
Friday, July 31, 2015


Ever since I set my eyes on the-boy-who-lived, I have always been a Harry Potter fan. Although I'm not really a scary fanatic, I've read all of the books several times and watched all of the movies several times as well. I'm so happy with how the franchise was developed and created that I know it's already a classic within our very midst. I may be even be so bold to declare that everything about the Harry Potter  universe is perfect, more so if Sir Richard Harris was able to finish the whole series. But it is what it is and I'm sure many will agree that we cannot get enough of it.

That is why when I learned that there was a WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, OSAKA, I got excited at the prospect of being in the midst of J.K. Rowling's masterpiece. Even though the boys of THE YAPPY BUNCH did not share (yet) my love for all things HARRY POTTER, they were also looking forward to going to a place filled with magic.

And that is what exactly THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER did to us all: take us to a place so enchanting, so spellbinding, so extraordinary that it wouldn't take a Gryffindor fanatic to be sucked right in stronger than Tom Riddle's diary.

Suddenly we all don't feel like ordinary muggles anymore!

Picture from the internet!



We got our tickets for UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015


One of the reasons why I agreed to treat THE YAPPY BUNCH to go to Japan as part of my 30th birthday is because I wanted Andrei to get his wishes -- to ride the bullet train or the Shinkansen, and go on the JAWS ride (which was not featured in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS CALIFORNIA). So instead of heading out to explore the sites and cultures of Japan, we went straight to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS OSAKA on our first official day.

Now even if we have been to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS many times, we know that we are still in for a treat going to the one that they have in Japan.  And, even if our legs got sore from walking the whole day and that we didn't understand all of the rides because it was in Japanese, it was still an unforgettable trip of the family that I will always cherish.

Because of course, it's always a special time when you're able to make your child's wishes come true. And, with the whole family at that!


Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Whenever we have an out of the country trip, I would always want to book much ahead of time so that my family and I would be able to get the best deals. The same happened thing for our JAPAN TRIP. Since I will be paying for four, I was on the look-out for budget fares so that it wouldn't be so costly. I was able to see one online for a round trip flight for Osaka Japan and although it was not a "piso fare" in Cebu Pacific, the price was good enough for me. So since my brothers and sisters have not made their minds yet on what dates to leave, the Chinese Adonis and I went ahead with the booking.

THAT was a good AND bad move for us.

Good because we were able to get a great price for our plane to Osaka, and bad because my siblings decided that their port of exit would be in Tokyo.


I'm kinda sensing that they really don't want me to tag along with them. Tee heee!!!!!!

As much as I wanted to be stubborn and just stay put in Osaka, I suddenly became jealous of their itinerary when they purposely made me overhear their plans. With that I told Yub that it would best to make the trip a fun-filled one and go with my sibs around Japan.

But how will be get there?

And THAT is how we came upon the JR PASS!


The JAPAN RAIL PASS, or more popularly known as JR PASS, is a ride all you can option for tourists using their JR railways. 

What's great here is that you could make use of Japan's Shinkansen (or bullet trains) as much as you want for the same price!

Only tourists could avail of the JR PASS and you could get it online before your trip. This works very well for visitors who want to go around different cities in Japan in 21 days or less. 

Monday, July 27, 2015


When the YAPPY BUNCH had a staycation in SEDA NUVALI, the Chinese Adonis and I were happy to be able to take our little lords in a family getaway they truly had fun in!

I told the little lords though that when we have family staycations, it is customary already for us to take a LOT of pictures around the place. They didn't take this too well. He he he he he!

To make up, I also told the little lords that when we have family staycations, we would end it up with a delicious meal that would have their favorites. And THAT certainly lit their hungry tummies up!

With that, we came upon GERRY'S GRILL!!  


THE YAPPY BUNCH were with the BP Group celebrating mareng Aning's birthday in Nuvali. After taking loads of picture at SEDA, we still didn't want to split up. So it was a late lunch in GERRY'S GRILL!

Friday, July 24, 2015

IT'S YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure many times when you surf the net or read articles in the newspaper, you would encounter these "Best ofs" or "The Top 10 whatevahs" that would get you thinking...


