see the HEBRA in MANILA ZOO!

It was a cross between a horse and a zebra, hence, HEBRA.

It actually looks weird right?

The Hebras co-existed with the sheeps in MANILA ZOO. It would've been nicer if their pen had more grass.

The little lords did not complain about the walk and were very curious at the next animal they'll see. 

Like this very lazy cat.

And buffaloes with humpbacks!

Black apes!

Little bunny rabbits!

Who are multiplying like.... the Kardashians?

The sun came out in the middle of the afternoon but the trees gave us a very good shade.


We went a few steps up to check out what's inside this deep pit.

A lazy cat!

The little lords would usually fight over the most trivial of things so it was a breath of fresh air to see them chatting and walking together around the zoo.

If you feel like making a tinkle, clean restrooms are always nearby!

We also checked out MANILA ZOO'S Botanical and Zoological Garden.

Mati always had the patience to read the signs.

Up next, Mati and the Chinese Adonis were terrified of what they saw in the pit!


I wonder if that cat was really meant to be there. He he he he he!

Andrei's favorite from all the animals that day in MANILA ZOO was the Hippopotamus!

It stayed mostly underwater save for a few times it would slowly raise its head and breathe. 

Hello Yap Boys!

Later on we were lucky enough to see it waddle from his pond and go to his food.

The Hippopotamus' skin was shiny and slimy at first. But after a few minutes, it wrinkled up under the sun. It really needs to be underwater most of the time.

A YELFIE with the hungry hippo!

Near the Hippopotamus, was the territory of the Crane!

And this cocky peacock!

Andrei also saw an Ostrich.

Can we have your eggs for a big omelette? Tee hee..

Remember what I said about hats? FOR THE LOVE OF MANKIND bring one and wear it ALWAYS! 

In MANILA ZOO there are MANY trees that MANY birds perch on. 

And with the MANY birds come... MANY POOP!

Ugh! A SPRAY OF POOP PLOPPED ON ME!!!! You could see the droplets near Mati's shoes!

Good thing I was wearing my Mcdonald's hat!

But guess what? Lucky me after getting pooped on, I was struck again at the same spot and this time they hit Andrei as well.

You would THINK that after one poop, they're done! 

Or maybe they're doing it on purpose?? Hmmmm...

I'm kidding of course. But yes, I got pooped on TWICE.

While walking we saw the MANILA ZOO map.

Aahhhh... So this is where we should go! Good thing we know how to read maps even if it's upside down.

(Just in case it's not obvious, we're joking).

While walking, we came upon the KINDER ZOO!

KINDER ZOO is a privately owned section inside MANILA ZOO that's why you have to pay extra for entrance.

For the full package you pay for P250.00!

If you're fine with just checking out the place, it's only P100.00.

The last time we were at KINDER ZOO, the little lords had a lot of fun interacting with the animals. We really felt it was sulit since we could take as much as pictures as we wanted while the boys played with their new found friends. 

Mati did not feel like holding one of the birds that time so it was just me and the hub.

KINDER ZOO attendants were on hand to assist you with the animals and give you little trivias about it. 

Andrei was also very curious with the snake.

Check out that proud smile.

Andrei was so interested with the snake and did not let go.

Never mind that a baby alligator was resting under it. 

The boys already got their fill of close interaction with some animals without entering the KINDER ZOO yet!

Looking around.

The KINDER ZOO is quite small but for me the fee is worth it especially that you have close interaction with the animals and you could take all the pictures that you want.

Like in MANILA ZOO, the KINDER ZOO is once again covered with many trees.

I like!

They also put up these structures similar to Lego characters. Unfortunately, they are not well maintained.

Mati still liked them and asked to have a picture.

Animals were free to roam around but there were also some in cages.

First to greet us is Mr. Lar Gibbons.

Who also loved to lick himself besides hanging around.

Another KINDER ZOO attendant assisted us and showed us around the place.

Mati later on got himself a small tortoise!

The little tortoise was ecstatic!!!!

Inside KINDER ZOO, you could go horse riding!

Of course, if Kuya does it, Andrei will most likely go for it too!

We also saw Speedy. The same beautiful tortoise we saw many years ago.

I wonder how old is she?

Come to think of it, I'm not sure if she's the same one because now she has a lot of friends.

Mati didn't want to sit on her because he felt he might crush it.

In KINDER ZOO there were more colorful birds!

Andrei: "Do I have something on me head???"

I stole Andrei's new friend and it eyed my red hat curiously.

Of course when the Chinese Adonis got him, it showed off his beautiful wings.


There were also owls in KINDER ZOO but they're kind of creepy especially with their beady eyes.

We were smiling here but my teeth was chattering with fear. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding.

Even though I was fearing my backside, I feel the need for one more photo op. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My Andrei was very brave and stayed put to observe these mysterious owls.

Thanks manong for being extra accommodating to the boys and even offering to take our pictures!

Walking on a wobbling bridge.

(Why do I do this to myself?)

And we're finished with the KINDER ZOO!

Time for us to go!

Even though it may not be as fashionable as the other kiddie places to go to in the Metro, we always have fun in MANILA ZOO. For me, the simple joys are the ones that matter. If you look for it, you would see the true beauty of this childhood favorite of many generations.

I admit though that the animals deserve to be in a more better environment. But if we all visit and become aware of their state, then we have more chances in helping them.


Adriatico St, Malate, Manila, Metro Manila

After hours of walking and being under the sun, we got ourselves "hotter" with some of our favorite LAU CHAN! He he he he he he!


  1. Hi. Do you have any idea why the entrance fee is more expensive for non-Manilans? I mean, we would already spend more on travel, accommodation, etc.

    1. Hiya Allyn!!!! I think it's like they want to give perks for Manila residents since the zoo is located there. It's something like what they do in the US for Disneyland, Universal, etc etc where the rates are lower for, let's say, California residents. Maybe to draw more people to live there? He he he he he he he1

      Pero you're right. Hopefully they consider that the admission fee the same for all so that more people would be enticed to visit. Masaya pa din siya and we all had fun!

      Thanks for stopping by Allyn!!! Cheers!

  2. Nice experience! I want to visit Manila Zoo but I want to see more animals.

    1. Hiya Manila Boy! I think Manila Zoo has a good amount of animals to make the visit worthwhile. Check it out din when you can. My kiddies had loads of fun even if they've been to other zoos. It's still a great family experience. Take care!
