
Sunday, August 11, 2013


Since the days of yore (oh yes I'm THAT old), I have been such a carb addict. I cannot NOT have rice with anything and everything. If there's "pansit" or noodles - "Give me rice...". If there's kani salad with lots of japanese mayonnaise - "Give me rice...". Heck even if there's paella that is too intense for me, I'll ask for "extra rice".

When my husband and I go out on date nights then he suggests "Oliver's Sandwich" or "Subway" for dinner, I would laugh hysterically which would later on turn into a tantrum starting with the line "We've been married for 10 years! 10 years and you still don't know me!!" It is just that having sandwich alone is not considered a full meal for me. I think sandwiches would not even "touch" my stomach let alone fill me up.

So when we got an invite to try out the new dishes offered by THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP, I was already planning to order some fast food chicken (with rice!!!) because I was so sure that a mere sandwich would not satisfy the Jazzle Dazzle...

But (DRAMATIC PAUSE) I was wrong...

(Ala Phoebe in FRIENDS) DAN DAN DAN.....

THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP! An original Philadelphia style sandwich!

THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP is located right in the heart of the Philippines' central business district of Makati in Amorsolo street. According to Mr. Gerald Francis P. Ong (PR) most of their hungry diners were working lads and ladies from offices who would also load orders via delivery. 


THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP's meynuh promo...

The CHEESE STEAK SHOP's happy servers!

According to owner Ms. Mai Uy, THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP hires indiscriminately and has in their staff some individuals with disabilities. I think it is very noble of them to believe in the talents of these people and encourage their capabilities with a job in their restaurant.

Which one from this group you ask? You'll find out later you impatient person you.

Oh yeah? THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP thinks they could be habit forming?

HA! We'll see about that. (Crunches knuckles with a long stretch). 

I never thought that I would see 2 Michael Jackson's and an Elvis share the stage!

Games to play while waiting for your orders in THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP?

I love spicy food and seeing that THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP has a "get all you can" promise with their jalapeno peppers suddenly gave me a bit of excitement!

And if you think jalapeno peppers are not enough to flavor your sandwiches then THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP has the usual condiments like heinz mustard and ketchup to squirt on as needed.

... and if those condiments are STILL not enough, then little ol' Heart E might fill in that void that inappropriately needs filling! Tee hee!!!

The CHEESE STEAK SHOP also has some free cable tv for you to literally feast your eyes on while waiting for your order.

THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP does not just get all of their ingredients from the US, but they also offer international drinks which you would not normally get in stores around the metro!

Cherry coke anyone?

I'd get me a rootbeer float but..



The CHEESE STEAK SHOP servers started frying the thinly sliced beef and the fatty, meaty aroma was just heavenly!

While Yub was engrossed with his view of the CHEESE STEAK SHOP sandwiches being fried up, I was enjoying MY view from my seat...

"I love nice butts and I cannot lie... Nobody could every deny... Teee hee"

It was my cheat day and I eagerly chose the A and W rootbeer float for my drink to match THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP sandwiches. Pretty good combo don't you think?

First on the table in THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP is their new dish the Deep Fried Cheese Steak sandwich with marinara dipping sauce....

If you think this seems ordinary, I beg to hysterically disagree! The CHEESE STEAK SHOP servers fried this perfectly to a T that nothing is oily nor greasy.... It just appears to be this light bread but inside everything is piping hot, compact, cheesy, and beefy!!!

Oh like so!

Yub can't wait to take a first bite!

Unlike me, he was excited the WHOLE morning because sandwiches are his favorite!!!

Say aaaaah....

I loved the hearty crunch when you bite into the CHEESE STEAK SHOP deep fried sandwich as it sounds similar to what you hear in tv commercials for potato chips!

And WOW it was SOOOO good!!! When I bit into my sandwich, the meat was still smoking and the cheese was oozing out of the bread!!! I would like to bury my face in this if I was not a bit shy with the other peeps in the table. Tee hee!

My husband is used to it though. Ha ha ha ha!

For an extra layer of hearty flavor, add a dollop of marinara sauce and, if you like everything spicy, a piece or two of the jalapeno!! 

If you do these simple suggestions, get ready for a delicious blast of  cheese steak awesomeness in  your mouth!!!

The great food was deliciously matched by extraordinary company!!!

Next on the table was THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP's Cheesy Chicken Steak sandwich!!!

Isn't this site just beautiful? To THINK that this is a healthy alternative.... 

Check out the cheesy chicken!!!

My husband eagerly dug into this plate and helped himself to a hot piece of CHICKEN CHEESE STEAK sandwich!!!

My husband opened wide while I documented his every move...



VERY close...

Check out how the cheese just dripped from his lips! That needed some extra lickin'! Tee hee!!!