Oh I totally get you especially if the "winners" are never heard names or are just "MEH" in our books. It gets me thinking, how did they get those winners? It reminds me of those soap commercials where 7 out of 10 users voted for it? Who were those magnificent seven?? I doubt if they have the same stature as Yul Brynner (from the Magnificent Seven of course) but still, you would like to know if they are really capable and worthy of making such countdowns.


Fret or tantrum no further. Because THE CHOICE is coming your way!!!!



Thursday, July 23, 2015


For as long as I could remember, whenever I talk to my friend, Mareng Gail, she would always make it a point to mention how delicious the carbonara is in VIVERE HOTEL:

"Oh you had a raise? We should have the carbonara in VIVERE to celebrate!"
"This truffle pasta may be good but the one they have in VIVERE is a hundred times better!!!"
"Guess what? I heard they're putting more cheese in the VIVERE carbonara! We should go there now!!!!"


Tee hee!


Actually I'm just kidding. But yes, she does rave about it ENDLESSLY that when the time came for us to actually have a taste of this much talked about carbonara, she suddenly became scared. What if we traveled all the way from Mandaluyong and did not like it? I swear I would be reimbursing the amount of that Carbonara TEN-FOLD!

So what was our verdict? Read on and find out!




It's actually my first time to dine in THE NEST and I must say that I was quite impressed!


The view in THE NEST was breath taking and dining here at night time would prove to be very romantic. 


THE NEST was very dark and was only illuminated by tivoli lights. Hmmm. This would be perfect if you don't want to be seen with someone.



Growing up, my parents were very strict about our food intake that chips and junk foods were huge no-nos. We only got to eat it when we would go on trips or if we were able to save enough pesos (secretly) from our allowance. But beyond that? NO-NO. So really when I grew up and suddenly got this freedom to eat salty chips and packs of candy whenever I wanted, I was not used to it. It's like I was still "forbidden" and I would always hesitate in reaching out for a full bag. It's a good thing too because otherwise, I would've ballooned bigger than the Michelin man if I took a strong liking to it.

As for the Chinese Adonis, he's different. He thrives on chips and sweetness!!! I couldn't begin to describe how annoying he is when he's noisily eating his nachos or tortillas! You would think that Metro Manila suddenly had an iceberg attack!!!! It's THAT loud. The volume is on a stronger frequency too because he chews with his mouth open. Que horror!!!! Good thing he's handsome. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! ALSO, would you believe that he puts an extra sachet of sugar on his mocha frap??? Ew right?

Don't get me wrong. I'm still human (even if I don't look like it). There would be times where in my sweet tooth would rule overall my whale of a body. And when that happens there's no stopping me.

Fast forward to many years and ERICJAZ FOODIES received an invite from SPECTRUM of Fairmont Hotel to enjoy THE SWEET SUNDAY BRUNCH: A CANDY WONDERLAND. The first impulse for me and the hubster was that "Yes! This would be something that the little lords would enjoy!!!" Like my parents, we try to limit their junk food and candy intake. But still, there would be days when we let them indulge for good behavior and during special occasions.

And that would be THIS DAY.

But of course, looking at our dining history the Chinese Adonis and I realized that THIS would be our time too. It's been awhile since we really got loose with the grub from our childhood especially that we're older and needed to be more health conscious (blech). So for this Sunday, we were ALL excited to spend family day exploring a candy wonderland that is located in FAIRMONT HOTEL.

THE YAPPY BUNCH with the delicious food in SPECTRUM -- now that's Sundate fun that couldn't be more sweeter!

THE YAPPY BUNCH is in SPECTRUM of FAIRMONT HOTEL and check out our welcoming party?

The HARIBO bears bearing yummy tidings!!!!!

When I told the boys that they could just dig in onto the pile of HARIBO starmix packs, they cannot believe it! Look at those excited smiles!!!


Kiddies availing the buffet could actually get their fill from  the candies!!! Andrei got a handful but the Chinese Adonis only let him keep half of it. Ha ha ha ha!!!


Tuesday, July 21, 2015


In the recent 3-day weekend celebrating the holiday of Eid'l Fitr, I was particularly excited because ERICJAZ FOODIES had a lot of activities planned with family and friends. One schedule in our busy agenda (tee hee) is to taste the new dishes of the much raved about NEIL'S KITCHEN in Westgate, Alabang. I was really psyched to go here because not only have I been hearing about all the delicious and creative food from that unique structure in Westgate, but I'll be seeing again my blogger friends, aka, The Kain Tulog Gang.

