
Saturday, February 15, 2014


I really can't believe that we haven't featured YABU yet in this silly little foodie blog when it is actually one of our favorite restaurants. In fact, we celebrate the start of the weekend by having YABU Fridates and it has now been included in our Birthday Go-To places since our little lords cannot get enough of their fried goods as well.

The first time I got to taste YABU though was not with the Chinese Adonis nor with anyone from my family. The restaurant has already been making waves in the dining scene for months and I was still clueless why it was so popular save for the reviews from food blogs. Finally, my dear friend from College, Anne Virrey, invited me to the famed Katsu restaurant since it was my birthday and she wanted to treat me. You could say that the rest was history because after that first bite of their very tender pork, it was the start of my beautiful friendship with YABU!

Some of these pictures were actually from last year but I'm also posting this because it's going to be my birthday soon and here's my gentle reminder to Mareng Anne... AHEM!

"When are you going to treat me at YABU???" He he he he!



Perhaps one of the reasons why it took me a long time to eat in YABU was because the lines could just get so crazy and I was not willing to wait it out at something I was not sure of.

After a year, yes I AM willing to line up because YABU is just Mmm..good!

In YABU they have all condiments available per table which includes the dressing to top your unlimited shredded cabbage with. My favorite is their new Wasabi Dressing which could probably be the culprit in my weight gain because it was SO good. I think I could consume about 3 full bowls of the veggies as long as it is bathing, no SWIMMING, in that glorious spicy but creamy sauce!!!

And for those who are not yet familiar yet what a Katsu is... 

I was very tempted to order YABU's Tonkatsu set even if I'm not really fond of just the plain fried Pork as my main dish. I know I should try something new but I am always the "order the usual" type of gal. 

And since I love everything saucy, I just ordered the YABU Katsudon!

The YABU Rosu Special (P330.00) comes with fried egg, nori strips and those Japanese flakes whose handle I can't remember. That's what you get for watching too much TV I guess. 

All YABU main entrees comes with shredded cabbage, miso soup, and fresh fruits that are refillable. Very great value for your money right? I love how the YABU servers at their Robinson's Magnolia branch are very quick and eager to refill my tray even if  I'm going to have it wrapped for take out! No questions asked! We just love them!

My new fave is the Japanese spicy mustard in YABU! I always order an extra serving of it since it just makes my pork all the more blow-my-mind exciting!

It ain't that obvious I know but the "head explosion" takes effect on my big forehead. Tee hee! If it seems to double in size, now you know why!

Excited to FINALLY eat at YABU!

Oh this was taken last year! THAT'S why THE PIMPLE is tagging along. 

Check it out in its full glory during my meal at SEOUL GARDEN HOT POT (HERE) about 2 months after this dinner. Woe is me. Almost 3 months with THAT thing on my face. 

My College bud Ann Virrey!


I was trying to diet here and was not able to finish my big bowl of YABU awesomeness!

Thanks for the birthday treat dear Aning!!! 

Our YABU bill!

I know this is not really in YABU but would just like to share my tradition with dear Aning of having Starbucks after a dinner filled with food and gabbing!

We actually have a collage of our "after dinner Starbucks" date!

After that fateful dinner at YABU we have been regular customers ever since! My TEAM YAP would even have  tradition where every Friday is YABU day! Check out our numerous dinners there.

Sorry... got addicted a bit with Photogrid.. Instagram... and Facebook. He he he he! 

TEAM YAP YABU dinner with BGP Marian and Manong Fred!

YABU dinner with Aning again with Yub, Andrei, and her son Jelo (my godson)!

TEAM YAP dinner in YABU on a Sunday!

ANOTHER TEAM YAP dinner in YABU on a Sunday!

(We love sitting at the counter table by the way :)

A request from little lord Mati to have Fridate dinner at YABU since he is now addicted to their oysters!

ANOTHER YABU Fridate for ERICJAZ FOODIES with my mareng Aning and wacky godson Jelo!

This time it's just me and the mister at YABU!

Afterwards I think I put my Photogrid addiction into hiatus that's why the next picture I had in YABU was during Mati's birthday week!

Here's to YABU for still serving delicious and best-choice-for-your-buck-Katsu!

Next time you're at Robinson's Magnolia and you decide to eat at YABU on a Friday night, you might just see TEAM YAP pigging out at the counter!


Yabu: House of Katsu
Robinsons Magnolia
G/F Robinsons Magnolia, 
Aurora Blvd cor Doña M Hemady Ave
Valencia, Quezon City
(02) 961-4975


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