
Monday, December 29, 2014


This holiday season, ERICJAZ FOODIES have been so blessed to be invited at what we feel is THE foodie Christmas event of the year.

The KTG Christmas party 2014!!!

Now this calls for one big "Ala Homer" WOHOO!!!!

You may remember our first KTG Christmas party where we were only about 20 gluttons and we pigged out on truffle lechon, wagyu burgers, etcetera etcetera.  For this year, everything (pwede ding everyone... tee hee) just got BIGGER... CRAZIER....

AND hungrier! Ha ha ha ha ha!

You could just imagine how wild it could get when you pack about 50 food fanatics with overflowing grub and drinks to stay in one big ballroom.

Insanity I'm sure.

But let me assure you, that our Christmas party that night was also about "food insanity" with a purpose.

Yup! And that is the beauty that is KTG!

Happy Holidays!

Homer burp! He he he he he he!



For those still wondering what KTG means, behold!

Venue for the night was the Titanium Ballroom in F1 Hotel Manila!

Wow! Not too shabby!

We were supposed to stay in the Canary Lounge at the poolside but because of the unpredictable weather, the party was moved indoors.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


In the Saturdays that Andrei was having basketball clinic at the ungodly hour of 7:00am in the morning (yup, that's ungodly to me), my only motivation in tearing myself away from my comfy bed is the premise of having a delicious hot breakfast. 

Wait... Of course, ANOTHER reason is to watch Andrei play basketball. Yes that's it. Surely. Tee heee....

One morning, to the delight of everyone, my Mom and Tita Meldy agreed to join us and watch Andrei in training. This made my little "Michael Jordan" more excited because he has been asking for many days when his lola could go with us and today was finally the day. So you could say that it was enough reason to have a mini celebration when the 2 special ladies forgot about their usual brisk walking around Powerplant Mall to join us that Saturday. We were supposed to go to KANTO FREESTYLE BREAKFAST but as expected, it was jampacked with no seats available. My aunt then asked if we could go to ARISTOCRAT since she has been craving for it ever since she came home for the holidays from the US.  We all agreed since ARISTOCRAT never fails to satisfy is with their juicy barbecues and affordable meals.

Yep! And THAT is worth getting out of bed for me too!

Basketball clinic

Andrei's basketball clinic in school!!

Basketball clinic

Yub and I also took the opportunity to do some exercise while Andrei was playing. So yes you could say that those beads of sweat at my brow were real. He he he he!

Basketball clinic

Tita Meldy and Mom joined us and was able to watch Andrei do his thing.


After Andrei's grueling working (I also had a hard time sitting down), we then proceeded to ARISTOCRAT for breakfast.


ARISTOCRAT has been serving the Filipino diners since 1936 and for me it has become somewhat of an grub institution already for us.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Call me a fuddy duddy or just plain old but even in the emergence of Iphones, Tablets, or whatever (ran out of examples), I could never get the hang of using the Reminder and Note application. YES! Nothing beats my trusty old pen and paper even if my penmanship is something that Sherlock Holmes could not ever decipher. That is why during the holidays, besides loading up on the delicious hot and cold drinks of the season, I also try my best to collect the stickers that go with it in order to get that prized planner in return! Nothing is more sweeter than getting that drinking the java that my little heart desires and get rewarded with the much needed planner that is very useful in my (zero) social life.

Lately however, I have lost interest in working up an appetite to get those famous planners because honestly, the whole thing became boring for me. Imagine, buying numerous drinks to just get the same pen and paper that I could very well buy in my nearest bookstore.  Major snoozefest at the counter! So I forgot about it and just scheduled a trip to National or told myself to get one from the office. He he he he!

Then, I came upon many rave posts about SEATTLE'S BEST DREAM JOURNAL. Yup! It's not just an ordinary planner. Not by a long shot! The SEATTLE'S BEST DREAM JOURNAL is something that would encourage me to jot down my dreams, goals, and whatever plans I have in my sorry life! The freebies and contents just seem so fun! Plus, it doesn't take a hundred of drinks slash stickers to get it! You only need 18!!!

You want to know what's more cool about it? Getting the drinks slash stickers won't be such an ordeal because SEATTLE'S BEST COFFEE brings back your Christmas box office hits plus more for your total enjoyment.

Yes. Getting a hold of that DREAM JOURNAL never felt this good!

Now THAT is indeed a sweet treat this Christmas!

The SEATTLE'S BEST DREAM journal 2015!

And it's here!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


After another fun staycation at F1 HOTEL MANILA, we headed to Podium to meet with my gorgeous BP Group. You see, my little lord Andrei will soon be having a Mcdonald's birthday party and since Mareng Gem cannot make it as she had a wedding to attend to, she generously promised to treat all of the kiddies for a 1 hour playtime in Kidsville! Wopeee! Even if we're supposedly tired and there was school the next day, everyone in THE YAPPY BUNCH was looking forward to it! Well, Kidsville WAS actually the happiest place on earth (or Ortigas) at the moment for my kiddies and they were so excited to see their friends. So really, there was no discussion there to what would most most likely be, another crazy session.