However, fate was planning something else for me as my boss called and asked me to report for work at Quezon City that very same day.  As much as I wanted to catch up after the task was done, it was impossible because JAZ and NEIL's KITCHEN will be geographically at polar opposites. So I guess it was not meant to be. Good thing that I loved my job so much that I didn't really mind and just let my pogi half enjoy the hot off the menu goodness that NEIL'S KITCHEN has to offer.

At least, now we will have a reason to come back. ASAP. 


NEIL'S KITCHEN is that commanding structure that greets you upon entrance in Westgate. It's so hard not to be tempted by its awesomeness.

Entering NEIL'S KITCHEN is just like getting free admission at your hip local art museum. There are just too many sights to ogle at and take pictures with!

Monday, July 20, 2015


If you regularly read my silly little foodie blog (oh woe is you) you would probably know by now that I absolutely love noodles -- Japanese Ramen to be precise. In fact, it is one of the many (probably million) reasons why I ballooned into a size XL. But will I stop eating it?


To add to the haba-haba list of Ramen restaurants that I conquered is BUTAMARU. Now I have heard about this humble contender among the giant Ramen franchises and I was curious how it would fare up. As much as I wanted to try it though, it was geographically undesirable to me as it was located far off in the wonderful land of Westgate, Muntinlupa City.

What to do to get THE YAPPY BUNCH out of our lazy butts go to Westgate? Call reinforcements of course to make the trip more fun! So with that we invited BGP Marian, and Manong Fred plus Mike and Donna to join us. And we were so happy to experience a delicious Ramen night courtesy of BUTAMARU!


Manong Fred chose to enter before the others just to make this sign. Too bad his arm did not get squished by the glass doors. He he he he he he!

Thursday, July 16, 2015


When THE YAPPY BUNCH has an out of the country trip coming up, I would usually go online and plot out the places we're going to eat in based on internet reviews. Now even if I have already listed all informations vital in getting us to the restaurant, most of the time we are not able to accomplish the food itinerary. Why? We would often be walking around the whole day that we already get so tired to look for that particular restaurant. As a result, we would always just eat at whatever nook we drop into --- no reservations and no idea what to expect.

We are always so thankful though that we have loved all the places that we ate in during our international getaways. That just goes to show that part of the fun in going to foreign places is making these delicious discoveries that have not been influenced by any particular review. Our judgement is based on our own and taste and experience alone.

For our JAPAN TRIP last April we all planned to eat at many restaurants. But on the day of our arrival, we were just so hungry to function our brains and legs that we just went to the first restaurant we saw that was still open at such late hour.

And with that we got to MATSUYA DAIKOKUCHO.

Now at first, we were a bit hesitant because the name was very unfamiliar to us. Also, we didn't want our first meal in JAPAN to leave a bad taste in our mouths (pun sort of intended). But fatigue and hunger won over us that we went inside and just got ready to face whatever will come our way with an open mind (or tummy).

And, we're so happy to say, that our happy tummies got a delicious welcome in our first day in JAPAN via MATSUYA DAIKOKUCHO!

MATSUYA DAIKOKUCHO is part of the Matsuya Foods, Co., that has about 1,036 outlets all over Japan!

When we came upon MATSUYA, there is no english translation of ANYTHING. I don't even now the name of it!!! To get just the name of the restaurant, I had to look in the Daikokucho map and match the images I found online with what I have in my camera. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


While my brothers and sisters were plotting our itinerary for our Japan trip, they were also focusing on the hotel that we will be staying on. We know that we shouldn't really go for the fancy rooms since we'll just be staying there just to sleep for 2 nights. But still, we all wanted someplace that would be convenient for us in terms of commute, food, and security. Of course if the rates are affordable then it would just be perfectly dandy for us.

My sister then found HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO that may be a bit far from the airport but it was just a 5 minute walk from the Daikokucho Train Station. Without further adieu we clicked on it and booked it. So bam! We got that out of the way.

For our first night in Japan, we were actually quite happy with my sister's choice for all of us. HOTEL RELIEF NAMBA DAIKOKUCHO was clean, affordable, and was very near at whatever we need for an enjoyable stay.

