
Thursday, July 9, 2015


When I mentioned to people (other than my imaginary friends) how we will be going on a 6-day vacation in Japan, they would always point out that it wasn't enough. If it's Japan, they said, you will be needing MORE days as there is a lot to explore in the Land of the Rising Sun.

At first I snorted with a MEH because uneducated me was just roaring to go to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS to see the JAWS RIDE for Andrei and to check out POTTER WORLD.  But then, my siblings planned this jam-packed itinerary to go temples, food trips, and famous sites that got me thinking "Do we have enough time to do even just half of that?"

Apparently we didn't and everyone was right!

Yes! Even if we were always walking the whole day without any rest, or sleep days, we still didn't have enough time to do everything that we wanted. 6 days was definitely not enough!

Now even if my foot ached and my back acted up from the VERY tiresome trek that we did at Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya (a bit), and Tokyo, we would SURELY do it again!

And we will make sure that it will be MUCH more than 6 measly days! :)

It's day four for the THE YAPPY BUNCH in JAPAN!!!!

Good morning from the Chinese Adonis and master Mati in Tokyo!!!

Breakfast was included in our hotel in TOKYU STAY and we were able to fill up quite nicely before our day out.

Check out our blogpost on TOKYU STAY NIHOMBASHI!

Even if I whine that I'm lazy to do this or that, I really like walking as long as the streets are as clear as THIS.

Heading for our train station again!

Our train!

Once again we are in an empty station. It's not really a long wait for the next train because it's usually just 10 to 20 minutes maximum between rides.

Andrei doesn't mind waiting at all as long as it's for a train!

After taking Andrei's picture I noticed the aluminum box on top of his head. Wow! The Japanese would really think of everything that they even provided an equipment to get hats that fall onto the rails.

I wonder what would I use if I dropped my jacket?


Yey our train is here!

When we arrived in Tokyo Central Station, we went up via this very high escalator. 

I'm not a fan of heights that even mere escalators terrify me!

I was not being OA there. I was really hoping somebody would be behind me. He he he he he!

And we're here!


TOKYO RAMEN STREET is, you guess it, a long stretch of various Ramen restaurants in Tokyo Station!

MORE on a blog post coming soon!

There were a lot of restaurants in RAMEN STREET but we were craving for some noodles with Tonkotsu broth. We chose one of the more popular hubs in Ramen Street that is part of the Setagaya Group of Ramen Restaurants, HIRUGAO RAMEN!

My brothers and sisters wanted to have some Tsukemen and chose the one across us.

The English speaking attendant was very nice to and really got us seats pronto.


Blogpost coming soon!

After a VERY delicious lunch, we are off to Shibuya!

We were not able to get seats in the fully loaded train but it's okay. We just chatted for the whole ride.

Besides, the Chinese Adonis looked like a macho dancer holding onto both safety handles. He he he he he!

When we finally got an available spot for us to sit in, little Andrei and I rested a bit.

Like a little cub with his lazy mommy lioness, Andrei did not sleep but rather explored the train with his curious eyes.

After a few minutes, we arrive at SHIBUYA station!! 

There, finally saw the famous SHIBUYA CROSSING!

This is like Japan's answer to the busy streets of New York but I actually think it's more fascinating. I mean, when you cross while going to work, where will you look????

It would've been better to see this uber popular 5-way intersection at night but really, I'm just so thankful to see this at all!

A lot of movies have featured SHIBUYA CROSSING since it's a street that's always full of action. One of the latest ones is FAST AND THE FURIOUS TOKYO DRIFT!

When I went to use the restroom in Shibuya Station, the toilet is as high tech as the ones we saw in the hotel. When I wanted to wash my hands, THIS greeted me. 

Looks different but it definitely works for me!

While waiting for the others, Mati and I clowned around.

We also did our traditional L-O-V-E pose before Shibuya police takes us in for questioning for weird behavior. He he he he he!

Before we went to SHIBUYA CROSSING, somebody was waiting to say "Hi" to us.


The dog that became a legend for his loyalty and love to his master!

Just in case you're not familiar with the story of HACHIKO, I'll give you his brief history that would definitely get me crying in a minute.

HACHIKO is a dog whose master is  Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor in the University of Tokyo. Mr. Ueno adopted HACHIKO in 1924 and every afternoon, it has been tradition for the dog to meet his owner at Shibuya Station coming from work.

One day while he was still in school, Mr. Ueno died from brain hemorrhage and was not able to return to a waiting HACHIKO in the train station. The loyal dog did not know nor understood his master's death  that every afternoon he would still go to Shibuya Station to wait for Mr. Ueno there. 

Day in and day out HACHIKO would wait for his master that even if civilians were trying to help the dog by offering it a new home, it would still wait at the station every afternoon at the same time. Since the dedicated dog did not budge from his vigil, people would just give him food and water at his post. 

This went on until HACHIKO'S death in 1935.  After 10 years, HACHIKO'S wait finally ended but his master never came.

That's 10 years! 10 years of going there everyday for nothing!

Stupid dog.


I'm not kidding when I say that I'm crying right now.

Stupid, dedicated, loyal, wawa dog. GRRR! 