So after depositing our tiny masters in Kidsville, what to do? We all wanted to just sit down over a cup of hot coffee and chat since it is what we are best at. But then, it seemed like Podium was asking for it by having a Christmas display at the mall events area. We went there and became our usual silly selves that gave our kids ample reason to be embarrassed.

Good thing they were not there! He he he he he he!


We saw Santa Claus sitting all by his lonesome at his red chair so we all went there to cheer him up a little. 

Yub and I had a picture with him first.


Of course, when it's ERICJAZ FOODIES, a wacky shot was ALWAYS in order.


Santa seem to be getting all festive up inside when 5 ladies flocked around him.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Christmas may be all fun and "Fa la la la la la la la la la" but seriously, it could be one of the cruel holidays there is. Oooh yes! Diet all you want and have several hours running at the treadmill... when the holiday spread presents itself at you, you'll lose all  elements of reason and just surrender to the forces of food.

Yehesss... So cruel. 

That is exactly what happened after weeks and weeks of controlling my wild appetite. I thought I was already doing a great job and promised that I will really eat like a bird during our recent staycation at F1 HOTEL MANILA, when  HELLO! F CAFE was serving the Fiery and Frosty Christmas buffet!!!!


And just like that Christmas won once more and I was powerless over all the hot and glistening food served at us.

Truly... truly cruel!

But I LOVE it!!!!


the place of the round and red arches!



Have a FIERY and FROSTY Christmas time by having their buffets during the holidays!
Lunch or Dinner Buffet P1,999.00 net
(December 24, 25, 30, 2014 and January 1, 2015

Dinner Buffet plus New Year Countdown Party at P2,999.00
(December 31, 2014)  

Thursday, December 11, 2014


One of the highlights in the "life" of ERICJAZ FOODIES is being part of the KTG (Kain Tulog Gang) because finally, we met people who love food as much as we do and would also document it any way they can.

"Before somebody reacts, of course, my family and friends still top my list but I cannot tell you how many times I got the "Enough already!" when I take pictures of them! Pero naman when they see themselves in the blog, kilig na kilig! Che! Ha ha ha ha!"

Anyway, the person responsible for forming this "Foodie Family" is Mr. Spanky Enriquez... The Chairman... Our Pitboss...  THE Bossman!

So pogi!

Now many times I'm sure you saw me refer to him as "Dear Spanky". Hold on to your knickers, I'm not about to replace the Chinese Adonis.... yet (Bwa ha ha ah ah!). But at the start (and he doesn't know this), I did so to show respect to a person I regarded so high in social media (I was scared of him honestly at first!!!) that instead of referring to him as SIR Spanky (which he detested, violently!), I tweaked it up a bit and regularly called him DEAR (it's pretty close actually, especially if you have a hard tongue... he he he he he!). So from them on it was Dear Spanky this... Dear Spanky that. If you see my thought bubble, you would THINK I was also doing the "We're not worthy"action. NAKS! But of course, as time went on, I mentally dropped the DEAR as a stand-in for SIR and it really became what it stood for... calling somebody who is very DEAR to us.

I discovered that dear Spanky is REALLY a very cool guy and nothing to be scared about! He is actually the only person who believed in my blog (yes, the Chinese Adonis is NOT included) and would make me feel good about it at times when I doubted its silliness.

And believe me, with the way he is taking care of us in KTG, he deserves all the love that he is getting right now. I'm sure the others will agree that we owe him a lot. With that, it's no wonder why his group of hungry and lazy bloggers came together to surprise him on his special day. It was really the least that we could do to honor our King of the "Rawr" and our GODFATHER.

Dear Sir SPANKY! We love you to the farthest of Milky Way and back. Maybe that's why you'll always be somebody from another galaxy in our eyes!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


When I was a kid, I remember how my Dad would always schedule a night where in we woud cram into our Toyota Corolla or Tamaraw Jeepney then go to COD in Cubao to watch the Christmas show by the mall facade. I was a scrawny little girl of about 10 years old whose idea of a family fun time was to have dinner out at either Jollibee, Ma Mon Luk, Kowloon, or Sun Moon Garden. My Dad always made it a point to take us to many places (Luneta, Manila Bay, this very cheap beach in Cavite, Fresh Air in Lucena City, etc, etc) that were not expensive but still proved to be memorable for us all and THIS was something my siblings and I would wait for every year. We don't care if there was a LOT of people watching the show with us because we were always comforted by the cool Christmas air infused with the aroma of cooking bibingka and puto bumbong. I'm sure many people from the 80's would agree with me how this is one of their most special childhood memories too.

The COD Mall Christmas show was already a family tradition for us and we cannot be more excited than we already are (well at least, I am!). I could still see how the mannequin Cinderella stepped out of her house in that beautiful gown. Wow! Such an unforgettable time for me! Little did I know that it was to be the last show I would see in that mall then.