Our stay in Japan is definitely at a great start!

Now that's a relief!

Sorry for the corny ending. He he he he he!


Whew that's a mouthful! Let me just call it HOTEL RELIEF okay?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


THE YAPPY BUNCH invaded Japan last April and to fly us towards our destination, we chose to go for the practical packages of CEBU PACIFIC! Of course, there may be many airlines available who would do the same job (with much more comfort if I may add) but we were saving our bucks in order to indulge more in Japan so it was the obvious choice for us.

To be honest, we're not really snooty in the choice of airline that would take us to our country of choice as long as:

-- the air-conditioning is good.
-- the flight attendants are hot.
-- the food is edible.
-- the flight attendants are hot.
-- they get our luggage in time.
-- the flight attendants are hot.
-- they fly us to our destination safely.
-- the flight attendants are hot.


Truth be told since THE YAPPY BUNCH are always trained to see the positive side of things, we are always quite happy with the airline's service even if there are a lot of negative reviews on CEBU PACIFIC.

Of course, we always thank God and our guardian angels for all of our safe flights when we have an out of the country trip. We're just also thankful that with CEBU PACIFIC, we are able to take flights in comfort and at a very family-friendly price!!

OH. And their flight attendants are hot too! BWA HA HA HA HA!


Monday, July 13, 2015


One Friday, I was lonely.

The Chinese Adonis had a getogether with his officemates in Alabang so it's just going to be me that night.

I asked the little lords if they wanted to have a date night with Mommy but the monsters (he he he he) deserted me to go with their Lolo and Lola. Yes they do that to me a LOT especially when my parents are involved. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

So I asked my BGP (Best Gal Pal) Marian and her husband Manong Fred if they wanted to take me out and treat me for dinner that night because....

I was lonely....

Yes I do that in the most pathetic "wawa me" voice. He he he he!

That night I told BGP Marian that anywhere is fine with me as long as we go out. She suggested that we go back to LUGANG CAFE since she just read my blog on our couples night and the pictures looked amazing (naks!).

Anyway, you would know how deep my friendship is with BGP Marian especially that I'm comfortable enough to ask her to take me out and treat me at that. Of course, she knows we would do the same to her and Manong Fred since we looooove them so much! BGP Marian and I are already like sisters from another hot mother and beyond! NAKS!

And just like that, I'm not lonely anymore!

The Chinese Adonis and the little lords could make their own plans, I would be fine with that. Because BGP Marian and Manong Fred are always always there for me, I will be NEVER lonely for all eternity!

Now that deserves an extra big NAKS! :)


Friday, July 10, 2015


It's part four of THE YAPPY BUNCH goes to Japan series and I'm sure you're all giving out sighs of relief from all the pictures I bombarded you with. You might even say that the nightmare is almost done. He he he he he!

Don't worry. There will be MORE as I will be having separate blogposts on EACH restaurant, tourist spot, and any other thing I might find interesting that is worth remembering forever and ever.


Seriously though while reviewing the thousands of pictures that we took in Japan, it made me miss the country even more. And though I spent a hefty amount of bucks for the YAPPY BUNCH's trip there, I am left with the thought that I did something momentous for my 40th birthday: Not only did we experience the beauty and culture of a country so rich in tradition, discipline, and honor, but we also got to spend an unforgettable vacation with my brothers and sisters. This is actually the first time the GATDULA sibs had a getaway with our children and spouses that is without the parents (who could be honeymooning at home :P). So yes! Sentimental me would mark that as something as paramount as turning the big 4-0.

By the way, when I said "thousands of pictures" I'm not kidding. We really took a lot of pictures so that we would never forget every minute spent in Japan. I'm sure when it's your turn to go there, you will probably do the same. Don't worry, I won't judge you.

I might be too busy planning the next thousands (or more) pictures I will be getting for our next trip to Japan! :)

THE YAPPY BUNCH is still in Japan!!!!

It was day 5 of our trip to Japan and if you think that we are going to rest before the day of our departure, please know that you are wrong!!!

However, since we will be returning to Osaka in the afternoon, we need to check out of TOKYU STAY HOTEL lest we might be late from our itinerary for the morning.

Oh we're so sad..... 