While my husband was already licking on his lips and fingers, I was only half way with the CHEESE STEAK SHOP's Cheesy Chicken Sandwich. Dear Gerry San Miguel beside me commented it doesn't taste like chicken and I strongly agree.

The chewy bread straight from Philadelphia and  the creamy cheese sauce matched the flavorful meat that it would hypnotize you into thinking that you are eating something delicious and sinful!! But it is chicken! And chicken is always good!!!

I mean, you haven't seen a chicken antagonist in movies right?

Tee hee!!!

Up next is the CHEESE STEAK SHOP's cheese steak rice!

Now, I know that I professed my utmost love to rice up above there but after enjoying platefuls of THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP's Deep Fried Cheese steak and Cheesy Chicken Steak, I suddenly lost all my devotion to this grainy carb temporarily because of my full tummy. (However, I was still craving for more of the Deep Fried Sandwich)

But then we were presented we were presented with RICE!!! And I know that I just have to HAVE it full or not because a cup of rice and I have gone through many, many things already!

But unlike with what I am so used to before, this garlic rice has melted cheese on it!

Hmmm... now I was skeptical!

The CHEESE STEAK SHOP now offers their perfectly fried cheesy beef with rice for the people who can't go on without this carb!

That would be me but I am not really sure if I want a side of cheese with that. And for the first time, I see before me a rice dish which I was sort of nervous to try....

At first forkful of the new rice dish from THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP, the beef meshed with cheese and garlic rice, and you'd know this is not your usual Filipino rice meal. Imagine having a very rich chicken ala king but with beef in it. Everything about it just screams MORE special!

I imagine my Andrei, a real cheese follower, would be in love with this dish. Definitely this is a perfect meal for those who want that extra "zing" in their rice!

Out of the two, I loved the CHEESE STEAK SHOP's steak rice with American cheese more. I personally found the melted American cheese to better complement the grainy flavors of the garlic rice. 

If I were to order this next, I would request for some Knorr seasoning and eat it like a gooey salpicao! He he he!

But in the meantime, I would have it with some marinara sauce and jalapeno peppers... 

Mmmm-mmm... GOOD!

By the way, on Thursday, August 15, 2013, the CHEESE STEAK SHOP offers a huge 50% off on their selected sandwiches from 10:00am to 10:00pm! I suggest you troop over to Amorsolo in Makati to try all that you can! I promise, you won't regret it!

I might be asking my hub to pass by there and do the usual script of 
"Please... I'm having a bad day and this (enter food of choice) will just cheer me up..."

Oh yes. I'm evil. Pure evil. But a foodie evil at that! Tee hee!

Oh by the way, this is pretty Jorel and she's the special employee of THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP I was talking about earlier. Isn't she just pretty with a smile that would brighten up the whole room? Kudos to THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP for believing in her!

Such a wonderful and cheesy meal with some of the Metro's great bloggers!!! My husband and I were not worthy to be at their presence! 

(l-r ME, Mr. Gerry San Miguel - DUDE FOR FOOD, Mr. Richie Zamora - THE PICKIEST EATER, Mr. Spanky Enriquez - JUICE.PH, Mr. Eugene Constantino - HEFTY FOODIE, "MARK ANTHONY FERNANDEZ grooowlllll", and Kathi Raneses - MUCKING AROUND MANILA)

Thank you so much dear Spanky for organizing this unforgettable cheesy experience in THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP and inviting ERICJAZ FOODIES!!! 

Dear Spanky, you ROCK-y!

He he he!

A special salute and thanks to Ms. Mai Uy owner and Mr. James Villapanda operations head of THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP! Thank you so much for having us and introducing us to the wonderful alternative to burgers and other boring sandwiches... 

Your CHEESE STEAK sandwiches and grub definitely rules!!! Life wouldn't be complete without a bite of these babies!

And yes, coming from a rice fanatic like me (see I'm not just a stalker), CHEESE STEAK SHOP's sandwiches and other grubs does not just satisfy...

...they ARE habit forming!!! 

Will definitely visit here again with a vengeance!!!


PS! Do check out THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP's food trucks in Cucina Andare and Mercato!
It may be the sandwiches you are looking for.... Tee hee!

140 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi Village Makati City
 555-0235 / 555-1818


  1. Replies
    1. Hiya Stacy! Probably hehehe but it was soooo good! Everything was all bunched and hot inside! Yum! Thanks for reading!

  2. I love their food! I've been there at Cheese steak shop last week too.

    1. Hiya!!! I'm glad you think so too!!! I was just introduced last week to their awesomeness and I am in love! Hope you could try out the deep fried cheesesteak sandwich because OW EM GEENESS it is SOOOO good!!!! The chicken cheese steak and new rice meals are definitely worth a try too! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment! :)
