
Friday, February 14, 2014


In life, there would be days wherein you should just sit back, relax and sip on a hot mug of coffee. Sometimes though you would encounter some glitches either at work or with your personal life that it requires a long chug of beer. Then, there would be nights where in everything was so awesome that a beer won't just cut it and you yearn for something else.

And in comes RASTRO with their new specialty Cocktails and delicious food to go along with it.

Believe me, after one sip and maybe two bites, you would know that the night is just beginning.  And most definitely because of that distinct taste of RASTRO's latest cocktails and delicious food, you would know and feel that it is going to be an amazing one.

Presenting, your ultimate date for the night...




This is THE tapas and restaurant bar to go to in Fort Bonifacio!

RASTRO certainly gives out a different level of Spanish dining vibe that is sure to impress!

Don't worry though because RASTRO definitely promises your date, family or your group of friends that they will be in for a fun night of great food and drinks!

There is even live music at the al fresco area of RASTRO for your dining enjoyment!

And when you are out for a different kind of thirst (uh I'm not talking about being a twinkly little vampire you twihard!), RASTRO's great deal on drinks are certainly welcome!

When you want to see magic in action head inside to RASTRO's bar and order up on their new cocktails!

The beautiful Ms. Cynthia Nakpil, owner of RASTRO, served us the TCT, or "Tita Cynthia's Tea", which is actually an Earl Grey Martini in a clay pot then poured over chilled glasses with sugar on the rim. 

My husband took a sip of this tea-based RASTRO martini and immediately loved the sweet flavors with no bitter aftertaste. It was just smooth all the way.

If you want something light so you won't be slobbering for the rest of your date, how about some wine with a dash of gin? With that you will get a sparkling glass of RASTRO French 75.

You could also take a strong but fruity ride with RASTRO Sidecar for that gulp of whiskey, orange juice, sugar syrup, and orange liqueur.

Looking for something different? How about a shot of vodka then bite into a chunk of apple dusted with cinnamon and brown sugar. That's RASTRO Naughty and Nice for you! 

Now how about some munchies?

RASTRO is now serving its new scrumptious sandwiches that are available for lunch time and night time! Try out their Manchego and Jamon Serrano served with aioli and patatas fritas.

You can't go wrong with this tasty ham to fill you up for the night!

In the mood for something more sinful but delicious? The RASTRO Organic pork chorizo with caramelized onions served with aioli and patatas fritas would certainly do the trick. 

Imagine the hearty crunch that you would get when biting into this one!

Well sometimes it pays to be a healthy so with that in mind you could ask for the RASTRO Grilled vegetable with Pesto served with aioli and patatas fritas.

You get everything grilled here with a generous smother of their nutty pesto. I'm sure health buffs will go agogo on this one.

But of course, RASTRO is also famous for their main entrees that would definitely be instant classics with your family. To start it off, Ms. Nakpil served us a healthy appetizer of their crusty breads to be dipped in their special flavored oils. 

She mixed the fruity MARQUIS DE GRINON Arbequina and Picual then encased in their Duo bottles to complement your bread.

This flavorful bread will also be a perfect side dish when you indulge in the rich Spanish dishes of RASTRO!

Like the RASTRO chick pea soup -- creamy and nutty!

I love Gambas and when I see it on the menu I would usually go for it. So happy that the RASTRO shrimps in garlic was as tasty as it looked. I was seriously looking for some garlic rice though... 

But, I didn't need to look far because I got something better --  the RASTRO Paella Catalana was filled with fat seafood everywhere! 

Don't miss scraping out the well done rice grains at the bottom of the pan or the socarat!!

When you eat in RASTRO you should definitely try their all time bestseller, the Pollo Iberico. It is a different take on roasting a chicken with loads of garlic, potatoes, and olive oil to ultimate tenderness.

I ate the very soft and juicy chicken with the roasted garlic and the taste was so deliciously indescribable! Inangkupo!!!

If you want to try out something new for your significant other, RASTRO is also offering their wonderful Valentine's menu for this weekend with the hearts!

Check out their special FOODS for the love season!

(Sorry it was just so tempting! Ha ha ha ha!)

RASTRO menu set 1

This very good deal by RASTRO is served with a choice of their chickpea or pumpkin soup!

Also the RASTRO spinach and pancetta salad with a very tangy balsamic reduction. 

For your main meal you have a choice between the very scrumptious RASTRO salpicao with organic brown rice and grilled vegetables... 

or the RASTRO slow baked sole fish in olive oil!

For dessert you have a choice between the RASTRO Tocino del Cielo, which is like the classic Filipino leche flan favorite.

... or the very fudgy Triple Chocolate Silk!

This RASTRO deal of a meal also comes with a goblet of refreshing Sangria Blanca. 

If you want to share this RASTRO Valentine experience then try out their romantic meal for 2!

Here's menu A... 

Ms. Nakpil let me try these mini-baguettes smeared with this very tasty spread and chopped tomatoes!

Appetizer platter for the RASTRO Couples Menu A.

RASTRO salad with aioli dressing and the creamy soup with parmesan croutons!

The Valentine serving of the RASTRO Paella Catalana... 

... and the Chicken Iberico.

And menu B!

The RASTRO Tapas platter for menu B consists of Croqueta de Chorizo, Tinapa Triangles (my favorite), Bolita Negra, Batido de Sardinas, and Tilapia Ceviche!

You will also get to try the spicy RASTRO Chistorra! 

The RASTRO Set Menu B includes a platter of grilled vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, and shiitake mushrooms).

Plus my ultimate favorite... OYSTERS!

I cannot stop at just one though, especially with the knowledge that it is a... ahem... an aphrodisiac...

What the...????!!!!

A beautiful sight right? I hope you would get the strength to share with your date. I know I might have a hard time doing so!

For dessert, the RASTRO dulce de mercedes thrilled my inner sweet tooth!

Not really a fan of their Floating Island since the fruit had amaretto in it and I don't really drink! The other bloggers raved about this though.

All that delicious food just gave us a happy pre-Valentine sigh of romance.

I guess the same could be said for Mr. Gerry San Miguel aka DUDE FOR FOOD with this uber hot lady!!!

There's a Mucker of a photobomber!!!!

THAT uber hot lady was in fact the UBER HOT Chef Cecille Chang of Silk. WOW! You wanna know how shot she is? Well I am 100% female but I found myself blabbering my words to her in awe. 

I swear when the gods poured their hotness onto the earth, I bet Chef Cecille took everything plus 10% of it. 

As for me, I was busy canoodling with Benedict Cumberbatch that's why I was not able to get any.


Of course, even though my husband and I planned to be home before 11:00am, our love for our foodie fam got the better of us as we chatted the night away! Always a great time with these guys!!!!

Omigerrd... I'm seated beside the UBER HOT CHEF Cecille!!! 

Thank you to the beautiful sisters, este, Mother and Daughter team of Ms. Cynthia Nakpil and Chef Iya Nakpil-Roxas of RASTRO for having us!!!

And as always, muchos gracios super kaduper thanks to dear Spanky Enriquez (THE DAILY SPANKS) for inviting ERICJAZ FOODIES!


Burgos Circle
Burgos Circle
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig
(02) 556-1497

Check it out 


  1. Hello, it was nice meeting you both officially hehe :)

    1. Hiya Allen! VERY nice! Hope to see you again! Take care! :)