Except Andrei.

I guess he didn't hear me say "Do the sad face!"

Thursday, July 9, 2015


When I mentioned to people (other than my imaginary friends) how we will be going on a 6-day vacation in Japan, they would always point out that it wasn't enough. If it's Japan, they said, you will be needing MORE days as there is a lot to explore in the Land of the Rising Sun.

At first I snorted with a MEH because uneducated me was just roaring to go to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS to see the JAWS RIDE for Andrei and to check out POTTER WORLD.  But then, my siblings planned this jam-packed itinerary to go temples, food trips, and famous sites that got me thinking "Do we have enough time to do even just half of that?"

Apparently we didn't and everyone was right!

Yes! Even if we were always walking the whole day without any rest, or sleep days, we still didn't have enough time to do everything that we wanted. 6 days was definitely not enough!

Now even if my foot ached and my back acted up from the VERY tiresome trek that we did at Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya (a bit), and Tokyo, we would SURELY do it again!

And we will make sure that it will be MUCH more than 6 measly days! :)

It's day four for the THE YAPPY BUNCH in JAPAN!!!!

Good morning from the Chinese Adonis and master Mati in Tokyo!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


It's the morning of our day 3 in Japan and we will be checking out of HOTEL RELIEF OSAKA to go to Kyoto!

You could say that we were SO sad to leave our hotel!

For some reason, I always feel sentimental leaving a hotel even after just two nights of stay. After all, it DID became a temporary home for us! The little lords share this attitude with me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Early last year, Andrei came up to me and gave a letter that I thought would melt my heart!

It was a letter asking permission to go to Japan with his Tita Jojit!!! GRRRRR!!!!!

I discovered later on that my Ate Jit and Kuya Jon have been playfully discussing with Andrei that they will be taking a trip to the land of the rising sun. I lovingly learned too that my little lord did not even think of his Mommy and Daddy -- he just wanted to go to Japan with his Tita Jojit and Tito Jon to see JAWS in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS there. Yes. No separation anxiety there. He he he he he he!

The group did not push through that year because THE YAPPY BUNCH went to the US for summer vacation. They finalized that they will be taking the trip the summer of 2015 because my Mom wanted to treat her grandchildren as part of her 70th birthday wish. With that, they were going to invite Mati and my other niece Rocio along. 

HUWEYT A MINIT KAPENG MAINIT!!! Now that doesn't seem right. If my little lords are all going we're going as well!!! I guess my eldest brother Kuya Jay and his wife Karen thought of the same thing because they wanted to come along too!

Wow! A GATDULA siblings trip! This should be fun!

As this was an impromptu trip, I wasn't able to save up for Japan as I normally would for our other travels. Be that as it may, I do have regular savings from my salary and I'm sure "borrowing" a small amount would never hurt. Besides, I told myself, it IS supposed to be my 30th (ahem) birthday. And instead of just spending on myself to commemorate the glorious event, it would be more fun to invest on family memories with THE YAPPY BUNCH. 

Now as this is the first YAPPY BUNCH trip with my brothers and sister, you could just imagine how much I wanted to remember every single second of this travel. Once again I will be blogging an overview of our whole Japan tour (it'll be 4 parts baby YEAHHH!) and also write posts on tourist spots, our restaurant stops, and other interesting stuff you may want to know about this cool country.

Yes, there will be A LOT of posts on Japan. It will definitely be a series. I hope you guys won't block me for it. That is, if you haven't done it already. Tee hee...

Please don't.

So yes! I'm so happy for my bunsoy! Andrei's dream finally pushed through and we are going all going with him!!!!

OMG, watashitachi wa totemo kōfun shite imasu! ! ! ! !

That's Japanese for "OMG! We're so excited!!!"

See? Japan and ERICJAZ FOODIES are meant to be!


This is the first time that the YAPPY BUNCH will be traveling with my brothers and sisters. You could say that the GATDULA SQUAD is complete here.

Minus our parents of course!

And we have boarded!

Monday, July 6, 2015


One Friday, the little lords fetched me from the office because we will be going to my friend Ann's house for dessert and play. My boys love going to the Virrey's place because they have such a fun time playing with their friends Johans and Jelo.