Fast forward to many years (wait, not too many because I'm not that old), and the show was converted into a Christmas On Display running at Greenhills Shopping Center. A lot of people I know rejoiced (me included) because now we could share this wonderful tradition with our own families. I'm sure if you have children, you'd know that there is nothing more exhilarating than to be able to do the special activities you loved as a kid.

And of course, it's definitely more unforgettable if they would love it right back!

Greenhills Christmas on Display Show


Friday, December 5, 2014


There is nothing like family getaways, and the Yappy Bunch is now addicted to staycations! I'm sure you'd agree with me that it is so fun to go away for the weekend and bond over delicious food, swimming, and 24 hour air conditioning! Of course, there IS no place like home but sometimes there are hotel accommodations that fulfill the premise of a stay close to where your heart is.

And THAT has been our experience with F1 HOTEL MANILA every time!

We were so happy to receive again an invite for a weekend staycation in F1 HOTEL MANILA and we were doubly excited to learn we will be experiencing their FIERY AND FROSTY HOLIDAYS for 2014. Of course I'm so used to having a chilly Christmas but incorporating it with something "hot" is indeed new to me. But, whatever the place, event, or weather (tee hee) we will definitely have fun because THE YAPPY BUNCH will be spending it together.

With that, we packed up and got ready to go. The Chinese Adonis and I must have been very good this year because winter... este.. Christmas is coming! And it's delightfully early with F1 HOTEL MANILA! 


Now let's go on to our staycation at the hotel which promises to be "The Home of Happy Experiences!"

F1 HOTEL MANILA, Fort Area, Hotel in Fort


The weather was really cloudy that morning but we didn't mind. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Christmas is upon us once again and as much as we want to revel in the beauty of the holidays, there is that incessant need to make a dash for the most suitable gift to give to our loved ones, friends, relatives, office mates, and uh, people you just want to look good to.

Now normally, NORMALLY (I'm stressing ala Chandler Bing here), you would order up on the usual default gifts like ashtrays, T-shirts, mugs (I know I did... Ha ha ha ha ha!), but I think it's high time to up the ante a bit and give something that your recipients will ACTUALLY love.

Oh yes. I'm so confident in declaring that because it was REALLY love at first sight for ERICJAZ FOODIES and these delightful KOUIGN AMANN from CICOU. We didn't expect to like it as much (since we were TRYING to go on a diet) but one bite made our mouths do the "Jingle Bell Rock"!

There will be Christmas gifts and there will be REAL SPECIAL Christmas gifts! Try out these nummy yummy KOUIGN AMANNS (or whatever the plural is) and you will really feel (and taste) the joy of this season!

By the way, if you're hoping to receive some KOUIGN AMANN from me, I'm sorry but the mugs have already been purchased. ALSO, even if I did buy myself boxes of these heavenly pastries, I'm not sharing. Yup. Simple as that.


Kouign Amann "KA" by CICOU

KOUIGN AMANNS (pronounced as "queen a-mahn") from "KA" BY CICOU!

Kouign Amann "KA" by CICOU

These lovely KOUIGN AMANNS were created by the genius Chef Cyrille Soenen of BRASSERIE CICOU and he has whipped up new flavors for everyone via "KA" BY CICOU.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


It was a Sunday and even if THE YAPPY BUNCH was invited by THE BP GROUP to have dinner in the newly opened RESTAURANT VERBENA in Tagaytay, we decided to heed the "pretty pleases" of our little lord to watch something that just had its grand opening...

The Greenhills COD Christmas show!

As we were now going to the very busy Greenhills Shopping Centre, we decided to do our groceries and dinner there as well. When I asked Andrei where he wanted to eat, I was taken aback when he shouted "TOKYO TOKYO! Because it's MY favorite!"

Hmmmm... We were all surprised. Either somebody switched somebody's kid on us or my little bunsoy suddenly forgot his obsession with HEALTHY SHABU SHABU or PEPPER LUNCH altogether! Not once have I heard him claim that TOKYO TOKYO is his favorite. So off we went to the Japanese casual restaurant which gave delicious memories when I was still in college (yup! It has been in the Philippine shores for so long already). It may be very crowded on a Sunday at Greenhills but it's all good with us: besides knowing that we'll soon eating Japanese grub with prices so affordable, we were all happy to discover that our finicky eater Andrei has a new restaurant to add to his favorites...

And that is, TOKYO TOKYO!


It was a very jampacked Sunday in Greenhills shopping centre but we were still very lucky to get a table.

Monday, December 1, 2014


One Saturday, BGP (Best Gal Pal) Marian and Manong Fred invited me and the ultra hot Chinese Adonis (you could tell he did something good today he he hee) to have dinner outin Greenbelt. We were supposed to meet up that Friday but Manong Fred thought we could should just join their families that weekend. 

Our venue for tonight was


Whenever we're craving for Filipino food in the Metro, it's always RECIPES for me and BGP. We could never go wrong with their delicious selection and affordable prices.