Anyway, I read somewhere that this year, the University of  Tokyo made a statue showing how HACHIKO got reunited with his master, Mr. Ueno. FINALLY a happy ending for that dumb dog! 

I'm sure they already met in heaven but still, there's the visual happy ending for us. 

Hooray for HACHIKO!

I swear, if you want me to cry just make me tell you the story about HACHIKO. OR, if you want me to sob, I'll tell you about my stupid dog of 14 years named Bambi, who died from old age. She also waited for me to return from a retreat to say good bye. 

Haaaay... Sniff sniff!

Why do they have to be so loyal and loving that when they go they'll leave such a pain in our hearts that won't go away?


Oh and before you guys react with the "dumb" and "stupid" references, please read between the lines. Call it my defense mechanism. I don't want to be attached to such loving beings EVER again. 

According to my brother, the spot where HACHIKO's statue stood is where the actual Shibuya Station was before. They even put an old train on the side on display for it. 

And it's time to cross the "Japanese Jungle!"

Here's to the busy streets of SHIBUYA!

When you go to the SHIBUYA intersection, you could actually see the convergence of 5 streets!

That's my left...

And here's my right!

Even if it could get so busy, the SHIBUYA CROSSING has a certain fleeting style to it that going from mere one street to another is already an experience.

It's almost like a Labyrinth of pedestrians!

Even the little lords were so curious at this busy street that was nothing like they saw before.

Where's Andrei?

The only pedestrian that would top this experience is definitely ABBEY ROAD.

Soon! He he he he!

Later on, we explored around the streets of SHIBUYA!

Walking around the alleys of SHIBUYA took me to some of the anime cartoons that my niece loved to watch.

It's really every anime fan's dream!

I find the Shibuya Alleys had this uncanny appeal to those who grew up watching Voltes V, Candy Candy, Daimos, etc. Of course, there's no giant robots lurking at the streets but still, the vibe and energy is there.


Is that...


Tee hee!

You may find it odd why we're taking a lot of selfies in these streets that you may liken to Manila's Divisoria. But when you get to SHIBUYA, you'll understand our fascination with it.

Uy it's DAISO!!!

I always referred JAPAN to DAISO just to confuse our FB friends. Har de har har!

My brother loved soccer and used to be a coach during High School. He asked Mati and Andrei to join him in a pic with the national team of Japan.

Andrei plays soccer from time to time and asked for a pin from one of the vendors.

He he he he!

Heading back to SHIBUYA STATION and abusing the Japan sign.

Kuya Jay is following suit! He he he he he!

Care to pick up some Chinese looking hitchikers?

I see a lot of walking in our future.

Want to shop at Tokyo?

Seriously I forgot why I pointed this out.

Maybe I found this SATO so adorable.

Hmmm... Somebody found THIS naked lady adorable.

Sisterly love!

Going thru SHIBUYA CROSSING again!

Here's a mini shrine dedicated to HACHIKO!

Good bye HACHIKO! We'll see you here in SHIBUYA again!

The famous NARUTO wanted a picture with the little lords!

Andrei you could have a better smile than that.

After a short train ride, we arrived at Harajuku for our next destination.

Read more about our day there HERE!

It's where you'll find THESE popular barrels!

And after a VEEERRRRRY long walk, this blessed temple!

I rarely like having solo pictures but the doorway to the temple has very good lighting don't you think?

After the tiring but zen-like trip to the MEIJI TEMPLE, it's back to the train station for us.

Our next stop?


What for?


AKIHABARA is the capital of Japan's video games, manga, and anime!! 

If you're an avid gamer, this is Disneyland for you!

We went to AKIHABARA upon the request of my niece and the little lords. 

It's Japanese Manga as far as the eyes can see!

The kiddies really saved their money because they wanted to buy something here.

Since we're pressed for time and us oldies were getting tired, we just split up from my sibs so that the little lords could immediately buy what they wanted.

Floors and floors of anime models!

After a LOT of walking we found a large store with the toys that the little lords wanted.

Mati was so happy to find this Baymax model he's been saving up for in Manila. When he got the money, he was so disappointed to find out that this was out of stock already in Manila. So yey! He found it here. As for Andrei, he brought a model of a SHINKANSEN!

Wow! AKIHABARA seem more magical at night!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in AKIHABARA!

For dinner, my brother treated us to this Yakiniku restaurant in AKIHABARA!

No vending machines here. We sat comfortably and just gave our orders.


Thanks Kuya Jay!

Check out our YAMATO BLOGPOST!

And finally it's time to go back to the hotel!

It's another train ride back home. 

I hope we're not squishing the guy at the right too much!

Hmmm... Somebody is going to have KFC for his midnight snack tonight!

I'm not sure if I caught Rocio in mid-sneeze or if she was fake crying!

Back at the hotel, the Chinese Adonis and I were too tired to do anything else that we just went straight to sleep.

That is, AFTER having a snack of pancakes, coffee, and sweet strawberries (again).


That was one epic but MEGA tiring day. It may not be obvious how much walking we did but trust me. We almost did a marathon.


1-9-1 Marunochi, Chiyoda, 
Tokyo Prefecture
+81 3-3213-7000

1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, 
Shibuya, Tokyo 151-8557, Japan
+81 3-3379-5511

JR underpass, 1-6-1, Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0025


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