Of course before going there, we decided to just eat dinner somewhere because we didn't want to bother the Virreys with our big and hungry group. So where to eat? I suggested that we try out BRICK-FIRE (OVEN ROASTED STEAKS AND CHOPS) because it is so near my office and my co-workers strongly recommended the food there. In fact, one of my office mates one time even moaned "Ang sarap ng steak dooon!". Yep! It's true!!! When I mentioned this to my guys, they strongly agreed because they were craving for some meat. Plus, words "steak and chops" instantly made them drool.

So I guess there really is no question about it. When you've got MEN in the family, there should always be STEAK. So, BRICK-FIRE will be our destination for that Friday night!


BRICK-FIRE is located at the second floor of the Xavier Residence Building that also has a 7/11 branch in the first floor.

Sorry we were not able to take a picture of the exterior as it was raining heavily that night.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


For Father's Day, we decided to have a pre-celebration with the special guys in our lives in CIRCLES, SHANGRI-LA Makati. We figured, it would be nice to honor and treat our "bossings" to acknowledge how great they are in taking care of the kids, washing our clothes, and cleaning the house.

Tee heee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, since these men have been doing such a great job in taking care of their families, we planned to take them out somewhere special where they will be having an enjoyable gastronomic dinner. If next week their children will be honoring their awesomeness for Father's Day, tonight will be OUR night to tell them how special they are.

And in typical ERICJAZ FOODIES way, it is with FOOD!

NOT something else.

By the way, we still made them pay for it. It's still "Happy Wife, Happy Life" forever you know. No day-off for that.



We went to MAKATI SHANGRI-LA HOTEL on a Saturday for our date night. Good thing that traffic was manageable and we were able to get there earlier than the reserved time of  7:00pm.

We decided to have dinner in CIRCLES since their long line of dishes would definitely satisfy our very hungry men. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015


On my birthday week last February, I received a touching greeting from the husband of Ms. Eileen that it really made my day! When I texted to thank her for it, she said to ask the TAPE Inc., ladies if they are available for lunch on a weekday because she plans to treat us all for crabs and cochinillo.

Of course we're available! Why wouldn't we be? These are crabs and cochinillo we are talking about! Actually, even if we're not available, we'll scrap whatever those earlier plans are to go there!!!!

Oops. I remembered that this is public. JUST kidding! If we have something important to do at work, we'll DEFINITELY do it.


Anyway, my TAPE Inc., office mates are always so busy that when there was finally a lunch day where everyone is free, we wasted no time in letting Ms. Eileen know about it. And I'm glad that we were all able to get together again because not only were we served with a VERY delicious spread but the company and chika were all something to remember.

Of course, there's nothing like sharing these great moments with exceptional ladies!

And that is why we are The Ladies Who Lunch!


Before, we used to do it regularly, eating out when it's somebody's birthday. But now, most of us are on a diet and busy with work that lunch-outs like this is something to really treasure!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


When planning our family staycations with the BP Group, one of the questions often asked was where to eat for Saturday night. Of course, I'm the one usually depended on to make recommendations but I'm usually worried that the group might not like the food in my chosen restaurant afterwards.

So on a particular staycation weekend with the BP Group in 
SEDA NUVALI, I did not wait to be asked for anything. I IMMEDIATELY announced that for dinner we will be having it in MAMA LOU'S. This Filipino-owned restaurant serving delicious Italian food seems to be as authentic as Emilia Clarke's wig in GAME OF THRONES -- you know that it's not really hers but IT WORKS beautifully!

I became familiar with MAMA LOU'S from the numerous blogs that would repeatedly recommend their delicious food. Yup! REPEATEDLY. It's like one visit would never be enough. MAMA LOU'S had dishes so delicious, you would always find yourself craving for more.

And THAT is what we happily discovered in that particular Saturday night in MAMA LOU'S Nuvali. My friends can't stop raving and eating their colorful plates of Italian food! I was so happy too that they loved my recommendation!

Whew! That's great. When I burped that night, it was also a sigh of relief. He he he he he!



It was a Saturday and as expected, MAMA LOU'S was jampacked.

Good thing that we have already made reservations so it was only a short wait for us.

I love it when restaurants are considerate enough to accept reservations during weekends. I'm especially thankful that MAMA LOU'S reserved tables for us considering they had a very limited space.