
Saturday, August 10, 2013


Filipinos have been invaded by foodie trends that have either become part of our natural diet (eventually... he he he) or was banished into oblivion and was soon forgotten. 

Who could forget the ZAGU craze, the SHAWARMA invasion, the MILK TEA fad, the RED VELVET pandemonium, the ERICJAZ FOODIES domination............ ?

Oops hold on... Doing some wishful thinking there again...

Or am I? Tee hee!

Anywho, so right now in our shores there is the overwhelming conquest of this pastry which is a cross between a CROISSANT and a DONUT...

Two awesome desserts that when you  put together equals one awesome treat that will just captivate your sense of taste!  

After our brunch in THE CHEESE STEAK SHOP (see that HERE !!!) dear Spanky Enriquez (of JUICE.PH) can't stop raving about the CRONUTS being served at YAMATO, the new bakery cafe beside Ramen house MITSUYADO SEI MEN (see our awesome meal there HERE and HERE!!!)

He strongly advised us to get a fresh batch as soon as possible! Otherwise we would just be left dry as the YAMATO CRONUTS sells like... pancakes/(cronuts?)

So even if me, the hub and Kathi Raneses (of MUCKING AROUND MANILA) were still full from all the cheese steak sandwiches and rice meals that our stomachs could handle, we went to YAMATO like dutiful soldiers being led by a yearning for the newest trend in dessert.

YAMATO has a lot of pastries to offer that even the fullest of gluttons will be tempted to drool. 

Upon entering the cool cafe, you are greeted with that wonderful whiff of breads freshly baked in their ovens!

My dirty mind was going wild (but not in that usual way) and wanted to point at several things all at lightning speed....

... from here...

... to here....

BUT! I will listen to my 32 inch waistline and just get 2 YAMATO CRONUTS (P120 each).

As Spanky predicted, these CRONUTS got sold fast and I was very disappointed to hear that they don't have chocolate, my ultimo favorite flavor, anymore.

Dear Kathi was so nice and let me have the chocolate YAMATO CRONUT. I was about to do the dance of joy BUT, my partner "Larry" was not with me (he was waiting in the car).

Huweyaminut... So I am BALKI???

Anyway so we got home and I excitedly opened my box of YAMATO CRONUTS!!! I felt a secret disappointment at first that it seemed dry so I prepared myself to taking in a cardboard like pastry....

Hmmm... so which should I attack first... the green tea or the chocolate YAMATO CRONUT??

Chocolate Yamato Cronut : "Eat me... eat me beautiful lady.... You won't be sorry!!! I won't go to your hips I promise.... You know you want me...."

Ting ting ting! You win you little dirty Chocolate YAMATO CRONUT you!

By the way, my sons Mati and Andrei had a late breakfast and insisted to their lola that only their MOMMY could feed them. (Evil plotters!). So I fixed their late lunch first and sat with them...

Now this would be a good time to have that crummy nummy YAMATO CRONUT!

I gotta warn you, millions of selfies are coming your way. Sorry!

I first tore myself a big chunk of the YAMATO CRONUT to taste test. I cannot really shove that whole thing inside my mouth and not like it right?

I would do THAT when I am positive that it is good!

Here's my little dainty first bite of CRONUT from YAMATO!

Andrei followed suit and got himself a bite as well. He asked Mommy to take a picture of him doing so!

My future blog model in the making huh? I guess I have to kick out that OTHER guy :)

Kidding Yub!

(ala Edith of guess what movie?)

So without any further adieu, I took another semi-huge bite!

I was making a mess of my mouth, my fingers, and my camera (I was taking the pictures myself), but I didn't care....


IT WAS SOOOO GOOD I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(again like Edith of.... I forgot what movie now.)

The CRONUT itself was not dry as I expected it to be. It was airy but with a small crunch when you bite into it. Then when you do, the bread is sweet and chewy with the right firmness that will make your teeth happy!

The Chocolate cream was not too sweet and with the right fudgy flavor. Think of a dainty bavarian cream of Dunkin Donuts but with chocolate! The YAMATO CRONUT choco frosting was a notch below the richness of a Belgian chocolate and won't cloy your appetite for this pastry! It may look like your cheap artificial chocolate but it... is... definitely... NADA. I saved it for last as my sweet ending to a wonderful dessert!!!!

Another bite will do the trick!!!

Oh I made a mess... but it was so worth it! I'm going to lick and suck my fingers dry from the chocolate when I'm done!!!

Check out Andrei trying to get Mommy's attention but I was oblivious to his funny antics. Sorry Andrei, if I could eat you like this YAMATO CRONUT then i'd give you a glance. Perhaps when I turn into a zombie?

KIDDING!!! Tee hee! He wants to have a picture taken like that while I was happily gobbling up my YAMATO CRONUT!


I want MORE! NOW! 


Yamato Bakery Cafe
22 Jupiter St
Bel-Air, Makati
(02) 511-1390


  1. this family should have its own reality TV show

    1. Yes! Then you'll be our manager! We'll never go hungry again! Kidding :)

  2. This was fun to read! You have amazing kids there, and quite a knack for telling us a crazy story of how to consume that cronut. Matikman nga yang Yamato na yan, Your selfies really got me there haha!

    1. Ha ha ha! Thank you so muchos Joy!!! I'm glad that not only did you appreciate my crazy jokes but you're also not one of the millions who bashed their computer monitors upon seeing my ginormous face!! Ha ha ha! Thank you so much for the nice comment! Do try Yamato! Though I haven't eaten the other CRONUTS (wildflour, krispy kreme, raffles), I think what Yamato has is ultra quite delicious!

      By the way, if you liked this one, check out my STARBUCKS CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW COOKIE. That started it all. Ha ha ha! Just don't block me forever after seeing it. Kidding! Thank you again! :)

  3. You're lucky! When we went there, they only had the strawberry flavor left so we bought some of that. But, we didn't get to try it because our dogs sniffed and sneakily got it from our table and ate everything for themselves. =( Will definitely be back to buy again!

    1. Hiya Stacy!!! You got a dog with good taste there. Ha ha ha ha! I hope to buy me a fresh batch of their cronuts soon too!! It just runs out so fast! Really loved their chocolate! Try the Macha too! The other bloggers craved about it as well :) I'm just more of a chocolate fan! he he he he! Thanks for stopping by!
